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城市管理的发展趋势与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘文俭 《城市》2011,(2):48-52
城市管理为现代城市的运转提供了动力,为城市的持续发展提供了保障,为建设和谐社会提供了支撑。城市管理贯穿于城市发展的全过程中,城市的规划、建设和运行都离不开管理,它是城市发展的永恒主题。提高城市管理水平是加强党的执政能力建设在城市工作中的具体体现,加强城市管理、改善公共服务质量也是优化城市发展环境、提高城市综合竞争力的重要条件。  相似文献   

石森昌  雷盯函 《城市》2016,(4):16-19
城市协调发展是实现城市转变发展方式的重要内容。笔者探讨了协调发展和城市协调发展的内涵,指出城市协调发展包含两方面内容,一是城市经济、社会、文化、环境和制度建设的协调发展;二是城市内部各区县间的协调发展。笔者还对城市协调发展与城市可持续发展、城市绿色发展等相关概念进行了辨析。  相似文献   

董李锋 《城市观察》2013,27(5):158-162
城市现代化是21世纪城市发展的必然趋势,然而,在这个过程中,城市却显得日益雷同,城市个性的缺失已成为城市发展的一个共性。本文从分析城市个性要素入手,论述了城市在现代化进程中在城市外观、产业结构、城市功能、文化及城市社会上的个性缺失,并提出了城市现代化个性追求的道路模式。  相似文献   

城市文化品牌定位是城市营销的基础。本文提出了城市文化系统结构的五维模型,概括了城市文化的五个维度:艺术文化、时代文化、民俗文化、宗教文化、历史文化。并提出了一个基于这五个维度的城市文化品牌定位模型,为城市营销者集中资源进行有效精准的城市品牌传播提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

推进城市文化建设,提升城市整体形象,促进城市经济发展已经成为一个高标准、高层次的课题。在我国,城市数量的增多以及规模的扩大为城市发展带来了机遇也带来了挑战,在这一过程中,出现了重物质、轻文化的城市建设模式。如何在城市发展中摆脱物质的控制,建设更加符合人与自然与社会更为和谐的城市文化,成为了当前城市建设发展的当务之急。本文主要从以下三个方面探讨了城市文化建设的发展对策:1、加强文化遗产保护,整合城市文化资源;2、立足科学规划,塑造城市文化形象;3、抓好文化教育,提高市民文化意识。  相似文献   

·个体城市学:综合性与交叉型的新兴城市科学大连理工大学人文社会科学学院王续琨教授在《中国社会科学报》上撰文介绍新兴城市科学--个体城市学。个体城市学是指以单个城市作为研究对象而建立起来的学科。改革开放30多年来,城市科学在中国获得了突飞猛进的发展,不仅由国外引进了城市社会学、城市经济学、城市生态学、城市管理学等分支学科,在本土化研究中创建了城市文化学、城市形象学、城市社区学、城市住宅学等新的分支学科,而且已经或正在创建一系列研究城市个体的学科,如上海学、延安学、北京学等。个体城市学在中国的兴起,已经成为1990年代以来城市科学本土化发展的一个新亮点。  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(2):5-11
上海建设全球城市是全球城市理论在城市演变中的必然体现,同时上海加快建设全球城市的实践也将深化发展全球城市理论.上海建设全球城市增强了发展中国家全球城市建设样本,将促进全球城市相关研究.上海建设全球城市拓展了全球城市理论研究的动态视角,将有效回答“一个城市是怎样成为全球城市”的问题.上海建设全球城市将进一步充实全球城市体系理论研究.上海建设全球城市在突出城市经济、文化、创新等功能的同时,更加关注城市发展共享、协调等理念,不断强调宜居、生态、包容、治理等城市功能,这将使全球城市功能内涵得到进一步拓展.  相似文献   

王琳 《城市观察》2009,3(3):71-78
城市文化软实力是城市综合竞争力巨系统下的子系统,由文化核心价值水平、城市制度健全程度、城市政府管理效率及创新、城市国际化水平、城市文化中心影响力等指标组成。本文对港京沪津穗五大国家中心城市的文化软实力进行了分析,并就城市如何提升文化软实力提出了建议。  相似文献   

智慧城市是网络化、数字化、信息化和智能化的城市,将引领城市迈向可持续发展的未来。本文分析了智慧城市的内涵特征和建设动态,阐述了智慧城市是推进广州新型城市化发展及加快国家中心城市建设的重要引擎,在此基础上提出了广州建设智慧城市的思路和举措。  相似文献   

