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稀土金属(rare earth metals)又称稀土元素,是元素周期表ⅢB族中钪、钇、镧系17种元素的总称,常用R或RE表示。它们的名称和化学符号是钪(Sc)、钇(Y)、镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钷(Pm)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(Tm)、镱(Yb)、镥(Lu)。它们的原子序数是21(Sc)、39(Y)、57(La)到71(Lu)。稀土一词是历史遗留下来的名  相似文献   

稀土是元素周期表中15个镧系元系再加上钪和钇共计17个金属元素的总称,常用R或RE表示。它们的名称和化学符号是钪(Sc)、钇(Y)、镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钷(Pm)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(Tm)、镱(Yb)、镥(Lu)。一、"稀土"资源的战略价值稀土的用途十分广泛。只要在一些传统产品中加入适量的稀土,就会产生许多神奇的效果。目前,稀土已广泛应用于冶金、石油、化工、轻纺、医药、农业等数十个行业。稀土  相似文献   

如今,从事什么职业的男性最受女性欢迎?某网站就此话题做了一个趣味调查,经网友投票选出了“最受女性欢迎的男性十大职业”,分别为:IT精英(45.1%)、公务员(37.9%)、医生(35.6%)、律师(29.5%)、老板(29.3%)、自由职业者(23%)、事业单位职工(21.9%)、教师(21.4%)、军人(20.5%)、学者(17.4%)。  相似文献   

丫工陈德俊赵淑华(湖北) (湖北) (湖南)张庆元(湖月许杨(江苏)冯晓新(江苏)蒋落(江苏)隋永生(山东)张俊生(山东)何静(山东)李悦佳(广西)王勇力(广西)李雨潞(广西)李丽莎(青海)盈永秀(青海)陈灯(福建)王艳伟(福建)傅建平(福建)沈急华(上海)张宗进(上海)王燕明(山西)冯海(山西)靳率君(山西)黄旭(山西)甘海明(江西)高洁(江西)安米(江西)毛太成(浙江)熊帅(浙江)何蔚(河业)租备(河J匕)乔丽丈(河北)刘欣(河南)齐装(河南)孟晓红(吉林)刘冲(吉林)张海来(吉林)项晓晓(四川)常晨(四川)江阔姗(四川)刘珠(北京)王检(北京)张燕(新吸)王璐(甘索)张例锋(甘…  相似文献   

目前,中国列入《世界遗产名录》的项目共有32处,除昆曲和古琴属于人类口述和非物质遗产外,其余30处都属于自然景观与文物古迹,是人们旅游揽胜的最佳去处。一、文化遗产(21处):1郾长城(北京)摇2郾故宫(北京)摇3郾周口店北京猿人遗址(北京)摇4郾秦始皇陵和兵马俑坑(陕西)摇5郾敦煌莫高窟(甘肃)摇6郾武当山(湖北)7郾布达拉宫、大昭寺(西藏)摇8郾承德避暑山庄及外八庙(河北)9郾曲阜孔庙、孔府、孔林(山东)摇10郾丽江古城(云南)摇11郾平遥古城(山西)摇12郾苏州古典园林(江苏)13郾颐和园(北京)14郾天坛(北京)摇15郾大足石刻(重庆)16郾青城山都江堰…  相似文献   

Y秦球雄(广西)王大勇(广西)徐急芬(云南)郭新刚(云南)郭丹(内蒙古)徐彦(内蒙古)张舟(河南)章明亮(广东)刘海峰(广东)马搞(江西)洪艳华(江西)李莉达(江苏)于洋(江苏)唐涛(北京)许海晶(山东)胡锗(山东)徐娟古两(山东)田德军(山东)王芙蓉(湖北)庄贤(湖北)张杰(湖北)刘文东(甘索)丁汾(甘肃)侯钱(甘肃)陈家宝(河北)于行之(河北)徐晗星(辽宁)周俊宇(辽宁) !丢丽丽(黑龙江)杨天淑(黑龙江)张视芳(黑龙江)王林(四川)赵国栋(四川)赵强(四川)于天湖(吉林)刘晗(浙江)钱建国(浙扛)陈淑珍(广西)赵永刚(广西)妈玲(辽宁)钱娜舫(海南)戴聋(福建)金学峰(福建1…  相似文献   

李红英(广东) 郑惠(广东) 郑兰东(广东) 黄莉(广西) 张福伟(广西) 莫水英(广西) 郝飞花(浙江) 任慧莉(浙江) 苏振高(江西) 邓思越(江西) 吴琼(江西) 马俊(江西) 冀鲁静(山东)本期获赠杂志读者名单~~  相似文献   

稀土金属(rare earth metals)又称稀土元素,是元素周期表ⅢB族中钪、钇、镧系17种元素的总称,常用R或RE表示.它们的名称和化学符号是钪(Sc)、钇(Y)、镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钷(Pm)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(Tm)、镱(Yb)、镥(Lu).它们的原子序数是21(Sc)、39(Y)、57(La)到71(Lu).  相似文献   

<正>Holland职业兴趣模型(Holland,1959,1985)描述了六种职业类型取向:技能型(Realistic)、研究型(In-vestigative)、艺术型(Artistic)、社交型(Social)、经营型(Enterprising)和事务型(Conventional),一般简称为RIA-SEC模型。Holland职业兴趣模型的基  相似文献   

美国收入最高的前20名职业根据美国劳动部劳动统计署做的就业统计调查,在美国收入排行榜上,按每小时的平均工资排名第1到第20的职业为:(1)外科医生(2)妇科医生(3)麻醉医师(4)内科主治医生(5)儿科主治医生(6)精神病医生(7)牙医(8)家庭医生(9)首席执行官(10)飞机正副驾驶员(11)足病医生(12)律师(13)验光师(14)电脑及资讯系统管理人员(15)物理学家(16)空中交通管制(17)石油工程技术人员(18)原子能工程技术人员(19)法官等司法官员 (20)市场营销人员  相似文献   

