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The measurement of ‘service’ in children's services is highly varied. We do not know in a meaningful sense what services children and families get. This paper sets out why it is important to measure services well. It outlines the dimensions of ‘service’, how they have been measured in research, policy and practice contexts, and the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. It then explores implications for the field and identifies potential applications of a more nuanced and consistent approach to measuring services.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the family in Israel are analyzed using official data. The results indicate that both Arab and Jewish families show signs of rapid modernization, involving a shift to the urban nuclear family. It is concluded that Israeli families are becoming similar to those in Western developed countries, namely, small, individualistic, and unstable.  相似文献   

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《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):131-133
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

A group of scholars from the Center for Economic and Political Research, headed by Grigorii Iavlinskii, recently published a voluminous scientific study, "Reforms in Russia, Spring '92" [Reformy v Rossii, vesna-92]. The famous economist answers the questions of an LG [Literaturnaia gazeta] columnist [Grigorii Tsitriniak] about the "unpleasant realities" and offers political commentary to the readers on certain points of the CEPR [EPITsentr] study.  相似文献   

With the increased attention on labour market participation, the field of work reintegration support has grown dramatically. In order to improve professionals' performance, standards and performance measures are introduced in this field. We question whether this will improve the quality of their work. Closer scrutiny needs to be paid to the inherently normative and structuring role of professional judging. We applied the concept of ‘frames of reference’ to the process of professional judgement in work reintegration. This concept helped us to understand how a work reintegration professional structures a client's story through implicit rules that escape formalization and control mechanisms. On the basis of 24 in‐depth interviews with diverse work reintegration professionals in the Netherlands, we distinguish five of these frames: a procedural, a work‐focused, a caring, a learning and a facilitating frame of reference. Furthermore, we show that professionals differ widely in the images they have of clients, leading to a large variety in judgement of, and interaction with, clients. Though differences between professionals are inherent to a complex and dynamic field as work reintegration, the current variety in professional‐client contact in work reintegration seems to depend too much on arbitrary professional preferences. Therefore, reflection on these differences, both among professionals and by policymakers, is needed in order to improve the professional practice of work reintegration service.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):173-185

This paper discusses the use of time in a group and suggests that practitioners conceptualize group time pluralistically rather than distributionally or linearly. Examples of each approach are presented and implications for practice are drawn.  相似文献   

In this article we measure the effect of inherited political capital in the form of family politicization on legislative candidates’ recruitment age and early careers. We differentiate the concept of family politicization between a narrow (i.e., party political) and a broad (i.e., non-party-political) interpretation. Results indicate that narrow family politicization is the only type that plays a role in speeding up political recruitment. However, only the route to candidacy is affected by family politicization, whereas for the route to power other factors absorb this effect, mainly the candidates’ pre-electoral party engagement. This implies that candidates from narrowly politicized families do not merely rely on inherited political capital to get elected, which rejects a popular opinion. On the other hand, the result that parental talking and brokerage professions speed up the candidates’ election, indicate that the home environment does not play a neutral role in the early career path either.  相似文献   

Previous research comparing the Fed's Greenbook forecasts with a median forecast from a private-sector panel has found that the Fed's forecasts are superior. These comparisons potentially miss information from other parts of the distribution of forecast errors. We compare the Fed's forecast errors to the upper and lower quartiles from the Survey of Professional Forecasters’ forecast errors and find that errors in the lower quartile are significantly smaller. We further investigate whether the forecasters who produced those forecast errors can be identified ex-ante and find that while possible the practicality of this finding is limited due to forecaster turnover.  相似文献   