刘彦平 《城市》2016,(10):18-21
笔者以我国国家战略的顶层设计为背景,对我国城市营销当前状况及未来发展趋势进行了研究和探讨,提出城市发展进一步对接国家战略、城市营销加强与国家及区域联动、推进城市营销治理转型、强化城市存量开发和优化、用互联网思维再造城市品牌、拓展城市品牌发展新动能以及回归城市营销价值本源等观点,并就我国城市营销的进一步发展提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

This article compares North Korean immigrants and foreign bride policies in South Korea. Despite being constructed as distinctive policy target groups, North Korean settlement and foreign bride incorporation policies exhibit striking similarities. The similarities result from the way policy problems are identified and certain solutions are justified; both North Korean immigrants and foreign brides are constructed a burden on welfare and as potential threats to social stability. Policy solutions are justified as they are designed to transform North Korean immigrants and foreign brides into ‘normal’ South Korean citizens. The major difference between two sets of policies lies in assumptions regarding cultural differences. Foreign brides are assumed to carry practices that are foreign and alien to Koreans, while North Korean immigrants are presumed to carry ‘authentic’ and ‘traditional’ Korean culture. Foreign brides’ cultures are visible and alien to South Koreans, and therefore are addressed under the banner of multiculturalism policies. North Korean immigrants are excluded from such policies. This exclusion reflects and reproduces the view of a Korean nation bounded by ethnic and cultural homogeneity.  相似文献   

Often people between 60 and 80 years are called “the young oldies”. Many of them are healthy, well educated, in good financial condition and full of energy. As the state is pulling out of public services and welfare, there are tendencies to demand a greater commitment to volunteer work from this group. Reasons are brought forward for why they are rejecting this demand and want to preserve their selfdetermination instead. At the same time they are dealing with the question of, how the rest of their lives could be worthwhile and fulfilling. A mindfulness-based counseling program is presented, in which participants are free to decide for themselves, how seriously and vigorously they want to devote themselves to answering these questions.  相似文献   

Maiti J 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):3117-3122
In this paper, the predictors of work injuries based on Leamon's Man-Machine model are identified in a sociotechnical framework. Several hypotheses are developed and tested to describe the accident/injury phenomena in mining worksystems. Possible designs for improving work-system's safety are specified using scaled Mahalanobis distance (MD). A case control study design is adopted. Five variables namely, age, negative-affectivity, physical-hazards, job-dissatisfaction, and safety-practice are emerged as significant contributors to work injuries for the mines studied. Two most interesting findings obtained through this study are (i) 36% of cases (injured employees) (MD < 1) are unlucky to meet an accident and (ii) 40% of the controls (non-injured employees) (MD > 1) are lucky to be able to avoid an accident. The most probable reason for the former case is the organizational ineffectiveness while that for the latter may be risky adventures of employees which are due to lack of education, awareness, and appropriate training. Based on the MD values for cases and controls, possible design guidelines are suggested. The study categorically identifies the accident situations where engineering control, education and training, and other organizational safety measures are to be adopted.  相似文献   

The study of remarriage after divorce has by and large been ignored by family sociologists. Previous studies on remarriage focused primarily on the individual's adjustment to or the aftermath of remarriage. Employing 1972-82 General Social Survey data, 1 use regression techniques to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic variables and the state of remarriage, for divorced men and women. I test the hypotheses that for men, education, occupation and income level are positively related to remarriage, while for women these variables are inversely associated with remarriage. As hypothesized, highly educated divorced women are less likely to be remarried, as are divorced women who are occupationally and financially independent. The important factor for divorced women considering remarriage is whether or not they are working. Divorced men, on the other hand, are likely to be remarried when they are older and have higher incomes. Unexpectedly, education is inversely related to remarriage for divorced men.  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in fertility-related behavior are examined in a community-based probability sample of 706 Mexican-American and 317 non-Hispanic white females aged 13 through 19 years. Mexican-Americans are more likely than whites to have had a live birth, but are no more likely to have been pregnant and are less likely to have had sexual intercourse. Sexually experienced Mexican-Americans, however, are twice as likely as whites to have been pregnant. Among those ever pregnant, Mexican-Americans are more likely to have had a live birth, while whites are more likely to have had an abortion. Ethnic differences remain strong when socioeconomic status and indicators of social instability are controlled statistically, lending more support to the "minority status" hypothesis than to the "characteristics" hypothesis concerning the fertility-related behavior of minority group members.  相似文献   

