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Bereavement in childhood can seriously affect a child's development. There is a tendency to diminish the child's experience of loss because bereaved parents are often less sensitive to their children and because children express their grief in a more discreet manner than is typical of adult grief. This tendency leads to the child's needs being underestimated and under-reported. A model of social work intervention which advocates short-term involvement has been shown to have a significant effect upon the well-being of the child and his family. The paper begins with a brief review of the literature on mourning, which highlights various perspectives on the role and nature of the process. A model of mourning which embraces the differences between adult and child mourning will be proposed which is informed by the principles of attachment theory and defined as a continuing process of adjustment rather than a resolvable experience of loss. This model of mourning has implications for social work intervention and is the foundation of the practice model. The practice model involves six bereavement counselling sessions with the parent, six play sessions with the child and formal and informal involvement with the child's teacher. It has four aims: (I) to enhance sensitivity in the parent to the child's experience of loss and mode of mourning, (2) to develop an improved pattern of communication within the child-parent relationship, (3) to develop resources for the child in his personal environment and (4) to enhance the child's resourcefulness within his mourning thus enabling him to feel more competent in the longer term. The model is founded upon an awareness of the need for short-term intervention within the context of a long-term issue and seeks to address both perspectives simultaneously. Some of children's commoner responses to bereavement will be outlined within the context of the play sessions and methods for resolving the problems associated with them will be discussed. Finally the nature of reasonable outcomes for the work will be considered.  相似文献   

1. In group discussions on sexuality, the topics discussed most often by recovering chemically dependent women were incest and sexual child abuse; rape; sex while sober; values regarding sex; battering; women's health concerns; and coping strategies. 2. Addressing sexuality in an unstructured format allows the women time to deal with these issues as they are able, since strong emotions are evoked. 3. The group leader needs to be knowledgeable about sexuality and be comfortable with explicit sexual and abuse talk.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale and strategies for using scrapbooks and portfolios within the context of group work with minority women recovering from chemical dependence. An expanded model of recovery-based group work places the use of scrapbooks and portfolios within the context of a practice model that seeks to increase general and social self-efficacy in these women. Memory scrapbooks, lifecourse scrapbooks, and recovery portfolios are defined; their differential use in group work is described; and ways group members can use the tools to strengthen their sources of self-efficacy are explored.  相似文献   

The justice system has witnessed the negative consequences of chemical abuse. Infants are especially vulnerable to harm as a result of maternal drug use. This article uses a legal perspective to examine the conflict between maternal and fetal rights and reviews selected decisions and laws designed to protect children from maternal drug use. It advocates a policy of state intervention in order to protect children from the damage which can accompany maternal chemical use.  相似文献   

Clark HW 《Child welfare》2001,80(2):179-198
In FY 1993 and FY 1995, the federal government awarded 27 five-year grants that supported 35 residential treatment projects for substance-abusing pregnant and postpartum women and their children. These projects provided comprehensive culturally and gender-specific treatment. Preliminary aggregated data collected in a national cross-site evaluation of 24 of these projects are encouraging with respect to infant mortality and morbidity, treatment retention and completion rates, and behavioral changes in the participating mothers at six months postdischarge. Local evaluations reflect other benefits of treatment. Cost data are expected to demonstrate the efficiencies and benefits of these projects compared to no treatment.  相似文献   

Blood vengeance is a culturally specific phenomenon that can place Bedouin-Arab children at high risk of neglect. This case study examines the psychological and social implications of vengeance on children, the children's coping strategies, and the role of social work. The social work function includes nonauthoritarianism, strategies for forming a positive helping alliance, and various forms of culturally sensitive assessment and intervention. The study therefore yields insight into bridging the emic-etic gap in conceptualizing and responding to child neglect in a non-Western society.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the family effects of unemployment in order to specify how changes in the economy might effect fathering during periods of unemployment. The purpose for doing so is to provide information to clinicians on how job loss effects family dynamics. This paper is organized around three variables that are seen as influencing the father and child relationship. These variables are: the father's reaction to job loss, the mother's reaction to job loss, and the characteristics of the child. The paper ends with a discussion of the policy and practice implications of the literature.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to bring together three issues about which I have felt a nagging, persistent sense of unease over the past 10 years or more. They can be formulated thus: (a) Why is there a great divide between the professional debate on child abuse and that about other aspects of child care policy and practice; (b) Why is accepted good practice so often not carried out; (c) Why are the related implications of research so hard to translate into effective practice? These questions become even more pressing in the present political climate and in the context of the Implementation of the Children Act 1989.  相似文献   

Culturally sensitive intervention with children and families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the thesis that cultural sensitivity is a special form of interpersonal sensitivity and an indispensable ingredient in successful intervention with members of other cultures. Examples from clinical work, attachment research, case management and professional consultation are provided to illustrate the different settings where this approach can be applied.This paper is a revised version of a presentation at the Training Institute of the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, Washington, D.C., December 1987.  相似文献   

