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《朝觐途记》是中国清代伊斯兰教著名学者马德新(复初)旅游阿拉伯世界的见闻录。原稿是用阿拉伯文字写成的,1861年由作者的“门人弟子”马安礼译为汉文,刻版问世。这本小册子反映了十九世纪五十年代中国至阿拉伯和西亚各国海、陆交通的概况;记载了当地的文物、古代遗址、  相似文献   

任何一门学科都由一个逻辑起点引伸出一系列的范畴,这些范畴都是学科网上的纽结,然后逐步形成自身的体系,各门学科在发展过程中要自觉或不自觉地经历这个发展过程。笔者认为,社会群体关系是公共关系学的逻辑起点。社会群体关系贯穿于公共关系活动的全过程。因为:社会群体关系是反映公共关系活动最原始、最基本、最普遍的  相似文献   

不久前,上海市有关方面表示,对2005年版的《业主公约》、《业主临时公约》示范文本进行增补,新增一些制约"群租"的新条款。此外,上海市房地局授予物管公司对房屋装修和租赁备案的管理权限,明确对违反公约出租或转租的,业委会可书面责成业主或承租人立即终止租赁行为。据了解,目前上海的房屋租赁市场十分混乱,许多房屋都被改造出数个  相似文献   

《汉语大词典》是研究词汇及民俗语汇很好的参考。但据考察,《大词典》对于《菽园杂记》民俗语汇的收录,仍存在词条失收、义项缺失、引证偏晚、缺乏书证等情况,因而,《菽园杂记》的辞书编撰价值主要体现为以下四个方面:补充词条、增补义项、提前最早书证、补充书证。  相似文献   

融贯中外探微举要———喜读谭明方《社会学范畴论》于真长期以来,困扰着社会学理论界的有三大问题:一是学科的性质问题;二是宏观社会研究与微观社会研究之间的理论联系问题;三是“基本范畴”间的内在逻辑性问题。在我国,由于这些基础性的问题始终未能得到较好的解...  相似文献   

陈英军 《职业》2012,(5):48
《电力拖动控制线路与技能训练》(第四版)课程是技工学校电工类专业的一门重要专业课。针对电力拖动的课程特点和社会发展对人才培养的需求,谈一谈如何提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

一九三四年九月二十六日出版的中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府机关报《红色中华》,刊载了张闻天在云石山上写成的社论《一切为了保卫苏维埃》。  相似文献   

今年年初,《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》公布实施后,农村集体土地征收与房屋拆迁继而成为人们关注的话题。据《半月谈内部版》报道,近年来由集体土地征收引发的群体性事件和恶性案件触动着社会敏感的神经。有关专家学者表示,我国土地管理法  相似文献   

将阎连科的《受活》(春风文艺出版社2004年版)与《丁庄梦》(上海文艺出版社2006年版)对比阅读,是理解作家乡村关怀的可取路径。与之前的大部分作品不同,阎连科这两次写作将反思的触角延伸到了中国乡村社会的极限,也延伸到了中国式现代化的极限,更延伸到中国式权力的极限特征和运作的深层逻辑中。在这个意义上,可以将这两个文本视为作家批判中国现状和未来命运的精神展示。  相似文献   

通过作者多年的学习和教学经验的总结和研究,结合《工程力学》课程的内在逻辑特点,总结归纳了影响《工程力学》这门课程学生习得效果的因素,从教材内容理解、与教师的交流、课后练习、参与实践等几个方面提出了增强《工程力学》习得效果的方法。对学生高效学习《工程力学》及相关课程具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

It was and is an important text, and looking back, it becomesclear how in many ways New Zealand was advanced in its thinkingon Community Development. The language and the concepts wereexpressed differently from today, but that is a comment nota critique. The editor, Ian Shirley, with a history as a community workerand later an academic had produced other writings on communitydevelopment, but little of the standing of this work had beenwritten either before or since on the theory and practice ofcommunity development in New Zealand. Twenty-three years on,this book is still read by students and teachers of communitydevelopment. So, has it that stood the test of time or is therenothing to take its place? The book does not  相似文献   

Wolfe's book proposes affinities between transformations in anthropological knowledge and the changing strategic imperatives of Australian settler colonialism. He sees settler colonialism not as an event but a structure determined by a logic of elimination directed at Indigenous Australians. This article considers the persuasiveness of his claims in relation to the core concepts of settler colonialism and race relations and his approach to gender relations. It situates the book under review in wider debates about the history and anthropology of Indigenous Australians, and in the context of an earlier controversy generated by Wolfe's analysis of the concept of the Dreamtime.  相似文献   

24岁的西安姑娘李一拥有美丽的歌喉和惊人的音乐才华。别看她如此年轻,却已在法国音乐界闯出了几分名气,还幸运地成为中法文化交流的使者,在法国国宴上一展歌喉,赢得全场嘉宾的赞赏。这位西安姑娘的成功背后,是父亲独自抚养女儿长大,艰辛求艺路上那些曲折动人的故事。  相似文献   

