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In some industrial applications, the quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between the response variable and one or more independent variables which is called as profile. There are many approaches for monitoring different types of profiles in the literature. Most researchers assume that the response variable follows a normal distribution. However, this assumption may be violated in many cases. The most likely situation is when the response variable follows a distribution from generalized linear models (GLMs). For example, when the response variable is the number of defects in a certain area of a product, the observations follow Poisson distribution and ignoring this fact will cause misleading results. In this paper, three methods including a T2-based method, likelihood ratio test (LRT) method and F method are developed and modified in order to be applied in monitoring GLM regression profiles in Phase I. The performance of the proposed methods is analysed and compared for the special case that the response variable follows Poisson distribution. A simulation study is done regarding the probability of the signal criterion. Results show that the LRT method performs better than two other methods and the F method performs better than the T2-based method in detecting either small or large step shifts as well as drifts. Moreover, the F method performs better than the other two methods, and the LRT method performs poor in comparison with the F and T2-based methods in detecting outliers. A real case, in which the size and number of agglomerates ejected from a volcano in successive days form the GLM profile, is illustrated and the proposed methods are applied to determine whether the number of agglomerates of each size is under statistical control or not. Results showed that the proposed methods could handle the mentioned situation and distinguish the out-of-control conditions.  相似文献   


In some situations, for example, in biology or psychology studies, we wish to determine whether the linear relationship between response variable and predictor variables differs in two populations. The analysis of the covariance (ANCOVA) or, equivalently, the partial F-test approaches are the commonly used methods. In this study, the asymptotic distribution for the difference between two independent regression coefficients was established. The proposed method was used to derive the asymptotic confidence set for the difference between coefficients and hypothesis testing for the equality of the two regression models. Then a simulation study was conducted to compare the proposed method with the partial F method. The performance of the new method was comparable with that of the partial F method.  相似文献   

The coefficient of determination, a.k.a. R2, is well-defined in linear regression models, and measures the proportion of variation in the dependent variable explained by the predictors included in the model. To extend it for generalized linear models, we use the variance function to define the total variation of the dependent variable, as well as the remaining variation of the dependent variable after modeling the predictive effects of the independent variables. Unlike other definitions that demand complete specification of the likelihood function, our definition of R2 only needs to know the mean and variance functions, so applicable to more general quasi-models. It is consistent with the classical measure of uncertainty using variance, and reduces to the classical definition of the coefficient of determination when linear regression models are considered.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that automated variable selection results in models with substantially inflated estimates of the model R 2, and that a large proportion of selected variables are truly noise variables. These earlier studies used simulated data sets whose sample sizes were at most 100. We used Monte Carlo simulations to examine the large-sample performance of backwards variable elimination. We found that in large samples, backwards variable elimination resulted in estimates of R 2 that were at most marginally biased. However, even in large samples, backwards elimination tended to identify the correct regression model in a minority of the simulated data sets.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a variable selection method for detecting abnormal items based on the T2 test when the observations on abnormal items are available. Based on the unbiased estimates of the powers for all subsets of variables, the variable selection method selects the subset of variables that maximizes the power estimate. Since more than one subsets of variables maximize the power estimate frequently, the averaged p-value of the rejected items is used as a second criterion. Although the performance of the method depends on the sample size for the abnormal items and the true power values for all subsets of variables, numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Since normal and abnormal items are simulated using one-factor and two-factor models, basic properties of the power functions for the models are investigated.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of selecting functional variables using the L1 regularization in a functional linear regression model with a scalar response and functional predictors, in the presence of outliers. Since the LASSO is a special case of the penalized least-square regression with L1 penalty function, it suffers from the heavy-tailed errors and/or outliers in data. Recently, Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) and the LASSO methods have been combined (the LAD-LASSO regression method) to carry out robust parameter estimation and variable selection simultaneously for a multiple linear regression model. However, variable selection of the functional predictors based on LASSO fails since multiple parameters exist for a functional predictor. Therefore, group LASSO is used for selecting functional predictors since group LASSO selects grouped variables rather than individual variables. In this study, we propose a robust functional predictor selection method, the LAD-group LASSO, for a functional linear regression model with a scalar response and functional predictors. We illustrate the performance of the LAD-group LASSO on both simulated and real data.  相似文献   


