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In this article, we introduce a wavelet threshold estimator to estimate multinomial probabilities. The advantages of the estimator are its adaptability to the roughness and sparseness of the data. The asymptotic behavior of the estimator is investigated through an often-used criteria: the mean sum of squared error (MSSE). We show that the MSSE of the estimator achieves the optimal rate of convergence. Its performance on finite samples is examined through simulation studies which show favorable results for the new estimator over the commonly used kernel estimator.  相似文献   

A criterion for choosing an estimator in a family of semi-parametric estimators from incomplete data is proposed. This criterion is the expected observed log-likelihood (ELL). Adapted versions of this criterion in case of censored data and in presence of explanatory variables are exhibited. We show that likelihood cross-validation (LCV) is an estimator of ELL and we exhibit three bootstrap estimators. A simulation study considering both families of kernel and penalized likelihood estimators of the hazard function (indexed on a smoothing parameter) demonstrates good results of LCV and a bootstrap estimator called ELLbboot . We apply the ELLbboot criterion to compare the kernel and penalized likelihood estimators to estimate the risk of developing dementia for women using data from a large cohort study.  相似文献   


In this paper we propose a new non parametric estimator of the spectral matrix of a multivariate stationary stochastic process, with the main goal to locally improve the deficiencies of the smoothed periodogram in terms of mean square error of the estimates. Our estimator is based on a convex linear combination of the frequency averaged periodogram and an estimate of the true mean spectral matrix across frequencies. In a wide simulation study we show that our estimator turns out to be able to markedly improve the frequency averaged periodogram especially at central frequencies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a non-parametric fixed design regression model based on strong mixing sequences. We use a new tool presented in the literature recently for the weighted sum estimate, and establish the asymptotic normality of a wavelet estimator for an unknown regression function.  相似文献   

Some variance reduction techniques utilizing the total hazard are developed to estimate the average run lengths of the cumulative sum charts through simulation when the process follows a general probability distribution. Particularly, we propose the hazard estimator and the cycle estimator. Simulation results are shown for the exponential case and these estimators are compared with the raw simulation estimator. Applicability to multivariate CUSUM schemes is briefly discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new criterion is constructed for testing hypothesis about covariance function of Gaussian stationary stochastic process with an unknown mean. This criterion is based on the fact that we can estimate the deviation of covariance function from its estimator with a given accuracy and reliability in Lp metric.  相似文献   

The problem of interest is to estimate the concentration curve and the area under the curve (AUC) by estimating the parameters of a linear regression model with an autocorrelated error process. We introduce a simple linear unbiased estimator of the concentration curve and the AUC. We show that this estimator constructed from a sampling design generated by an appropriate density is asymptotically optimal in the sense that it has exactly the same asymptotic performance as the best linear unbiased estimator. Moreover, we prove that the optimal design is robust with respect to a minimax criterion. When repeated observations are available, this estimator is consistent and has an asymptotic normal distribution. Finally, a simulated annealing algorithm is applied to a pharmacokinetic model with correlated errors.  相似文献   

The envelope method produces efficient estimation in multivariate linear regression, and is widely applied in biology, psychology, and economics. This paper estimates parameters through a model averaging methodology and promotes the predicting abilities of the envelope models. We propose a frequentist model averaging method by minimizing a cross-validation criterion. When all the candidate models are misspecified, the proposed model averaging estimator is proved to be asymptotically optimal. When correct candidate models exist, the coefficient estimator is proved to be consistent, and the sum of the weights assigned to the correct models, in probability, converges to one. Simulations and an empirical application demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Kernel Density Estimation on a Linear Network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper develops a statistically principled approach to kernel density estimation on a network of lines, such as a road network. Existing heuristic techniques are reviewed, and their weaknesses are identified. The correct analogue of the Gaussian kernel is the ‘heat kernel’, the occupation density of Brownian motion on the network. The corresponding kernel estimator satisfies the classical time‐dependent heat equation on the network. This ‘diffusion estimator’ has good statistical properties that follow from the heat equation. It is mathematically similar to an existing heuristic technique, in that both can be expressed as sums over paths in the network. However, the diffusion estimate is an infinite sum, which cannot be evaluated using existing algorithms. Instead, the diffusion estimate can be computed rapidly by numerically solving the time‐dependent heat equation on the network. This also enables bandwidth selection using cross‐validation. The diffusion estimate with automatically selected bandwidth is demonstrated on road accident data.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator to dominate another linear estimator of a location parameter under the Pitman's criterion of comparison are discussed. Consequently it is demonstrated that a linear biased estimator can not dominate a linear unbiased estimator under Pitman's criterion and that the sample mean is the Closest Linear Unbiased Estimator (CLUE). It is also shown that the ridge regression estimator with a known biasing constant can not dominate the ordinary least squares estimator. If an estimator δdominates an estimator δin the average loss sense then sufficient conditions are obtained under which δis also preferred over δunder Pitman's criterion. Further we obtain sufficient conditions under which preference under the Pitman's criterion will lead to preference under the mean squared error sense.  相似文献   