As intersectionality gains more prominence, scholars still face difficulties of incorporating principles of intersectionality into empirical research. Key concepts of intersectionality theory include moving away from additive thinking, relationality, and social constructionism. An important challenge is how to incorporate these concepts into research design. While existing scholarship examines intersectional methodology, most of the focus has been on issues of analysis not data collection. I argue that some of the difficulties in intersectionality scholarship are not just issues of analysis but issues of data collection. In particular, I discuss how scholars can incorporate intersectionality concepts into research design by offering examples from my own research that used qualitative interviews to examine how race and gender influenced neighborhood experiences. I also present the obstacles I encountered in conveying the key concepts of intersectionality into language that is relatable to study participants.  相似文献   

This essay argues that field analyses of social movements can be improved by incorporating more insights from Pierre Bourdieu. In particular, Bourdieu’s concepts of logic, symbolic capital, illusio, and doxa can enrich social movement scholarship by enabling scholars to identify new objects of study, connect organizational‐ and individual‐level effects, and shed new light on a variety of familiar features of social movements. I demonstrate this claim by delineating the contours of one such field, the “social justice field” (SJF). I argue that the SJF is a delimited, trans‐movement arena of contentious politics united by the logic of the pursuit of radical social justice. Drawing upon existing scholarship, as well as my own research on the prison abolition movement, I argue that the competitive demands of the field produce characteristic effects on organizations and individual activists within the field. I conclude by considering how a Bourdieuian approach can provide fresh insights into familiar problematics within the social movements literature.  相似文献   

Morris Janowitz has been a major contributor to sociological theory and research over the last live decades. The range of his empirical work and the logic of his theory–based on philosophical pragmatism and opposed to “grand” formulations– obscure the magnitude of his contribution to social theory, despite his pervasive influence on research in particular subfields. This paper provides a brief overview of the logic and substance of Janowitz's contribution to macrosociology which is focused on his concepts of institutional analysis, social control, and institution building. The use of these concepts is illustrated substantively in the light of current trends in the development of advanced industrial society.  相似文献   

In this article, the author examines the connection between Yi (Nuosu) entrepreneurship and ethnic identity. First the term identity is discussed, and then important factors for creating identity among Nuosu entrepreneurs are outlined. Concerning the Nuosu–Yi, until today the clan plays a predominant role. Through entrepreneurship, clan-transcending institutions and a clan-transcending ethnic identity are emerging. The author follows up by addressing identity issues in terms of the rewritten official Chinese history on the Yi. To understand the entrepreneurs' concept of identity, it is necessary to understand that their discourse on questions of status and identity very often coincide with arguments advanced by Yi scholars. Nuosu entrepreneurs, as a new economic and social elite, thereby contribute to the shaping of a new Nuosu collective consciousness. Time (history) and space (Liangshan) are crucial markers of Nuosu identity, but the author argues that economic success is an additional factor for developing a new identity as well. Notably, entrepreneurs are both carriers of ethnic symbols and agents of modernization who actively shape identity.  相似文献   

Regulatory peer review—in which independent scientistscomment on the technical underpinnings of proposed regulations—isa recently pursued form of political control of the bureaucracy.This article situates regulatory peer review in the contextof both the history of technical advice to government and theprincipal-agent perspective often used to explain the presenceof administrative procedures. Much of the academic discussionof attempts to influence bureaucratic decision making has utilizedprincipal-agent theory. We introduce two novel concepts to accommodateregulatory peer review into the principal-agent framework. Thefirst is "technocracy" where the preferences of technical expertsdisplace public preferences. The second is "epistemic drift,"a change in embodied knowledge that contributes to departuresfrom the policy intentions of an enacting coalition of policymakers. In addition to introducing these concepts, we arguethat regulatory peer review is more complex than other administrativeprocedures and that its efficacy critically depends on the detailsof its implementation. We hypothesize that regulatory peer reviewwill cause nongovernmental participants in regulatory conflictsto devote more effort to creating research and other epistemicresources. But we also hypothesize that, just as courts havebecome more politicized with their role in regulatory policy,peer review and regulatory science will become increasinglypoliticized as well.  相似文献   

This article discusses two aspects of the interconnected social and economic features of voluntary associations. First, it characterises the transformation processes of voluntary associations which make them more similar to bureaucratic busitness organisations. The article's second. endeavour is to discuss how changes in the economic features of an association have an impact on its social elements. The key argument is that changes in economic features of a voluntary association have important negative effects on its social basis. The analysis focuses on how changes in the mode of financing of an association affect the solidarity of its members. This paper draws heavily on an earlier German article (Horch, 1992). I would like to thank the editor of the book where this article was published, Annette Zimmer, for her permission to publish a revised English version.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s the financialization of the enterprise is an increasingly important aspect of capitalist development also in Germany. However, more recently a growing number of scholars point at a problematic conceptual stretching of financialization. The term has been defined too differently and ambiguously and has not been distinguished sufficiently from seemingly similar concepts. Financialization has been prematurely identified with a set of fixed effects often condensed to stagist concepts of capitalist development. When analyzing effects financialization has been regarded in isolation without considering interaction effects with other structurations of fields and hence the multi-referentiality of the enterprise. In order to overcome these shortcomings the article proposes a concept for the analysis of firm level financialization which draws on a more general sociological concept of field structuration and dynamics in which the “multi-referential enterprise” operates. Based on this concept the article analyses episodes of financialization in Germany showing its dynamics and limits. Financialization of enterprises proves to be structurally limited, institutionally contested, and unfolds its effects in deferent actor constellations at firm level due to its multiple and contradictory embeddedness.  相似文献   

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