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上海《时报》是旧上海三大民营报纸之一,初为康有为梁启超在国内的舆论喉舌,但终因宣传不力而与康梁决裂。后经历了两次重大蜕变:为文人所办的报纸,业务方面锐意革新,但政治上表现平庸;最后成了被称为“黄报”的商业大众化报纸,但连年亏损。上海《时报》可谓“党人报不党”“文人报不论政”“商人报不盈利”,这背后既有复杂的政治社会背景,又展现了一个多种形态的中国近现代报业构成。  相似文献   

于珊珊 《报林》2018,(1):56-57
文艺副刊具有文化气息浓、品位高雅、思想性强的特点。近几年,在新媒体的冲击下,文艺副刊虽几经沉浮,却在不断摸索、寻求自身定位。本文从当代文艺副刊的特征入手,以《人民铁道》报'汽笛'副刊为例,浅谈文艺副刊在当代的坚守与突破,并尝试为文艺副刊的出路与发展提出建议。  相似文献   

抗战沦陷时期,天津报纸文艺副刊登载了大量文学作品,构成了中国现代文学的重要组成部分。在日伪的高压钳制下,以《庸报》为代表的文艺副刊的文学批评、诗文作品以及长篇通俗小说等,既沿着五四以来的新文学道路继续前行,同时也呈现出一定的异变态势。就整体而言,天津沦陷时期的文艺副刊,在文学上依然是传承大于异变。日本的侵华,并未阻断中华文脉强有力的历史延续。  相似文献   

狭义的抗战文学一般指创作于1937-1945年间的反映与日本侵略者作斗争的文学,但广义的抗战文学却应向前追溯至1931年的"九一八"事变.从此时起,对日作战已成为影响国人精神生活的重大时代内容,而报纸文艺副刊则成为抗战文学的重要土壤."九一八"事变后,在东北比较有影响的私营进步报纸<国际协报>率先利用副刊,刊载大量抗日救亡文艺作品,充分发挥了媒体的力量,成为中国抗战文学的先锋阵地,从而在现代新闻史和文学史上留下了光辉的印记.  相似文献   

马克思主义民主的科学形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主与人类生活相伴, 与文明进步相随, 广受人们关注。本文从历史和普遍性意义上,阐述民主的两种基本形态;从人的主体性的生存和发展的视角上,考察了民主的主要内容;从政治民主的动态进程中,分析了民主在逻辑上呈现的两种形态。进而以“民主与人的主体性发展”为主线,揭示了马克思主义民主的科学形态  相似文献   

本文讨论《中国白话报》与《京话日报》所代表的晚清京沪白话报纸不同的启蒙路向 ,试图从启蒙姿态、社会功能、地域文化等方面解释白话报这一启蒙形式在京沪两地遭遇不同命运的原因。两种启蒙路向在中国社会有效性的不同 ,也预示“五四”等启蒙运动从此到彼的某种转向 ,以及这种选择给予“启蒙”的影响。  相似文献   

《长生殿》《桃花扇》异同论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文比较了清初剧坛上的历史传奇《长生殿》与《桃花扇》的异同。其“同”为:产生于共同的时代、思想背景,都以总结历史经验、探索明为清代的原因为目的;都把矛头指向最高统治者及其集团,指出其腐败是导乱致亡的根源;都塑造了具有爱国精神和反抗性格的“小人物”形象。其“异”为:两剧包含的内容与寓意有别;两剧在艺术结构上各有千秋。  相似文献   

中国式民主的鲜明特征之一就是,将协商寓于选举之中,实现了协商民主和选举民主的“形式互嵌”,彰显出全过程人民民主的特质与价值,是中国式民主的实践探索和制度创新成果。“寓协商于选举”就是在充分认识选举民主罅隙的基础上,将协商民主引入选举民主,在“有事好商量”和“最大公约数”中广泛凝聚共识,防止由单纯选举民主可能引发的社会撕裂;同时,协商民主和选举民主的结合也有利于提升协商民主的效率。作为中国式民主的创新性探索,“寓协商于选举”体现出中国式民主建构的基本方法论:民主建构要基于国家的基本国情和历史文化传统,并以系统观念推进民主建设。总而言之,“寓协商于选举”平衡了民主的不同结构、凸显了民主的各项功能、展现了民主的治理绩效,开创了民主的新型实践形态。  相似文献   

《清议报》简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(一) 《清议报》是戊戌政变后资产阶级改良派的重要喉舌。1898年12月23日创刊,1901年12月21日停版,共出100册。《清议报》馆址设于日本横滨,发行兼编辑人为冯镜如,主笔为梁启超,撰稿人以康门弟子为主,有欧榘甲、麦孟华等,间载章炳麟等人文章。戊戌变法失败后,梁启超逃亡日本,认识到有重建舆论机关之必要,以便抨击时局,阐述政见,于是,“在横滨开一清议报。”《清议报》出版后,即获得社会欢迎。1903年,该报主要文章被汇编成《清议报全编》,国内的一些书局也秘密翻版,促进了《清议报》的  相似文献   

