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Statistical process control charts are used to distinguish between common cause and special cause sources of variability. Once a control chart signals, a search to find the special cause should be initiated. If process analysts had knowledge of the change point, the search to find the special cause could be easily facilitated. Relevant literature contains an array of solutions to the change-point problem; however, these solutions are most appropriate when the samples are assumed to be independent. Unfortunately, the assumption of independence is often violated in practice. This work considers one such case of non-independence that frequently occurs in practice as a result of multi-stage sampling. Due to its commonality in practice, we assume a two-stage nested random model as the underlying process model and derive and evaluate a maximum-likelihood estimator for the change point in the fixed-effects component of this model. The estimator is applied to electron microscopy data obtained following a genuine control chart signal and from a real machining process where the important quality characteristic is the size of the surface grains produced by the machining operation. We conduct a simulation study to compare relative performances between the proposed change-point estimator and a commonly used alternative developed under the assumption of independent observations. The results suggest that both estimators are approximately unbiased; however, the proposed estimator yields smaller variance. The implication is that the proposed estimator is more precise, and thus, the quality of the estimator is improved relative to the alternative.  相似文献   

Recently statistical process control (SPC) methodologies have been developed to accommodate autocorrelated data. A primary method to deal with autocorrelated data is the use of residual charts. Although this methodology has the advantage that it can be applied to any autocorrelated data it needs time series modeling efforts. In addition for a X residual chart the detection capability is sometimes small compared to the X chart and EWMA chart. Zhang (1998) proposed the EWMAST chart which is constructed by charting the EWMA statistic for stationary processes to monitor the process mean. The performance of the EWMAST chart the X chart the X residual chart and other charts were compared in Zhang (1998). In this paper comparisons are made among the EWMAST chart the CUSUM residual chart and EWMA residual chart as well as the X residual chart and X chart via the average run length.  相似文献   

For any varying probability sampling design the Horvitz-Thompson (1952) estimator is shown to be optimal within the class of all unbiased estimators of a finite population total under a Markov process model  相似文献   


In the paper, we consider a natural estimator of the offspring mean of a branching process with non stationary immigration based on observation of population sizes and number of immigrating individuals to each generation. We demonstrate that using a central limit theorem for multiple sums of dependent random variables it is possible to derive asymptotic distributions for the estimator without prior knowledge about the behavior (criticality) of the reproduction process. Before the three cases of criticality have been considered separately. Assuming that the immigration mean and variance vary regularly, conditions guaranteeing the strong consistency of the proposed estimator is also derived.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a statistical uncertainty principle that can be used when localizing a single change in the mean of a band-limited stationary random process. The statistical model investigated is a continuous time process that experiences a shift in its mean. This continuous time process is presumed to be sampled using an ideal low-pass filter. The least squares estimate of the location of the change in mean is asymptotically Gaussian. The standard deviation of the least squares estimate of the location of the change-point provides a physical limit to the accuracy of the estimate of the time of the mean shift which cannot be bettered.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with a two-dimensional discrete time risk model based on exchangeable dependent claim occurrences. In particular, we obtain a recursive expression for the finite time non ruin probability under such a dependence among claim occurrences. For an illustration, we define a bivariate compound beta-binomial risk model and present numerical results on this model by comparing the corresponding results of the bivariate compound binomial risk model.  相似文献   

Linear vector autoregressive (VAR) models where the innovations could be unconditionally heteroscedastic are considered. The volatility structure is deterministic and quite general, including breaks or trending variances as special cases. In this framework we propose ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized least squares (GLS) and adaptive least squares (ALS) procedures. The GLS estimator requires the knowledge of the time-varying variance structure while in the ALS approach the unknown variance is estimated by kernel smoothing with the outer product of the OLS residual vectors. Different bandwidths for the different cells of the time-varying variance matrix are also allowed. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimators for the VAR model coefficients and compare their properties. In particular we show that the ALS estimator is asymptotically equivalent to the infeasible GLS estimator. This asymptotic equivalence is obtained uniformly with respect to the bandwidth(s) in a given range and hence justifies data-driven bandwidth rules. Using these results we build Wald tests for the linear Granger causality in mean which are adapted to VAR processes driven by errors with a nonstationary volatility. It is also shown that the commonly used standard Wald test for the linear Granger causality in mean is potentially unreliable in our framework (incorrect level and lower asymptotic power). Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the use of the different estimation approaches for the analysis of VAR models with time-varying variance innovations.  相似文献   

