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Longitudinal data often contain missing observations, and it is in general difficult to justify particular missing data mechanisms, whether random or not, that may be hard to distinguish. The authors describe a likelihood‐based approach to estimating both the mean response and association parameters for longitudinal binary data with drop‐outs. They specify marginal and dependence structures as regression models which link the responses to the covariates. They illustrate their approach using a data set from the Waterloo Smoking Prevention Project They also report the results of simulation studies carried out to assess the performance of their technique under various circumstances.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an estimation method when sample data are incomplete. We decompose the likelihood according to missing patterns and combine the estimators based on each likelihood weighting by the Fisher information ratio. This approach provides a simple way of estimating parameters, especially for non‐monotone missing data. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate this method.  相似文献   

Clustered longitudinal data feature cross‐sectional associations within clusters, serial dependence within subjects, and associations between responses at different time points from different subjects within the same cluster. Generalized estimating equations are often used for inference with data of this sort since they do not require full specification of the response model. When data are incomplete, however, they require data to be missing completely at random unless inverse probability weights are introduced based on a model for the missing data process. The authors propose a robust approach for incomplete clustered longitudinal data using composite likelihood. Specifically, pairwise likelihood methods are described for conducting robust estimation with minimal model assumptions made. The authors also show that the resulting estimates remain valid for a wide variety of missing data problems including missing at random mechanisms and so in such cases there is no need to model the missing data process. In addition to describing the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators, it is shown that the method performs well empirically through simulation studies for complete and incomplete data. Pairwise likelihood estimators are also compared with estimators obtained from inverse probability weighted alternating logistic regression. An application to data from the Waterloo Smoking Prevention Project is provided for illustration. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 34–51; 2011 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The EM algorithm is often used for finding the maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models with incomplete data. In this article, the author presents a robust method in the framework of the maximum likelihood estimation for fitting generalized linear models when nonignorable covariates are missing. His robust approach is useful for downweighting any influential observations when estimating the model parameters. To avoid computational problems involving irreducibly high‐dimensional integrals, he adopts a Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm based on a Markov chain sampling method. He carries out simulations to investigate the behaviour of the robust estimates in the presence of outliers and missing covariates; furthermore, he compares these estimates to the classical maximum likelihood estimates. Finally, he illustrates his approach using data on the occurrence of delirium in patients operated on for abdominal aortic aneurysm.  相似文献   

In longitudinal data, missing observations occur commonly with incomplete responses and covariates. Missing data can have a ‘missing not at random’ mechanism, a non‐monotone missing pattern, and moreover response and covariates can be missing not simultaneously. To avoid complexities in both modelling and computation, a two‐stage estimation method and a pairwise‐likelihood method are proposed. The two‐stage estimation method enjoys simplicities in computation, but incurs more severe efficiency loss. On the other hand, the pairwise approach leads to estimators with better efficiency, but can be cumbersome in computation. In this paper, we develop a compromise method using a hybrid pairwise‐likelihood framework. Our proposed approach has better efficiency than the two‐stage method, but its computational cost is still reasonable compared to the pairwise approach. The performance of the methods is evaluated empirically by means of simulation studies. Our methods are used to analyse longitudinal data obtained from the National Population Health Study.  相似文献   

This article considers the statistical analysis of dependent competing risks model with incomplete data under Type-I progressive hybrid censored condition using a Marshall–Olkin bivariate Weibull distribution. Based on the expectation maximum algorithm, maximum likelihood estimators for the unknown parameters are obtained, and the missing information principle is used to obtain the observed information matrix. As the maximum likelihood approach may fail when the available information is insufficient, Bayesian approach incorporated with auxiliary variables is developed for estimating the parameters of the model, and Monte Carlo method is employed to construct the highest posterior density credible intervals. The proposed method is illustrated through a numerical example under different progressive censoring schemes and masking probabilities. Finally, a real data set is analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Missing response problem is ubiquitous in survey sampling, medical, social science and epidemiology studies. It is well known that non-ignorable missing is the most difficult missing data problem where the missing of a response depends on its own value. In statistical literature, unlike the ignorable missing data problem, not many papers on non-ignorable missing data are available except for the full parametric model based approach. In this paper we study a semiparametric model for non-ignorable missing data in which the missing probability is known up to some parameters, but the underlying distributions are not specified. By employing Owen (1988)’s empirical likelihood method we can obtain the constrained maximum empirical likelihood estimators of the parameters in the missing probability and the mean response which are shown to be asymptotically normal. Moreover the likelihood ratio statistic can be used to test whether the missing of the responses is non-ignorable or completely at random. The theoretical results are confirmed by a simulation study. As an illustration, the analysis of a real AIDS trial data shows that the missing of CD4 counts around two years are non-ignorable and the sample mean based on observed data only is biased.  相似文献   

