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21世纪以来,中国农业转移人口规模快速增长,社会经济状况逐渐分化,阶层结构由较为单一走向多元。利用2018年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,将制度性因素纳入农业转移人口社会分层框架,探究中国农业转移人口社会分层过程及动因,并构建标准化的分层指数。结果表明:在市场性因素的基础上,将制度性因素维度纳入分层框架,更适合中国语境,可更综合反映中国社会治理结构下的农业转移人口社会经济状况;农业转移人口社会分层重心靠下,呈“士”字形结构,底部出现收缩特征,而此前相关研究均认为社会分层底部人数最多;农业转移人口可划分为特征鲜明的四大阶层,制度性因素在区隔三个技能阶层中起到重要作用;纵向追踪,2012—2018年间农业转移人口社会经济状况显著提升;横向分城市类型比较,三类城市农业转移人口分层结构呈现阶梯式,其中超大城市分层结构最为健康,这种差异是在宏观城市因素和微观个体因素共同作用下形成的,前者影响更大。据此,文章提出相应政策建议:实施“鼓励雇主阶层引领、扩大高技能阶层占比、提升占主体的中技能阶层、扶持引导低技能阶层”的差异化策略,以全面促进农业转移人口社会经济地位整体上移,优化人力资本结构;破除制度壁...  相似文献   

近年来,老龄化问题越来越得到重视。本文在厦门老年人口调查的基础上,借用社会分层指标体系中的经济标准和主观评价标准,结合人口特征变量,探究性别、年龄、上学年数、经济分层和主观分层是否对老年人幸福度具有显著影响。结果显示,经济分层对老年人幸福度具有更大的影响。在当前构建和谐社会中,我国老年人分层研究对于更好地关注老年人幸福问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人口健康是社会经济可持续发展的重要基石。在人口老龄化和人均预期寿命不断延长的背景下,如何改善老年健康、增进老年福祉成为学术界关注的重要议题。本文基于社会因果论,使用2014年、2015年和2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据(CHARLS),通过有序多分类Logistic回归模型和对角线参照模型分析阶层跨越与中国老年人主观健康水平之间的关系。在此基础上,通过计算流动效应区分起点阶层和目的地阶层对老年人主观健康水平影响的作用。研究结果显示:当起点户口类型一致时,户口类型由农村转为城镇的老年人主观健康水平高于户口类型没有变动的农村老年人。户口类型由城镇转为农村的老年人主观健康水平低于户口类型没有变动的城镇老年人。在收入阶层方面,研究发现老年人主观健康状况在不同收入阶层存在明显分层的现象。远距离向上代际收入阶层流动有助于提高老年人主观健康水平,远距离向下代际收入阶层流动会降低老年人主观健康水平。在分样本回归中,研究发现农村和城镇老年人在收入阶层分布上差异较明显,同时农村和城镇老年人代际收入阶层流动回归结果也存在较大差异,农村老年人起点效应权重为0.64,城镇老年人起点效应权重为0.76。与城镇老年人相比,农村老年人子女所处收入阶层对老年人主观健康的影响更大。  相似文献   

老年妇女是整个老年人口的一个重要组成部分。和世界上绝大多数国家相似,在人口老龄化过程中,老年妇女作为一个整体,在许多方面,有其明显的特征及特殊的需要和问题。 前不久,我们对上海10个区(不包括新划的二个区),10个郊县,按整群分层、纯随机抽样法,采取统一问卷,统一访问的方法,对592名55岁以上老年妇女的社会、经济情况进行调查,取得了第一手资料。以下仅根据调查情况,对目前老年妇女的社会经济生活状况进行初步的分析。  相似文献   

文章通过对俄罗斯政府为改善老年人生活所颁布的一系列法律及制度的介绍,昭示中国,仅仅法律上的规定并不能从根本上扭转以老年人口为众的社会急速分化的贫困人口的现状和事实,政府社会政策的有效,必须与市场规律相吻合。对中国而言,建立保障老年人口生活、平衡代际利益、抑制社会分层速度加快的通盘社会政策已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

