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颠覆与建构1990年代以来英文学界中国女性群体形象研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶敏磊  毛升 《社会》2006,26(1):187-205
在当今中国女性研究领域,女性群体形象一直是东西方学界共同关注的主题之一,特别是20 世纪90年代以来西方出现了一批较有分量的研究专著和期刊论文。本文试图对20 世纪90年代以来有关中国女性群体形象的英文研究成果加以评介,并与大陆女性研究进行比较,以期从女性群体形象的角度探讨西方中国女性研究的特点及其与大陆女性研究在理论立足点、学者性别构成、选题等方面的异同。这些女性群体包括:新女性传统女性、才女、家庭妇女职业妇女、贞妇烈女、妓女、农村妇女、女勇士、女尼等。  相似文献   

宋桂珍  张萍 《学术交流》2007,(2):165-167
张爱玲女性文学创作的现代性主要体现为男权颠覆意识和女性自审意识。她塑造的男性形象多为穷嫖滥赌、淫靡荒唐的纨绔子弟,封建遗少或肢体、精神残障者,构成了当时社会上丑怪男性形象的图谱,从而揭露了男权社会的黑暗和腐败,男权伦理道德的反动和荒谬。他塑造的女性形象多为麻木、卑琐、匮乏或焦虑、变态、丑怪的女性,走向女性本体和灵魂的内审,从反面警醒女性只有自尊、自爱、自省,反叛传统,坚守自我人格和女性意识,焕发生命力,才能成为人和女人。  相似文献   

闵建国 《社科纵横》2005,20(4):170-171
中国现代文学女性形象的塑造立足于文化民族化,现代化和文化的进步,对民族文化发展的方向、道路、模式重新定位、定向,为民族的先进文化构建提供了价值目标、精神动力和价值观念,从而推动了现代社会文化创新和民族文化的健康发展。  相似文献   

两百年来,席卷世界的、要与男性分掌乾坤的女性解放运动,无论在理论上还是实践上都陷入了误区.因而令追求解放的女性困惑、迷茫。究其根本原因,乃是没有真正科学的世界观和理论作指导。本文以马克思主义世界观和方法论为导引,从哲学、社会学、心理学、伦理学、人类学的视角,批判了西方女权主义者的偏激理论和行为,提出了妇女解放的尺度,指出了女性解放运动的误区、困惑以及科技革命对女性解放的双重影响,直面中国现实社会中的虐待妇女、买卖婚姻、卖淫、纳妾、女性男性化、女性就业危机等女性社会问题,探讨了女性解放之路。  相似文献   

<正>在专注于书写精英男性的古代史学中,女性群体一直处于被忽略的地方,女性群体被称为是"失语"的群体。而见于正史中的女性形象,又大多是男性用于对女性的教化而记录,因而她们的历史,也往往被认为是由男性构建出的历史。由此,中国古代的女子在历史上的真实样貌,被盖上了层层神秘的面纱。20世纪初,由于马克思主义影响的增强和西方史学由传统史学向新史学的转变,历史  相似文献   

社会学是一门科学地理解和说明社会现象的学问,是关于人们的社会生活以及集体或社会的研究.社会学关注的范围很广,从人类的自我发展或人格的形成等微观方面,到各种社会制度或全球性的社会变动等宏观方面,其目的是通过对社会现实的分析探索更加美好的社会前景.但是从传统的社会学理论和概念来看,女性是被忽略的.社会学的研究主题主要集中于男性的生活或经验,男性成为其主要的研究对象,女性在研究对象中被排斥或者低估.因此,在社会学中,较多体现男性生活的概念、方法和理论比较多见,并被视为对人类行为的普遍性说明.对此,女性社会学家多蒙西·史密斯称,社会学是关于男性的、由男性研究的、为男性服务的学问.  相似文献   

托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》与张贤亮在《男人的一半是女人》中都以饱蘸深情的笔触刻画了在特殊社会历史时期落入生活困境的两位具有魅力、引人深思并富有诗性特质的女性形象。一个多世纪过去了,苔丝形象仍然摇曳于世界文学画廊之中;尽管时空变换,黄香久独具风姿的形象仍然在中国当代文学中熠熠生辉。她们在和谐、美丽、宁静的自然环境中,内心充盈着女性的浪漫情怀与欲望表达;在恶劣的社会环境中,她们的性格发生了扭曲与异化;在经历了生活的挫折与不幸后,她们仍然追求真挚爱情与灵魂的高贵。作者在作品中也将自己内心的苦闷进行了悲剧性的宣泄,体现了对女性命运的"了解之同情",突出了中西方文学中女性苦难命运的主题。作者在演绎女性悲剧人生的同时,从女性立场出发,对女性情感中的浪漫与感伤及女性生活的现实作了设身处地、将心比心的阐述,从而印证了中西方作家共同的诗学精神。  相似文献   

