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Simultaneous confidence bands have been shown in the statistical literature as powerful inferential tools in univariate linear regression. While the methodology of simultaneous confidence bands for univariate linear regression has been extensively researched and well developed, no published work seems available for multivariate linear regression. This paper fills this gap by studying one particular simultaneous confidence band for multivariate linear regression. Because of the shape of the band, the word ‘tube’ is more pertinent and so will be used to replace the word ‘band’. It is shown that the construction of the tube is related to the distribution of the largest eigenvalue. A simulation‐based method is proposed to compute the 1 ? α quantile of this eigenvalue. With the computation power of modern computers, the simultaneous confidence tube can be computed fast and accurately. A real‐data example is used to illustrate the method, and many potential research problems have been pointed out.  相似文献   

In this note we show that the condition of observability is not sufficient for minimality in the multivariate state space models. We show that model building based on Jordan canonical forms cannot capture all observable dynamic linear models.  相似文献   

Canonical correlation has been little used and little understood, even by otherwise sophisticated analysts. An alternative approach to canonical correlation, based on a general linear multivariate model, is presented. Properties of principal component analysis are used to help explain the method. Standard computational methods for full rank canonical correlation, techniques for canonical correlation on component scores, and canonical correlation with less than full rank are discussed. They are seen to be essentially equivalent when the model equation for canonical correlation on component scores is presented. The two approaches to less than full rank situations are equivalent in some senses, but quite different in usefulness, depending on the application. An example dataset is analyzed in detail to help demonstrate the conclusions.  相似文献   

For studying and modeling the time to failure of a system or component, many reliability practitioners used the hazard rate and its monotone behaviors. However, nowadays, there are two problems. First, the modern components have high reliability and, second, their distributions are usually have non monotone hazard rate, such as, the truncated normal, Burr XII, and inverse Gaussian distributions. So, modeling these data based on the hazard rate models seems to be too stringent. Zimmer et al. (1998 Zimmer , W. J. , Wang , Y. , Pathak , P. K. ( 1998 ). Log-odds rate and monotone log-odds rate distributions . J. Qual. Technol. 30 ( 4 ): 376385 .[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Wang et al. (2003 Wang , Y. , Hossain , A. M. , Zimmer , W. J. ( 2003 ). Monotone log-odds rate distributions in reliability analysis . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 32 ( 11 ): 22272244 .[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2008 Wang , Y. , Hossain , A. M. , Zimmer , W. J. ( 2008 ). Useful properties of the three-parameter Burr XII distribution. In: Ahsanullah M., Applied Statistics Research Progress. pp. 11–20 . [Google Scholar]) introduced and studied a new time to failure model in continuous distributions based on log-odds rate (LOR) which is comparable to the model based on the hazard rate.

There are many components and devices in industry, that have discrete distributions with non monotone hazard rate, so, in this article, we introduce the discrete log-odds rate which is different from its analog in continuous case. Also, an alternative discrete reversed hazard rate which we called it the second reversed rate of failure in discrete times is also defined here. It is shown that the failure time distributions can be characterized by the discrete LOR. Moreover, we show that the discrete logistic and log logistics distributions have property of a constant discrete LOR with respect to t and ln t, respectively. Furthermore, properties of some distributions with monotone discrete LOR, such as the discrete Burr XII, discrete Weibull, and discrete truncated normal are obtained.  相似文献   

Variable selection is fundamental to high-dimensional multivariate generalized linear models. The smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) method can solve the problem of variable selection and estimation. The choice of the tuning parameter in the SCAD method is critical, which controls the complexity of the selected model. This article proposes a criterion to select the tuning parameter for the SCAD method in multivariate generalized linear models, which is shown to be able to identify the true model consistently. Simulation studies are conducted to support theoretical findings, and two real data analysis are given to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

This note extends some results on homogeneous linear estimators to the general, even nonlinear case.A Sufficient condition for the difference of mean square error matrices of minimum conditional mean square error estimator and minimum average risk linear estimator to be postive definite is derived.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of maximum likelihood estimation for ergodic diffusions are studied via recently developed empirical process theory for martingales. This approach enables us to remove some undesirable regularity conditions that usually appear in the statistical literature on ergodic diffusions. In particular, dimension dependent conditions for the existence of a continuous likelihood and for consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator turn out to be unnecessary.  相似文献   

We study estimation and prediction in linear models where the response and the regressor variable both take values in some Hilbert space. Our main objective is to obtain consistency of a principal component‐based estimator for the regression operator under minimal assumptions. In particular, we avoid some inconvenient technical restrictions that have been used throughout the literature. We develop our theory in a time‐dependent setup that comprises as important special case the autoregressive Hilbertian model.  相似文献   

In this paper, multivariate data with missing observations, where missing values could be by chance or by design, are considered for various models including the growth curve model. The likelihood equations are derived and the consistency of the estimates established. The likelihood ratio tests are explicity derived.  相似文献   