It is common to monitor several correlated quality characteristics using the Hotelling's T 2 statistic. However, T 2 confounds the location shift with scale shift and consequently it is often difficult to determine the factors responsible for out of control signal in terms of the process mean vector and/or process covariance matrix. In this paper, we propose a diagnostic procedure called ‘D-technique’ to detect the nature of shift. For this purpose, two sets of regression equations, each consisting of regression of a variable on the remaining variables, are used to characterize the ‘structure’ of the ‘in control’ process and that of ‘current’ process. To determine the sources responsible for an out of control state, it is shown that it is enough to compare these two structures using the dummy variable multiple regression equation. The proposed method is operationally simpler and computationally advantageous over existing diagnostic tools. The technique is illustrated with various examples.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a simulation study of variable selection in a multiple regression context that evaluates the frequency of selecting noise variables and the bias of the adjusted R 2 of the selected variables when some of the candidate variables are authentic. It is demonstrated that for most samples a large percentage of the selected variables is noise, particularly when the number of candidate variables is large relative to the number of observations. The adjusted R 2 of the selected variables is highly inflated.  相似文献   

In this study, the performances of linear regression techniques, which are especially used in clinical chemistry in method comparison studies, are compared via the Monte-Carlo simulation. The regression techniques that take the measurement errors of both dependent and independent variables into account are called Type II regression techniques. In this study, we also compare the performances of Type II and Type I (classical regression techniques that do not take the measurement errors of the independent variable into account) regression techniques for different sample sizes and different shape parameters of the Weibull distribution. The mean square error is used as a performance criterion of each technique. MATLAB 7.02 software is used in the simulation study. As a result, in all conditions, the ordinary least-square (OLS)-bisector regression technique, which bisects the OLS(Y | X) and the OLS(X | Y), shows the best performance.  相似文献   

The paper considers a significance test of regression variables in the high-dimensional linear regression model when the dimension of the regression variables p, together with the sample size n, tends to infinity. Under two sightly different cases, we proved that the likelihood ratio test statistic will converge in distribution to a Gaussian random variable, and the explicit expressions of the asymptotical mean and covariance are also obtained. The simulations demonstrate that our high-dimensional likelihood ratio test method outperforms those using the traditional methods in analyzing high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

Polynomial regression of degree p in one independent variable χ is considered. Numerically large sample correlations between χα and χβ, α < β, a, β = 1, ···, p, may cause ill-conditioning in the matrix to be inverted in application of the method of least squares. These sample correlations are investigated. It is confirmed that centering of the independent variable to have zero sample mean removes nonessential ill-conditioning. If the sample values of χ are placed symmetrically about their mean, the sample correlation between χα and χβ is reduced to zero by centering when α + β is odd, but may remain large when α + β is even. Some examples and recommendations are given.  相似文献   

This note discusses a problem that might occur when forward stepwise regression is used for variable selection and among the candidate variables is a categorical variable with more than two categories. Most software packages (such as SAS, SPSSx, BMDP) include special programs for performing stepwise regression. The user of these programs has to code categorical variables with dummy variables. In this case the forward selection might wrongly indicate that a categorical variable with more than two categories is nonsignificant. This is a disadvantage of the forward selection compared with the backward elimination method. A way to avoid the problem would be to test in a single step all dummy variables corresponding to the same categorical variable rather than one dummy variable at a time, such as in the analysis of covariance. This option, however, is not available in forward stepwise procedures, except for stepwise logistic regression in BMDP. A practical possibility is to repeat the forward stepwise regression and change the reference categories each time.  相似文献   

In this article, we study stepwise AIC method for variable selection comparing with other stepwise method for variable selection, such as, Partial F, Partial Correlation, and Semi-Partial Correlation in linear regression modeling. Then we show mathematically that the stepwise AIC method and other stepwise methods lead to the same method as Partial F. Hence, there are more reasons to use the stepwise AIC method than the other stepwise methods for variable selection, since the stepwise AIC method is a model selection method that can be easily managed and can be widely extended to more generalized models and applied to non normally distributed data. We also treat problems that always appear in applications, that are validation of selected variables and problem of collinearity.  相似文献   

