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The fatigue is a main factor to endanger the human health in the 21st century. In the current society, because the rhythm of life is accelerated and overworked for a long time or beared greater psychological pressure for a long time, if not rest reasonable for  相似文献   

1 Coring Seedlings' Project Launched“护苗工程”呵护亿万儿童A "Caring Seedlings" Project was launched in March in Beijing by the All-China Women's Federation to promote Chinese children's comprehensive de-velopment. The program focuses on nutrition, physical strength, psychological health and intellectual power. The China Children's Center was responsible for organizing and implementing the project.  相似文献   

China's National Health Commission(NHC)in January issued a notice to clarify the guiding principles of performing psychological crisis intervention during the novel coronavirus epidemic.In accordance with the notice,Changsha Women's Federation and Xinji Chenguang Psychological Service Center(in Changsha,capital of Central China's Hunan Province)recently implemented a project to provide,online,psychological services to residents.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I saw a post on your Weibo account, in which you reported that foreigners who intend to work as teachers in China may face a higher threshold, as employers nationwide will require teachers to have previous teaching experience. I worked as a trainer and head teacher. I wouldn't mind if new teachers did not have experience as long they were willing to learn, and as long as they loved the trade. I would never consider the race or place of origin, but only the teaching quality and proper language skills, of a potential teacher.  相似文献   

YUXIANG was bom the second of three sisters of a Blang family in Yunnan Province. When she was seven, she was sent to school in Blangshan Township of Menghai County. Though shabby, the school had several teachers with a strong sense of responsibility and rich experience in teaching. Under the influence of the teachers, Yuxiang soon became the top student. However, when she entered the fourth grade, her  相似文献   

HEALTH was once a matter only doctors were concerned about. But in recent years, women's health issues have been a part of the women's movement. A woman's right to health and health care is now the concern of society. In the 1990s, it is becoming apparent that quality of life is of foremost importance. At the World Summit for Children held in September 1990 in New York, government leaders from over 140 countries gathered for the first time to  相似文献   

Air Force Recruits Women Pilots The Women Pilots Recruiting Office says that in 1997, the Air Force Flight Institute will recruit women pilots from the year's high school graduates aged 16-19. Before being admitted they must pass a health examination, psychological testing and the nationwide college entrance examination. After four years of theory  相似文献   

ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

General Objectives总体目标Thoroughly put in place the fundamental national policy of gender equality,and make innovation and improvement in the institutions and mechanisms for promoting gender equality and women's all-round development.Women's equal and comprehensive access to full 1 ife cycle health services shall be guaranteed to continuously improve their health.Women's equal rights to education shall be guaranteed to constantly enhance their capabilities and competence.  相似文献   

Psychological Education to Include Most of China's Schools by 2010 2010年中国大部分学校将开展心理健康教育According to an eight-year national plan on mental health work (2008-2015),recently issued by the Ministry of Public Health and 16 other ministries,China plans to incorporate psychological  相似文献   

To promote healthy living and to raise women's awareness of the importance of improving their health, the Women's Development Department of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched the long-distance-run campaign, entitled "running for health and beauty," in late October. The event, which was held in Beijing, Tianjin Municipality (in North China) and Sichuan Province (in Southwest China), was also intended to promote the implementation of the cancer-screening project. Thousands of women, who wore pink T-shirts, participated.  相似文献   

OVER the last few years more and more people have shown a strong interest in Chinese women's issues. At the University of Oriental Studies of Naples, Italy, where I come from, many students and teachers are researching and writing about the transformations of women's position in Chinese society. The policy of reform and opening to the outside world sponsored by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 has brought many changes to the country, not only in the  相似文献   

AS a doctor in the management of maternity and children's hygiene in the Tibet Autonomous Region for nearly 20 years, I would like to present a brief introduction of the situation of Tibetan women and children's health, as well as the related services. Prior the Liberation in Tibet, this region coveting over 1.2 million square kilometers, had few health care facilities for women and children. Such activities were carried out by three Tibetan medical institutions, a small number of folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, and a few private clinics. Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, women who gave birth were discriminated against because it was considered an obscene act. Women could not give birth in their tent homes, but were instead forced to seek shelter in cow stalls or sheepfolds no matter how severe the weather. Women and children at the time had no rights to health care. Countless women and children died of birthing complications or  相似文献   

The new year brings new hope to China,including to those people who provide psychological counseling,and to the people who receive such services.This month,Women of China focuses on the development of psychology in China. In the past,most Chinese people were not familiar with psychology,and they considered it to be a mysterious  相似文献   

Corresponding to the international goal of "Reproductive Health for All" for 2015, Shanghai plans to take the lead in supplying fundamental reproductive health care services for people of a reproductive age by the year 2000 and high-quality reproductive health care services for all people before 2010.  相似文献   

A large-scale project, aimed at teaching parents how to raise healthy, well-adjusted children, has been implemented in various communities in Northeast China's Liaoning Province. More than one million parents have participated in the project in recent years. Anshan: Child-rearing Consultants Working with Families 鞍山:成长顾问进家庭 In addition to teachers, parents and the children, a group of child-rearing consultants are participating in the activities in Anshan, a city in Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

Juvenile Judge     
SHANG Xiuyun was among the first sitting judges when the juvenile court was set up in Beijing 10 years ago. With enriched experience she has altered the way judges ask questions in court. She began the practice of inviting juvenile offenders, their parents, relatives, friends and teachers to the juvenile court to work hand in hand in dealing with cases: Facing their relatives and friends and hearing their heartfelt words, juvenile offenders would often be touched, thus bringing forth a positive attitude toward life.  相似文献   

LI Zuomin has been engaged in family planning for 26 years. During the first 16 years, she was a cadre with the public health department in Chongqing, Sichuan Province. There she worked to teach the masses how to carry out the state family planning policy. For the past ten years, after  相似文献   

EVEN with no formal training in Tibetan studies, Xiang Hongjia works to bridge the gap between Tibet and the rest of the world. In 1978, when the national college entrance examination was restored and teachers were badly needed at the college  相似文献   

The Chicheng area in Hebei Province is a remote and under developed rural district. In 1999, film director Zhang Yimou made his movie "Not One Less" there. It tells a moving story of how a girl acting as a temporary rural teacher tries by all means to find one missing student in the county town and get him back to school. That movie greatly helped the Candlelight Project in drawing attention to education in rural China. Today, teachers and students in the Chicheng area have again become beneficiaries because  相似文献   

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