When modeling multilevel data, it is important to accurately represent the interdependence of observations within clusters. Ignoring data clustering may result in parameter misestimation. However, it is not well established to what degree parameter estimates are affected by model misspecification when applying missing data techniques (MDTs) to incomplete multilevel data. We compare the performance of three MDTs with incomplete hierarchical data. We consider the impact of imputation model misspecification on the quality of parameter estimates by employing multiple imputation under assumptions of a normal model (MI/NM) with two-level cross-sectional data when values are missing at random on the dependent variable at rates of 10%, 30%, and 50%. Five criteria are used to compare estimates from MI/NM to estimates from MI assuming a linear mixed model (MI/LMM) and maximum likelihood estimation to the same incomplete data sets. With 10% missing data (MD), techniques performed similarly for fixed-effects estimates, but variance components were biased with MI/NM. Effects of model misspecification worsened at higher rates of MD, with the hierarchical structure of the data markedly underrepresented by biased variance component estimates. MI/LMM and maximum likelihood provided generally accurate and unbiased parameter estimates but performance was negatively affected by increased rates of MD.  相似文献   

The Fisher information is intricately linked to the asymptotic (first-order) optimality of maximum likelihood estimators for parametric complete-data models. When data are missing completely at random in a multivariate setup, it is shown that information in a single observation is well-defined and it plays the same role as in the complete-data model in characterizing the first-order asymptotic optimality properties of associated maximum likelihood estimators; computational aspects are also thoroughly appraised. As an illustration, the logistic regression model with incomplete binary responses and an incomplete categorical covariate is worked out.  相似文献   

于力超  金勇进 《统计研究》2016,33(1):95-102
抽样调查领域常采用对多个受访者进行跟踪调查得到面板数据,进而对总体特性进行统计推断,在面板数据中常含缺失数据,大多数处理面板缺失数据的软件都是直接删去含缺失值的受访者以得到完全数据集,当数据缺失机制为非随机缺失时会导致总体参数估计结果有偏。本文针对数据缺失机制为非随机缺失情形下,如何对面板数据进行统计分析进行了阐述,主要采用的是基于模型的似然推断法,对目标变量、缺失指示变量和随机效应向量的联合分布建模,在已有选择模型和模式混合模型的基础上,引入随机效应,研究目标变量期望的计算方法,并研究随机效应杂合模型下参数的估计方法,在变量分布相对简单的情形下给出了用极大似然法推断总体参数的估计步骤,最后通过模拟分析比较方法的优劣。  相似文献   

We propose a method for estimating parameters in generalized linear models when the outcome variable is missing for some subjects and the missing data mechanism is non-ignorable. We assume throughout that the covariates are fully observed. One possible method for estimating the parameters is maximum likelihood with a non-ignorable missing data model. However, caution must be used when fitting non-ignorable missing data models because certain parameters may be inestimable for some models. Instead of fitting a non-ignorable model, we propose the use of auxiliary information in a likelihood approach to reduce the bias, without having to specify a non-ignorable model. The method is applied to a mental health study.  相似文献   

We propose a profile conditional likelihood approach to handle missing covariates in the general semiparametric transformation regression model. The method estimates the marginal survival function by the Kaplan-Meier estimator, and then estimates the parameters of the survival model and the covariate distribution from a conditional likelihood, substituting the Kaplan-Meier estimator for the marginal survival function in the conditional likelihood. This method is simpler than full maximum likelihood approaches, and yields consistent and asymptotically normally distributed estimator of the regression parameter when censoring is independent of the covariates. The estimator demonstrates very high relative efficiency in simulations. When compared with complete-case analysis, the proposed estimator can be more efficient when the missing data are missing completely at random and can correct bias when the missing data are missing at random. The potential application of the proposed method to the generalized probit model with missing continuous covariates is also outlined.  相似文献   