In the presence of multicollinearity, the rk class estimator is proposed as an alternative to the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator which is a general estimator including the ordinary ridge regression (ORR), the principal components regression (PCR) and the OLS estimators. Comparison of competing estimators of a parameter in the sense of mean square error (MSE) criterion is of central interest. An alternative criterion to the MSE criterion is the Pitman’s (1937) closeness (PC) criterion. In this paper, we compare the rk class estimator to the OLS estimator in terms of PC criterion so that we can get the comparison of the ORR estimator to the OLS estimator under the PC criterion which was done by Mason et al. (1990) and also the comparison of the PCR estimator to the OLS estimator by means of the PC criterion which was done by Lin and Wei (2002).  相似文献   

In medical studies, Cox proportional hazards model is a commonly used method to deal with the right-censored survival data accompanied by many explanatory covariates. In practice, the Akaike's information criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is usually used to select an appropriate subset of covariates. It is well known that neither the AIC criterion nor the BIC criterion dominates for all situations. In this paper, we propose an adaptive-Cox model averaging procedure to get a more robust hazard estimator. First, by applying AIC and BIC criteria to perturbed datasets, we obtain two model averaging (MA) estimated survival curves, called AIC-MA and BIC-MA. Then, based on Kullback–Leibler loss, a better estimate of survival curve between AIC-MA and BIC-MA is chosen, which results in an adaptive-Cox estimate of survival curve. Simulation results show the superiority of our approach and an application of the proposed method is also presented by analyzing the German Breast Cancer Study dataset.  相似文献   

Accelerated life testing (ALT) provides a means of obtaining data on product lifetime and reliability relatively quickly by subjecting products to higher-than-usual levels of stress factors. We present methods for obtaining optimal designs for multiple-factor ALTs with time censoring and heteroscedasticity in order to estimate percentiles of product life at usage conditions. We assume a Weibull life distribution and log-linear life–stress relationships with non constant shape parameter for the ALT stress factors. The primary optimality criterion is the minimization of the asymptotic variance of maximum likelihood estimator of the percentile estimator at usage stress. We also consider a secondary criterion for our design optimization. The design construction methods are illustrated by two practical examples.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data analysis requires a proper estimation of the within-cluster correlation structure in order to achieve efficient estimates of the regression parameters. When applying likelihood-based methods one may select an optimal correlation structure by the AIC or BIC. However, such information criteria are not applicable for estimating equation based approaches. In this paper we develop a model averaging approach to estimate the correlation matrix by a weighted sum of a group of patterned correlation matrices under the GEE framework. The optimal weight is determined by minimizing the difference between the weighted sum and a consistent yet inefficient estimator of the correlation structure. The computation of our proposed approach only involves a standard quadratic programming on top of the standard GEE procedure and can be easily implemented in practice. We provide theoretical justifications and extensive numerical simulations to support the application of the proposed estimator. A couple of well-known longitudinal data sets are revisited where we implement and illustrate our methodology.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a new and novel kernel density estimator for a sum of weighted averages from a single population based on utilizing the well defined kernel density estimator in conjunction with classic inversion theory. This idea is further developed for a kernel density estimator for the difference of weighed averages from two independent populations. The resulting estimator is “bootstrap-like” in terms of its properties with respect to the derivation of approximate confidence intervals via a “plug-in” approach. This new approach is distinct from the bootstrap methodology in that it is analytically and computationally feasible to provide an exact estimate of the distribution function through direct calculation. Thus, our approach eliminates the error due to Monte Carlo resampling that arises within the context of simulation based approaches that are oftentimes necessary in order to derive bootstrap-based confidence intervals for statistics involving weighted averages of i.i.d. random variables. We provide several examples and carry forth a simulation study to show that our kernel density estimator performs better than the standard central limit theorem based approximation in term of coverage probability.  相似文献   

