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从先秦《尚书·尧典》、《论语》到汉代《诗大序》、《诗谱序》。它们对于诗的起源、本质、社会作用等方面都进行深入探讨。不同时代对于"诗"的发展变化,既有创新,也有深化与补充。先秦两汉时期的批评家对于诗经的解读既有相同观点与前后继承的部分,同时也有各自独到的见解。无论是诗乐关系、还是诗歌本质、还是社会功能的探讨,基本上奠定了中国古代的诗论观。尤其是儒家的正统文学观念,对后世批评产生巨大影响。秦汉视野下的文学规律认识,诗歌内容与形式的关系,以及方法论的总结,不仅是当时的诗论的极大补充,同时也为后世者提出很多借鉴意义。  相似文献   

明末竟陵派钟惺、谭元春的诗论中多有以禅论诗的现象,而学界一般认为两人的诗禅理论源于南宋严羽,然而此论实有可商之处。钟惺、谭元春诗论中所谓的“冥悟”或“静悟”,其禅学渊源出于曹洞宗默照禅,与严羽“妙悟说”主临济而下曹洞正成相反;而其目的,一在反对江西诗派的“以文字为诗,以议论为诗,以才学为诗”,一在矫正公安派的“矜其小慧,破律而坏度”,两者持论虽近却殊途异道。故不可以说竟陵以此继承沧浪,不可以说钟谭所论之“悟”来源于严羽。  相似文献   

汪晓娟 《职业》2011,(9):123-123
1925年,李金发的一场“微雨”开启了中国现代主义诗歌。他把象征主义引进了中国,以其独特的艺术思维和审美体验,给当时的文坛带来了启迪和思索。李金发的诗作发表之后,诗论界对其毁誉参半,肯定者对其大加赞赏。周作人称“其体裁、风格、情调,都与现实流行的诗不同,是诗界中别开生面之作”;黄参岛认为:“《微雨》在我们的心坎里,种下一种对于生命欲揶揄的神秘,及悲哀的美丽。”否定者对其的批判,却也毫不留情。  相似文献   

张金芳 《现代妇女》2014,(4):343-343
每个学生都是富有个性的个体,作为老师不能以他们的学习成绩作为衡量他们一切的依据,应该学会从不同角度发现学生的闪光点,学会欣赏他们,鼓励他们。要关爱每一个学生,尤其是所谓的"差生",培养他们的自信,使他们树立正确的人生观,让他们都能走出属于自己的精彩的人生之路,让每一个学生都成为社会的"合格品",那才是教育的意义所在。  相似文献   

所谓人际关系,就是社会人群中因交往而构成的相互社会关系。它包括亲属关系、同事关系、战友关系、朋友关系、领导与被领导关系等。人际关系是人的基本社会需求,好的人际关系既有助于自我认识、心理健康和社会实践的成功,也是所在群体保持和谐向上氛围不可缺少的前提条件。俗话说:"一个篱笆三根桩,一个好汉三个帮。"一个人只有建立良好的人际  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来,将引发教育的又一次大变革。思想政治教育作为党的"生命线",是建设新时代中国特色社会主义和实现中华民族伟大复兴的思想保障。利用大数据为思想政治教育提供新视角,需正确认识大数据思想政治教育与网络思想政治教育之间"变"与"不变"的辩证关系。其中思想政治教育方向、本质和目的始终不变,思想政治教育思维、时空和方法顺应时代而变。我们既要把握两者的"变"中之"不变",又要坚持以"不变"应"万变",坚持"以人为本",与时俱进和适度保持网络教育张力,这是增强思想政治教育实效性的重要前提。  相似文献   

自2004年第一所孔子学院的建成以来,经过近10年的发展,孔子学院开始进入全面发展阶段,孔子学院的建立标志着以传播中国文化为宗旨的"中国梦"又向前跨越了一步。文章从以下三个方面阐述孔子学院与"中国梦"之间的关系:一是传播中国文化是中国人自古以来的梦想;二是孔子学院的建立对实现中国"文化梦"起到了哪些作用;三是如何让我们的孔子学院可持续发展。  相似文献   