Although Fan showed that the mixed-effects model for repeated measures (MMRM) is appropriate to analyze complete longitudinal binary data in terms of the rate difference, they focused on using the generalized estimating equations (GEE) to make statistical inference. The current article emphasizes validity of the MMRM when the normal-distribution-based pseudo likelihood approach is used to make inference for complete longitudinal binary data. For incomplete longitudinal binary data with missing at random missing mechanism, however, the MMRM, using either the GEE or the normal-distribution-based pseudo likelihood inferential procedure, gives biased results in general and should not be used for analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose several approaches to estimate the parameters of the periodic first-order integer-valued autoregressive process with period T (PINAR(1)T) in the presence of missing data. By using incomplete data, we propose two approaches that are based on the conditional expectation and conditional likelihood to estimate the parameters of interest. Then we study three kinds of imputation methods for the missing data. The performances of these approaches are compared via simulations.  相似文献   

In applications of IRT, it often happens that many examinees omit a substantial proportion of item responses. This can occur for various reasons, though it may well be due to no more than the simple fact of design incompleteness. In such circumstances, literature not infrequently refers to various types of estimation problem, often in terms of generic “convergence problems” in the software used to estimate model parameters. With reference to the Partial Credit Model and the instance of data missing at random, this article demonstrates that as their number increases, so does that of anomalous datasets, intended as those not corresponding to a finite estimate of (the vector parameter that identifies) the model. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimation of the Partial Credit Model (and hence, in particular, the Rasch model) in the case of incomplete data are given – with reference to the model in its more general form, the number of response categories varying according to item. A taxonomy of possible cases of anomaly is then presented, together with an algorithm useful in diagnostics.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is a popular approach for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates in incomplete data problems because of its simplicity and stability (e.g. monotonic increase of likelihood). However, in many applications the stability of EM is attained at the expense of slow, linear convergence. We have developed a new class of iterative schemes, called squared iterative methods (SQUAREM), to accelerate EM, without compromising on simplicity and stability. SQUAREM generally achieves superlinear convergence in problems with a large fraction of missing information. Globally convergent schemes are easily obtained by viewing SQUAREM as a continuation of EM. SQUAREM is especially attractive in high-dimensional problems, and in problems where model-specific analytic insights are not available. SQUAREM can be readily implemented as an 'off-the-shelf' accelerator of any EM-type algorithm, as it only requires the EM parameter updating. We present four examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of SQUAREM. A general-purpose implementation (written in R) is available.  相似文献   

Quantitle regression (QR) is a popular approach to estimate functional relations between variables for all portions of a probability distribution. Parameter estimation in QR with missing data is one of the most challenging issues in statistics. Regression quantiles can be substantially biased when observations are subject to missingness. We study several inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimators for parameters in QR when covariates or responses are subject to missing not at random. Maximum likelihood and semiparametric likelihood methods are employed to estimate the respondent probability function. To achieve nice efficiency properties, we develop an empirical likelihood (EL) approach to QR with the auxiliary information from the calibration constraints. The proposed methods are less sensitive to misspecified missing mechanisms. Asymptotic properties of the proposed IPW estimators are shown under general settings. The efficiency gain of EL-based IPW estimator is quantified theoretically. Simulation studies and a data set on the work limitation of injured workers from Canada are used to illustrated our proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

A popular approach to estimation based on incomplete data is the EM algorithm. For categorical data, this paper presents a simple expression of the observed data log-likelihood and its derivatives in terms of the complete data for a broad class of models and missing data patterns. We show that using the observed data likelihood directly is easy and has some advantages. One can gain considerable computational speed over the EM algorithm and a straightforward variance estimator is obtained for the parameter estimates. The general formulation treats a wide range of missing data problems in a uniform way. Two examples are worked out in full.  相似文献   

In modeling complex longitudinal data, semiparametric nonlinear mixed-effects (SNLME) models are very flexible and useful. Covariates are often introduced in the models to partially explain the inter-individual variations. In practice, data are often incomplete in the sense that there are often measurement errors and missing data in longitudinal studies. The likelihood method is a standard approach for inference for these models but it can be computationally very challenging, so computationally efficient approximate methods are quite valuable. However, the performance of these approximate methods is often based on limited simulation studies, and theoretical results are unavailable for many approximate methods. In this article, we consider a computationally efficient approximate method for a class of SNLME models with incomplete data and investigate its theoretical properties. We show that the estimates based on the approximate method are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed.  相似文献   

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