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On January 12,2015,at the regular press briefing of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC),NHFPC reported the major tasks in health and family planning in China in 2015.The details are as follows:In-depth Development of Medical and Health System Reform In-depth Development of Medical and Health System Reform.  相似文献   

On January 12,2015,the top ten news about health and family planning in 2014were announced at the regular press briefi ng of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC).They are as follows.  相似文献   

增进人口健康对于经济和社会发展有着重大意义,而当前我国农村医疗保障制度的缺失使农村人口的健康无从保障。以人口健康为切入点,分析农村人口医疗保健的现状与需求,依据当前国情,提出从"合作"和"新型"两方面重建农村合作医疗保障制度,并指出该制度在农村医疗保障体系中居于基础地位。  相似文献   

正The State Council Information Office held a press conference at its press conference hall at 10 am on May 29,2014.Wang Guoqiang,Vice Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)and Director-General of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Zhang Shikun,Director-General of Department of Maternal and Child Health Service;and Mao Qun’an,spokesman and Director-General of Publicity Department,introduced the development  相似文献   

中国城镇医疗保障制度改革中的问题与解决路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国整体医疗保障制度排名处于落后地位,医疗费用持续上涨,医疗服务质量低下,医疗制度效率低,医疗机构垄断严重,政府缺乏行之有效的调控方法.医疗保障制度改革的策略是同时加强政府的调控监督、信息提供和充分运用市场竞争机制.医疗保障制度改革的技术路径包括增强社会保险的风险共担功能和提高保险的人群覆盖面,设计按"人头"付费的预付方法制约医疗成本,纠正目前方案中不合理的成分,通过加强消费者的选择来增强竞争性,从而提高效率.  相似文献   

正On March 25,2014,the first plenary meeting of the Leading Group of Health,Family Planning and Aging Work of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)was convened in Beijing.Mr.Wang Pei'an,Vice Minister of NHFPC attended the meeting and made a speech.Wang pointed out that the Party Central Committee and the State Council  相似文献   

李光勇  夏怀华 《西北人口》2007,28(4):115-118
全球性医疗体制改革方兴未艾。改革原因主要是医疗保险费用增长过快、信息不对称引起公众满意度差、制度运行效率差以及政治和经济体制的变化。改革内容包括结构性和制度性两类。文章的最后,分析了国际医疗体制改革对我国的启示。  相似文献   

健康风险、医疗保障与农村家庭内部资源配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济转轨过程中,居民自我支出的医疗费用在不断上升,使健康风险成为影响家庭支出水平和福利水平的重要因素。文章根据实施医疗救助的3个项目省、6个项目县的住户调查资料,对救助户与非救助户的家庭消费结构进行比较。分析表明,医疗救助制度的推行对于降低医疗支出与非医疗支出之间的替代性、改善家庭内部成员之间的医疗资源分配的不均等性具有非常显著的改善作用。但同时也表明,如果居民遭受比较严重的疾患,现有医疗救助制度的力度仍是有限的。  相似文献   

医疗体制改革与社会医疗保险基金合理利用原则的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国医疗体制改革是社会主义经济体制改革的重要部分。中国的公费和劳保医疗制度为保障人民健康 ,做出了巨大的贡献。然而 ,4 0多年的实践证明 ,这种公费医疗体制不适合社会主义市场经济体制改革的趋势 ,所以导致了一系列的问题 ,如 :医疗费用激增 ,医疗服务质量下降 ,医疗机构配置不合理 ,以及医疗资源的浪费等。本文在医疗保险基金的筹资—利用系统中 ,分析了改革试点各种统账方式的利弊。在了解了医疗基金的性质、特征及支付管理内容的基础上 ,探讨了中国医疗保险基金支付方式的原则 ,分析了总额预付制在现阶段实施的可行性 ,为合理利用医疗保险基金的原则提出了较基础的评价  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between health survey and medical chart based information. The study population consisted of adult patients (17 years of age and older) attending the Bella Coola Medical Clinic who also completed a detailed Health and Quality of Life Survey. A total of 674 adults completed the Health and Quality of Life Survey. Demographically there was excellent agreement between self-report and clinic data for age, sex, height, weight and Aboriginal ancestry. For morbidity, there was excellent agreement between self-reported and clinically recorded diabetes. Good agreement was observed for diagnoses of cancer, heart problems, hypertension, arthritis and breathing problems. Poor agreement was observed for diagnoses of depression, back/neck problems, eye problems, walking problems, stroke, hearing problems and bone/joint problems. There was poor agreement between the number of self-reported and charted clinic visits. Excellent agreement was shown between self-reported height and weight and clinic height and weight. When BMI was calculated good agreement was achieved between self-report and chart data. It can be concluded that the relationship between chart review and self-report health information observed in this rural population is similar to findings from other populations. Researchers who use self-report data on co-morbidity and obesity measures should be aware of possible error in their estimates and how these errors could affect their findings.  相似文献   

Evaluation indicators, used for assessing work in a specific time period, play a guiding role in every area and are vital for making work plans. GDP, an important economic indicator, is often used to measure the strength of a country. It is also an indicator used in China to evaluate the performance of local governments. This practice has proven to be effective in stimulating economic growth within a certain time period. However, the consequences of focusing only on economic indicators are b…  相似文献   