The arguments for and against policy measures designed to increase birth rates in European countries are reviewed. The author concludes that the deterioration of the environment associated with the growth of population in developed countries outweighs any arguments in favor of policy measures to increase fertility.  相似文献   

The concept of ‘fuel poverty’, the inability to afford adequate warmth at home has become a focus for social policies in recent years. Increasing numbers of households dependent on social security and the likelihood that fuel will become more expensive mean that the existing problem of fuel poverty may become even greater. The data on fuel expenditure and related variables from three national surveys are used to evaluate various policy options for relieving fuel poverty. Three policies for increasing incomes to pay for fuel costs are considered, increasing benefits, introducing a fuel allowance or extending the existing scheme of additional heating requirements. The policies for reducing fuel expenditure are also considered, restructuring tariffs, changing payment methods and conservation measures. The case is made for priority to be given to an advice and information campaign and a conservation programme aimed at poor households who are unable to respond to existing price signals and grants.  相似文献   

Conclusion Social policy that affects infants, toddlers and their families also affects individual social workers, the arenas in which we practice, and the opportunities for our profession as a whole to work effectively. Since social policy is created and implemented at many levels and in a process that is an ongoing one, social workers at every stage of experience and in any setting can participate. With our twin commitment to the development of the individual and to a society based on interdependence, social workers have much to offer. And there is much to do.The profession of social work has the broad purpose of trying to make it possible that every individual have the most productive life of which he is capable.Charlotte Towle,Common Human Needs, 1945, p.10  相似文献   


A general awareness of destructive cults is increasing with a number of groups self-destructing in recent years. What is generally less well known is the phenomenon of smaller, but no less destructive groups that are found in society. From the author's experience, few health professionals are knowledgable about cult dynamics and the variegated approach needed to address the therapeutic concerns of those who leave such groups. This paper will highlight some of the difficulties for the individual who leaves an abusive group, and will offer guidelines for the social worker who attempts to understand the needs of the ex-cultist. It will briefly outline some of the thought reforming processes that an individual can undergo in certain groups, and explore various facets of assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

The Key West Housing Authority created SafePort, a residential substance abuse treatment program within public housing to provide drug treatment to parenting women. All family members-women, children, and significant others-receive comprehensive assessments to determine appropriate therapeutic interventions to resolve their problems. Preliminary evaluation findings suggest that women who participate with their children are more likely to remain drug free than are those who participated without their children.  相似文献   

Israel is a child-centered culture. Social work with children predates the existence of the State of Israel. There is a rich array of services for children. In the last 10 years, the emphasis has changed from using child placement as a panacea for children's problems, to treating the child as part of the family system. Placement of children in agricultural collectives, boarding schools, and youth villages has historically been on option for all children, and social workers used this plan as well. Implications of the change to family treatment is discussed as are various areas in which social workers offer direct treatment to children.  相似文献   

Issues in intervention with battered women in collectivist societies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past three decades, several models for individual and group intervention with battered women have been developed. The common assumption underlying all of these models is that violence and abuse are never appropriate in an intimate relationship, and that battered women have a basic right to safety, which is not negotiable. Because almost all of those models were developed in the individualistic contexts of Western societies, some questions and concerns have been raised as to their suitability for intervention with battered women in collectivist contexts. In this article, we explore the characteristics of collectivist societies based on the conceptual framework of Triandis, Brislin, and Hui, (1988) which focuses on five dimensions: the self, attitudes, values, activities, and behaviors. Furthermore, we explore each of those dimensions and their relevance to various aspects of wife abuse in collectivist societies, such as the way that battered women cope with violence against them, and possibilities for professional intervention.  相似文献   


Child neglect has proved a particularly difficult area for social work to address. In the first part of the paper a number of reasons for this are discussed. We go on to suggest that chronic child neglect characteristically involves the breakdown or absence of a relationship of care. Therefore, the social work response needs to include a focus on the relationship difficulties between parent and child which manifest as either an unwillingness or inability on the part of the primary carer to offer reliable, adequate care, and on broader relationship difficulties within the family. In arguing for an approach that pays attention to the intra-personal and relational dynamics of neglect, we draw specifically on attachment theory and consider how Ainsworth's (1978) typology of attachment patterns can shed light on parenting styles and patterns of family functioning associated with chronic neglect. We use the concept of the 'internal working model' to develop an understanding of the ways in which family members understand and live out their relationships—with each other and with the worker. We conclude by suggesting that this relational approach requires an ability on the part of the social worker to work both with and within relationships, and look at the contribution that a critically informed relationship-based approach can make to work with families where child neglect occurs.  相似文献   

Luke KP 《Child welfare》2002,81(6):929-948
Maternal incarceration has deleterious effects on children, families, and society, but child welfare professionals historically have paid limited attention to maternal incarceration. Two recent changes have required the reevaluation of that stance: the dramatic increase in the number of women in prison, and the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997. This article discusses the reality of maternal incarceration, analyzes one prison's attempt to provide programs to support inmate mothers and their children, and makes policy and program recommendations.  相似文献   

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