Do lay people and scientists themselves recognize that scientists are human and therefore prone to human fallibilities such as error, bias, and even dishonesty? In a series of three experimental studies and one correlational study (total N = 3,278) we found that the “storybook image of the scientist” is pervasive: American lay people and scientists from over 60 countries attributed considerably more objectivity, rationality, open-mindedness, intelligence, integrity, and communality to scientists than to other highly-educated people. Moreover, scientists perceived even larger differences than lay people did. Some groups of scientists also differentiated between different categories of scientists: established scientists attributed higher levels of the scientific traits to established scientists than to early-career scientists and Ph.D. students, and higher levels to Ph.D. students than to early-career scientists. Female scientists attributed considerably higher levels of the scientific traits to female scientists than to male scientists. A strong belief in the storybook image and the (human) tendency to attribute higher levels of desirable traits to people in one’s own group than to people in other groups may decrease scientists’ willingness to adopt recently proposed practices to reduce error, bias and dishonesty in science.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing form of knowledge in socialwork over the past thirty years and its implications for theoryand practice. In particular, it considers the impact of newsystems related to a range of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs) and the shift from a narrative to a databaseway of thinking and operating. In doing so, it attempts to identifya series of key challenges and questions which need to be consideredin order to engage with the changes. In particular, it addresseshow far social work is still primarily concerned with subjectsand their social relationships and argues that social work nowoperates less on the terrain of the ‘social’ andmore on the terrain of the ‘informational’. Suchchanges have implications for the relationship between theoryand practice in social work and the nature of ‘social’work itself.  相似文献   

Theory and Decision - The risky investment game of Gneezy and Potters (Q J Econ 112(2):631–645, 1997) has been proposed as a simple tool to measure risk aversion in applied settings,...  相似文献   

Since 1997, Labour has developed a wide range of policies on childcare services, care leaves and flexible working hours. In 2000, the term ‘work‐life balance’ was introduced and has been used by Government Departments and by the academic community with very little discussion of its meaning vis à vis the use of ‘family‐friendly’ policies, or the promotion of ‘work and family balance’. We explore the introduction of the term work‐life balance, the reasons for it, and its significance at the policy level, especially in terms of its implications for the pursuit of gender equality. We find that at the policy level, its use was more a matter of strategic framing than substantive change. Nevertheless, because of the UK Government's largely gender‐neutral approach to the whole policy field, it is important to make explicit the tensions in the continuing use of the term work‐life balance, particularly in relation to the achievement of gender equality.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s,China has takenbroad measures in the reform of itsinstitutions.Though such reform efforts haveseen substantial achievements,some dys-functional incentives have been introducedin the provision of services.Improving theprovision of services calls for a profoundand long-term reform that will deal with pay-ments and incentives in a coordinated way.The payment mechanismChina faces two challenges in paymentfor services.The first is to readjust the divi-sion of payment responsibi…  相似文献   

As the secondary means of income redistribution in Chinese society (the primary means being taxation), the Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (MLSG) programme or dibao has been the object of both praise and criticism. The programme helps the government to channel its limited financial resources to the persons who need it most. While it covers the necessities of life, however, it does not enable its recipients to escape from poverty. It has also been criticized for its exorbitant administrative costs and heavy workload. This study uses a qualitative longitudinal design to identify changes across interview intervals and uncover the internal dynamics of the dibao programme. The research findings enrich the current literature on social assistance in China. Forty households receiving dibao in Shanghai were interviewed. Our findings show that most dibao recipients are laid-off workers – casualties of the massive economic reforms of the 1990s – and the younger members of their families. The assistance they receive helps with their daily expenses, but is insufficient to raise them out of poverty.  相似文献   

This article uses Sweden as an example to describe and analyse municipal variation in services and care for elderly people. Responsibility for these services lies with the municipalities. National statistical data on municipalities are analysed to map out the variations in old-age care; to study compensating factors in the care system; and to explore the connection with municipal structural and political conditions. The overall finding of the bivariate analyses was that most relations with structure and policy were weak or non-existent. The final multivariate model explained only 15% of the variance. The large differences between municipalities makes it more appropriate to talk about a multitude of 'welfare municipalities' rather than one single welfare state. The article concludes that this municipal disparity constitutes a greater threat to the principle of equality in care of the elderly than gender and socio-economic differences.  相似文献   

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