文章基于全国十个省份1 000余位农民的调查数据,利用二元Logistic回归模型,实证分析新型农村合作医疗对农民疾病风险态度的影响。研究发现,在有新农合医疗保障的情况下,仍然有近60%的农民对疾病风险持担心态度,新农合还没有为大多数农民提供稳定的健康安全保障预期。新农合对农民疾病风险态度的显著影响体现在补偿机制合理性、政策目标实现和农民就医问题缓解情况等多个方面。其中,医药费负担减轻、报销手续繁简两个自变量对农民疾病风险态度有显著的负向影响,补偿范围大小、医疗条件改善、健康意识提高、看病积极性提高、应就诊未就诊、应住院未住院和因病致贫问题七个自变量对农民疾病风险态度有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

This paper explores the determinants of immigration to Portugal. It is the first study to empirically evaluate an extended set of determinants to explain this new phenomenon in Portugal, a highly globalized economy and a 40-year-old democracy. This study finds evidence that the use of Portuguese as the mother tongue and prior Portuguese immigration are the main determinants of current immigration to Portugal from a given country. Depending on which subgroup is considered (refugees, students, or workers), more specific findings also arise. For refugees and foreign workers, human rights violations help explain increased immigration; for foreign students, low per capita income (in the home country) is a significant factor. Dividing the sample into Portuguese speakers and non-Portuguese speakers, we also identified the level of economic development as an important determinant for immigrants from non-lusophone countries. The military situations of the home countries were also important determinants for lusophone immigrants.  相似文献   

改革前后三十年农村合作医疗的制度变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于长永  刘康  何剑 《西北人口》2011,32(4):58-62
农村合作医疗制度六十年的发展,经历了两个大的阶段:旧农村合作医疗阶段和新型农村合作医疗阶段。两个阶段农村合作医疗制度的发展速度都非常快,但旧农村合作医疗制度在经历了顶峰之后,迅速衰退;而新型农村合作医疗制度虽然没有走旧农村合作医疗制度的老路,但保障水平比较低。新旧农村合作医疗制度有相似的起点,但是结果却大不一样。旧农村合作医疗制度的衰退源于农村经济体制改革,新型农村合作医疗制度的发展源于政府的推动。农村合作医疗制度的可持续发展需要稳定的财力支持。  相似文献   

在我国进入深度老龄化、劳动力供给不足的背景下,探究健康以及基本医疗保险对老年人退而不休的影响对未来合理有效开发老年人力资源具有重要意义。本文使用四期CHARLS数据将健康冲击、医疗保险与老年人退而不休放在一个统一的分析框架中,分别考察了健康冲击、新农合以及城镇职工医疗保险对老年人退而不休的影响,并进一步探究了医疗保险对老年人退而不休影响的健康异质性。结果表明:健康冲击对老年人退而不休意愿和劳动时间均有显著正向促进效应,且对劳动时间的影响有明显城乡差异,对农村地区影响更大。新农合会明显激励农村老年人选择退而不休,发生比率提高为未参合时的3.59倍,但会降低劳动时间,全年平均减少了21.21天;而城镇职工医疗保险对老年人退而不休意愿没有显著影响,但会增加劳动时间,全年平均增加了13.92天,且对劳动时间供给更多的个体,其激励效应逐渐减弱。同时,医疗保险对老年人退而不休的影响还存在性别差异,其中新农合对女性退而不休意愿影响更大,但对劳动时间并没有显著的性别差异;而职工医疗保险对女性退而不休意愿、对男性劳动时间影响更大。此外,本文还发现医疗保险对老年人退而不休的影响存在健康异质性,对健康变差的群体影响更大。  相似文献   

使用2006年CHNS数据,分析了老年人健康的影响因素,使用了工具变量法解决了教育年限和是否参加医疗保险两个变量的内生性问题,回归结果显示,教育和医疗保险并不会负作用于老年人健康,这否认了描述分析、初步回归得出的教育和医疗保险显著负作用于老年人健康的结论。在总结分析结果的基础上,论述了研究不足,对一些问题进行了解释,并针对研究结论提出了若干思考。  相似文献   

商业健康保险在医疗保障体系中定位的理论阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从卫生筹资机制、信息不对称理论以及公共选择理论出发,探讨了商业健康保险和社会医疗保险应该协调发展,致力于构建商业健康保险与社会医疗保险相互补充、相互配合和共同发展的医疗保障新模式。商业健康保险绝不仅仅是社会基本医疗保险有限的、简单的补充,而应该成为我国医疗保障体系中必不可少的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

通过对村卫生室的现状特点以及农村居民健康状况和就诊行为的分析,探讨了新型农村合作医疗体制的制度缺陷。认为应该重新定位村级卫生室的职能,加大对村卫生室基础设施建设的资助,积极培养农村医疗保健人才,充分满足农村居民的医疗保健需求进而推动社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

从医疗保险制度考察城市居民医疗服务的不平等问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章通过对城市医疗保险制度的考察,分析过去20年城市实行医疗保险方案改革的经验,以及城市医疗保险制度在医保筹资和获取的公平性、服务提供的有效性方面的影响,探讨了新医疗保险政策的公平和效率含义及提高城市居民医疗服务公平性的挑战与机会。  相似文献   

正According to Xinhuanet,during the Forum on Pilots of Urban Public Hospital Comprehensive Reform held in Sanming City of Fujian Province,Dr.Li Bin,Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)indicated that the pilots of public hospital reform would promote the establishment of classifi ed diagnosis and treatment system.Li said the medical consortium connected grassroots medical institutions to major hospitals on both ends.It had  相似文献   

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