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Abstract The sexual exchange of girls and women embodies deep cultural practices and is historically embedded in many family and kinship systems. Contemporary trafficking operations transform traditional bride wealth and marriage exchanges (prestations) by treating women's sexuality and bodies as commodities to be bought and sold (and exchanged again) in various Western capitals and Internet spaces. Such operations are also global with respect to scale, range, speed, diversity, and flexibility. Propelling many trafficking exchanges are political economic processes, which increase the trafficking of women in times of stress, such as famine, unemployment, economic transition, and so forth. However, the disparity between the global market operations, which organize trafficking, and the late nineteenth century social/public welfare system of counter‐trafficking suggests why the latter do not effectively address women's risks and may even expose them to increased levels of violence and stress. Drawing on historical accounts, anthropological theory, and ethnographic work in Viet Nam and Bosnia and Herzegovina, this essay examines how specific cultural practices embedded in family and kinship relations encourage and rationalize sexual trafficking of girls and young women in times of stress and dislocation. The essay also analyses how technologies of power inform both trafficking and counter‐trafficking operations in terms of controlling women's bodies, sexuality, health, labour, and migration. By analysing sexual trafficking as a cultural phenomenon in its own right, such an analysis seeks to inform and address the specific situations of girls and young women, who suffer greatly from the current migration regimes.  相似文献   

All of us at Women of China are calling upon you,our readers,to assist the women and children who survived the deadly 8-magnitude earthquake that rocked Sichuan Province,in southwestern China,on May 12. At the time of our publishing,the earthquake had claimed more than 69,000 lives.Mothers lost their children,and countless children lost their  相似文献   

Twenty-one Catholic Italian divorced women and a matched group of 21 Catholic Anglophone divorced women (who were born in Canada and whose ethnic roots were in Great Britain) were studied with regard to several family and social network variables. It was found that Catholic Italian women reported having grown up in an extended family situation more frequently, rated their degree of family loyalty as greater, felt that their fathers were more disapproving of their divorces, and reported fewer nonfamily members who could be relied on to provide emotional support than Catholic Anglophone women. However, the two groups did not differ significantly in terms of family concept, interaction with their parents after divorce, network density, mothers' approval/disapproval of the divorce, and sex role orientation. The findings were discussed in terms of the limits of the methods used in this study and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

A 56-item measure of trauma-related beliefs was piloted with 59 female adult sexual abuse survivors. The measure includes four internally-consistent subscales which assess beliefs reflective of Finkelhor and Browne's (1986) traumagenic dynames model: Self-Blame/Stigmatization, Betrayal, Powerlessness, and Traumatic Sexualization. Multiple regression analyses examined the relationships between trauma-related beliefs and other psychological/behavioral outcomes. Self-Blame/Stigmatization beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, interpersonal problems, depression, anxiety, and overall psychological distress. Betrayal beliefs predicted interpersonal problems, an external locus of control, and sexual problems. Powerlessness beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, depression, and external locus of control, and sexual problems. Powerlessness beliefs predicted lower self-esteem, depression, and external loxus of control. Traumatic sexualization beliefs predicted anxiety and sexual avoidance. Results are discussed in terms of implications for theoretical model development and treatment planning for sexual abuse survivors.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature providing reasons for why battered women "stay" in abusive relationships and examines the emergence of images of battered women as "survivors" in early and contemporary activists' discourses, drawing on ideas from social constructionist approaches to social problems, identity, and deviance to explore this phenomenon. Most of the early representations of battered women I analyze emphasize their emotionality and their victimization, while the more recent constructions of this collective identity discussed here emphasize their rationality and their agency. Both "victim" and "survivor" typifications provide accounts for why battered women stay in violent relationships, thus providing a vocabulary of motive for this oft-imputed "deviance." Constructing battered women as survivors, however, may also remediate some of the stigma that can attach to victimization more generally. After situating victim and survivor discourses and considering how the image of a survivor may meet normative expectations that a victim image perhaps violates, I briefly discuss some implications of these alternate collective identities.  相似文献   

Over the last twenty-five years, there has been a growing debate about the role of women in Italian Mafias. Using a qualitative approach, this article looks at the leadership roles of women in the Neapolitan Camorra covering the period 2000–2014. It argues that despite women’s high-ranking positions within mafia clans, their professional development is best explained not as a sign of “female emancipation” of Italian or Camorra women but rather as functional exploitation by the clan when resources are limited in times of crisis. Thus, conceptualizing Camorra women as a “reserve army” can be a more useful analytical framework to explain the leadership positions of the women who come to occupy relevant positions in the traditionally men-dominated Camorra clans.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to explore how sexual violence and exploitation cause identity crisis among victims of sex-trafficking in Mexico. Trafficking is a widespread phenomenon, where girls and women are forced or coerced into sexual exploitation. Victims of trafficking acquire not only adverse physical health; also there is a higher impact on emotional and psychological health and leads women to an‘identity crisis'. Once they're brought into brothel, their body is controlled by pimps, and seen as a source of income through prostitution. As Bauman said; commodification and consumption of female bodies is indeed useful to explain an individual's fragile identity. Moreover, my own scholarly interest in women trafficking has led me to turn towards defining the identity crisis among these victims as it is directly related to sexual exploitation. For this study, a total of 60 women were interviewed during 2007–2013 using a snowball method.  相似文献   