文学是时代景象与精神的生动记录和写照,小说中的想象在社会、时代的发展过程中与时俱变,主导着小说中形象的塑造。20世纪初东北小说中的女性想象亦是如此,具化在作品中的形象承载着时代对女性的期许,也透露了蕴含在这些形象中的社会思想况味。此期东北小说中的女性形象大致可划分为:西风东渐的世界大势之下的西方先进国家的女性,她们有着成熟的个人意识,追求实现个人价值,自给自立自强,有着沟通中西、引新入旧的作用,寄寓了近代中国社会和女性进步的目标;善良隐忍、多苦多难的传统女性,她们的思想意识、社会地位受制于传统宗法伦理规范,大多没有独立的经济、社会地位,她们的形象仍集中了比较多的牺牲况味;现代启蒙进程中向新而在、面相复杂的新女性,她们在现代启蒙中不同程度地接受了现代文明的熏陶,对时代潮流做出了积极应和。对于形象的个性化创造影响了小说文体变化,尤其是推动了叙事中对于塑造人物的各种关系的探索,与传统小说文体相较,有了更多的复杂性和深广度。这些探索有益于呈现20世纪中国文学的发展轨迹,深入认知20世纪初东北社会的现代化进程。  相似文献   

文章分析了目前中国性学研究中女性声音和女性主义视角缺席的原因 ,指出把社会性别分析方法引入性问题研究的必要性 ;并分别从男性性观念和女性性观念的表现出发 ,分析了传统文化的双重性道德标准对女性的歧视、压力和损害 ;通过对女性性主体地位、经期性交、女性G点研究、性交中的不应期等话题的讨论 ,揭示了与女性有关的性学理论中的社会性别视角。  相似文献   

本研究采用符号学分析法,分析了《中国妇女》、《家庭》、《女友》、《时尚·Cosmopolitan》四本中国女性杂志刊载的五个当代中国女性人物故事,得出铁姑娘、贤内助、时尚女三种女性形象类型。检视这三类女性形象的深层意义,可以发现它们事实上蕴含了传统父权社会对女性片面价值观的社会迷思;同时,它们也在鼓励女性参与父权体制建构的消费主义意识形态。  相似文献   

Although enhancing family functioning has become a rising concern of social workers in Chinese contexts such as Hong Kong, little has been known on perceived family functioning and family resources. To fill in this knowledge gap, this article reports part of the results of a telephone survey conducted in Hong Kong, aiming to identify the sex differences in these two areas. The results of the study have shown that Chinese women perceived better affective involvement, one of the crucial indicators of family functioning, than Chinese men. However, among the different family resources, men rated better physical and mental well-being whereas women's social connection was stronger than men's. Further analysis have shown that the linkage of three family resources (namely stress coping efficacy, time spent with family and income) to perceived family functioning was statistically significant irrespective of genders. Implications of this study for social work practice are discussed at the end of the article.  相似文献   

Recent research has pointed out the gender-blindness of mainstream discussion on social well-being, social policy and citizenship. In this article the differences between men's and women's well-being in Estonia and Finland were studied according to the subjects' perceived stress symptoms within their work-family arrangements. While paid work is expected to be the responsibility of both genders in both countries, unpaid work is expected to be the main responsibility of women in Estonia, and the shared responsibility of both men and women in Finland. The results support the hypotheses about the different gendered outcomes of social policy in these countries. The greater load of unpaid work of the employed Estonian women was connected with a higher level of stress. The fact that the Finnish women perceived less stress than their Estonian counterparts and that the difference between women's and men's stress level in two-earner families with children was smaller in Finland than in Estonia, supports previous research illustrating the more women-friendly character of Finnish social policy.  相似文献   

郑莉  曾旭晖 《社会》2016,36(6):209-237
本研究考察在社会分层与性别分层的交互作用下,生命历程中的两个竞争性理论--“累积优势/劣势理论”和“年龄中和效应理论”,哪一个更能解释中国男性和女性所经历的健康不平等。本研究利用“中国健康与营养调查”(CHNS)追踪数据和成长曲线模型发现,性别对社会分层导致的健康不平等及其发展有独特的影响。与男性相比,女性在各个年龄阶段都处于健康劣势,这一劣势是因为女性从教育和收入所获得的健康回报比男性低。此外,女性之间因为教育和收入导致的健康不平等程度随年龄的增长而缩小,男性之间的健康不平等程度并不随年龄的增长而改变,因此,本研究不支持健康不平等的“累积优势/劣势假说”,而是在女性群体中支持“年龄中和效应理论”。  相似文献   

王杰  李姚军 《社会》2023,43(2):210-233
本文利用2018年“中国家庭追踪调查”(CFPS)数据,使用对数线性模型,分析了1978~2018年家庭背景与自身教育在择偶过程中地位交换的性别与时期差异。研究发现,在跨越出身阶层与自身教育地位的异质婚中,夫妻一方会利用自身的相对教育地位优势交换另一方的相对出身阶层优势,这支持了地位交换论。1978~1991年结婚的夫妻中,女性更多通过相对教育优势交换男性的相对出身优势。随着时间的推移,出身阶层与教育在择偶过程中的地位交换强度不断增强,但更多体现在男性通过自身相对教育优势交换女性相对出身优势的婚配模式上,而女性的这一婚配模式呈先降后升趋势。可见,随着时代变迁,家庭背景在女性的向上婚姻流动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

