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Using micro data from the 2010 National Survey on Households’ Budget, Consumption and Standard of Living, this study aims to investigate main factors contributing to poverty distribution, one of the most severe socioeconomic problems in Tunisia. To this end, we use a multilevel Logit model and a multilevel mixed linear model to simultaneously analyze the micro-level (household) and macro-level (governorate) factors that might affect the household poverty status. Household size, household composition, occupation, education levels, the gender of the household head and the number of earner by household variables were assessed at the micro-level. Unemployment rate, poverty rate, industrial and agriculture parts and the migration are included to control the effect of contextual effects. Our findings showed that the likelihood of household being poor is positively and significantly related to household size, more children and lower education level. Extreme poverty is more likely to occur in rural than urban areas. Macro-level analyses indicated that greater neighbourhood unemployment rate was associated with higher odds of poverty, while greater industrial agglomeration and migration balance were associated with reduced odds of poverty.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed look at the immigration and internal migration dynamics of child poverty for US States based on the 1990 US census. It assesses the impact of two policy-relevant factors on the migration of poor children across States: (1) the role of high immigration levels as a potential push for native-born and longer-term resident poor children whose parents may be reacting to the economic competition or social costs in high immigration States; and (2) the role of State AFDC benefits as a potential pull for poor children who migrate with their parents to States with higher benefit levels. The results make plain that the interstate migration patterns of poverty children differ from those of nonpoverty children, especially among whites and blacks. Female-headed households show different inter-state migration patterns than those in married-couple households. However, a multivariate analysis which includes standard state-level economic attributes provides more support for an immigration push than for a welfare magnet pull in affecting the inter-state migration of poor children. The findings also show a demographic displacement of poor children occurring in high immigration States where the net out-migration of poor children is more than compensated by larger numbers of new immigrant children in poor families with different demographic attributes. Because of these migration dynamics, the demographic profile of the child poverty population will differ across States, suggesting the need for different strategies toward reducing child poverty at the State level.  相似文献   


This paper empirically examines the disparities over time across six dimensions of poverty (monetary, education, health, housing, basic services, and durable assets) between ethnic minority and majority households in rural Vietnam. Using the five-wave panel data of the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) 2008–2016, we observe improvements in most non-monetary dimensions of poverty for both ethnic groups, while the monetary dimension shows the highest degrees of deprivation and the lowest rate of decrease during the studied period. Health is the only dimension in which ethnic minority households are not only better off than those of majority households during the studied period, but also report improvement. We further explore the role of social capital in ethnic minorities and non-minorities at household and community levels in multiple dimensions of poverty by employing multilevel models. Our study reports the significant effects social capital have at the community level on reducing poverty in the monetary, education, housing, and basic services dimensions for ethnic minorities, while social capital at the household level shows significant effects on monetary, basic services, and durable assets. These findings indicate that policy makers ought to consider the role of social capital when designing poverty alleviation strategies for the country.


Despite a large body of literature on depression, previous studies have focused on either intra- or interpersonal factors but not multilevel influences, which potentially could buffer depression in late life. The intent of this study was to identify whether the impact of poverty might be moderated by multilevel factors such as sense of control, social support, and neighborhood environment. The results showed that the elderly poor, especially older women, were more likely to be depressed. Support from friends significantly moderated the association between depression and poverty among older women. Implications for critical feminist gerontology and for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Brady D  Burroway R 《Demography》2012,49(2):719-746
We examine the influence of individual characteristics and targeted and universal social policy on single-mother poverty with a multilevel analysis across 18 affluent Western democracies. Although single mothers are disproportionately poor in all countries, there is even more cross-national variation in single-mother poverty than in poverty among the overall population. By far, the United States has the highest rate of poverty among single mothers among affluent democracies. The analyses show that single-mother poverty is a function of the household’s employment, education, and age composition, and the presence of other adults in the household. Beyond individual characteristics, social policy exerts substantial influence on single-mother poverty. We find that two measures of universal social policy significantly reduce single-mother poverty. However, one measure of targeted social policy does not have significant effects, and another measure is significantly negative only when controlling for universal social policy. Moreover, the effects of universal social policy are larger. Additional analyses show that universal social policy does not have counterproductive consequences in terms of family structure or employment, while the results are less clear for targeted social policy. Although debates often focus on altering the behavior or characteristics of single mothers, welfare universalism could be an even more effective anti-poverty strategy.  相似文献   

