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Using longitudinal data on labour law in France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States over the period 1970–2010, the authors estimate the impact of labour regulation on unemployment and the labour share of national income. Their dynamic panel data analysis distinguishes between the short‐run and long‐run effects of regulatory change. They find that worker‐protective labour laws in general have no consistent relationship to unemployment but are positively correlated with labour's share of national income. Laws specifically relating to working time and employee representation are found to have beneficial effects on both efficiency and distribution thus proxied.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered unprecedented societal disruption and disproportionately affected global mobility dynamics. Within such a troubled and intensifying crisis, the intersection of migration and gender is even more unsettling. Since the pandemic outbreak, Bangladesh witnessed a colossal crisis among millions of Bangladeshi migrants working overseas—a considerable section of them are women. By highlighting the plight of the Bangladeshi women migrants in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, this study expands the emerging literature that addresses the nexus among migration, pandemic fallout and gendered labour. Redrawing our understanding of globalization from below, the study attempts to further advance the theoretical perspectives on the predicaments of globalization and gendered precarity in contract labour migration. The study argues that the focus on the power asymmetry between the host and sending countries remains too limited to provide a comprehensive understanding of how inequalities are reproduced and transformed. Instead, it suggests that the challenges and disadvantages women migrants endure are embedded in the asymmetries of deep-rooted economic and social structures in tandem with the systemic practice of otherness and exclusion.  相似文献   

This study considers the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on the distribution of income in South Africa. It analyses expenditure using two approaches: (1) the general approach which considers the extent of programmes having a relatively high distributive contact in favour of the poor and (2) the direct money‐flow approach which assumes that expenditure benefits those who receive it as their income. Although neither approach is perfect, it can be concluded that the general composition of expenditure has favoured the poor. It is also argued that the tax system is partly progressive and partly regressive and that it has become more regressive, although remaining in balance progressive. Monetary policy during the 1970s, however, has had definite regressive income distribution effects.  相似文献   

In the early period of the Labour Government of 1945–1951, the British economy underwent a serious crisis, one dimension of which was a severe labour shortage in sectors identified as essential to national economic recovery. In an attempt to resolve this problem, the Labour Government recruited foreign labour from a number of different European sources, but was also required to gain the consent and co‐operation of the trade union movement for this initiative. This paper documents and explains the evolution of the policy of the Trades Union Congress towards this initiative, and the opposition that this stimulated within the trade union movement.  相似文献   

Networks are often portrayed as more equal governance arrangements because of their horizontal character. Power relations within networks are neglected as the collaborative activities receive the bulk of attention. However, from a critical reading of the network and flows literature we know that networks are not free of power relations, and that they create new inequalities and even intensify existing ones. Using Manuel Castells's conceptual framework on power in networks, this article studies power relations in two transnational municipal networks that address urban environmental challenges: the World Association of the Major Metropolises and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. Power relations that result from informational and ideational flows are at the core of attention. The paper reveals contributor/receiver linkages and their consequences. The conclusions are framed by reflections on the significance of cities from the Global South in new global governance arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the contribution of capital income to income inequality in a cross-national comparison. Using micro-data from the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) for three prominent panel studies, namely the BHPS for the UK, the SOEP for West Germany, and the PSID for the USA, we use the factor decomposition method described by Shorrocks (Econometrica 50:193–211, 1982). The factor decomposition of disposable income into single income components shows that capital income is exceedingly volatile and that its share in disposable income has risen recent years. Moreover, capital income makes a disproportionately high contribution to overall inequality in relation to its share in disposable income. This applies to Germany and the USA in particular. Thus capital income accounts for a large part of disparity in all three countries.  相似文献   

Places of worship in the Christian tradition are often considered to retain fixed and static identities. However, circuits of globalization and global mobilities are increasingly present within such sites and drawn upon to construct new forms of place and geographies filtered through the individual church’s channels of mobilities. Following on from the new mobilities paradigm and relational approaches to ‘place’, this paper explores how the global and the local become implicated in places of worship. Using participant-observation and diary-interview methods based in Baptist churches in Bristol, UK, and framing the findings through Urry’s framework (Mobilities, Cambridge: Polity, 2007), the research examines the multiple interdependent mobilities of imaginary travel, communication, virtual travel, and corporeal travel. Whilst global mobilities were present within the sites, locality and local mobilities also featured prominently. The combination of interdependent mobilities, produced unique place identities in each of church that engaged with the global yet retained local circuits and community identity.  相似文献   