Objective . We examine the political attitudes and priorities of contributors to two prominent women's PACs for evidence of a gender gap. Methods . A survey of contributors to EMILY's List and to WISH List shows that contributors to both organizations are overwhelmingly women. However, because EMILY's List is so large, there is a sufficient number of men to compare to the two groups of women using percentages and difference-of-means tests. Results . Partisanship is the overriding influence on political priorities and attitudes toward economic and social welfare policy. However, partisanship and gender interact to influence political attitudes in at least two areas. First, EMILY's List men are more supportive of militarism and use of force than are EMILY's List women, but they are less supportive than WISH List women. Second, the women of EMILY's List are more staunchly feminist than either EMILY's List men or WISH List women. Conclusions . We conclude that the source of each group's financial commitment to women's political equality and reproductive rights is different: for EMILY's List women, it is liberal feminism; for WISH List women, it is libertarianism; and for EMILY's List men, it is general egalitarianism.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Alastair Christie, Department of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, Cork. Email: A.Christie{at}ucc.ie Summary The European Commission and the Equal Opportunities Commissionhave called for the increased employment of men in occupations,such as social work, where men are numerically under-represented.In Britain, men's employment in social work is contentious but,as yet, little discussed. This article draws on Williams' (1993,1995) concept of ‘non-traditional occupations for men’to explore the positions of men in social work. It focuses inparticular on continuities and dissonances between dominantconstructions of men's gender and professional social work identities.These are discussed in relation to particular areas of practiceand an agenda for further investigation is considered.  相似文献   

本文从角色视角,利用调查数据,分析性别失衡背景下农民工心理失范的性别差异及其机制。研究发现,性别、婚姻状况和与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工的心理失范具有显著影响,其中,男性的心理失范程度要比女性严重,婚姻状态对农民工的心理失范影响没有性别差异,与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工心理失范的影响存在性别差异。研究进一步发展了暴露差异理论与脆弱性差异理论,认为社会角色与性别角色变迁的不一致导致了角色紧张的出现,从而导致心理失范及其影响因素的性别差异。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that women generally adjust to unemployment better than men. This study shows that young women value work equally as highly as men, and have negative feelings when unemployed, which indicates the existence of a closed gender gap. However, children have a different influence on men's and women's unemployment experiences. Being a parent increases job-search activity and work involvement among men. On the other hand, children moderate negative experiences of unemployment among women, and they decrease their job-search activity and work involvement. Being a parent increases labour-market marginality among young unemployed women. For young men it is a motivational factor for searching for and getting a job. The comparison shows furthermore that patterns of re-employment vary in the involved countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Scotland. They reflect differences in the overall unemployment situation in the countries and the welfare strategies applied.  相似文献   

This study examines spouse matching for females in second order marriages or cohabitating relationships. It is based on detailed data from longitudinal Swedish population registers. We follow women who marry, divorce, and subsequently remarry compared to women who marry and remain married over the course of the study interval. The earnings of both groups, along with the earnings of their respective husbands, are modeled on the basis of data in the year prior to their marriages. From the regressions we obtain spouse-to-be pairs of earnings residuals and measure the correlation between spouses within each marital regime. Overall, we find significant positive residual correlations for both sample partitions. The correlation is smaller for the first of two marriages for women who divorce than for women who marry and remain married. For the second of successive marriages, however, the correlation is larger than that for women who marry but once. Also for twice-married women, we find evidence of matching between successive husbands. Women who marry men with unmeasured positive earnings capacities, in the event of divorce, tend to select and match in a similar fashion the second time around.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between social integration and suicide rates has neglected a historical perspective. Analyses are often based on relatively short time periods where there may not be enough variation in integration to affect the national suicide rate, or where overall integration levels are not low enough to buttress a link between a specific index of low integration, such as divorce, and suicide. The present investigation contributes to the literature by testing a hypothesis on domestic integration and suicide over a century, the longest period studied to date, encompassing periods of low and high overall social integration, and emergent risk and protective factors. Data are available for core variables for Denmark, 1906–2006. Annual data include those on suicide, and indicators of integration (divorces, births, marriages), as well as for economic strain (unemployment) and time trends. A log linear Poisson model is estimated, which explores the central divorce–suicide relationship under controls for confounders. Controlling for confounders, a one percent increase in divorce increases male suicides by 0.52% and female suicides by 1.12%. As anticipated, marriages decrease suicide: a one percent increase in marriages reduces suicide by 0.77% for men and by 0.63% for women. The trend in divorce, in particular, offers accurate predictions of suicide throughout the century. The relationship between divorce and suicide over a century is robust. The results offer the strongest support to date in support of a social integration model based on long term historical data on suicide and divorce.  相似文献   

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