Buss and Schmitt (1993) found empirical support for their Sexual Strategies Theory hypothesis of evolved sex differences in mating attitudes. This study hypothesized that religiosity would moderate those sex differences. Specifically, it was predicted that men high and low in religiosity would differ in mating attitudes, but it was expected that there would be fewer differences between women high and low in religiosity because of evolved preferences for longer term, more committed relationships. In Study 1, 219 college students completed questionnaires that included a single-item indicator of religiosity and short-term and long-term mating desires. Religiosity moderated sex differences in some mating preferences. In Study 2, 234 college student participants (mean age, 19.1 years) completed measures from Study 1 plus a measure of three types of religiosity: intrinsic (religion as a valuable end in itself), extrinsic (religion as a means to an end), and quest (religion as a means of questioning and doubting; Revised Religious Life Inventory—Hills, Francis, &; Robbins, 2005 Hills , P. , Francis , L. J. , &; Robbins , M. (2005). The development of the Revised Religious Life Inventory (RLI–R) by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Personality and Individual Differences , 38, 13891399.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Intrinsic religiosity, but not extrinsic or quest, moderated sex differences in mating attitudes, especially attitudes regarding number of sexual partners in the short term. These results provide evidence that intrinsic religiosity is an individual difference variable that qualifies the differences in mating strategies hypothesized in Sexual Strategies Theory.  相似文献   

Human trafficking is often associated with exploitation in prostitution. However, the UN Trafficking Protocol lists several other forms of exploitation as forms of human trafficking, including domestic and sexual servitude. These are forms of exploitation that can take place within the context of a marriage. In this article I discuss issues of vulnerability, power and exploitation in the context of transnational marriage. It is based on a study of Thai and Russian women married to Norwegian men conducted in 2006–2008. Based on an analysis of the experiences, priorities and challenges these women face, I argue that systematic exploitation of the dependence created in transnational marriage in some instances can and should be conceptualized and prosecuted as cases of human trafficking.  相似文献   

Accommodation centres are much more than means of securing asylum seekers’ housing needs. They are an embodiment of asylum and immigration policies. To understand these policies and their effects on asylum seekers, we need to ask what interests different institutional actors have in keeping asylum seekers in the centres. Based on the study of accommodation centres in the Czech Republic, in this paper I argue that the centres serve as tools of migration control. The prolonged confinement of a highly diverse group of people produced by the interconnectedness between asylum and immigration policies leads to asylum seekers’ disillusionment about the asylum procedure and nourishes various illicit activities. The centres enable state institutions to determine the nature of assistance available to asylum seekers, including legal aid provided by non-governmental organizations. By actively promoting the image of accommodation centres as benign places, the state also controls the dominant representation of refugee reception. In everyday practices in the centres, control and assistance are closely intertwined and produce an oppressive environment that engenders asylum seekers’ dependency.  相似文献   

Most studies on women have ignored women's view of themselves in relation to their roles in community development. This study uses interview and ethnographic data from Nigeria to investigate women's narratives of themselves concerning their position in a rural cultural space in relation to community development. It explores ways of repositioning patriarchal or gender unresponsive cultures for eliciting women's potentials in community development. It emphasises how women's cultural constrains in a patriarchal community have led to a rare survival strategy – that is, the evolution of an invisible matriarchy. As a recommendation, it presents a framework for culture repositioning and a map of actors' responsibilities for its achievement. It contributes to ongoing debates on women in rural community development. It raises conceptual questions about customary practices that affect women's values in communities in Nigeria's rural areas. Finally, it presents three main lessons that can be drawn by women (and men) in traditional communities in non-Western societies.  相似文献   

Debates over the legitimacy and legality of prostitution have characterized human trafficking discourse for the last two decades. This article identifies the extent to which competing perspectives concerning the legitimacy of prostitution have influenced anti-trafficking policy in Australia and the United States and argues that each nation-state’s approach to domestic sex work has influenced trafficking legislation. The legal status of prostitution in each country and feminist influences on prostitution law reform have had a significant impact on the nature of the legislation adopted.  相似文献   


This study investigates the effects of childhood sexual abuse for male and female survivors, characteristics of the abuse experience, current coping strategies, and current psychological adjustment. Nineteen male and 59 female adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, recruited from both local and national support groups, completed a background questionnaire, dispositional coping inventories measuring current and retrospective abuse-specific coping styles, and measures of current psychological adjustment. In response to sexual abuse experienced during childhood, avoidance coping emerged as the most frequently used strategy by both sexes. Although there were no gender differences in current use of problem-focused and avoidance strategies, males related more use of acceptance whereas females utilized more emotion-focused coping. In general* females reported significantly greater trauma-related distress than males, including higher levels of anxiety, depression, and post-trauma symptoms.  相似文献   

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