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In this article, we consider Bayesian hypothesis testing for the balanced one-way random effects model. A special choice of the prior formulation for the ratio of variance components is shown to yield an explicit closed-form Bayes factor without integral representation. Furthermore, we study the consistency issue of the resulting Bayes factor under three asymptotic scenarios: either the number of units goes to infinity, the number of observations per unit goes to infinity, or both go to infinity. Finally, the behavior of the proposed approach is illustrated by simulation studies.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider Bayes prediction in a finite population under the simple location error-in-variables superpopulation model. Bayes predictor of the finite population mean under Zellner's balanced loss function and the corresponding relative losses and relative savings loss are derived. The prior distribution of the unknown location parameter of the model is assumed to have a non-normal distribution belonging to the class of Edgeworth series distributions. Effects of non normality of the “true” prior distribution and that of a possible misspecification of the loss function on the Bayes predictor are illustrated for a hypothetical population.  相似文献   

We compare different Bayesian strategies for testing a parametric model versus a nonparametric alternative on the ground of their ability to solve the inconsistency problems arising when using the Bayes factor under certain conditions. A preliminary critical discussion of such an inconsistency is provided.  相似文献   

Several alternative Bayes factors have been recently proposed in order to solve the problem of the extreme sensitivity of the Bayes factor to the priors of models under comparison. Specifically, the impossibility of using the Bayes factor with standard noninformative priors for model comparison has led to the introduction of new automatic criteria, such as the posterior Bayes factor (Aitkin 1991), the intrinsic Bayes factors (Berger and Pericchi 1996b) and the fractional Bayes factor (O'Hagan 1995). We derive some interesting properties of the fractional Bayes factor that provide justifications for its use additional to the ones given by O'Hagan. We further argue that the use of the fractional Bayes factor, originally introduced to cope with improper priors, is also useful in a robust analysis. Finally, using usual classes of priors, we compare several alternative Bayes factors for the problem of testing the point null hypothesis in the univariate normal model.  相似文献   

Some alternative Bayes Factors: Intrinsic, Posterior, and Fractional have been proposed to overcome the difficulties presented when prior information is weak and improper prior are used. Additional difficulties also appear when the models are separated or non nested. This article presents both simulation results and some illustrative examples analysis comparing these alternative Bayes factors to discriminate among the Lognormal, the Weibull, the Gamma, and the Exponential distributions. Simulation results are obtained for different sample sizes generated from the distributions. Results from simulations indicates that these alternative Bayes factors are useful for comparing non nested models. The simulations also show some similar behavior and that when both models are true they choose the simplest model. Some illustrative example are also presented.  相似文献   


In the case of the random design nonparametric regression, the double smoothing technique is applied to estimate the multivariate regression function. The proposed estimator has desirable properties in both the finite sample and the asymptotic cases. In the finite sample case, it has bounded conditional (and unconditional) bias and variance. On the other hand, in the asymptotic case, it has the same mean square error as the local linear estimator in Fan (Design-Adaptive Nonparametric Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1992, 87, 998–1004; Local Linear Regression Smoothers and Their Minimax Efficiencies. Annals of Statistics 1993, 21, 196–216). Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed estimator is better than the local linear estimator, because it has a smaller sample mean integrated square error and gives smoother estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Previously, small area estimation under a nested error linear regression model was studied with area level covariates subject to measurement error. However, the information on observed covariates was not used in finding the Bayes predictor of a small area mean. In this paper, we first derive the fully efficient Bayes predictor by utilizing all the available data. We then estimate the regression and variance component parameters in the model to get an empirical Bayes (EB) predictor and show that the EB predictor is asymptotically optimal. In addition, we employ the jackknife method to obtain an estimator of mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the EB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our EB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimators. Our results show that the proposed EB predictor can lead to significant gain in efficiency over the previously proposed EB predictor.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose an objective Bayesian method for the comparison of all Gaussian directed acyclic graphical models defined on a given set of variables. The method, which is based on the notion of fractional Bayes factor (BF), requires a single default (typically improper) prior on the space of unconstrained covariance matrices, together with a prior sample size hyper‐parameter, which can be set to its minimal value. We show that our approach produces genuine BFs. The implied prior on the concentration matrix of any complete graph is a data‐dependent Wishart distribution, and this in turn guarantees that Markov equivalent graphs are scored with the same marginal likelihood. We specialize our results to the smaller class of Gaussian decomposable undirected graphical models and show that in this case they coincide with those recently obtained using limiting versions of hyper‐inverse Wishart distributions as priors on the graph‐constrained covariance matrices.  相似文献   

In this article, the Bayes linear minimum risk estimator (BLMRE) of parameters is derived in linear model. The superiorities of the BLMRE over ordinary least square estimator (LSE) is studied in terms of the mean square error matrix (MSEM) criterion and Pitman closeness (PC) criterion.  相似文献   

We examine a more general form of consistency which does not necessarily rely on the correct specification of the likelihood in the Bayesian setting, but we restrict the form of the likelihood to be in a minimal standard exponential family. First, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Bayes estimator of a parameter, and show that the Bayes estimator is consistent under the condition that the exponential family is full. However, we find that θi=θj and ∥θiθj∥<ε, even for very small ε, behave differently, even in an asymptotic manner, when the model is not correct. We note that the distinction applies generally to Bayesian testing problems.  相似文献   


