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Dodge (1943) introduced a single level attribute continuous sampling plan designated as CSP-1 for the application of continuous production processes. Govindaraju & Kandasamy (2000) developed a new single level continuous sampling plan whose sampling inspection phase is characterized by a maximum allowable number of non-conforming units c, and a constant sampling rate f and was designated as CSP-C. In this paper, a modification is proposed on the CSP-C continuous sampling plan. In this modified plan, sampling inspection is continued until the occurrence of c+1 non-conforming units, provided the first m sampled units have been found conforming during the sampling phase. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the performance measures of the modified CSP-C plan are derived. The main advantage of the modified plan is that it is possible to lower the average outgoing quality limit.  相似文献   

运用因子分析、方差分析及Logit回归,实证检验大学生在"消费者社会化"中形成的金钱态度与其互联网消费信贷行为的关系,结果表明:大学生的金钱态度受到个体社会化的显著影响,社会底层家庭的大学生更偏向于"权利与享受"维度,与当今社会"穷孩富养"现象一致;较其他影响源,受父母消费习惯影响的大学生金钱态度更保守;来自农村的大学生在"金钱、能力和未来"维度上的分值更高,说明环境是造成大学生金钱消费观念差异的重要因素。同时,金钱态度、社会化影响源、父母消费行为、社会阶层、年级等因素在不同程度上影响着大学生互联网消费信贷使用意向。  相似文献   

利用荟萃分析法,综述国内外文献在研究消费者转基因食品态度及其影响因素时所采用的调查方法。以江苏城市市区消费者为例,综合运用多阶段抽样方法确定样本城市和样本单元。通过对SCI、SSCI和CSSCI等文献的对比分析,并且根据2013—2014年两次较大规模入户预调查和2014年6~7月正式调查的反馈结果发现,在研究国内城市消费者转基因食品态度及其影响因素时,面对面的自记式问卷调查是一种有效的调查方法。最后,从克服面对面问卷调查的局限性和提高检验数据的有效性两个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期,中国的"三农"问题逐步突显出来,涉及"三农"问题的抽样调查也越来越多。然而,抽取样本依据的抽样框大多是基于普查和行政记录资料编制的单纯名录抽样框。单纯名录抽样框的使用存在很多弊端。拟从抽样框的建立与更新维护两个阶段进行分析,提出解决现有问题的具体思路。在抽样框的建立阶段,建立名录抽样框和区域抽样框相结合的双重简单抽样框,并在此简单抽样框的基础上添加特征群,构建适合不同调查类别的复杂抽样框;在抽样框的更新维护阶段,通过合理地制度安排,以普查数据为基础,以建设抽样框数据库为契机开展抽样框的更新维护工作,使建成的抽样框得到及时有效地更新维护。  相似文献   

理解新零售新电商情境下消费者线上体验对重复购买意愿的影响机理,对于促进电商平台市场销售,提升电商平台产业化进程尤为重要。以花卉电商作为研究情境,构建电商平台重购意愿研究模型,运用结构方程研究方法,探讨线上展示体验、网络口碑体验、情感需求体验、社交互动体验和平台交易体验对重购意愿的影响,检验产品卷入度的中介效应和价格的调节效应。实证结果表明:线上展示体验、网络口碑体验、情感需求体验、社交互动体验、平台交易体验对重购意愿具有显著正向影响;产品卷入度在线上展示体验、网络口碑体验、情感需求体验、社交互动体验、平台交易体验与重购意愿间具有部分中介效应;价格正向调节线上体验与产品卷入度间因果关系。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Pareto sampling was introduced by Rosén in the late 1990s. It is a simple method to get a fixed size π ps sample though with inclusion probabilities only approximately as desired. Sampford sampling, introduced by Sampford in 1967, gives the desired inclusion probabilities but it may take time to generate a sample. Using probability functions and Laplace approximations, we show that from a probabilistic point of view these two designs are very close to each other and asymptotically identical. A Sampford sample can rapidly be generated in all situations by letting a Pareto sample pass an acceptance–rejection filter. A new very efficient method to generate conditional Poisson ( CP ) samples appears as a byproduct. Further, it is shown how the inclusion probabilities of all orders for the Pareto design can be calculated from those of the CP design. A new explicit very accurate approximation of the second-order inclusion probabilities, valid for several designs, is presented and applied to get single sum type variance estimates of the Horvitz–Thompson estimator.  相似文献   