We use the 2002 through 2014 Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys to construct comparable measures of household income and estimates of income inequality over this high-growth period. We focus on two questions: How have benefits from growth been distributed; and do changes in the structure of the economy map into changes in inequality? We explore dimensions in which inequality may vary, notably urban versus rural, and by ethnic status. We also decompose inequality by income source to highlight key factors underlying the relatively low levels of inequality during this period. We find that agricultural opportunities played an important role in dampening inequality, but more important has been the steady development of wage-labor markets in both urban and rural areas. An important caveat to the generally rosy picture we paint is the deteriorating position of ethnic minorities. Finally, we draw comparisons with China and document key differences in their growth-inequality experiences.  相似文献   

Labour lawyers have raised concerns that the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has the potential to limit member States' ability to respond to violations of (international) labour rights/standards, both at home and abroad. But its Appellate Body has interpreted WTO law to “permit pluralism”, preserving Members' right to regulate. This jurisprudence has carved out “policy space” for Members, broadened the scope of doctrinal exceptions and blunted the force of disciplines that seek deep integration through regulatory coordination/coherence. These moves mean that numerous labour-protecting measures are likely to be legal under WTO law, diminishing the potential conflict between multilateral trade law and labour law.  相似文献   

In this paper the author reviews the history of Dutch social work between 1900 and 1980 and tries to shed light on how Dutch social workers enlisted various insights developed by the social sciences to gain jurisdiction in dealing with social problems. He argues against the simplistic idea that scientific knowledge is merely applied in practical settings such as social work. Social workers did not just apply scientific insights; they also used scientific insights strategically to demarcate their position from various opponents both inside and outside the profession. It is useful to differentiate between the reflexive and strategic uses of social sciences: reflexive means that new interpretations of the social world and the nature of social problems are offered which imply different ways of doing social work; strategic means that with these new interpretations new boundaries are created between social work and competing actors in the field of dealing with social problems.  相似文献   

Using data from a unique series of surveys collected between 1963 and 2013, this study examines racial attitudes among young white adults in the Deep South over a 50-year period. Repeated surveys of University of Alabama students in 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1983, 1988, and 2013 measured racial stereotypes, support for racial segregation, and in the 2013 study, racial resentment and support for ameliorative racial policies. Analyses show that in the 1960s endorsement of racial stereotypes was a powerful predictor of support for racial segregation. By the early 1970s, racial integration became a reality in the Deep South and, paralleling broad trends in U.S. society, endorsement of racial stereotypes and support for racial segregation declined. Simultaneously, threats to whites' position in the form of ameliorative racial policies (including affirmative action) emerged along with racial resentment. By 2013, racial resentment, rather than racial stereotyping, was the primary determinant of white students' opposition to racial change. Our findings support Herbert Blumer's (1958) argument that racial prejudice exists in a sense of group position, and that it functions to preserve the advantaged position of the dominant group regardless of changes in the form that prejudice takes.  相似文献   

Power asymmetries within partnerships between Northern and Southern NGOs are thought to be undesirable. Based on a comparative case study of the partnerships between three Northern NGOs and their Southern partners in Ghana, India and Nicaragua, this study examines how the partnerships’ institutional design affects local partners’ room to manoeuvre. It is demonstrated that (1) the Northern agencies unilaterally set the rules that govern the partnerships, based on their own norms, values and beliefs; (2) similarities and differences between the rules of the three agencies can, above all, be attributed to the corresponding and diverging nature of their norms, values and beliefs; and (3) informal rules allow more flexibility in their use. Whether this is beneficial for the Southern partners’ room to manoeuvre depends on individual project officers, who are responsible for interpreting and applying the rules, and the partners’ ability to conduct negotiations.  相似文献   

Engendering History. Caribbean Women in Historical Perspective. Edited by VERENE SHEPHERD, BRIDGET BRERETON, BARBARA BAILEY. London: James Currey, Kingston: Ian Randle. 1995. xxii, 406pp. £35.00 and £12.50.

Haiti, History and the Gods. JOAN DAYAN. Los Angeles; University of California Press. 1995. xxiii, 339pp. $35.00. ISBN 0–520–08900–6.

From Chattel Slaves to Wage Slaves: The Dynamics of Labour Bargaining in the Americas. Edited by MARY TURNER. Kingston, Bloomington and Indianapolis, and London: Ian Randle Publishers, Indiana University Press, and James Currey. 1995. x, 309pp. £35.00 (cloth); £12.95 (paper). ISBN 0–253–32972–8; 0–253–21001–1.

