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长间隔生育可能导致家庭关系的紧张化和家庭功能的异化,具体表现为:生育家庭内部头胎子女与父母之间代际关系和头胎子女与小二胎之间关系的紧张;以及大龄父母小二胎抚育压力、 小二胎教育断层和代际支持不足等.为使长间隔生育家庭维持正常的家庭功能和良好的家庭关系,避免长间隔生育的风险转化为"社会问题",基层卫生健康部门应对长间隔生育家庭给予高度关注,从育前引导、 育中服务和育后政策支持等角度妥善解决长间隔生育可能导致的社会问题.  相似文献   

采用问卷法,对中越边境地区跨境非婚生子女进行心理健康状况测查.结果表明,中越边境地区跨境非婚生子女总体心理健康水平低于国内其他一些中小学生群体,心理健康问题严重;女孩的恐怖倾向极其显著且高于男孩;中学生过敏倾向、对人焦虑显著高于小学生;父母是否外出打工对孩子心理健康的影响不显著;住校孩子的自责倾向、过敏倾向显著高于不住校的孩子;排行中间的孩子心理健康状况最差,排行对孩子自责倾向、身体症状影响显著.政府、学校要重视对这群特殊孩子的心理援助.  相似文献   

大龄残疾儿童是儿童福利院里一个特殊而庞大的群体,如何使他们有机会发挥自己的潜能,获得更大的发展,甚至达到独立或半独立生活的能力,是众多福利院面临的课题。西宁市儿童福利院通过建立“青少年之家”的供养模式,为大龄残疾儿童提供生活教育、职前训练,探索出了一条解决福利院大龄残疾儿童安置问题的新路。  相似文献   

黄忠 《社会福利》2009,(1):48-49
[案例] 甲男,38岁,未生育;乙女45岁,丧夫,已生育一男孩丙(丙现年18岁,已参加工作可以独立生活).甲男与乙女结婚后,计生部门发给了准生证.但乙因生理原因无法生育:所以甲乙双方就收养了一名社会弃婴.虽然甲乙双方均年满三十周岁,也有抚养教育被收养人的能力,且未患有在医学上认为不应当收养子女的疾病,但当地民政部门却认为甲乙夫妻双方不符合<收养法>第六条关于收养人应当具备"无子女"条件的规定而不予办理收养登记.  相似文献   

隔代教养与亲代教养是我国子女教养的主要方式。在社会转型期,亲代为了生计疲于奔波,无暇顾及子女的教养问题,幼儿群体隔代教养现象尤为突出,但当前隔代教养和亲代教养未能较好形成合力。如何促使隔代亲代形成教养合力,切实提高隔代教养质量,发挥新老两代家长家庭教育的最大积极作用,从而促进幼儿的心理健康良性发展。  相似文献   

中国人自古以来是重后裔的,即使现代人已逐渐淡化了“养地临老”或“传宗接代”的传统生育观念,孩子对家庭的重要性仍然是首当其冲的。在我进行的有关当代人生育观的问卷调查中,79.73%的人认为“有孩子的家庭才是完满的家庭”,15.46%的人认为“一个人应该有自己的后代”,10.57%的人认为“没有子女的人到了老年会很孤独”,6.47%的人认为“真到老了,还得靠亲生儿女”,也有极少数人(2.29%)生育孩子的动机充满着盲目性和被动性,仅仅是出于“不生孩子会让别人认为是不正常”。上述调查结果表明,对于当今的大多数中国人来说…  相似文献   

“空巢家庭”成主流 “空巢家庭”是指无子女共处,只剩下老年人独自生活的家庭。据了解,在发达国家,“空巢家庭”也十分普遍,老年人与子女同住的只占10%至30%,大多数老年人均与子女分居。美国在二战前,52%的老年人与子女同住,到了20世纪80年代,与子女同住的只有百分之十几。在比利时、丹麦、法国和英国,上个世纪80年代初,全部家庭户中65岁以上独居者占11%。瑞典独居老年人达到40%。  相似文献   

<正>依法生二胎享生一胎相同待遇9月22日下午,出席辽宁省第十二届人大常委会第十二次会议的常委会组成人员分组审议《辽宁省人口与计划生育条例(修正案草案)》。常委会组成人员在审议中建议,符合法定生育条件生育第二个子女的夫妻享受生育第一个子女时相同的假期和工资福利待遇。因此建议:职工晚婚的,婚假增加7日;晚育的,产假增加60日,男方护理假为15日。符合法定生育条件生育第二个子女的夫妻享受本条款规定的生育第一个子女时的相同待遇。  相似文献   

