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国民经济核算体系是宏观经济管理的重要工具,它在经济研究的领域中正受到世界各国越来越多的注意。国民经济核算体系首先是经济理论与经济统计相结合的产物,正确地理解核算体系的理论基础,对于核算体系的研究是十分重要的。  相似文献   

The joint efforts in the USSR by the Central Planning Commission and the State Statistical Commission to develop projections of family characteristics of the Soviet population are described. The projections, based on official data for the rural and urban populations in 1987, are for the years 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006.  相似文献   

Estimation of the parameter in the problem of the Nile is treated as a decision problem with squared error loss, It is shown that the minimum risk scale equivariant estimator dominates the incomplete sufficient unbiased estimators considered by Iwase and Seto, Sharper bounds for the equivariant estimator are derived which may be used to obtain the values of the same from the sample with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   

The USSR is moving from extensive to intensive type of population reproduction, not because of any governmental measures but as a reaction to objective circumstances. At present there is a reduction in the population cohort of working age. This has an adverse effect on production. And the number of the elderly is increasing; we must involve them more in the production process, in monitoring the service sphere, for instance. The infant mortality rate has declined sharply in the USSR, especially since World War II. The birthrate has also dropped, but it is still higher than in the US, France, or West Germany. Some authorities think that this (the ZPG) is a good idea, but this author thinks it is a bad idea, meaning a drop in society's productive forces. We need an active demographic policy, meaning one which ensures optimal reproduction of the population with an improvement in its health, culture, and living standard. The policy must be differentiated, as conditions vary from one part of the country to another. An example is the 1981 decree on assistance to families with children which provides for payments of 35-50 rubles/month to mothers who must stay home to look after children. The number of children per family to ensure reproduction must be 2.6 on the average. In the Central Asian republics family sizes of 4-5 children are anticipated, but in the RSFSR, Ukraine, Belorussia, and the Baltic republics the anticipated size of families is rather low. Measures must be taken to alter this by providing assistance to families with children.  相似文献   

家庭消费的分析,是整个消费经济研究的一个重要组成部分。它不但有助于揭示家庭消费变化的趋势,而且可以为消费品生产结构的调整提供依据,本文结合浙江省农民家庭消费的实际,对回归分析方法在农民家庭消费分析中的应用作一初步探讨。 一、农民家庭消费收入弹性的回归分析 农民家庭消费支出的变化,是受多方面因素影响的。但一般来说,收入水平的变化对其影响较大。德国统计学家恩格尔(E·Engel)曾在研究有关家庭收入与消费支出相互关系的基础上,提出了著名的恩格尔定律。尽管恩格尔定律在我国农民家庭消费分析中的适用性问题  相似文献   

龙华 《统计研究》1984,1(3):68-71
徐衡同志《没资效果计量中的几个问题》一文,对我的一篇他文中关于投资效果系数的计算方法,以及投资与国民收入增长速度之间关系的表述提出了不同意见。 他从剖析一个经济方程式入手,首先对波兰经济学家奥斯卡·兰格教授的下列方程式表  相似文献   

辽宁省职工家庭生活调查,从1981年一季度开始运用电子计算机对全省六个调查城市的1,260户的分户资料进行超级汇总,至今已届三年。根据这三年的实践,对于今后统计计算现代化的有关问题,提出我们的一些看法。  相似文献   

岳巍 《统计研究》1985,2(1):1-6
党的十二届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》,正确地总结了历史和现实的经验教训,提出和阐明了经济体制改革的一系列重大理论和方针政策。它对指导我国以城市为重点的整个经济体制改革,对指导我国统计工作改革,都具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