The Black Loyalist Directory. African Americans in Exile After the American Revolution. Edited and with an Introduction by GRAHAM RUSSELL HODGES. New York and London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1996. li. 318pp. $37.00. ISBN 0–8153–2172–4.

The Abolitionists and the South, 1831–1861. STANLEY HARROLD. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press ofKentucky, 1995. x, 245 pp. $29.95. ISBN 0–8131–1906–5.

The Salmon P. Chase Papers. Volume 2: Correspondence, 1823–1857. Edited by JOHN NIVEN. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1994. xxv, 489 pp. $35.00. ISBN 0–87338–508‐X.

The Louisiana Native Guards: The Black Military Experience During the Civil War. JAMES G. HOLLANDSWORTH, Jr. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press. 1995. xiv, 140pp. £23.95. ISBN 0–8071–1939–3.

The March to the Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops in the Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns. JOSEPH T. GLATTHAAR. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1995 (orig. pub. 1985). xvi, 318pp. £13.95. ISBN 0–80712028–6.

Caste &; Class: The Black Experience in Arkansas, 1880–1920. FON LOUISE GORDON. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 1995. xvi, 179pp. £31.50. ISBN 0–8203–1711‐X.

African Americans at Mars Bluff, South Carolina. AMELIA WALLACE VERNON. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. 1995. xiii, 309pp. $16.95.

Agentes de su propia libertad: Los esclavos de Lima y la desintegración de la esclavitud, 1821–1854. CARLOS AGU1RRE. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Cató1ica del Perú, Fondo Editorial. 1993. 335pp. ISBN 84–89309–63–9.

Paying the Price of Freedom: Family and Labor among Lima's Slaves, 1800–1854. CHRISTINE HÜNEFELDT. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1994. xi, 269pp. ISBN 0–520–08235–4 (cloth); 0–520–08292–3 (paper).

Desert Frontier: Ecological and Economic Change along the Western Sahel. 1600–1850. JAMES L.A. WEBB, Jr. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. xxvi, 227pp. £40.95 (cloth); £17.95 (paper). ISBN 0–299–14330–9.

From Slave Trade to ‘legitimate’ Commerce: The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth‐Century West Africa. Edited by ROBIN LAW. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, African Studies Series 86. xi, 278pp. £35.00.

Slavery and Slaving in World History. A Bibliography. 1900–1991. JOSEPH C. MILLER. Millwood, NY. 1993. xvii, 556pp. $90.00. ISBN 0–527–63660–6.  相似文献   

This article seeks to re-interpret the development of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Turkey from 1923 to 1980. The article shows that the dominant strong state tradition (SST) literature, which interpreted the development of SOEs as an independent project of the state to maintain its control over society, had been unable to fully explain the development processes of SOEs because it treated the state as an external entity distinct from (and even opposing to) the social classes. Employing an alternative Poulantzian framework, the article argues that the development of SOEs in Turkey was driven by class-industry interest and appeared as a precondition of the development of capitalism in Turkey. As such, relations between SOEs and the social classes were internal and complementary, rather than external and antagonistic. The SOEs were providing the bulk of industrial inputs and investment capital to the bourgeoisie fractions within the constitutive context of domestic capital accumulation strategies at the time (e.g. capitalist consolidation in 1930s, capitalist expansion in 1950s, capitalist expansion with duty losses in 1960s and 1970s). The SOEs were also benefiting the laboring and popular classes in terms of employment opportunities and higher wages.  相似文献   

Most research on income inequality implicitly assumes that a fixed percentage increase in income across all income levels does not alter income inequality. In contrast with this assumption, we show that relative increases in income lead to increased perceptions of inequality, even when buying power is held constant. In a second experiment, we extended these findings using a fictitious currency, thereby eliminating effects of using a familiar currency. In study 3, we demonstrate that feelings of envy and fairness are affected by a fixed percentage income increase.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic disparity between North and South Italy has been recently explained by Lynn (2010) as the result of a lower intelligence quotient (IQ) of the Southern population. The present article discusses the procedure followed by Lynn, supplementing his data with new information on school assessments and per head regional income. Genetic North–South differences are then discussed on the basis of the most recent literature on the subject. The results do not confirm the suggested IQ-economy causal link.  相似文献   

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