裴晓军  李倩 《唐都学刊》2013,29(2):99-103
《秦中官报》是创办于陕西早期的一种综合性官办报刊,主要刊载清政府重要谕旨、陕西省内社会新闻、国内外重要新闻事件及文化信息.主要从《秦中官报》中的“秦事汇编”一栏着手,从教育、水利、工农业等方面来分析清末陕西的早期近代化.《秦中官报》为我们研究20世纪初转型期的陕西提供了第一手的资料.  相似文献   

This study evaluates aspects of newspaper reporting about death penalty cases and capital defendants. In a content analysis of newspaper coverage of a representative sample of 26 death penalty-eligible defendants who were brought to trial in California, we found that articles tended to cite primarily from law enforcement and prosecutorial sources, focused very heavily on the characteristics of the crime, and omitted or de-emphasized most other aspects of the case. News coverage generally failed to place the criminal behavior of the defendant in any social historical or contextual framework from which readers (as potential voters and jurors) could grasp the potential mitigating elements of the case. We conclude that newspaper coverage of capital crimes may influence public support for the death penalty, and undermine public appreciation of the role of social contextual factors in crime causation in general. It also may bias the perspective with which potential jurors approach specific capital trials and even contribute to the lack of instructional comprehension that has been found to plague the death sentencing process.  相似文献   

鲍海波 《唐都学刊》2002,18(2):107-110
随着我国新闻事业的快速发展 ,传统的报业面临着诸多挑战。在陕西报业发展中 ,当代报人从读者意识、社会责任意识、质量意识、经营意识、发展意识以及职业道德意识等方面所呈现出的特征 ,将对陕西报业的发展带来诸多启示。  相似文献   

祝培岭 《学术交流》2002,(2):152-154
全国经济类报纸多数办得比较艰难。究其原因,主要是这类报纸处在党委机关报和市场化报纸的夹缝中间,面临尴尬的两难选择。在现阶段,经济类报纸若要走出困境,必须做到:政治上有地位;内容上要定位;宣传上做到位;发行上错开位;管理上不漏位;经营上全方位。  相似文献   

Objectives. Studies of Western settings, in general, argue that social capital, defined as a set of civic norms and social networks among ordinary citizens, nurtures democratic governance at various levels. Does such a social capital exist in a transitional society such as China? If so, what kind of role does social capital play in affecting individuals' attitudinal and behavioral orientations toward fledging grassroots self‐government in that society? This study is intended to answer these questions, which are crucial for our understanding of China's sociopolitical development as well as for the application of social capital theories in non‐Western societies. Methods. This study is based on the data collected from a representative survey conducted in an urban area in China in 2004. Results. The findings from this study indicate that social capital among urban residents was abundant, and it nurtured the grassroots self‐government system through residents' attitudinal and behavioral orientations toward the system. Conclusions. These findings have strong implications for the future of local democratic governance and applicability of social capital theories in China.  相似文献   

Several explanations of the current syndrome affecting advanced democracies make reference to a process of cultural change that has been triggered by the complex and interrelated phenomena known as globalization. The rise of populist-authoritarian parties, the advent of post-truth politics and the increasing dissatisfaction with democracy are seen by many political scientists as rather direct consequences of social and economic transformations which had changed the context in which the democratic process takes place. The main limitation of this literature is that it treats culture as a black box receiving inputs from the social context and translate them into political consequences. By doing so it cannot explain why the same conditions produce different consequences in different contexts and it is silent on the criteria to develop anti-crisis policies. This article argues that some of the insights offered by the Semiotic Cultural Psychology Theory, most notably the idea that cultural evolution is moved by the need to find affect-laden, simplified interpretations of the reality to restore the capacity of making sense on an uncertain socio-political context, can enhance the ability of political scientists to understand the current political phenomena and to develop methodological criteria to counteract the current scenario of democratic crisis.  相似文献   

19-20世纪之交,在清政府和一些热心人士的推动下,北京社会教育通过近代报刊、宣讲所、阅报处、简易识字学塾、半日学堂、夜学堂、戏曲等途径逐渐开展起来。这些活动不仅增加了北京普通民众的识字机会,激发了北京市民的爱国热情,而且对净化当时北京地区的社会风气起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

The Korean welfare system has grown over the past 40 years from a limited and selective developmental system into a relatively comprehensive universal system. What explains this dynamic is the interplay between South Korea's global economic integration and its political transition from authoritarian rule to democratic governance. While the corporatist consensus under the authoritarian government limited social welfare to an instrument to promote economic growth and industrialization, the social democratic corporatist consensus under economic globalization has enabled the democratic regime to introduce a relatively universal welfare system.  相似文献   

党的十三届六中全会提出的科学发展观,再到构建和谐社会,是一个对于经济社会发展逐步深入认识的过程,体现出越来越明显的以人为本和全面发展的倾向。在战略意义上,“和谐社会”体现了国家发展的价值取向。我们所要建设的社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。这些基本特征是相互联系、相互作用的,需要在全面建设小康社会的进程中全面把握和体现。而先进文化在建设社会主义和谐社会中有着重要的地位和作用,只有先进文化的引领、社会才能朝着正确、快速、稳定的方向发展。  相似文献   

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