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孔子作为世界级的文化名人,首先是也主要是一个教育家。孔子的事业,由教育始,又以教育终。其丰富、博大的教育思想中所蕴涵的民主性、平等性因素,是其教育思想的精华,具体体现为首创私学、有教无类,教学民主,平等互爱的师生关系及学无常师和不耻下问。  相似文献   

教育过程中人际交往结构初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从理论上探讨了教育过程中人际交往结构:教师关系、师生关系和学生关系。分析了教育人际关系的三个基本特点──动态性、开放性、综合性;三种心理成份──认知成份、情感成份、行为成分。提出良好的教育人际关系的建立,是通过人际间的相互沟通来实现,是以提高和发展人的科学文化素养、高尚的道德情操和丰富的精神境界为根本特征和基本内容。理想的教育人际关系是形成、巩固和发挥集体教育功能的基本途径,且有利于学生人格的健康发展。教育过程中的人际交往结构的类型、性质、特点,直接影响着教育功能的发挥和性质特点的改变。  相似文献   

生态时代的一系列观念应该发展。作者论述了生态时代和共同体观念、生态时代观念的思想来源、生态时代与宗教等文化因素的关系、宽恕和恩惠 ,探讨了未来生态时代和社会共同体的基础。其主要的思想内容是强调未来的社会共同体形式应该与生态自然之间建立起相互有益的平衡 ,改造我们的文化以使生态时代的生活成为现实。  相似文献   

新时期高校师生关系的再认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王根顺  陶春莉 《社科纵横》2005,20(5):195-196
师生关系是教育大厦的基石。无论是理论定位,还是现实状态,传统教育中的师生关系都更多地体现为一种不平等性,其实质是一种主体与客体的关系。新时期“以人为本”的教育必然引起师生关系的变革,即在师生交往中,教师与学生都是教育主体,师生互为教育者和受教育者,相互影响,共同成长。  相似文献   

章美锦 《学术交流》2007,(9):180-182
教师与学生是高等教育活动中的两个基本元素,师生关系是高等教育中的基本关系,而人格平等是现代社会条件下师生关系的法律本质。高等教育层次和教育对象的特殊性,高等教育的大众化进程,信息社会的快速发展以及市场经济的不断渗透,这些因素正在形成强大的合力和广泛的社会基础,推动着我国高等教育中现代师生平等关系的形成。  相似文献   

张莉 《社会工作》2015,(3):107-116,128
中国城市社区终身教育共同体建构的必要性,不仅一般性地根植于经济社会发展与教育之间的内在关联与必然互动,而且也是"五个文明"建设和建设学习型社区的时代呼唤,是中国社会人口日益老龄化的现实要求,是维护社会和谐稳定,以人为本,推进人的自由全面发展的必然要求。纵观现有城市社区教育体制和运作实践,虽然取得了良好的社会效应,但在管理体制、运行机制、经费保障和教育理念上都存在着一些亟待解决的问题。笔者认为,造成这些问题的根本症结乃是由于缺乏一个"共同体"的意识,没有形成一个"共同体"的模式,因而造成了各种机制和统一性体系的缺失,其中包括共享共建的管理机制、激励约束和利益协调的运行机制、资源整合的保障机制等。笔者尝试性地提出了中国城市社区终身教育共同体建设的构想,在现有城市社区教育体系中引入"共同体"的理念和体制,把"城市社区终身教育共同体"以及与此相关的本质特征、结构样态等作为破解现存问题的根本路径,从而为形成具有一般性的社区终身教育共同体理念以及建构普及做有益的探索。  相似文献   

铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有深厚的历史渊源和丰富的时代价值,现实和历史交融的情景要求铸牢中华民族共同体意识需要加强个体情感空间的主体构建和客体交融,在实现中国式现代化和构建人类命运共同体的历史观中铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的情感空间。因此,立足于《这边风景》中个体范式的情感转变,将个体情感和民族精神熔铸于铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的全过程,全方位贯彻落实到现实个体对铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的范式传承中,进而实现主客体间以交流交往交融形成价值意蕴、逻辑关联、广阔平台和实践路向等认同基础上的个体情感、民族精神与铸牢中华民族共同体意识情感空间的双向互动。在情感认知、价值判断、行为准则和精神传承等维度交织交融的基础上夯实铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育情感空间的内在机理,在推进中国式现代化的过程中逐步形成铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育情感空间的坚定内燃力。  相似文献   