It is argued that decisions are processes that occur in the ordinary course of a human life and that actions taken in life, when they are not habitual, follow such decisions. Decisions are undertaken in the framework of socially validated identities and are accompanied by vocabularies of motive which serve to guide action as well as to justify them. How then are these decisions reached? These decisions are reached, it is argued, by using various objective structures and three cases—Astrology in Ceylon, the Cuban Missile crisis and the Azande Oracles are used to support this claim and to propose a dialectical and interactionist theory of the relationship between actor and motives. The availability of such objective structures allows an actor to use them to legitimize his lines of action as well as to justify them in any future challenges.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the well-being and capacities of 1759 new fathers in seven cities using data from the Fragile Families Study. Comparisons are made between married (N=478) and unmarried fathers (N=1281). With the unwed fathers, we compare those who are cohabiting, who are stably romantically involved but not cohabiting, who are involved in an unstable romantic relationship, who are not romantically involved but friends, and who have no relationship with the mother. The six indicators of fathers' well-being capacities include physical health, depressive symptoms, drug and alcohol use, smoking, and physical abuse of the mother. These findings show that married fathers are more advantaged than unwed fathers vis-à-vis education, income, and age; they also are in better physical and mental health. Among the unwed fathers, those who are cohabiting are more advantaged and healthier than those who are not cohabiting, although the differences are not as great as those between married and unmarried fathers. Non-resident fathers who are romantically involved are similar in income, age and education to fathers who are not romantically involved but are friends, although the former are less likely than the latter to be using drugs, to be depressed or to have hit or slapped the mother. The fathers who are romantically involved in an unstable (i.e., off-and-on) relationship are less healthy than those in a more sustained romantic or cohabiting relationship. The fathers who have no relationship with the mother are most likely to exhibit unhealthy behaviors. About two percent of the married fathers, 3% of the unmarried cohabiting and stably romantically involved, 5% of the unstably romantically involved, 7% of the friends, and 11% of those with no relationship had hit or slapped the mother as reported by her. About one-half of the married fathers, a little over a third of the unwed fathers who are cohabiting, stably romantically involved or unstably romantically involved or friends, and only one-sixth of the fathers with no relationship have none of the six behaviors. In contrast, one-fifth of the unwed fathers with no relationship and one-eighth of the unstably romantically involved fathers have three or more of the six risky behaviors, as compared to one-tenth of the unwed fathers with involvement and 3% of the married fathers. Implications for welfare reform and child support are discussed.  相似文献   

Deaf children are uniquely disadvantaged in terms of access to information on safety and abuse. This is often due to misunderstood linguistic and cultural needs which relate to the deaf community. Consequently, a greater number of children who are deaf are placed in potentially abusive situations when compared to their non-deaf peer group. A high percentage of deaf children have also acquired negative self-concepts. This is often due to external influences such as educational experiences and family communication. Many deaf children believe that abuse is part of their being deaf. The implications of this are that deaf children are at risk of neglect and abuse as well as long-term damage to their emotional development and self-esteem. A number of survivors of physical and sexual abuse have been referred to the National Centre for Mental Health and Deafness, Preston. Some of these referrals have been inappropriate and due to a dearth of local resources. Extremely little support is available for deaf people who have been or are being abused. There are few appropriately trained counsellors equipped with the necessary skills in communicating with deaf people and even fewer trained in deaf awareness. A number of risk factors have been identified and are illustrated in this article. Three case studies are described to highlight the issues involved.  相似文献   

Child welfare workers and agencies are vulnerable to lawsuits. Recent court rulings have more clearly defined the liability of workers. The distinguishing variable is custody. Children injured while in the custody of the state are entitled to sue for damages. Children injured by their parent, even if under the supervision of a child welfare agency, are not entitled to claim a violation of their 14th Amendment rights. These cases are reviewed and strategies designed to minimize vulnerability are offered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2000,16(2):203-215
Contemporary strategies for rural development in Australia are based upon notions of self-help and bottom-up, community-based initiatives which are said to `empower’ the individual from the imposing structures of government intervention. While such strategies are not entirely new to Australia, they have, it seems, been inadequately theorised to date and are generally regarded, in rather functionalist terms, as indicative of attempts to cut back on public expenditure. Harnessing itself to the `governmentality’ perspective, this paper explores government and `expert’ discourses of rural community development in Queensland and suggests, instead, that these strategies are indicative of an advanced liberal form of rule which seeks to `govern through community'. With this in mind, three basic research questions are identified as worthy of further exploration; how are the notions of self-governing individuals and communities constructed in political discourse; what political rationalities are used to justify current levels of (non) intervention and finally; what are the discourses, forms and outcomes of empowerment at the local level? The paper concludes by arguing that while the empowering effects of self-help are frequently cited as its greatest virtue, it is not so much control as the added burden of responsibility that is being devolved to local people. Given the emphasis of the governmentality perspective on strategies for `governing at a distance', however, these conclusions can hardly be unexpected.  相似文献   

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