We discuss the assumption of symmetry in robust linear regression. It is important to distinguish between the intercept term and the slope parameters. Ordinary robust regression requires no assumption of symmetry when interest lies in slope parameters; computer programs, confidence intervals, standard errors, and so forth do not change because the errors are asymmetric. The situation is radically different for bounded-influence estimators. With the exception of the Mallows class, these estimators are inconsistent for slope when the errors are asymmetric.  相似文献   

隐马尔可夫模型对于异质纵向数据的处理有良好的效果,因此被广泛应用于工程技术、生物医学、经济管理等领域。文章引入了一种特殊的非齐次隐马尔可夫状态转移方式,并将其与经典的多元线性回归相结合,提出了隐非齐次马尔可夫多元线性回归模型,介绍了对该模型进行贝叶斯推断的方法原理和技术细节。最后,通过两个模拟实验说明了推断方法的结果是可靠的。  相似文献   

Two multivariate stationary processes with general multivariate Weibull marginals are developed and studied. The joint distribution of the two adjacent events in the processes and the distributions of the finite sample minima as well as the geometric minima are derived. The characterization properties of these two processes are also proved.  相似文献   

The problem of interaction selection in high-dimensional data analysis has recently received much attention. This note aims to address and clarify several fundamental issues in interaction selection for linear regression models, especially when the input dimension p is much larger than the sample size n. We first discuss how to give a formal definition of “importance” for main and interaction effects. Then we focus on two-stage methods, which are computationally attractive for high-dimensional data analysis but thus far have been regarded as heuristic. We revisit the counterexample of Turlach and provide new insight to justify two-stage methods from the theoretical perspective. In the end, we suggest new strategies for interaction selection under the marginality principle and provide some simulation results.  相似文献   

从属性、构建方法及意义等方面,分析研究线性回归模型在计量经济学和统计学两学科视角下的差异,并根据这种差异进一步提出回归模型的基本设定思路。研究表明:识别这种差异是完成模型设定工作的基础性和必要性举措,有助于实现线性回归模型的正确设定。以经典例证对计量经济学和统计学回归模型在应用中的区别以及模型设定问题进行进一步展示和分析。  相似文献   

We compare and investigate Neyman's smooth test, its components, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-fit test for testing the uniformity of multivariate forecast densities. Simulations indicate that the KS test lacks power when the forecast distributions are misspecified, especially for correlated sequences of random variables. Neyman's smooth test and its components work well in samples of size typically available, although there sometimes are size distortions. The components provide directed diagnosis regarding the kind of departure from the null. For illustration, the tests are applied to forecast densities obtained from a bivariate threshold model fitted to high-frequency financial data.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to generalize testing and estimation for the multivariate standard incomplete block model (Rao & Mitra, 1971a) to the general multivariate Gauss—Markov incomplete block model with singular covariance matrix. The results of this paper can be applied to particular cases of the multivariate Gauss—Markov incomplete block model, including the Zyskind—Martin model.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of several statistical tests for comparing treatment groups with respect to multivariate survival data, based on the marginal analysis approach introduced by Wei, Lin and Weissfeld [Regression Analysis of multivariate incomplete failure time data by modelling marginal distributians, JASA vol. 84 pp. 1065–1073]. We consider two types of directional tests, based on a constrained maximization and on linear combinations of the unconstrained maximizer of the working likelihood function, and the omnibus test arising from the same working likelihood. The directional tests are members of a larger class of tests, from which an asymptotically optimal test can be found. We compare the asymptotic powers of the tests under general contiguous alternatives for a variety of settings, and also consider the choice of the number of survival times to include in the multivariate outcome. We illustrate the results with simulations and with the results from a clinical trial examining recurring opportunistic infections in persons with HIV.  相似文献   

Approximation of a density by another density is considered in the case of different dimensionalities of the distributions. The results have been derived by inverting expansions of characteristic functions with the help of matrix techniques. The approximations obtained are all functions of cumulant differences and derivatives of the approximating density. The multivariate Edgeworth expansion follows from the results as a special case. Furthermore, the density functions of the trace and eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix are approximated by the multivariate normal density and a numerical example is given  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of testing the multivariate linear hypothesis when the errors follow an antedependence model (Gabriel, 1961, 1962). Antedependence can be formulated as a nonstationary autoregressive model of general order. Three test statistics are derived that provide analogs to three commonly used MANOVA statistics: Wilks' Lambda, the Lawley-Hotelling Trace, and Pillai's Trace. Formulas are given for each of these statistics that show how they can be obtained From any statistical computing package that calculates the usual MANOVA statistics. These antedependent statistics would be appropriate in analyzing certain multivariate data sets in which repeated measurements are taken on the same subjects over a period of time.  相似文献   

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