张伟 《阅江学刊》2011,(2):84-87
人文主义教育崇尚理性,重视人性的价值,以建构一个“完人”为目的。教师权威是学校教育权威的集中体现,具体表现为教师对学生的控制和管理,学生对老师的依赖和服从。随着传统的权威时代消失,教师传统的权威也随之式微,教育进程中出现了师生关系紧张与不和谐的现象。因此,有必要从制度的视角和师生关系的视角重新审视教师权威。在教育活动中教师权威的运用需要有人文主义理念的引导。  相似文献   

曹克亮 《阅江学刊》2022,(2):78-88+173
元宇宙即将开启一个新的虚拟“数字共同体”网络空间。数字个体与平台资本的博弈引发了“共同体”去中心化与建构中心化的讨论。共同体概念具有多维视角,马克思、滕尼斯、安德森等都对共同体进行了不同的阐述。马克思用“抽象或虚幻的共同体”揭示资本主义社会的虚假本质,滕尼斯用“想象的与机械的构造”揭示共同体与社会的区别,安德森用“想象的共同体”阐释民族主义的起源与散布问题。随着数字资本主义时代的到来,数字资本的生产力和生产关系“双重逻辑”都在从不同视角确证着数字共同体去中心化与建构中心化的矛盾统一,去中心化以凸显主体身份认知、塑造独特交往实践、建构数字伦理得到确证,中心化以生产力三要素劳动者、劳动对象、劳动资料的“数字中心化”,生产关系三要素生产资料所有制关系、生产过程中人与人的关系、产品分配关系的“关系中心化”得以确证。  相似文献   

孔子的天道观形成于晚年谢宝笙1要了解孔子的天道观,就要解决孔子与《周易》的关系。孔子与《周易》的关系,集中在《易传》中的“子曰”。问题是这些“子曰”是否反映了孔子的思想?或只是另一些经师之言?或假托孔子之言?多篇《易传》中的“子曰”是否都是假托之言,...  相似文献   

International education is a thriving industry, but relatively little is known about its consequences for the social integration of international scholars in educational institutions or the wider community. This article reviews research on attitudes toward international students as a key component of intercultural relations and a significant marker of social cohesion. An organizational framework for the investigation of these attitudes is proposed with threat mediating the influences of personal and situational factors on attitudinal outcomes. Broader contextual factors are also seen to exert influence on the process of attitude development and maintenance. A model derived from this framework is then tested with student, teacher, and community samples. A "tipping point" in attitudes toward international students as a function of the proportion of international enrolments in educational institutions is also explored. Finally, the applicability of the findings for promoting social cohesion in educational institutions and the wider community is discussed.  相似文献   

在中西方教育史上,孔子与苏格拉底都是伟大的教师形象,对后世教育实践产生了重要影响。孔子与苏格拉底都是善于倾听的教师,有值得称道的教学倾听实践。从倾听目的、倾听态度、与言说者之间的关系、与知识之间的关系四个维度,对孔子与苏格拉底的典型教学片段及相关材料进行比较与分析,有助于深入思考当今教学倾听的若干问题,从中获得重要启示。  相似文献   

在<国际贸易综合模拟实操>精品课程建设过程中,通过明确高职课程定位,选取外贸公司真实的进出口业务案例作为教学内容,以具体工作任务为中心,利用多种教学手段和教学方法,聘请外贸企业资深专家作为兼职教师,自编讲义和选用优秀教材进行课程教学,逐步确立了"以企业真实项目为中心、以教师为主导、以学生为主体"的新型国际贸易综合模拟实...  相似文献   

夏睿 《社会工作》2008,(4):40-42
本文从进步主义、改造主义、要素主义、永恒主义等20世纪西方主要教育哲学流派关于师生关系的研究加以描述和评析,藉以了解和研究20世纪西方教育哲学流派关于师生关系的主要观点,以期建立适合我国国情的新型师生观。  相似文献   

蒋平 《创新》2009,3(10):57-59
科学精神是大学生思想政治教育应有之义。广西大学生思想政治教育逐渐显露出科学精神培育功能,但大学生的科学精神仍存在不足。要提高广西大学生的科学精神,增强思想政治教育的实效,必须提高广西高校思想政治课教师的科学精神,促进师生之间平等对话,尊重学生的个体差异、因材施教。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between classroom characteristics and teacher–student agreement in perceptions of students' classroom peer networks. Social network, peer nomination, and observational data were collected from a sample of second through fourth grade teachers (N = 33) and students (N = 669) in 33 classrooms across five high‐poverty urban schools. Results demonstrate that variation in teacher–student agreement on the structure of students' peer networks can be explained, in part, by developmental factors and classroom characteristics. Developmental increases in network density partially mediated the positive relationship between grade level and teacher–student agreement. Larger class sizes and higher levels of normative aggressive behavior resulted in lower levels of teacher–student agreement. Teachers' levels of classroom organization had mixed influences, with behavior management negatively predicting agreement, and productivity positively predicting agreement. These results underscore the importance of the classroom context in shaping teacher and student perceptions of peer networks.  相似文献   

