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刘佳  刘智  文雯 《当代老年》2008,(9):37-37
今年74岁的宋盛梅,不仅是武钢第一女炉长,也是中国第一个女炉长。1954年,从辽宁省本溪高级职业学校炼铁专业毕业的宋盛梅,踌躇满志地来到华中钢铁公司劳资处工作,同年底,到鞍山钢铁公司炼铁厂学习,1956年8月又回到武铡做一号高炉的生产筹备工作,宋盛梅分在炼铁筹备组负责施工检查、审核、设计,她要用所学到的知识,  相似文献   

介绍富氧气化技术在UGI炉中应用的工艺流程、机理、生产能力及工艺参数等。  相似文献   

本文介绍了热炉效应含义与特点,比较了热炉效应和大学生军训工作的关系和相似之处,结合现实管理实例,总结出热炉效应在大学生军训工作中的实际应用,对高校开展学生军训工作有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

介绍APS型高温粘结剂的特性、在直立炉上的应用、使用方法和技术经济分析等。  相似文献   

邱林 《老年世界》2006,(20):25-25
不知怎的,最近常常想起母亲.总是不由地梦见她。再过几天.就要搬进一个两居室的新家了.搬迁前不免要处理很多东西。我是一个极恋旧的人。一想到会有很多美好的回忆也将随之而去。心里总有些不忍。拿起这个又放下那个。思绪也在一堆杂物上来回游走。突然,我的手停滞在了一个小炉上。在潮气的侵蚀下它已略显斑驳.但熟悉的样子还是一下子就触动了我的心弦.勾起了许多甜蜜而又酸楚的回忆。  相似文献   

<正> 7月7日,拥有65年历史的上海杨树浦煤气厂关闭了日制气7万m~3的2号碳化炉,这标志着伴随东海天然气在浦东登陆,上海市的人工煤气将逐渐引退。 上海全市的气化率已达92%以上,杨树浦煤气厂是国内现有同类企业中历史最悠久的企业,投产于1933年。根据上海市能源结构调整的要求,将逐步压缩淘汰设备陈旧、工艺落后、污染较重的煤制气,由安全、清洁、环保型的东海天然气取而代之。  相似文献   

高职院校人才培养,质量是核心,评价是手段,监控是保障。在工学结合人才培养模式下,把"热炉法则"应用到高职教学质量监控与评价工作中,有利于高职院校提高办学质量。文章旨在通过对这一问题的探讨,为高职院校教学管理提供一些参考。  相似文献   

蒸汽朋克作为20世纪末出现的一种非主流的边缘文化,从最初的文学作品到现在的影视作品,蒸汽朋克正逐渐被我们所认知和熟悉。随着越来越多具有蒸汽朋克造型特点的设计作品的产生,这些通过拼凑合成等表现形式创造出的蒸汽朋克作品也逐渐成为一种流行时尚进入了人们的生活之中。可蒸汽朋克风格流行的原因是什么,蒸汽朋克的设计作品与机械美学的发展有怎样的关系,成为需要探讨的一个重要问题。本文试着从蒸汽朋克艺术作品的分析入手,从而找出蒸汽朋克文化流行与机械美学间的联系。  相似文献   

刘章 《老人世界》2011,(3):47-47
1.高压锅蒸汽冲洗法。把高压锅内的冷水烧沸。待有蒸汽不断排出时,打开抽油烟机,将蒸汽水柱对准旋转扇叶,由于蒸汽不断冲入扇叶等部件,油污水就会流入废油杯里。反复几次,直到油杯里没有油为止。  相似文献   

我厂净化装置的中变系统是传统的中变串低变流程,采用两段换热中间冷却的形式。中变炉于2006年7月新换的NB113型中变催化剂,正常使用期为三年,但到2009年7月时,这炉催化剂从活性、热点温度、压力降到变换率都处于良好状态,因此公司决定对这炉催化剂进行延期使用。现对这炉催化剂的装填、升温还原及使用过程中的主要事项进行总结。  相似文献   

天然气联合循环发电技术的最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍天然气联合循环发电技术进展的概述和燃气透平、余热回收锅炉、蒸汽透平及循环发电机组的最新研究开发成果。  相似文献   

This article critically surveys the current historiography of port cities, which have recently attracted a lot of interest, particularly from global historians of the 19th and early 20th century. The article contextualizes this body of scholarship within larger recent and older trends in the discipline. Recently, historians and other scholars have predominantly analyzed port cities as “nodal points” or “hubs” within global networks. The article argues that these perspectives project spatial patterns defined by the imaginary of globalization today into the past, failing to acknowledge how tightly interwoven globalization and urbanization were in port cities during the age of steam. However, port cities can provide concrete narrative focal points to develop empirically-grounded global histories, and remind us of the various efforts to control, limit, or prevent unsolicited forms of mobility and entanglement in the sites where these were moored or fixed. Finally, port cities can render the labor of the urban masses visible that facilitated the making of steam age connectivity and a globality anchored in the urban space of the ports.  相似文献   

Moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure, is by far the most reliable medium, known for the destruction of all forms of microbial life. Steam sterilisation, therefore, is the most economical, effective and widely used method of seeking sterilisation in hospital practice. This article aims at describing the principle mechanism that makes steam an effective destruction of micro-organisms, the equipment that is most commonly used for the purpose and the practical methods of testing for sterility. The application of these principles, it is hoped, will ensure standardisation and quality control of routine sterilisation practice in hospitals thus, contributing towards the reduction in the incidence of hospital acquired infection.  相似文献   