构建生育友好型社会是应对少子老龄化挑战的必然之举,为此需要在税收等制度层面予以回应。然而,当前“个税”课税单位以个人作为征纳对象,既降低了个人婚育意愿,又无助于子女养育、教育,还不利于家庭建设,有碍生育友好型社会建构。为此,须引入家庭课税制方案,在解决个人婚育意愿,子女养育、教育和家庭建设等实际问题的同时,契合量能课税原则的基本诉求,亦能丰富“个税”生育激励的工具内涵。在“个税”课税单位具体改革径路上,可选择“个人+家庭”的整体方案,并以夫妻作为基本纳税单位,设计以“折半乘二制”为标尺的家庭课税税率基准,达成“个税”课税单位改革目的,真正助力生育友好型社会建构。  相似文献   

正@生4胎终生免缴所得税当地时间2月10日,匈牙利总理欧尔班在布达佩斯发表年度国情咨文时表示,匈牙利政府将大幅提高多子女家庭的财政补贴力度,以鼓励妇女生育,提高新生儿出生率,应对匈牙利的人口减少状况。欧尔班说,这一政策将主要包括:生育4个或更多孩子的女性,可以终生免缴个人所得税;年龄低于40岁的女性首次结婚,可以申请1千万福林(约合24万人民币)的贴息贷款,如生育2个孩子,可以免除其中三分之一的贷款,生育3个孩子可以免除所有贷款。  相似文献   

This essay is an unconventional book review(s) that aims to integrate the messages of two books, one a personal memoir by leading U.S. mental health consumer-advocate Patrick J. Kennedy, youngest son of the late Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, and the other, an edited volume by two group work educators that is informed by liberation health social work.  相似文献   

汉唐北宋时代的“酒禁”政策并不能直观地理解为“禁民饮酒”。“禁群饮”之举在当时虽有发生,却始终并非一项整体与长期的国家政策,在其已然宣布的时期之内,执行与贯彻的力度也大可存疑。笼统地以“酒禁”或“禁群饮”政策的存在来解释赐酺举措发生和存续的合理性缺乏说服力。酺会在汉唐北宋的不断发生、持续流行,根本原因在于其最为核心的内容与意义是飨宴欢会。其给民众带来更热烈的欢宴体验、更加丰富的公共活动内涵以及更为广大的社交活动平台,同时为统治者提供得力的政治工具。赐酺之举的丰富功能使得其能够横历不同王朝,长期存在。  相似文献   

In 2020, Australia's successful COVID-19 public health restrictions comprised a national “initial lockdown” (March–May) and “ongoing lockdown” (July–November) for metropolitan Victorian residents only. We evaluated associations between ongoing lockdown and family finances and mental health. In the June and September 2020 Royal Children's Hospital National Child Health Polls, caregivers of children in Victoria and New South Wales (NSW) reported the following: job/income loss; material deprivation (inability to pay for essential items); income poverty; mental health (Kessler-6); perceived impact on caregiver/child mental health; and caregiver/child coping. Data from caregivers (N = 1207/902) in June/September were analysed using difference-in-difference modelling (NSW provided the comparator). During Victoria's ongoing lockdown, job/income loss increased by 11% (95%CI: 3%–18%); Kessler-6 poor mental health by 6% (95%CI: −0.3%–12%) and perceived negative mental health impacts by 14% for caregivers (95%CI: 6%–23%) and 12% for children (95%CI: 4%–20%). Female (vs. male) caregivers, metropolitan (vs. regional/rural) families, and families with elementary school-aged children (vs. pre-/high-school) were the most affected. The ongoing lockdown was associated with negative experiences of mental health, employment and income, but not deprivation or poverty, likely because of government income supplements introduced early in the pandemic. Future lockdowns require planned responses to outbreaks and evidence-informed financial and mental health supports.  相似文献   