叶光 《统计研究》2015,32(5):47-55
利用时间序列模型研究经济变量的动态特征时,模型估计结果通常随样本观测频率改变而变化。本文针对系统抽样问题,研究样本观测频率变化对脉冲响应函数和累积脉冲响应的影响,探讨不同观测频率下脉冲响应函数的理论联系,以及对变量持久性特征更加稳健的度量方法,在此基础上考察中国通货膨胀的动态特征。结果表明,累积脉冲响应和惯性系数随样本观测频率提高而增加;系统抽样对脉冲响应函数的影响源于外生冲击界定的不同,脉冲响应的数值意义有限,但可用其考察冲击影响的持续时间;外生冲击对中国通货膨胀的影响持续2年左右,且90%在1年内实现,央行要对通胀走势有很强的预判能力,政策滞后将增加反通胀成本。  相似文献   

The fiducial coincides with the posterior in a group model equipped with the right Haar prior. This result is generalized here. For this the underlying probability space of Kolmogorov is replaced by a σ-finite measure space and fiducial theory is presented within this frame. Examples are presented that demonstrate that this also gives good alternatives to existing Bayesian sampling methods. It is proved that the results provided here for fiducial models imply that the theory of invariant measures for groups cannot be generalized directly to loops: there exist a smooth one-dimensional loop where an invariant measure does not exist.  相似文献   

李隆章 《统计研究》1985,2(3):70-76
系统抽样(又称等距抽样)是抽样调查中应用得比较广泛的一种,优点是简便易行,使样本在总体中分布比较均匀,样本的代表性较强,在抽样调查中乐于为实际工作者所采用。但它也是一种比较复杂的抽样调查方式,受总体标志值变动情况的影响较大。由于总体标志值变动情况的不同,它可以得出比分层抽样(又称类型抽样)更小的误差,也可以得出比纯随机抽样更大的误差。当总体标志值出现周期性变化时,甚至可以得出完全不能说明总体情况的结论。如果就它与其他抽样调查方式的关系来说,从某一个角度看来,系统抽样是一种特  相似文献   


In certain situations that shall be undoubtedly more and more common in the Big Data era, the datasets available are so massive that computing statistics over the full samples is hardly feasible, if not unfeasible. A natural approach in this context consists in using survey schemes and substituting the ‘full data’ statistics with their counterparts based on the resulting random samples, of manageable size. It is the main purpose of this paper to investigate the impact of survey sampling on statistical learning methods based on empirical risk minimization through the standard binary classification problem, considered here as a ‘case in point’. Precisely, we prove that, in presence of auxiliary information, appropriate use of optimally coupled Poisson survey plans may not affect much the learning rates, while possibly reducing significantly the number of terms that must be averaged to compute the empirical risk functional with overwhelming probability. These striking results are next shown to extend to more general sampling schemes by means of a coupling technique, originally introduced by Hajek [Asymptotic theory of rejective sampling with varying probabilities from a finite population. Ann Math Stat. 1964;35(4):1491–1523].  相似文献   

肖海峰 《统计研究》1990,7(2):46-49
一、分层方法在多主题分层抽样中,层的确定对多主题分层抽样效果的好坏起着决定作用。在多主题分层抽样中,抽样框有两种,即无序抽样框和有序抽样框。在这两种抽样框中,对多主题总体进行分层的方法是不同的。(一)无序抽样框的分层无序抽样框是指将多主题总体不按任何标志排队,而只是将多主题总体中的各个总体单位随机排列而形成的抽样框。我们采用聚类分析的方法来对多主题总体进行分层。  相似文献   