Consider a regression model where the regression function is the sum of a linear and a nonparametric component. Assuming that the errors of the model follow a stationary strong mixing process with mean zero, the problem of bandwidth selection for a kernel estimator of the nonparametric component is addressed here. We obtain an asymptotic expression for an optimal band-width and we propose to use a plug-in methodology in order to estimate this bandwidth through preliminary estimates of the unknown quantities. Asymptotic optimality for the plug-in bandwidth is established.  相似文献   


A nonparametric procedure is proposed to estimate multiple change-points of location changes in a univariate data sequence by using ranks instead of the raw data. While existing rank-based multiple change-point detection methods are mostly based on sequential tests, we treat it as a model selection problem. We derive the corresponding Schwarz’s information criterion for rank-statistics, theoretically prove the consistency of the change-point estimator and use a pruned dynamic programing algorithm to achieve the change-point estimator. Simulation studies show our method’s robustness, effectiveness and efficiency in detecting mean-changes. We also apply the method to a gene dataset as an illustration.  相似文献   

Biased regression estimators have traditionally benn studied using the Mean Square Error (MSE) criterion. Usually these comparisons have been based on the sum of the MSE's of each of the individual parameters, i.e., a scaler valued measure that is the trace of the MSE matrix. However, since this summed MSE does not consider the covariance structure of the estimators, we propose the use of a Pitman Measure of Closeness (PMC) criterion (Keating and Gupta, 1984; Keating and Mason, 1985). In this paper we consider two versions of PMC. One of these compares the estimates and the other compares the resultant predicted values for 12 different regression estimators. These estimators represent three classes of estimators, namely, ridge, shrunken, and principal component estimators. The comparisons of these estimators using the PMC criteria are contrasted with the usual MSE criteria as well as the prediction mean square error. Included in the estimators is a relatively new estimator termed the generalized principal component estimator proposed by Jolliffe. This estimator has previously received little attention in the literature.  相似文献   

Let D be a saturated fractional factorial design of the general K1 x K2 ...x Kt factorial such that it consists of m distinct treatment combinations and it is capable of providing an unbiased estimator of a subvector of m factorial parameters under the assumption that the remaining k-m,t (k = H it ) factorial parameters are negligible. Such a design will not provide an unbiased estimator of the varianceσ2 Suppose that D is an optimal design with respect to some optimality criterion (e.g. d-optimality, a-optimality or e-optimality) and it is desirable to augment D with c treatmentcombinations with the aim to estimate 2 Suppose that D is an optimal design with respect to some optimality criterion (e.g. d-optimality, a-optimality or e-optimality) and it is desirable to augment D with c treatment combinations with the aim to estimate σ2 unbiasedly. The problem then is how to select the c treatment combinations such that the augmented design D retains its optimality property. This problem, in all its generality is extremely complex. The objective of this paper is to provide some insight in the problem by providing a partial answer in the case of the 2tfactorial, using the d-optimality criterion.  相似文献   

This article considers the notion of the non-diagonal-type estimator (NDTE) under the prediction error sum of squares (PRESS) criterion. First, the optimal NDTE in the PRESS sense is derived theoretically and applied to the cosmetics sales data. Second, we make a further study to extend the NDTE to the general case of the covariance matrix of the model and then give a Bayesian explanation for this extension. Third, two remarks concerned with some potential shortcomings of the NDTE are presented and an alternative solution is provided and illustrated by means of simulations.  相似文献   

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