A convenience sample of 90 nursing students participated in an online survey measuring homophobia or sexual prejudice. Significantly higher scores were seen among those who endorsed the belief that being gay was a matter of personal choice, did not have a friend or family member who was gay or lesbian, and endorsed religiosity. A significantly higher level of sexual prejudice was seen among those who identified as non-Catholic Christians when compared to other religions. Asian/Pacific Islanders showed significantly higher scores on the scales compared to non-Hispanic Caucasian students. Nursing education should focus on those aspects of homophobia amenable to change.  相似文献   

In a previous paper in this journal (Headey etal., 2000) a comparison was made between threeso-called `best cases' of welfare regime types,the `Liberal' US, `the `Corporatist' Germanyand the `Social-Democratic' Netherlands. Themain conclusion was that the Social-Democraticwelfare state performed best on nearly allsocial and economic indicators that wereapplied. That paper was based on the ten-yeardatasets drawn from the national socio-economicpanel studies. For this paper we use the uniquecomparative panel dataset of the EuropeanCommunity Household Panel. At the time ofresearch, only three waves of data covering the1994–96 period were available. Instead of threecountries representing three different welfarestate types as in the earlier paper we covertwelve countries allowing us to distinguish afourth Southern or Mediterranean welfare regimetype and to compare the performance of the fourregimes. Compared to the Headey's et al. paperwe focus on the comparative analysis of thelevel of deprivation and pay less attention toincome poverty and inequality. Because weconsider deprivation to be part of the conceptof social exclusion (see also Atkinson et al.,2002) our results also provide evidence on howwelfare regimes across the EU cope with socialexclusion. We conclude that theSocial-Democratic welfare state does a good jobof preventing income poverty but performs lesswell in equalising levels of deprivation. Ourresults also show that the immature Southernwelfare states perform worse with respect topreventing deprivation. Trying to explainlevels of deprivation by estimating Tobit panelregressions it turned out that the impact ofregime type remains significant though limited.Common, `structural' disparities between thecountries and regimes in terms of economicwelfare, the demographic structure, and theemployment situation explain most of thevariance across countries.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - The extent to which welfare states target resources to the poor and the effect this may have on redistribution and public support remains an important question in...  相似文献   

影响转型期中国农村贫困率指标的因素的分解研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章利用统计年鉴的分组数据拟合出洛伦兹曲线,计算贫困率指标,再将其变动分解为经济增长和收入分配的作用。最后得出结论:中国农村贫困状况逐渐缓解,其变化具有明显的周期性;经济增长使农村居民收入增加,贫困率下降,其贡献随经济波动出现周期性;中国农村居民的收入差距逐渐拉大,收入不平等加剧农村贫困;中国农村居民收入差距的变动尚在"库兹涅茨倒U曲线"的前半段,呈收敛趋势向拐点逐渐靠拢。  相似文献   

本文利用2012年适度普惠老年人福利数据库对我国老年人的福利需要及影响因素进行探讨.研究发现,老年人在娱乐、交通、医疗福利层面的福利需要程度较高,而对法律福利层面的福利项目需要水平较低.受教育程度、健康状况、婚姻状况、家庭经济水平及户籍均对老年人的福利需要有显著影响,且老年人的福利需要水平存在地区差异.  相似文献   