We propose an approach to service–learning in which projects are designed so as to empower undergraduate students and community members. When student service scholars take away control from citizens, they can undermine citizens' perceptions of competency; when faculty reduce students' choice and responsibility, they can undermine students' efficacy and desire to learn. We propose four guidelines for optimizing student and citizen experiences: (1) service should serve both the community and the students; (2) service should empower; (3) service should be contextual; and (4) service projects should endure. We elaborate this philosophy and illustrate it with a project in which nine university students and 30 fifth–graders built a science and nature study center for a K–6 elementary school.  相似文献   

Is there a relationship between the way an undergraduate major in the social sciences is structured and student learning? In this paper, I address the relationship between the structure of the undergraduate major and student learning using data from the political science discipline. To assess the impact of the structure of the major on student achievement, a 29-item electronic questionnaire was employed. I find a very strong relationship between the degree to which a political science major program is structured and student knowledge, even when controlling for plausible alternative explanations for student performance. The results support the notion that majors that are characterized by a sequenced set of courses, the existence of a senior seminar or capstone course, and a required research methodology course taken early on in a Student's career, better prepare political science students than do relatively unstructured majors.Is there a relationship between the way an undergraduate major in the social sciences is structured and student learning? This is an extremely important and central question for social scientists in higher education for two reasons: (1) in this era of “assessment,” social science disciplines are coming under increasing pressure to demonstrate their utility in undergraduate education; (2) unlike other factors that affect student success (such as student ability and ambition) departments can more easily manipulate the structure of undergraduate majors (at least relatively speaking). Thus, understanding the relationship between the structure of the undergraduate major and student development is potentially a key element in instituting effective reforms in the undergraduate curriculum at colleges and universities across the country.In this paper, I address the relationship between the structure of the undergraduate major and student learning using data from the political science discipline. Indeed, there has been considerable interest in recent years in political science as to whether the structure of the undergraduate major has an impact on student learning. Some scholars have argued that the way a major is structured directly affects student development. For instance Wahlke (1991) criticized those political science undergraduate programs that had only a few required courses and other courses were offered as electives without any effort at sequencing them. Indeed, both the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) report on the Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the report produced by the APSA Task Force on Political Science (Wahlke, 1991), noted that unstructured programs are incapable of promoting the necessary skills required of political science students. The AACU report argued that only a consciously structured major that promotes sequential learning creates the “building blocks of knowledge that lead to more sophisticated understanding and … leaps of the imagination and efforts at synthesis” (AACU, 1985, p. 24). The development of thinking skills cannot be accomplished “merely by cumulative exposure to more and more … subject matter”. Majors which emphasize breadth at the expense of depth result in “shallow learning unless students also grasp the assumptions, arguments, approaches, and controversies that have shaped particular claims and findings” (Wahlke, 1991, p. 49).Thus, how a political science major is structured is posited to be related to student learning. However, despite this assertion, relatively little empirical work has been done that systematically examines the relationship between the structure of the major and the development of political science undergraduates. Some works have described programs that seek to emulate the recommendations made by the APSA Task Force and AACU reports, but do not offer evidence that such programs have a positive impact on student learning (Breuning, Parker, & Ishiyama, 2001). Other works have sought to establish a connection between the structure of the major and student reasoning styles by comparing two institutions (Ishiyama & Hartlaub, 2003). However, no studies to date have systematically compared across a number of institutions to demonstrate an empirical connection between the structure of the political science major and student learning. This paper seeks to investigate the purported connection between the structure of the political science major and some aspects of student learning by analyzing data collected from a survey of (32) colleges and universities from across the United States.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural, attitudinal and structural factors that impact upon the social experiences and educational achievements of Arabic‐speaking background (ASB) students in three Melbourne secondary schools with high levels of cultural and linguistic diversity. The paper makes the case for and then outlines a multidimensional approach to multicultural education to better integrate ASB students and their families into the schooling environment. Key strategies developed and tested include a model of school‐community partnership, online and interactive teacher support material (TSM) as well as on‐going teacher professional development workshops on reflexive approaches to cultural diversity and intercultural tension.  相似文献   

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