卢卡奇先于马克思《1844年政治经济学手稿》在《历史与阶级意识》中探讨了物化理论并且表现出了对物化的强烈批判。物化理论借鉴了马克思商品拜物教中生产过程以及生产关系中人的异化状态。"没有专门化,合理化是不可能的",卢卡奇物化理论中的"合理化"有着特定的时代背景和理论背景。本文从三个方面阐明卢卡奇物化理论"合理化"的内涵。  相似文献   

程芳 《现代交际》2014,(4):61-62
在现代汉语中,"上有……下有……"是常见格式,在我们日常生活中一般在说及"上有……"的时候,我们接下来往往会说"下有……";但是我们说到"上面有……"的时候,可不接"下面有……"的句式。事实上,在现代汉语中,"单音节方位名词+有"的对举结构(以下统称"单结构")是常见的,如"上有天堂,下有苏杭","前有狼,后有虎","左有悬崖峭壁,右有狼豺虎豹"等,都是对举结构;然而"双音节方位名词+有"的对举结构(以下统称"双结构")却不是那么常见的。这种现象受到了汉语音节发展本身的影响,同时也受到了认知心理和语用等方面影响。所以本论文会从以上几个方面对"上有"与"上面有"的结构稍作比较分析,从中总结出会被忽略的原因。当然本文会侧重在"单音节方位名词+有"的对举结构。  相似文献   

杨海燕 《职业》2012,(9):139
职高数学姓"数",还是姓"职",是摆在职高数学教师面前的一道选择题。所谓姓"数"就是把严密的演绎论证和解题技能训练作为重点,所谓姓"职"就是指尽可能地"去数学化",把数学作为专业服务的一项工具。从结合学生实际情况和职高教学需要考虑,笔者认为应该是  相似文献   

The Chinese New Silk Road utopia and its archaeology*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adam Nobis 《Globalizations》2018,15(5):722-731
In this article, I address the Chinese project of the New Silk Road and discuss its utopian character. I analyse the origin of meanings and values inscribed in the project. In exploring the relationship between the old and new values associated with the New Silk Road, I point to continuities, but also to modifications and innovations. In conclusion, I claim that the Chinese project is a utopia which offers an alternative to the current global order. However, this Chinese utopia is underpinned by the meanings and values of the West’s utopia.  相似文献   

纽约作为世界金融中心和公认的国际化大都市,分析其就业结构,对于上海建设"四个中心"具有重要的借鉴意义。通过收集纽约2000-2010年的就业数据,研究纽约的就业结构现状、变化走势和结构特征,并与上海就业结构加以对比,找出上海与纽约在就业结构方面的共同点和不同点,在此基础上对上海建设"四个中心"的就业结构提出对策建议。  相似文献   

黄英  李艳红 《国学学刊》2021,(1):111-120,F0003
唐代是宗教信仰开放的时代,诗人信奉佛教还是道教,抑或儒释道并信,都是自由的。白居易虽崇尚道教,但他更虔诚地信奉佛教,这体现在他诗歌创作中使用了大量的佛教词语。据统计,《白居易诗集》中出现了86个偏正式佛教词语,涉及佛教文化的方方面面,包括佛教基本概念方面的词语;佛法、佛事、戒律方面的词语;以具体表佛教抽象含义的词语;佛教、道教通用的词语。这充分证明白居易的诗歌创作与佛教关系甚为密切。  相似文献   


The increased cultural authority of science in the early decades of the twentieth century called into question prior cultural assumptions regarding the status of poetry as an important discipline. The debate about the changed nature of the relations between the arts and sciences assumed particular importance for the literary left, as writers, critics and intellectuals debated the role which culture would play in political revolution. In order to broaden our understanding of the left's engagement with the problem of the relationship between the arts and sciences, this article will compare the work of the leftist American poet Muriel Rukeyser with that of the Scottish nationalist and Communist poet Hugh MacDiarmid. In particular, I will explore the ways in which their understanding of the essential similarities between the arts and sciences informed their conception of the relationship between poetics and political praxis.  相似文献   