Research on daily time and how it is allocated has generally considered the time spent in specific activities. However, social theory suggests that time use is socially patterned whether by social organization, heterogeneity, and/or stratification. Drawing on four broad types of time (contracted, committed, necessary, and free), we use Multinomial Logit Latent Class Analysis to discuss eight daily temporal pathways and associations with individual characteristics. Our analysis highlights the variations and similarities across pathways, the impact of paid work in structuring daily life, the social patterning of sleep and leisure, and socio-demographic profiles of the pathways of working-age Americans.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This study analyzes uni-and multidimensional poverty and inequalities in rural and small towns in Ethiopia. Unlike the unidimensional measure, the multidimensional...  相似文献   

刘林 《西北人口》2013,(3):67-73
本文利用新疆30个扶贫重点县的3000农户的调查数据,对影响农户参与扶贫活动的因素进行了计量经济分析。分析结果表明:从农户所在社区情况、农户基本特征和具备的能力来看,总体反映出社区情况越恶劣、农户各方面条件和能力越差,越有可能参与扶贫活动的规律,从而验证了扶贫开发所具有的"趋害疏利"的特性;从农户的参与意愿来看,农户对扶贫活动或扶贫项目的了解程度显著影响其参与活动,同时还体现出农户参与愿望与扶贫资源相对有限的矛盾,这也是扶贫开发过程中存在的很多问题的根本原因所在。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes subjective poverty in Hungary and compares it to the objective poverty concepts. Subjective poverty is defined by examining who people consider to be poor. Based on the Easterlin paradox, the initial hypothesis states that subjective and absolute poverty concepts are highly correlated. Taking into account that Hungary is a developed country, subjective well-being is supposed to be associated not only with absolute, but also with relative deprivation. The methods of systematic data collection are used to collect data about the belief of the population. The paper concludes that low income level, Roma descent, entitlement to social supports and unemployment are the items thought to be most related to poverty by the informants. It proves that subjective poverty is a multidimensional concept. It also concludes that absolute and relative poverty thresholds coincide with the subjective one. It implies that increasing the absolute income level of individuals may not be enough to improve their subjective wellbeing as they are also concerned with their relative income position.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is measure social welfare in Spanish provinces. To achieve this, we use the distance method P2 to compose a synthetic indicator of welfare for 2007, the last year for which data are available. The index comprises information on different social indicators from various life domains and enables a classification of Spanish provinces, as well as a study of the impact of each individual indicator in order to determine provincial disparities in social welfare levels.  相似文献   

北京市老年人生活自理能力评价与相关因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用按类分层、随机、整群等距的抽样方法,于1992年调查了宣武区、大兴县及怀柔县55岁以上老年前期及老年人3 257人,1997年进行了随访调查.调查资料经过多因素分析显示增龄是老年人功能衰退的第一位影响因素,其次为不爱参加体育活动、居住在农村地区、患慢性病、居住在大家庭(与子女同住)、女性及文盲老人,趋向于躯体功能早衰,其生活不能自理的发生率高.因此,积极防治老年常见病,预防功能残疾是减少老年人躯体功能衰退、生活依赖的关键.  相似文献   

从瑞典福利制度看北欧福利国家模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北欧国家形成的“斯堪的纳维亚福利模式”一直受到世界的瞩目,该模式以社会再分配作为基石,通过大面积的普遍性公共资助计划给予国民基本的社会福利,同时辅之以社会保险和社会救助。在分析北欧国家的福利制度时,最重要的一点是区分普遍性的公共资助计划、真正意义上的社会保险和社会救助三者之间的界限以及模糊地带。本文旨在通过对瑞典福利制度的介绍,透视整个北欧国家的福利模式。  相似文献   

文章主要以浙江省城镇贫困的实证分析为例,探讨城镇反贫困的有效政策。作者测定了近两年的浙江省城镇居民收入贫困线和有关贫困指数、1997年以来相对贫困的变动轨迹、低保规模和标准,分析了影响浙江省城镇贫困的若干原因,在此基础上提出了城镇反贫困的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

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