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Assuming stratified simple random sampling, a confidence interval for a finite population quantile may be desired. Using a confidence interval with endpoints given by order statistics from the combined stratified sample, several procedures to obtain lower bounds (and approximations for the lower bounds) for the confidence coefficients are presented. The procedures differ with respect to the amount of prior information assumed about the var-iate values in the finite population, and the extent to which sample data is used to estimate the lower bounds.  相似文献   

We develop the score test for the hypothesis that a parameter of a Markov sequence is constant over time, against the alternatives that it varies over time, i.e., θt = θ + Ut; t = 1,2,…, where {Ut; t = 1,2,...} is a sequence of independently and identically distributed random variables with mean zero and variance σz u and θ is a fixed constant. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is proved to be normal. We illustrate our procedure by examples and a real life data analysis.  相似文献   

Methods for comparing designs for a random (or mixed) linear model have focused primarily on criteria based on single-valued functions. In general, these functions are difficult to use, because of their complex forms, in addition to their dependence on the model's unknown variance components. In this paper, a graphical approach is presented for comparing designs for random models. The one-way model is used for illustration. The proposed approach is based on using quantiles of an estimator of a function of the variance components. The dependence of these quantiles on the true values of the variance components is depicted by plotting the so-called quantile dispersion graphs (QDGs), which provide a comprehensive picture of the quality of estimation obtained with a given design. The QDGs can therefore be used to compare several candidate designs. Two methods of estimation of variance components are considered, namely analysis of variance and maximum-likelihood estimation.  相似文献   

The issue of modelling the joint distribution of survival time and of prognostic variables measured periodically has recently become of interest in the AIDS literature but is of relevance in other applications. The focus of this paper is on clinical trials where follow-up measurements of potentially prognostic variables are often collected but not routinely used. These measurements can be used to study the biological evolution of the disease of interest; in particular the effect of an active treatment can be examined by comparing the time profiles of patients in the active and placebo group. It is proposed to use multilevel regression analysis to model the individual repeated observations as function of time and, possibly, treatment. To address the problem of informative drop-out—which may arise if deaths (or any other censoring events) are related to the unobserved values of the prognostic variables—we analyse sequentially overlapping portions of the follow-up information. An example arising from a randomized clinical trial for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis is examined in detail.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We develop exact Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for discretely sampled, directly and indirectly observed diffusions. The qualification ‘exact’ refers to the fact that the invariant and limiting distribution of the Markov chains is the posterior distribution of the parameters free of any discretization error. The class of processes to which our methods directly apply are those which can be simulated using the most general to date exact simulation algorithm. The article introduces various methods to boost the performance of the basic scheme, including reparametrizations and auxiliary Poisson sampling. We contrast both theoretically and empirically how this new approach compares to irreducible high frequency imputation, which is the state‐of‐the‐art alternative for the class of processes we consider, and we uncover intriguing connections. All methods discussed in the article are tested on typical examples.  相似文献   

The authors study the estimation of domain totals and means under survey‐weighted regression imputation for missing items. They use two different approaches to inference: (i) design‐based with uniform response within classes; (ii) model‐assisted with ignorable response and an imputation model. They show that the imputed domain estimators are biased under (i) but approximately unbiased under (ii). They obtain a bias‐adjusted estimator that is approximately unbiased under (i) or (ii). They also derive linearization variance estimators. They report the results of a simulation study on the bias ratio and efficiency of alternative estimators, including a complete case estimator that requires the knowledge of response indicators.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of a nonparametric test statistic for ordered alternatives, the rank 2 statistic, is computed for small sample sizes. The exact distribution is compared to an approximation.  相似文献   

A number of authors have presented tabulations for the stable distributions based on infinite expansions for the density functions. In this paper we derive exact bounds for the truncation errors in these expansions and use the results to comment on some of the problems that have arisen in tabulating the stable distribution functions. The derivation of the truncation bounds relies on a little-known result for complex argument Taylor series due to Darboux (1876) which IS of much wider applicability than the present context.  相似文献   

The problem is that of estimating the probabilities of m independent binomial random variables when their probabilities are known to be nondecreasing and the loss function is squared error. In the cases where the m.l.e. is inadmissible (essentially when the total number of trials is 7 or more) we present a method for modifying the m.l.e. to get a better estimator. The method requires a series of changes. At each step we alter the action taken by the m.l.e. on each of three, appropriately chosen, points in the sample space.  相似文献   

A bank offering unsecured personal loans may be interested in several related outcome variables, including defaulting on the repayments, early repayment or failing to take up an offered loan. Current predictive models used by banks typically consider such variables individually. However, the fact that they are related to each other, and to many interrelated potential predictor variables, suggests that graphical models may provide an attractive alternative solution. We developed such a model for a data set of 15 variables measured on a set of 14 000 applications for unsecured personal loans. The resulting global model of behaviour enabled us to identify several previously unsuspected relationships of considerable interest to the bank. For example, we discovered important but obscure relationships between taking out insurance, prior delinquency with a credit card and delinquency with the loan.  相似文献   