Abstract  This article interrogates the risk of historical artefacts in travel, emphasising especially on the construction of the risk of boundary-crossing when museum exhibits travel abroad through "outbound" international travelling exhibitions. This follows the history of a controversial exhibition, the "Splendour of Imperial China"– held in 1996 that travelled from the National Palace Museum in Taipei which is renowned for its abundant and unique Chinese art collection to one of the most prominent museums on the global stage – the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Drawing upon Mary Douglas's analysis of danger/risk and classification, this paper argues that the risk within the "outbound" international travelling exhibition is less ontological than constructed. Often the controversy over the risk re-delineates the boundary between "us" and "them". This article, first of all, examines the power-laden relationship, regulated by the struggle of the global museum field, when museum experts at home and abroad co-write the risk of an exhibition's travel in the language of insurance calculation. Second, it analyses the laymen's protesting discourses against the historical artefacts' overseas travel through outbound international travelling exhibition. The protest which appropriated the "keeping-while-giving" logic of exchange, and backed up with both national sentiments and international symbolic sources, rendered the exhibition a hot potato. Finally, it interrogates how the settled outbound travelling exhibition actually renders the museum collection reclassified and revalorized according to their suitability for overseas travel.  相似文献   

This article compares the difference between Chinese and British classical love poetry from the aspects of content and style. In the aspect of content, the Chinese classical poetry focus on married life, while the English poetry on courtship. In the aspect of style, Chinese poetry are implicit and delicate while English poetry are explicit and boldly.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some of the relationships between Kamula understandings of embodied personhood and place. It seeks to supplement existing accounts of place in the Bosavi region of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Such understandings have largely been based on song, poetry and myth (Feld ; Schieffelin ). By way of contrast, this paper describes comparatively mundane Kamula experiences of place. The Kamula talk I consider emphasizes socially mediated forms of unification of person and place associated with notions of shared ‘appearance’, ‘equivalence’ and ‘enhancement’. Such terms are further explained by reference to Kamula understandings of the effects of losing a relationship with place. I conclude by showing how such understandings of loss are being deployed in Kamula demands for compensation from the state and logging companies. Through a discussion of these themes the paper contributes to the growing literature on the relationship between personhood, place and development in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

杜雁 《城市观察》2012,(1):86-96
佛山从历史上著名的“四大名镇”到“珠三角制造业重地”,集合了历史文化、村镇经济、广州辐射的多重动力,佛山市行政区划调整已历时近十年,佛山空间结构的演变,已成为中国快速城镇化值得探讨的生动案例。2002年底,行政调整后的佛山市在战略规划中确定了“2+5”的组团结构,而后又相继提出“中心组团”、“东平新城”的空间布局概念并成立了相应的管理机构,与此同时佛山市下辖的南海区和顺德区也在进行适应产业提升的空间重新布局,貌似无序的村镇布局在市场经济的主导下,能否不断加以改善并实现城市产业转型和生活品质的提升,本文试图以佛山活跃的村镇经济为背景,解析佛山空间形态形成的动力,探索行政意愿和市场导向共同作用下的空间结构演变。  相似文献   

Wen Yiduo, a famous Chinese scholar, put forward "Three Beauty" theory that respectively refers to the beauty of music, the beauty of painting and the beauty of architecture, which is his view on poetry. This theory with important pioneering insight is of great significance to instruct translation from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English, additionally, to perfect English writing. This paper clarifies "what is the beauty of music and the beauty of painting, the beauty of architecture in English writing" and focuses on how to use "Three Beauty Theory" in English writing, as well as help students master the application of "Three beauty" theory.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field study in production areas of a vehicle manufacturing plant, where 106 male workers (aged from 20 to 63 years) were examined and interviewed by the authors. Aim of study was to identify relationships between specific physical worker capabilities and doses of mechanical exposures using self-developed standardized questionnaires as well as a battery of work-specific tests. The dependent variables are different "physical capabilities", classified using a five-point rating scale with regard to the grade of limitation of the respective capability. Independent variables are "age" and specific "mechanical exposures". Several exposures were combined and multiplied with their respective durations in order to determine doses on three different body regions - back, shoulder-neck and upper limbs. There are significant positive correlations between "age" and "dose of mechanical exposure on back/shoulder-neck/upper limbs region". The analysis of the relationship between dose of exposure and different capabilities to lift or reposition loads (with variable weight) shows weak significant correlations for all three body regions. Data analysis shows no significant correlations between any dose of mechanical exposure and capabilities to work in awkward body postures.These results should be considered in age management programs when scheduling future employee assignments to workplaces, especially for production systems where manual handling tasks are dominant.  相似文献   

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