This article describes a model of supervision provided to adolescents who function as therapeutic “caretakers” with children in a unique neighborhood community mental health organization located in the South Bronx. Rooted in theories of community mental health, social support, and pedagogy, the article describes the recruitment process, training, and supervision given to the organization's adolescent “caretakers” to ensure that they will develop the attitudes and skills needed in their therapeutic interactions with children. Particular emphasis is placed on “in vivo” supervisory processes derived from the organization's pedagogical model. The model's usefulness is not limited to training adolescent therapeutic caretakers and is readily applicable to training professional or nonprofessional helpers in a variety of settings (e.g., collaborative partnerships with schools and community agencies where personnel are trained to serve directly or in an auxiliary role as therapeutic change agents).  相似文献   


Across the United States, systems of care have emerged to provide mental health care to children and their families; fragmentation inhibiting the success of collaboration by stakeholders is common and compromises these systems of care. Survey data were collected from 1,428 respondents in a Midwestern state to examine problems that exist within systems of care from the perspective of the different stakeholder groups. Stakeholder group membership was based upon the respondent's employment or involvement within various child-serving systems and included those in child welfare, juvenile justice, and education, mental health providers, and consumers (i.e., caregivers/parents). Group differences revealed patterns of “finger pointing” by the stakeholder groups on where specific problems exist within systems of care. The findings provide insight into how the social construction of service delivery and practice emerges as stakeholder groups describe, understand, and evaluate problems within the system of care as a function of their own practice location within the system of care. Future research should consider exploring methods that might minimize the competitive nature of disparate child-serving systems and its potentially negative impact upon system performance and treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

One of the key factors contributing to the development of negative attitudes toward out‐groups is lack of knowledge about them. The present study investigated what type of information 3‐ to 4‐ and 5‐ to 6‐ year‐old Jewish Israeli children (N = 82) are interested in acquiring about unfamiliar in‐ and out‐group individuals, and how providing children with the requested information affects their intergroup attitudes. Children were shown pictures of individuals from three groups—an in‐group (“Jews”), a “conflict” out‐group (“Arabs”), and a “neutral” out‐group (“Scots”)—and were asked what they would like to know about them. The experimenter responded by either answering all of children's questions, half of the questions, or none. Children's attitudes toward the groups were also assessed. It was found that children asked the most questions in regard to conflict out‐group individuals. Moreover, the older age group asked more questions regarding the psychological characteristics, and fewer questions regarding the social identity, of the conflict out‐group than of the other two groups. Finally, full provision of information improved attitudes toward the groups, especially among 3‐ to 4‐year olds, and especially regarding the conflict out‐group. These findings have implications for understanding the sources of intergroup biases, and for developing interventions to reduce them.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a recent study and Freidson's theory of professional dominance, this article considers the contemporary nature of relationships between police officers and psychiatrists. The different strategies used by the two occupational groups in attempting to control the management of a group of patients considered by both to be “dirty work” is explored, as is the “political” agenda of police/psychiatric relations in the context of current mental health policy.  相似文献   


Current research findings as well as both public protests and lawsuits by parent groups demonstrate the increasing dissatisfaction with prevailing approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of the syndrome termed “childhood hyperactivity.” First, this study summarizes a comprehensive review of research about the syndrome, and elaborates the research and practice issues that give rise to the contemporary controversy. Then, a promising, comprehensive new theory of child development, psychopathology, and treatment — intrapsychic humanism — is applied to the psychosocial treatment of children labelled hyperactive and their families in mental health, educational, and child welfare settings.  相似文献   

This article analyses the health care system reform process in Europe based on the concept of privatization. This notion is understood from two perspectives. First, privatization may concern the health care financing or the provision of health services. Second, privatization can be “imposed” on individuals or be “internalized” and then introduced by individuals (patients and doctors). So we emphasize the diversity that privatization can assume. We classify privatization mechanisms used by different countries and identify which of the perspectives presented are more common in 14 European Union countries since the 1980s. The article shows that even if privatization processes are widespread, they assume different patterns in each country.  相似文献   

The associations between marital status and poor mental health are investigated, and whether social capital, trust, and economic stress attenuate the associations between marital status and poor mental health. The public health survey in Skåne (southern Sweden) 2008 is a cross-sectional study including 28,198 persons aged 18–80. Logistic regression models investigate associations between marital status and mental health, adjusting for age, country of birth, education, emotional support, instrumental support, trust in others, and economic stress. A 13.8% prevalence of the men and 18.2% of the women had poor mental health. Significantly higher odds ratios of poor mental health for the unmarried, divorced and widows/widowers compared to married/cohabitating remained throughout the analyses. Trust and economic stress only moderately attenuated these associations.  相似文献   

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