In this article we consider Lévy driven continuous time moving average processes observed on a lattice, which are stationary time series. We show asymptotic normality of the sample mean, the sample autocovariances and the sample autocorrelations. A comparison with the classical setting of discrete moving average time series shows that in the last case a correction term should be added to the classical Bartlett formula that yields the asymptotic variance. An application to the asymptotic normality of the estimator of the Hurst exponent of fractional Lévy processes is also deduced from these results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method for testing absolutely regular and possibly nonstationary nonlinear time-series, with application to general AR-ARCH models. Our test statistic is based on a marked empirical process of residuals which is shown to converge to a Gaussian process with respect to the Skohorod topology. This testing procedure was first introduced by Stute [Nonparametric model checks for regression, Ann. Statist. 25 (1997), pp. 613–641] and then widely developed by Ngatchou-Wandji [Weak convergence of some marked empirical processes: Application to testing heteroscedasticity, J. Nonparametr. Stat. 14 (2002), pp. 325–339; Checking nonlinear heteroscedastic time series models, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 133 (2005), pp. 33–68; Local power of a Cramer-von Mises type test for parametric autoregressive models of order one, Compt. Math. Appl. 56(4) (2008), pp. 918–929] under more general conditions. Applications to general AR-ARCH models are given.  相似文献   

With the emergence of novel therapies exhibiting distinct mechanisms of action compared to traditional treatments, departure from the proportional hazard (PH) assumption in clinical trials with a time‐to‐event end point is increasingly common. In these situations, the hazard ratio may not be a valid statistical measurement of treatment effect, and the log‐rank test may no longer be the most powerful statistical test. The restricted mean survival time (RMST) is an alternative robust and clinically interpretable summary measure that does not rely on the PH assumption. We conduct extensive simulations to evaluate the performance and operating characteristics of the RMST‐based inference and against the hazard ratio–based inference, under various scenarios and design parameter setups. The log‐rank test is generally a powerful test when there is evident separation favoring 1 treatment arm at most of the time points across the Kaplan‐Meier survival curves, but the performance of the RMST test is similar. Under non‐PH scenarios where late separation of survival curves is observed, the RMST‐based test has better performance than the log‐rank test when the truncation time is reasonably close to the tail of the observed curves. Furthermore, when flat survival tail (or low event rate) in the experimental arm is expected, selecting the minimum of the maximum observed event time as the truncation timepoint for the RMST is not recommended. In addition, we recommend the inclusion of analysis based on the RMST curve over the truncation time in clinical settings where there is suspicion of substantial departure from the PH assumption.  相似文献   

In a Poisson process, it is well-known that the forward and backward recurrence times at a given time point t are independent random variables. In a renewal process, although the joint distribution of these quantities is known (asymptotically), it seems that very few results regarding their covariance function exist. In the present paper, we study this covariance and, in particular, we state both necessary and sufficient conditions for it to be positive, zero or negative in terms of reliability classifications and the coefficient of variation of the underlying inter-renewal and the associated equilibrium distribution. Our results apply either for an ordinary renewal process in the steady state or for a stationary process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of a stochastic model in the analysis of response assessments made at various time points in a clinical trial of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The transition rates and probabilities during treatment administration are derived using maximum likelihood methods. The results are then compared with the standard analyses used in solid tumour studies. Stochastic modelling is considered to complement the standard analyses, provide a holistic approach and better explain the underlying disease process. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary.  To analyse functional status transitions in the older population better, we fit a semi-Markov process model to data from the 1992–2002 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. We used an analogue of the stochastic EM algorithm to address the problem of left censoring of spells in longitudinal data. The iterative algorithm converged robustly under various initial values for the unobserved elapsed durations of spells in progress at base-line. Results on life expectancy and recovery from functional limitations based on the semi-Markov process model differ from those based on the traditional multistate life-table method. The proposed treatment of left-censored spells has the potential to expand the modelling capability that is available to researchers in fields where left censoring is a concern.  相似文献   

We consider a functional linear model where the explicative variables are known stochastic processes taking values in a Hilbert space, the main example is given by Gaussian processes in L2([0,1])L2([0,1]). We propose estimators of the Sobol indices in this functional linear model. Our estimators are based on U-statistics. We prove the asymptotic normality and the efficiency of our estimators and we compare them from a theoretical and practical point of view with classical estimators of Sobol indices.  相似文献   

Precarious employment is a serious social problem, especially in those countries, such as Italy, where there are limited benefits from social security. We investigate this phenomenon by analysing the initial part of the career of employees starting with unstable contracts for a panel of Italian workers. Our aim is to estimate the probability of getting a stable job and to detect factors influencing both this probability and the duration of precariousness. To answer these questions, we use an ad hoc mixture cure rate model in a Bayesian framework.  相似文献   

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