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ABSTRACTIn this article, we look into the properties and characterizations of the New Zenga curve. The relationship of the curve with other measures of inequality as well as some reliability concepts are examined. Classification of lifetime distributions using the Zenga curve and an illustration for the behaviour of the curve using a survival data are also provided. 相似文献
Recently, several authors have been concerned with ordering comparison of known distributions of the family of generalized power series (GPS) distributions with their mixtures in various senses. In this article, we shall employ a unified approach and obtain similar results, more generally, for all members of the class of the GPS distributions. Some of the previous findings of Misra et al. (2003), Alamatsaz and Abbasi (2008), and Aghababaei Jazi and Alamatsaz (2010) in this connection, then, follow as corollaries. Further, we have derived some more ordering comparison results. 相似文献
This article is related with the probabilistic and statistical properties of an parametric extension of the so-called epsilon-skew-normal (ESN) distribution introduced by Mudholkar and Hutson (2000), which considers an additional shape parameter in order to increase the flexibility of the ESN distribution. Also, this article concerns likelihood inference about the parameters of the new class. In particular, the information matrix of the maximum likelihood estimators is obtained, showing that it is non singular in the special normal case. Finally, the statistical methods are illustrated with two examples based on real datasets. 相似文献
Abstract In this article we consider the problem of fitting a five-parameter generalization of the lambda distribution to data given in the form of a grouped frequency table. The estimation of parameters is done by six different procedures: percentiles, moments, probability-weighted moments, minimum Cramér-Von Mises, maximum likelihood, and pseudo least squares. These methods are evaluated and compared using a Monte Carlo study where the parent populations were generalized lambda distribution (GLD) approximations of Normal, Beta, Gamma random variables, and for nine combinations of sample sizes and number of classes. Of the estimators analyzed it is concluded that, although the method of pseudo least squares suffers from a number of limitations, it appears to be the candidate procedure to estimate the parameters of a GLD from grouped data. 相似文献
Sebastiano Manzan 《商业与经济统计学杂志》2013,31(1):144-164
This article investigates the relevance of considering a large number of macroeconomic indicators to forecast the complete distribution of a variable. The baseline time series model is a semiparametric specification based on the quantile autoregressive (QAR) model that assumes that the quantiles depend on the lagged values of the variable. We then augment the time series model with macroeconomic information from a large dataset by including principal components or a subset of variables selected by LASSO. We forecast the distribution of the h-month growth rate for four economic variables from 1975 to 2011 and evaluate the forecast accuracy relative to a stochastic volatility model using the quantile score. The results for the output and employment measures indicate that the multivariate models outperform the time series forecasts, in particular at long horizons and in tails of the distribution, while for the inflation variables the improved performance occurs mostly at the 6-month horizon. We also illustrate the practical relevance of predicting the distribution by considering forecasts at three dates during the last recession. 相似文献
Takafumi Isogai 《Journal of applied statistics》2005,32(4):421-436
The main purpose of this paper is to give an algorithm to attain joint normality of non-normal multivariate observations through a new power normal family introduced by the author (Isogai, 1999). The algorithm tries to transform each marginal variable simultaneously to joint normality, but due to a large number of parameters it repeats a maximization process with respect to the conditional normal density of one transformed variable given the other transformed variables. A non-normal data set is used to examine performance of the algorithm, and the degree of achievement of joint normality is evaluated by measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis. Besides the above topic, making use of properties of our power normal family, we discuss not only a normal approximation formula of non-central F distributions in the frame of regression analysis but also some decomposition formulas of a power parameter, which appear in a Wilson-Hilferty power transformation setting. 相似文献
M. C. Jones 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(10):1835-1843
Knowledge concerning the family of univariate continuous distributions with density function f and distribution function F defined through the relation f(x) = F α(x)(1 ? F(x))β, α, β ? , is reviewed and modestly extended. Symmetry, modality, tail behavior, order statistics, shape properties based on the mode, L-moments, and—for the first time—transformations between members of the family are the general properties considered. Fully tractable special cases include all the complementary beta distributions (including uniform, power law and cosine distributions), the logistic, exponential and Pareto distributions, the Student t distribution on 2 degrees of freedom and, newly, the distribution corresponding to α = β = 5/2. The logistic distribution is central to some of the developments of the article. 相似文献
在衡量收入分配差异方面,基尼系数存在较大局限。设计新的测度收入分配差异状况的方法十分必要。本文提出的对称收入系数及其派生指标能很好地运用于研究收入分配的差异及其变化状况。本文还结合我国城镇居民的收入分配状况进行分析,得到了一些新的结论。 相似文献
Motivated by problems in linguistics we consider a multinomial random vector for which the number of cells N is not much smaller than the sum of the cell frequencies, i.e. the sample size n . The distribution function of the uniform distribution on the set of all cell probabilities multiplied by N is called the structural distribution function of the cell probabilities. Conditions are given that guarantee that the structural distribution function can be estimated consistently as n increases indefinitely although n / N does not. The natural estimator is inconsistent and we prove consistency of essentially two alternative estimators. 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of constructing simultaneous confidence intervals for the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution at several specified points. The procedure is based upon the observation of a random sample of independent observations from a normal distribution with an unknown mean and variance. A new methodology is proposed for obtaining confidence intervals with a specified overall simultaneous confidence level through the inversion of acceptance sets. Both one-sided and two-sided confidence intervals are considered. Some illustrations of the new method are provided, and comparisons are made with other approaches to the problem. 相似文献