The classical problem of change point is considered when the data are assumed to be correlated. The nuisance parameters in the model are the initial level μ and the common variance σ2. The four cases, based on none, one, and both of the parameters are known are considered. Likelihood ratio tests are obtained for testing hypotheses regarding the change in level, δ, in each case. Following Henderson (1986), a Bayesian test is obtained for the two sided alternative. Under the Bayesian set up, a locally most powerful unbiased test is derived for the case μ=0 and σ2=1. The exact null distribution function of the Bayesian test statistic is given an integral representation. Methods to obtain exact and approximate critical values are indicated.  相似文献   

We introduce covariance analysis models for circular dependent variables. In addition, we have also developed hypothesis tests to evaluate the significance of the parameters used. One of the tests is an extension of the Watson–Williams test. The tests performances have been evaluated using simulation studies.  相似文献   

This paper finds a general form of the correlation matrix that may be used to provide unbiased F tests in a.k-way factorial experiment.  相似文献   

This article studies computation problem in the context of estimating parameters of linear mixed model for massive data. Our algorithms combine the factored spectrally transformed linear mixed model method with a sequential singular value decomposition calculation algorithm. This combination solves the operation limitation of the method and also makes this algorithm feasible to big dataset, especially when the data has a tall and thin design matrix. Our simulation studies show that our algorithms make the calculation of linear mixed model feasible for massive data on ordinary desktop and have same estimating accuracy with the method based on the whole data.  相似文献   

Inequalities for tail probabilities of the multivariate normal distribution are obtained, as a generalization of those given by Feller (1966). Upper and lower bounds are given in the equi-correlated case. For an arbitrary correlation matrix R, an upper bound is obtained, using a result of Slepian (1962) which asserts that certain multivariate normal probabilities are a non-decreasing function of correlations.  相似文献   

An expanded class of multiplicative-interaction (M-I) models is proposed for two-way contingency tables. These models a generalization of Goodman's association models, fill in the gap between the independence and the saturated models. Diagnostic rules based on a transformation of the data are proposed for the detection of such models. These rules, utilizing the singular value decomposition of the transformed data, are very easy to use. Maximum likelihood estimation is considered and the computational algorithms discussed. A data set from Goodman (1981) and another from Gabriel and Zamir (1979) are used to demostrate the diagnostic rules.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper is written to inform public discussion on whether or not statistical legislation for the UK is needed and, if so, on its nature and content. A brief account of the background to the current position is given. The Government's stated intention is to create an 'independent statistical service' and a discussion of the meaning of independence in the context of official stat- istics and governance arrangements is provided. Recent international experience is described and the Statistics Acts of some other countries are used to distil the key features of Statistics Acts in other countries. The arguments for and against possible legislation are described. Whether or not a Statistics Act is desirable for the UK depends strongly on the legislation being well framed. There are several key issues on which Parliament would need to develop an informed view and these are set out towards the end of the paper.  相似文献   

In this work we re-examine some classical bounds for non negative integer-valued random variables by means of information theoretic or maxentropic techniques using fractional moments as constraints. The proposed new bound, no more analytically expressible in terms of moments or moment generating function (mgf), is built by mixing classical bounds and the Maximum Entropy (ME) approximant of the underlying distribution; such a new bound is able to exploit optimally all the information content provided by the sequence of given moments or by the mgf. Particular care will be devoted to obtain fractional moments from the available information given in terms of integer moments and/or moment generating function. Numerical examples show clearly that the bound improvement involving the ME approximant based on fractional moments is not trivial.  相似文献   

Tests for the equality of variances are often needed in applications. In genetic studies the assumption of equal variances of continuous traits, measured in identical and fraternal twins, is crucial for heritability analysis. To test the equality of variances of traits, which are non-normally distributed, Levene [H. Levene, Robust tests for equality of variances, in Contributions to Probability and Statistics, I. Olkin, ed. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California, 1960, pp. 278–292] suggested a method that was surprisingly robust under non-normality, and the procedure was further improved by Brown and Forsythe [M.B. Brown and A.B. Forsythe, Robust tests for the equality of variances, J. Amer. Statis. Assoc. 69 (1974), pp. 364–367]. These tests assumed independence of observations. However, twin data are clustered – observations within a twin pair may be dependent due to shared genes and environmental factors. Uncritical application of the tests of Brown and Forsythe to clustered data may result in much higher than nominal Type I error probabilities. To deal with clustering we developed an extended version of Levene's test, where the ANOVA step is replaced with a regression analysis followed by a Wald-type test based on a clustered version of the robust Huber–White sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix. We studied the properties of our procedure using simulated non-normal clustered data and obtained Type I error rates close to nominal as well as reasonable powers. We also applied our method to oral glucose tolerance test data obtained from a twin study of the metabolic syndrome and related components and compared the results with those produced by the traditional approaches.  相似文献   

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