Plutarch, in his book The Life of Lucullus, reports how the Roman general Lucullus estimated his enemies' food provisions. Lucullus' estimation was based on a sampling procedure. With respect to the history of statistics, this Plutarch's text is the earliest applied sampling ever written.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two new unequal probability sampling methods are introduced: conditional and restricted Pareto sampling. The advantage of conditional Pareto sampling compared with standard Pareto sampling, introduced by Rosén (J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 62, 1997, 135, 159), is that the factual inclusion probabilities better agree with the desired ones. Restricted Pareto sampling, preferably conditioned or adjusted, is able to handle cases where there are several restrictions on the sample and is an alternative to the recent cube method for balanced sampling introduced by Deville and Tillé (Biometrika, 91, 2004, 893). The new sampling designs have high entropy and the involved random numbers can be seen as permanent random numbers.  相似文献   

消费者焦虑、怀旧倾向与消费决策关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今中国社会正处于重大变迁阶段,社会经济结构调整、升级和转型加快使得社会不确定性、生活节奏、社会竞争、工作压力等日趋增强,面对社会出现的变故、威胁、压力等现象,消费者内心形成各种焦虑,为了缓解焦虑感,消费者往往会通过怀旧消费达到目的。以某一类消费行为(捐赠)作为研究对象,分析中国慈善捐赠者如何因社会发生重大变迁而通过怀旧消费行为来缓解所引起的焦虑感,并运用计量方法对消费者焦虑感、怀旧倾向与怀旧消费行为间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明:不安全感、经历、孤独、伤痛感等是消费者焦虑感的主要影响因素;消费者焦虑感与怀旧倾向呈正相关;怀旧倾向对怀旧消费行为强度呈正相关;怀旧强度与捐赠者对慈善组织的信任呈现正相关;消费者行为承诺与其怀旧消费意愿呈正相关。  相似文献   

张绍慎 《统计研究》1990,7(1):60-62
民意调查,我国亦称民意测验。它运用多种统计方法收集人民群众对社会经济和政治生活的意见和看法,反映社会各阶层人民对社会的愿望、态度、满意程度、期望和评价等。从湖南近几年来的情况,我们感到民意调查有以下一些作用:(一)为政府决策提供了科学依据。近几年,我们围绕着国家改革开放的方针政策的制定与贯彻实施的情况进行了一系列的民意调查,一般都收到了较好的效果。为反映政治体制  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for sampling from a non-standard distribution which is important in both population genetics and directional statistics. Current approaches rely on complicated procedures which do not work well, if at all, in high dimensions and usual parameter set-ups. We use a Gibbs sampler which seems necessary in practical situations of high dimensions.  相似文献   

This article presents estimates of household equivalence scales, broken down by demographic characteristics, of U.S. households. Separate estimates are given by family size, age of head, region, race, and urban versus rural residence. Commodity-specific scales are presented for five separate commodity groups—energy, food, consumer goods, capital services, and other services. The estimates are obtained from an econometric model of aggregate consumer behavior. The parameters of this model are estimated by combining aggregate time series and individual cross-section data.  相似文献   

多变量与规模成比例概率抽样技术是永久随机数抽样技术与Poisson抽样技术的结合与发展。文章讨论了多变量与规模成比例概率抽样的基本原理,并对其实用价值进行述评,希望能促进该抽样技术在调查工作中的应用。  相似文献   

In some applications it is cost efficient to sample data in two or more stages. In the first stage a simple random sample is drawn and then stratified according to some easily measured attribute. In each subsequent stage a random subset of previously selected units is sampled for more detailed and costly observation, with a unit's sampling probability determined by its attributes as observed in the previous stages. This paper describes multistage sampling designs and estimating equations based on the resulting data. Maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) and their asymptotic variances are given for designs using parametric models. Horvitz–Thompson estimates are introduced as alternatives to MLEs, their asymptotic distributions are derived and their strengths and weaknesses are evaluated. The designs and the estimates are illustrated with data on corn production.  相似文献   

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