The cumulative distribution function of the non-central chi-square is very important in calculating the power function of some statistical tests. On the other hand it involves an integral which is difficult to obtain. In literature some workers discussed the evaluation and the approximation of the c.d.f. of the non-central chi-square [see references (2)]. In the present work two computational formulae for computing the cumulative distribution function of the non-central chi-square distribution are given, the first one deals with the case of any degrees of freedom (odd and even), and the second deals with the case of odd degrees of freedom. Numerical illustrations are discussed. 相似文献
Yoshihiko Maesono 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):305-327
Some statistics in common use take a form of a ratio of two statistics.In this paper, we will discuss asymptotic properties of the ratio statistic.We obtain an asymptotic representation of the ratio with remainder term o p(n -1) and a Edgeworth expansion with remainder term o(n -1/2) And as example, the asymptotic representation and the Edgeworth expansion of the jackknife skewness estimator for U-statistics are established and we discuss the biases of the skewness estimator theoretically.We also apply the result to an estimator of Pearson’s coefficient of variation and the sample correlation coefficient. 相似文献
F. Chang 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(5):1104-1114
Optimal designs for estimating the parameters and also the optimum factor combinations in multiresponse experiments have been considered by various authors. However, till date, in mixture experiments optimum designs have been studied only in the single response case. In this article, attempt has been made to investigate optimum designs for estimating optimum mixing proportions in a multiresponse mixture experiment. 相似文献
Stephen M. S. Lee & G. Alastair Young 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》1997,59(2):383-400
For estimating the distribution of a standardized statistic, the bootstrap estimate is known to be local asymptotic minimax. Various computational techniques have been developed to improve on the simulation efficiency of uniform resampling, the standard Monte Carlo approach to approximating the bootstrap estimate. Two new approaches are proposed which give accurate yet simple approximations to the bootstrap estimate. The second of the approaches even improves the convergence rate of the simulation error. A simulation study examines the performance of these two approaches in comparison with other modified bootstrap estimates. 相似文献
The distributions of some transformations of the sample correlation coefficient r are studied here, when the parent population is a mixture of two standard bivariate normals. The behavior of these transformations is assessed through the first four standard moments. It is shown that there is a close relationship between the behavior of the transformed variables and the lack of normality as evinced by the 'kurtosis' defined in the bivariate population 相似文献
Halil Aydoğdu 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(9-10):1939-1956
ABSTRACT This article is concerned with some parametric and nonparametric estimators for the k-fold convolution of a distribution function. An alternative estimator is proposed and its unbiasedness, asymptotic unbiasedness, and consistency properties are investigated. The asymptotic normality of this estimator is established. Some applications of the estimator are given in renewal processes. Finally, the computational procedures are described and the relative performance of these estimators for small sample sizes is investigated by a simulation study. 相似文献
The Tukey lambda family of distributions together with its extensions have played an important role in statistical practice. In this paper a con¬tinuously defined two-parameter generalization of this family, which holds promise of a variety of additional applications, is variously studied. The coefficients of skewness and kurtosis and the density shapes of its members are examined and the family is related to the classical Pearsonian system of distributions. 相似文献
Andrew T. A. Wood 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(4):1439-1456
A three-parameter F approximation to the distribution of a positive linear combination of central chi-squared variables is described. It is about as easy to implement as the Satterthwaite-Welsh and Hall-Buckley-Eagleson approximations. Some reassuring properties of the F approximation are derived, and numerical results are presented. The numerical results indicate that the new approximation is superior to the Satterthwaite approximation and, for some purposes, better than the Hall-Buckley-Eagleson approximation. It is not quite as good as the Gamma-Weibull approximation due to Solomon and Stephens, but is easier to implement because iterative methods are not required. 相似文献
We present the censored regression model with the error term following the asymmetric exponential power distribution. We propose three Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms: the first one uses the probability integral transformation; the second one uses a combination of the probability integral transformation and random walk draws; while the third one uses random walk draws. Using simulated data we compare the performance of the three MCMC algorithms. Then we compare the posterior means, or Bayes estimates, with maximum likelihood estimates. We estimate the stock option portion of executive compensation as an example of the empirical application. 相似文献
J. Martin Van Zyl 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2015,44(9):2442-2462
Least absolute deviation regression is applied using a fixed number of points for all values of the index to estimate the index and scale parameter of the stable distribution using regression methods based on the empirical characteristic function. The recognized fixed number of points estimation procedure uses ten points in the interval zero to one, and least squares estimation. It is shown that using the more robust least absolute regression based on iteratively re-weighted least squares outperforms the least squares procedure with respect to bias and also mean square error in smaller samples. 相似文献