我国老年人口负担的经济分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
随着我国人口老龄化发展速度的加快,老年人口负担问题正在日益引起人们的关注。但是研究老年人口负担问题不能只停留在人口年龄“数学结构”的一般分析上,而应该对这种数学结构背后所代表的具体的社会和经济含义进行深入细致的分析。本文试图运用生命周期的分析方法,对老年人口经济负担问题进行理论上的探讨,并且从老年人口经济负担和生活负担两个方面分析老年人口负担需求的不同类型,以及我国当前老年人口负担需求的分布状况,提出我国老年人口负担需求与供给的矛盾是当前我国老年人口面临的最主要的问题。这个矛盾的解决有赖于我国政府的社会和经济发展政策的转变,即从增长转向福利。  相似文献   

《大众医学》1987年第3期发表了何慧德同志的同名文章,介绍了在我国第一部老年人口地图集的编制过程中,发现的我国老年人口的特点。1.老年人口最多的地区。以60和60岁以上为老年人口,上海市居全国之首,占全市人口的 11.5%。按人口分型,上海市在1982年就跨入老年人口型,而浙  相似文献   

研究人口老龄化所引起的老年人口负担问题应该从经济和社会含义的深层次上去分析。本文运用莫迪格里安尼的生命周期理论和机会成本等有关的经济学理论和概念,对老年人口负担问题进行了探讨,并分别从老年人口的经济和生活负担两方面进行了分析,认为我国人口老龄化所引起的老年人口负担是客观的、一定的,无论是经济负担还是生活负担都有着深刻的经济和社会含义,而经济是基础性、决定性的含义。提出大力发展经济的同时建立和完善我国养老保障体系是解决我国老年人口负担问题的最根本途径。  相似文献   

积极预防和治理老年贫困   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000年“中国城乡老年人口状况调查” 数据显示,中国目前大约有三分之一,即4600万左右的老年人口处于相对贫困化状态,其中四分之三以上是农村老年人口。老年人口是一个国家的特殊阶层。人口学家估计,到本世纪中期,中国65岁及以上的老年人口占总人口的比例可能会超过20%以上,届时老年人口数量会超过3亿。也就是说,  相似文献   

<正> 人口老龄化问题,是涉及社会、经济和人口发展的一个重要战略问题。中国是世界上总人口和老年人口最多的国家,1990年60岁及以上老年人口数已接近1亿人;预计到2000年我国老年人口数将达到1.3亿,占全国人口的10.2%,进入老年型国家行列,老年人口的发展趋势及由此产生的社会经济问题已成为人口控制工作中的重要影响因素。本文只就老年人口内  相似文献   

老年人的社会价值具有实践性和层次性的特征。实践性决定老年人的社会价值区分为首要价值和次要价值。在中国传统社会 ,老年人首要社会价值表现为伦理价值。在中国当代社会 ,表现为精神价值。但是由于社会处于转型期 ,政府关注不足 ,对价值尺度的片面理解和缺乏足够的宣传 ,老年人的精神价值并未得到应有的重视  相似文献   

Wen M  Gu D 《Demography》2011,48(1):153-181
Using a large, nationally representative longitudinal sample of Chinese aged 65 and older, this study examines the effects of childhood, adult, and community socioeconomic conditions on mortality and several major health outcomes. The role of social mobility is also tested. We find that childhood socioeconomic conditions exert long-term effects on functional limitations, cognitive impairment, self-rated health, and mortality independent of adult and community socioeconomic conditions. Achieved conditions matter for most outcomes as well, considering that adult and community socioeconomic conditions have additional impacts on health among Chinese elders. The majority of the effects of childhood conditions are not mediated by adult and community conditions. The results also show that social mobility and health in later life are linked in complex ways and that psychosocial factors have marginal explanatory power for the effects of socioeconomic conditions. Overall, this study provides new longitudinal evidence from China to support the notion that health and mortality at older ages are influenced by long-term and dynamic processes structured by the social stratification system. We discuss our findings in the context of the life course and ecological perspective, emphasizing that human development is influenced by a nexus of social experiences that impact individuals throughout life.  相似文献   

Emily Hannum  Yu Xie 《Demography》1998,35(3):323-333
The debate on market reforms and social stratification in China has paid very little attention to China’s ethnic minorities. We explored rising occupational stratification by ethnicity in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Analyses of census data from 1982 and 1990 pointed to educational disadvantages faced by ethnic minorities as the most plausible explanation for the change. Multivariate analysis revealed a significant increase in the effect of education on high-status occupational attainment but no change in the effect of ethnicity. Net of education, ethnic differences in high-status occupational attainment were negligible. In contrast, large ethnic differences in manufacturing and agricultural occupations persisted after education and geography were statistically controlled.  相似文献   