The usual maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the von Mises distribution are shown to perform badly in small samples. In view of this and the fact that these estimators require a large amount of computation, alternative, simpler estimators are proposed. It is shown that these estimators are at least comparable to the traditional estimators and are, in many cases, superior to them. We also apply the procedure of jackknifing to the maximum likelihood estimator of the concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution and compare the properties of the jackknifed estimator with the other estimators considered in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the admissibility of the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of the variance of a binomial distribution with parameters n and p under squared-error loss. We show that the MLE is admissible for n ≤ 5 and inadmissible for n≥ 6.  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,各级人民政府根据计划经济为主、市场调节为辅的原则和对外开放,对内搞活经济的政策,在流通领域实行了一系列的改革,市场上出现了多条流通渠道、多种经济形式、多种经营方式、多种交易价格的新情况,城乡商品交流呈现出日益活跃的新气象。为了适应客观情况的变化,几年来对商业统计制度逐步进行了改革。但经济体制和流通体制的改革在不断深入发展,继续调整商业所有制结构,恢复供销合作社的集体经济性质,发展集体和个体商业、饮食业,鼓励农民进入流通领域,吸引农民从事商品交换,建立城市贸易中心,冲破“条条”分割和地区封锁,减少工业品与农产品计划购销品种,扩大自由购销范围,一个以国营商业为主导、开放式的“三多,一少”的商品流通体制正在形成。这些变化给商业统计工作带来了许多新问题,提出了很多新任务。  相似文献   


We discuss the accuracy of the computation and present a fortran program to compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the analysis of means (ANOM).  相似文献   

This paper contains a study of the qualitative properties of the maximum likelihood estimate of the scale parameter of the Student family as a function of its (continuous) degrees of freedom. Sharp bounds are provided for the estimate and its (continuous) degrees of freedom. Sharp bounds are provided for the estimate and its monotonicity as a function of the degrees of freedom is established. Inferential implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

人工神经网络变量选取与隐藏单元数的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据多隐藏层所有训练样本误差平方和最小设计优化问题,求解并绘出计算流程图。Trevor等人认为隐藏单元过多比过少好,交叉验证估计(隐藏单元)正则化参数没有必要。还有一种通常做法是常常利用分类树挑选变量作为输入变量进行人工神经网络建模。而从人工神经网络与多元统计、传统回归和其他数据挖掘工具的区别和联系出发,认为这些观点和做法值得商酌;用ZIP编码实例说明隐藏单元过多不一定比过少好,实际数据分析中所需隐藏单元数的确定可以用交叉验证结合经验判断来实现,利用分类树选择的变量对于人工神经网络没有太大的效果;通过分类树删节变量以降低计算量的效果不如通过压缩隐藏单元个数降低计算量来得好;非完全问题“从简单到一般”思想与完全问题中选择所有变量的思想不矛盾。在总结了Le Cun等人的局部联结以有效降低权数思想的基础上,提出通过随机选择人工变量建立人工神经网络分布式模型系统的设想。  相似文献   

佟哲晖 《统计研究》1985,2(3):35-39
邓小平同志提出的“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来” 的指示与最近公布的《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》(以下简称《决定》),是新的历史时期我国发展教育和改革教育体制的伟大纲领和根本方向。本文拟根据中央决定的精神,谈谈高等院校社会经济统计学专业本科教学改革的问题。  相似文献   

Two methods of estimation for the parameters of an AR(1) process which are based on a non-linear least-squares approach are presented. On the basis of some simulation results they are compared with two maximum likelihood estimates and their relative merits are discussed.  相似文献   

邱东 《统计研究》2001,18(4):16-19
 台湾统计学者谢邦昌教授曾经有过这样的认识:任何领域都有其上中下游,统计也不例外。但统计的上游中,一些功力高强的学者不见得愿意帮助中下游解决问题,而中下游又感觉上游遥不可及,不敢把问题高告诉上游,觉得上游的理论太过高深。于是统计的上中下游出现了断层,影响了统计的发展(参见《统计的出世观与入世观》,《中国统计》1999年第二期)。对此我深有同感。这里先对统计做一个层次划分,然后从需求和供给两个方面对其进行分析,以期促进统计研究中的学科定位和工作定位。  相似文献   

The X2 approximation to the distribution of the sample coefficient of variation of a normally distributed random variable, due to McKay 1932 is not nearly as accurate as suggested by the confirmatory studies of Fieller 1932 and Pearson 1932.The approximation will, however, be adequate in many practical situations and has the convenience of requiring nothing more than the readily available tables of x2.  相似文献   

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