The immigrant experience of travelling to America was fraught with discomfort and often with danger. Legislation regarding minimum standards of comfort and safety by the late nineteenth century related mainly to sailing ships: by this time, most immigrants travelled under steam power. This article charts the concerns and responses of the US government over the conditions of the immigrants en route. Legal decisions, Congress investigations and reports from other interested bodies all played a part in producing legislation to further regulate and improve the passage to America in the period 1880-1924.  相似文献   

The immigrant experience of travelling to America was fraught with discomfort and often with danger. Legislation regarding minimum standards of comfort and safety by the late nineteenth century related mainly to sailing ships: by this time, most immigrants travelled under steam power. This article charts the concerns and responses of the US government over the conditions of the immigrants en route. Legal decisions, Congress investigations and reports from other interested bodies all played a part in producing legislation to further regulate and improve the passage to America in the period 1880–1924.  相似文献   


The paper takes stock of the WSF experience and the running out of steam of the pink wave in Latin America. It is written from the perspective of radical feminism in the region to interrogate the interrelations between the multiple systems of power formed by patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism and their impact on people’s lives, arguing that feminist struggles for sexual and reproductive rights, for the right to decide, for a secular state that breaks the religious tutelage over women’s bodies, along with many kinds of other struggles, demand not only recognition but also the defence of diverse ways of life and visions of the world. In these struggles, the paper claims, it is fundamental to expand the epistemological and social space and to recover other cultural matrices and frameworks of meaning.  相似文献   

The Brazilians educational institutions need a large energy demand for the operation of laundries, restaurants and accommodation of students. Much of that energy comes from steam generated in boilers with wood fuel. The laboral activity in boiler may present problems for the operator's health due to exposure to excessive heat, and its operation has a high degree of risk. This paper describes an analysis made the conditions of thermal environment in the operation of a B category boiler, located at a Higher Education Institution, located in the Zona da Mata Mineira The equipments used to collect data were Meter WBGT of the Heat Index; Meter of Wet Bulb Index and Globe Thermometer (WBGT); Politeste Instruments, an anemometer and an Infrared Thermometer. By the application of questionnaires, the second phase consisted of collecting data on environmental factors (temperature natural environment, globe temperature, relative humidity and air velocity). The study concluded that during the period evaluated, the activity had thermal overload.  相似文献   

A hunger strike that played upon Gandhi's legacy of civil disobedience and mass protest was India's capstone event for 2011. Initiated by Anna Hazare, a 74-year-old self-styled Gandhian, the protest targeted the government's new anti-corruption legislation, which Hazare proclaimed as too weak. Hazare's demand for a strong anti-corruption law, leading to the establishment of an independent ombudsman (Lokpal), had slowly gained momentum in the first half of 2011, when Hazare collected a sizeable following. It was his unexpected arrest on the eve of the August protest, however, that thrust him into the limelight, sparking candle-lit marches across the country and swelling the ranks of his movement, Indian Against Corruption (IAC). Hazare was hailed as a leader of Gandhian proportions and applauded for his humble origins, numerous awards, and ecologically conscious development work in Ralegan Siddhi, where Hazare took up residence in 1975, following a brief career in the army. His movement, which appeared to be climbing from strength to strength, was thought to be a major political force of lasting influence. But in the year since the Ramlila protest, Hazare's movement has lost steam, with key leaders oscillating between calling for a stronger movement based on ‘the people's guidance’ and entertaining the possibility of entering electoral politics through the formation of a new political party. This article investigates the reasons for the deceleration of the Hazare movement, with an emphasis on why Hazare failed to win the support of the liberal and left sections of society, particularly the intelligentsia.  相似文献   

The use of boiler wood-fired is fairly common equipment utilized in steam generation for energy production in small industries. The boiler activities are considered dangerous and heavy, mainly due to risks of explosions and the lack of mechanization of the process. This study assessed the burden of physical labor that operators of boilers are subjected during the workday. Assessment of these conditions was carried out through quantitative and qualitative measurements. A heart rate monitor, a wet-bulb globe thermometer (WBGT), a tape-measure and a digital infrared camera were the instruments used to collect the quantitative data. The Nordic Questionnaire and the Painful Areas Diagram were used to relate the health problems of the boiler operator with activity. With study, was concluded that the boiler activity may cause pains in the body of intensity different, muscle fatigue and diseases due to excessive weight and the exposure to heat. The research contributed to improve the boiler operator's workplace and working conditions.  相似文献   

The notion that anti‐immigrant and racist voting sentiment underscore mass electoral behaviour has been a familiar aspect of the British political landscape for more than a generation. Although debates persist on the scale and significance of such sentiment, many commentators have agreed that this has been an important influence and effect upon Labour and Conservative electoral strategy for 30 years or more. Indeed, attention has often focused upon the so‐called ‘race card’, a form of shorthand that refers, in particular, to the implicit structural advantage enjoyed by the Conservatives over other parties on electoral issues of race and immigration.

This article seeks to place these assumptions in the context of modern party competition. It notes that a tremendous head of steam developed surrounding the race card thesis in the period leading up to the 1997 general election. Furthermore, a fundamental misunderstanding of the influence of this factor in the 1992 election had only served to confuse the picture. Scant attention has been paid to traditional psephological tests of issue voting and these, the article reports, indicate that the race card argument was shaky even before the 1997 election. Finally, the analysis turns to the relative absence of race card politics in 1997 and presents a range of explanations for this dog that did not bark. The article concludes that substantial reworking of the race card hypothesis is now an urgent question facing academic and press commentators alike.  相似文献   

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