With an increasing number of replication studies performed in psychological science, the question of how to evaluate the outcome of a replication attempt deserves careful consideration. Bayesian approaches allow to incorporate uncertainty and prior information into the analysis of the replication attempt by their design. The Replication Bayes factor, introduced by Verhagen and Wagenmakers (2014 Verhagen, J., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2014), “Bayesian Tests to Quantify the Result of a Replication Attempt,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 14571475. DOI: 10.1037/a0036731.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), provides quantitative, relative evidence in favor or against a successful replication. In previous work by Verhagen and Wagenmakers (2014 Verhagen, J., and Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2014), “Bayesian Tests to Quantify the Result of a Replication Attempt,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 14571475. DOI: 10.1037/a0036731.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), it was limited to the case of t-tests. In this article, the Replication Bayes factor is extended to F-tests in multigroup, fixed-effect ANOVA designs. Simulations and examples are presented to facilitate the understanding and to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach. Finally, the Replication Bayes factor is compared to other Bayesian and frequentist approaches and discussed in the context of replication attempts. R code to calculate Replication Bayes factors and to reproduce the examples in the article is available at https://osf.io/jv39h/.  相似文献   

Simple between-group comparisons of category representation percentages can be misleading for investigation of differential group selection procedures—the presence of a strong selection factor can obscure the effects of intermediate factors. This paradoxical effect is easily resolved through elementary application of the Bayes theorem. Because category representation percentages are often convenient and intuitively appealing to the statistically naive, however, there exist diverse and pervasive opportunities for incorrect interpretation with fallacious conclusions. Toxic shock syndrome epidemiological data are used to illustrate the paradox.  相似文献   


In this paper, we prove the Bernstein-von Mises theorem for the GIG∕1 queueing system which is observed over a continuous time interval (0, T], where T is a suitable stopping time. And also the asymptotic properties of Bayes estimators of the parameters are investigated.  相似文献   

We consider the stratified regression superpopulation model and obtain Bayes predictor of the finite population mean under Zellner's two-criterion balanced loss function (BLF). BLF predictor simplifies to a linear combination of the sample and predictive means. Furthermore, it reduces to some of the well-known classical and Bayes predictors. Relative losses and relative savings loss are obtained to investigate loss robustness of the BLF predictor. It is found to perform better than the usual sample mean as well as the predictive mean in the minimal Bayes predictive expected loss sense.  相似文献   

Min Wang  Xiaoqian Sun 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1104-1115
In practical situations, most experimental designs often yield unbalanced data which have different numbers of observations per unit because of cost constraints, missing data, etc. In this paper, we consider the Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing or model selection under the one-way unbalanced fixed-effects analysis-of-variance (ANOVA) model. We adopt Zellner's g-prior with the beta-prime distribution for g, which results in an explicit closed-form expression of the Bayes factor without integral representation. Furthermore, we investigate the model selection consistency of the Bayes factor under three different asymptotic scenarios: either the number of units goes to infinity, the number of observations per unit goes to infinity, or both go to infinity. The results presented extend some existing ones of the Bayes factor for the balanced ANOVA models in the literature.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes methods and a bootstrap bias adjustment procedure are used to estimate the size of a closed population when the individual capture probabilities are independently and identically distributed with a Beta distribution. The method is examined in simulations and applied to several well-known datasets. The simulations show the estimator performs as well as several other proposed parametric and non-parametric estimators.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method due to Lindsey (1974a) for fitting different exponential family distributions for a single population to the same data, using Poisson log-linear modelling of the density or mass function. The method is extended to Efron's (1986) double exponential family, giving exact ML estimation of the two parameters not easily achievable directly. The problem of comparing the fit of the non-nested models is addressed by both Bayes and posterior Bayes factors (Aitkin, 1991). The latter allow direct comparisons of deviances from the fitted distributions.  相似文献   

We give a generalization of the one form of the Donnelly-Tavaré-Griffiths(DTG) formula. It contains not only this DTG formula but also the conditional distribution of the formula given the some first components. We can construct it using a simple urn model. For the generalization of the DTG formula, its probability distributions including marginal and conditional distributions, the related statistics and their asymptotic properties are discussed.  相似文献   

The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics publishes monthly unemployment rate estimates for its 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all counties, under Current Population Survey. However, the unemployment rate estimates for some states are unreliable due to low sample sizes in these states. Datta et al. (1999) proposed a hierarchical Bayes (HB) method using a time series generalization of a widely used cross-sectional model in small-area estimation. However, the geographical variation is also likely to be important. To have an efficient model, a comprehensive mixed normal model that accounts for the spatial and temporal effects is considered. A HB approach using Markov chain Monte Carlo is used for the analysis of the U.S. state-level unemployment rate estimates for January 2004-December 2007. The sensitivity of such type of analysis to prior assumptions in the Gaussian context is also studied.  相似文献   


This article presents maximum likelihood, Bayes, and empirical Bayes estimators of the truncated first moment and hazard function of the Maxwell distribution. A comparison of the relative efficiency of these three estimators is performed via a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

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