Algebraic relationships between Hosmer–Lemeshow (HL), Pigeon–Heyse (J2), and Tsiatis (T) goodness-of-fit statistics for binary logistic regression models with continuous covariates were investigated, and their distributional properties and performances studied using simulations. Groups were formed under deciles-of-risk (DOR) and partition-covariate-space (PCS) methods. Under DOR, HL and T followed reported null distributions, while J2 did not. Under PCS, only T followed its reported null distribution, with HL and J2 dependent on model covariate number and partitioning. Generally, all had similar power. Of the three, T performed best, maintaining Type-I error rates and having a distribution invariant to covariate characteristics, number, and partitioning.  相似文献   

Consider developing a regression model in a context where substantive theory is weak. To focus on an extreme case, suppose that in fact there is no relationship between the dependent variable and the explanatory variables. Even so, if there are many explanatory variables, the R 2 will be high. If explanatory variables with small t statistics are dropped and the equation refitted, the R 2 will stay high and the overall F will become highly significant. This is demonstrated by simulation and by asymptotic calculation.  相似文献   

Many areas of statistical modeling are plagued by the “curse of dimensionality,” in which there are more variables than observations. This is especially true when developing functional regression models where the independent dataset is some type of spectral decomposition, such as data from near-infrared spectroscopy. While we could develop a very complex model by simply taking enough samples (such that n > p), this could prove impossible or prohibitively expensive. In addition, a regression model developed like this could turn out to be highly inefficient, as spectral data usually exhibit high multicollinearity. In this article, we propose a two-part algorithm for selecting an effective and efficient functional regression model. Our algorithm begins by evaluating a subset of discrete wavelet transformations, allowing for variation in both wavelet and filter number. Next, we perform an intermediate processing step to remove variables with low correlation to the response data. Finally, we use the genetic algorithm to perform a stochastic search through the subset regression model space, driven by an information-theoretic objective function. We allow our algorithm to develop the regression model for each response variable independently, so as to optimally model each variable. We demonstrate our method on the familiar biscuit dough dataset, which has been used in a similar context by several researchers. Our results demonstrate both the flexibility and the power of our algorithm. For each response variable, a different subset model is selected, and different wavelet transformations are used. The models developed by our algorithm show an improvement, as measured by lower mean error, over results in the published literature.  相似文献   


Regression analysis is one of the important tools in statistics to investigate the relationships among variables. When the sample size is small, however, the assumptions for regression analysis can be violated. This research focuses on using the exact bootstrap to construct confidence intervals for regression parameters in small samples. The comparison of the exact bootstrap method with the basic bootstrap method was carried out by a simulation study. It was found that on a very small sample (n ≈ 5) under Laplace distribution with the independent variable treated as random, the exact bootstrap was more effective than the standard bootstrap confidence interval.  相似文献   

Recursive partitioning algorithms separate a feature space into a set of disjoint rectangles. Then, usually, a constant in every partition is fitted. While this is a simple and intuitive approach, it may still lack interpretability as to how a specific relationship between dependent and independent variables may look. Or it may be that a certain model is assumed or of interest and there is a number of candidate variables that may non-linearly give rise to different model parameter values. We present an approach that combines generalized linear models (GLM) with recursive partitioning that offers enhanced interpretability of classical trees as well as providing an explorative way to assess a candidate variable's influence on a parametric model. This method conducts recursive partitioning of a GLM by (1) fitting the model to the data set, (2) testing for parameter instability over a set of partitioning variables, (3) splitting the data set with respect to the variable associated with the highest instability. The outcome is a tree where each terminal node is associated with a GLM. We will show the method's versatility and suitability to gain additional insight into the relationship of dependent and independent variables by two examples, modelling voting behaviour and a failure model for debt amortization, and compare it to alternative approaches.  相似文献   

Two methods are suggested for generating R 2 measures for a wide class of models. These measures are linked to the R 2 of the standard linear regression model through Wald and likelihood ratio statistics for testing the joint significance of the explanatory variables. Some currently used R 2's are shown to be special cases of these methods.  相似文献   

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