我国老年人口的价值观初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
老年人的价值体现是指社会对老年人的尊重,对老年人价值的承认及对其生活、工作等提供的条件。老年人参与社会发展十分必要。我国老人参与社会发展的途径是多元的,其中市镇低龄老年白领人口从事第三产业比重很大。  相似文献   

中国城市老年群体的社会分层及其结构——以长春市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国老龄化社会早已到来,但养老保障制度的改革却相对滞后,究其原因在于人们没有准确把握膨胀的养老需求和有限的养老能力之间的矛盾。据此,从社会分层的视角以收入水平为标准对庞大且复杂的城市老年群体进行层级划分,深入分析养老需求,为保障制度的建构提供依据。由于经济体制改革、社会政策调整、离岗方式等多方面原因,导致当代社会城市老年群体内部由于对经济资源占有的不同而呈现出明显的"战斗机型"层级结构。  相似文献   

The economic reforms of the past two decades have initiated a major social transition in China, characterized by unprecedented social mobility and stratification. Meanwhile, the privatization of health care has increased costs to the consumer. While such changes would logically affect individuals’ psychological well-being, little attention has been paid to this association. Using data from the Chinese General Social Survey (2005), this paper looks at the relationships between social changes and the psychological well-being of individuals in both urban and rural areas, as well as the role of social support in Chinese society. We find that an increasing health-care burden is significantly associated with individuals’ psychological well-being, especially in rural China. Perceived social status, its change over time and its comparison with perceived status of peers, are also significantly correlated with psychological well-being both in rural and urban China. Social support has a protective function for psychological well-being across different samples, and also compensates for the negative association between increasing health-care burden and psychological well-being, but it strengthens relative deprivation during social change on psychological well-being in rural areas.  相似文献   

胡小武 《西北人口》2010,31(1):33-36,41
中国老龄社会的来临与老年社会问题的凸显,迫切需要实施更加多元且有效的老年社会政策。本文以“老年照顾”为核心理念的“老年主题社区”的开发,本着提供“集约化”服务的理念,探索了老年主题社区开发中如何创新设计理念、服务理念和政策措施,以真正实现规模化、低成本的老年照顾与老年服务有效供给机制。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new analysis of consumption inequality using relational methods, derived from network images of social structure. We combine structural analysis with theoretical concerns in consumer research to propose a relational theory of consumption space, to construct a stratification indicator, and to demonstrate its analytical efficacy with aggregate consumption data. This allows us to emphasize the multi-dimensionality of the relationship between social groups and consumption patterns in the context of a stratification perspective. We utilize the concept of structural equivalence, derived from network models of social structure, to recover relational proximity between social groups and between consumption categories. Additionally, we use relational proximity to construct a new indicator of consumption hierarchy and we test its predictive ability in estimating consumption behavior. We discuss the theoretical implications of our findings for a spatial theory of stratification, as well as possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

通过对面子竞争实现村民之间的差别,进而形成村庄社会分层,仍是面向向内村庄的主要特征。在X自然村的研究中发现,由子孙辈的职业、经济、组织、文化等资源构成的社会地位是当前家长竞争面子的一个重要内容。家长们通过面子竞争完成X村的社会分层,建立了一个基于伦理道德和村落文化等传统权威基础上的社会控制,并构建了X村尊卑有序的和谐格局。因此,在面向向内的乡村社会分层中应考虑子孙辈社会地位这一指标。  相似文献   

Research on welfare states and research on social stratification and mobility share a common concern for social inequality. Research on welfare states is usually comparatively designed, looking for similarities and variation across countries in a number of aspects related to social structure and social institutions. On the other hand, the basic model of social stratification, utilized in most cross-national research on social stratification and mobility, is an abstract model which does not specify why and how we are to understand cross-national differences. Yet for about 20 years or so, researchers within the social stratification community have undertaken several cross-national studies. This paper reviews a few selected studies within each area and summarizes their conclusions with regard to similarities versus differences between countries. In the final section of the paper, I discuss key issues for future work within cross-national research on social stratification.  相似文献   

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