介绍用PLC通过变频调速实现全自动恒压供水,提出一种工频运行时压力死区的在线辨识控制方案。  相似文献   

研究了建立供水系统调度专家分析决策系统的必要性和可行性,并在管网水力宏观模型的基础上建立了优化调度数学模型。分析了测压点压力与泵房出水压力和流量之间的相对变化影响关系。最终以降低运行费用为目标,给出了整个供水调度过程中的方案优化选择。  相似文献   

It is well known that people that sit or lie down for prolonged periods change their posture on a regular basis. Even when people are asleep on average 20-40 postural can be observed during an 8 hours period of night rest. One of the reasons that can be found in literature for this 'urge to move' is that these movements are necessary to persevere the blood flow in the tissue. The aim of this paper is to study the relation between tissue perfusion and pressure on the tissue and frequency of the load cycle. Each subject is subjected to a treatment scheme that varies in pressure and frequency of the load on the tissue. The pressure levels that are used are 2.7 kPa, 4.0 kPa and 5.3 kPa and the frequency levels that are used are loading/unloading at intervals of 5 min., 10 min., 15 min. Statistics shows that for 2.7 kPa there is a significant reduction of blood flow between time intervals of 5 min. and 10 min. (P=0.028), and 5 min. and 15 min. (p=0.009). Statistics also shows that there is no significant reduction in blood flow at the time interval of 10 minutes, for every level of pressure. This series of measurements seems to suggest that at the time interval of 10 minutes for every level of pressure the blood flow does not decrease compared to the start situation.  相似文献   

介绍了上海白鹤加压站用于管道增压的离心压缩机驱动方式的选择。通过对加压站的供电现场条件调研和电机驱动、燃气轮机驱动的各项技术经济指标比较,最终选择采用变频电机驱动方式。  相似文献   

目的研究气密性生物安全实验室(BSL)应对开关门的压差控制策略。方法理论分析开关门对实验室风量及压差的影响,并进行对比实验研究气密性实验室分别在有无人为附加漏风两种情况下开关门对实验室压差的影响。结果提出了实验室核心工作间与缓冲间分别采用变风量(VAV)、定风量(CAV)的压差控制与人为附加漏风相结合的综合控制策略。结论该控制策略可有效应对开关门对实验室压差稳定的干扰,并保证实验室的定向流。  相似文献   

我国实施财税和预算改革须探讨其与政府资产负债表的关系。我国的财政预算必须实现"窄口径"向"全口径"的转变,并能够同时反映流量和存量数据、揭示中长期风险和隐性风险。我国中央政府和地方政府资产负债表的存量数据,揭示了社保、医疗、环境治理、地方债和铁路债带来的中长期财政压力。对较为紧迫的地方债务和或有债务问题,我国需建立以地方债为主的地方融资体系,通过编制地方政府资产负债表来披露地方债务规模和担保数量。上海可以率先尝试发行地方债和编制地方政府资产负债表。  相似文献   

This article examines ratification of the Kyoto Protocol across 26 transitional economies of Europe and Eurasia for the period of 1998–2009; the period between the Kyoto Protocol and the 2009 Copenhagen meeting. The dependent variable measures whether or not the country has ratified the Kyoto Protocol in a given year. The key variable of interest is the strength of domestic non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To account for the nascent stage of the NGO sector, I measure NGO strength as a “stock” and as a “flow” variable. Using an event-history model, I examine the impact of the NGO strength while controlling for other domestic-based and international drivers of treaty ratification. All time-variant independent variables are lagged by a year. My analysis suggests that the stock of domestic NGO strength is a significant predictor of the timing of ratification. Further, EU accession pressures, ratification levels in contiguous countries, and domestic economic cycle impact the timing of ratification of the treaty.  相似文献   

Abstract Previous studies of the relation between economic conditions and psychological stress among farm operators are extended by comparing farming and nonfarming husbands' and wives' depressive symptoms and by including spouse support as both a mediating and a moderating variable. Using three waves of data from the Iowa Youth and Families Project, the analyses found few differences between farmers and nonfarmers, but the relation between economic pressure and distress operates differently for husbands and wives. For husbands, wives' support buffers the relation between economic pressure and husbands' sense of control over events in their lives, which in turn reduces depression. For wives, husbands' support both directly reduces their depression and buffers the effects of economic pressure on depression by weakening the relation between sense of control and feelings of depression.  相似文献   

<正>长江桥隧开通后,申崇交通格局发生了重大变化,由以前单一的水上交通方式变成了"水上+陆上"的交通模式。由于地面公交客流量迅速增长,水上交通客流量急剧下降,水上运营企业陷入巨额亏损,经营举步为艰。如不对申崇水陆交通的发展进行总体平衡与合理  相似文献   

The response of calf-muscle strength, resting blood flow, and postocclusive blood flow (PObf) were investigated after 4 wk of low-load resistance training (LLRT) with and without blood-flow restriction in a matched-leg design. Ten untrained older individuals age 62-73 yr performed unilateral plantar-flexion LLRT at 25% 1-repetition maximum (1RM). One limb was trained with normal blood flow and the other had blood flow restricted using a pressure cuff above the knee. 1RM, isometric maximal voluntary contraction, and isokinetic strength at 0.52 rad/s increased (p < .05) more after LLRT with blood-flow restriction than with normal blood flow. Peak PObf increased (p < .05) after LLRT with blood-flow restriction, compared with no change after LLRT with normal blood flow. These results suggest that 4 wk of LLRT with blood-flow restriction may be beneficial to older individuals to improve strength and blood-flow parameters.  相似文献   

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