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This review assesses the use of anthropological theories in the examination of low-wage work. Due to the vast differences existing between different cultures in low-wage work, this review focuses on theories that have been applied in Western, and mainly American, contexts. There are primarily three fields from which this literature is drawn: economic anthropology, gender and race anthropology, and theories of power—the last integrates all these theories. Differences and controversies over the applicability of these theories are also highlighted. The review concludes with a conceptual map describing the interrelatedness of these theories and how they explain the realities of low-wage workers.  相似文献   

Low-wage work is a modern social problem, affecting millions of individuals, families, and communities. The field of psychology is a critical starting point for examining the relationship between low-wage work and mental health. This literature review aims to identify psychological theories related to low-wage work. Psychological theories related to work and employment are explored, as is emerging research on the necessity of a paradigm shift from the dichotomous categories of “employed” and “unemployed,” which allows for the conceptualization of employment as a continuum. This research focuses on underemployment and may contribute to the development of theory directly relating to low-wage work.  相似文献   

This article examines economic theories of the low-wage labor market to increase understanding of economic inequality and poverty in the United States, particularly related to the labor market. On the one hand, neoclassical, labor monopsony, and Harris-Todaro models explain how minimum wage policies are related to supply and demand of labor, human capital, employment, and unemployment. On the other hand, the efficiency wage model, the dual labor market theory, and technology development and globalization account for the causes of the wage differentials. This article includes a conceptual map that illustrates the interrelationships between these economic theories of low-wage work.  相似文献   

This is a review of 14 of the most commonly used textbooks on human behavior and the social environment as regards their content relating to low-wage work. The textbooks are divided into three categories, analyzed, and compared. Particular attention is paid to theoretical perspectives on low-wage work. In most of the textbooks, the content on low-wage work is scattered, with few textbooks providing theoretical grounding on this issue. However, several of the textbooks did provide theoretical lenses that could be applied to low-wage work. The review concludes with a discussion of how theoretical views could be incorporated better into each of the three categories.  相似文献   

Work schedules are a central theme in the work–family challenges of low-wage hourly workers. Yet, research on scheduling patterns among this worker population has primarily focused on nonstandard schedules. We know very little about the scheduling patterns of workers in hourly jobs with standard fixed schedules. Knowledge about the key scheduling challenges by schedule type is necessary to develop targeted workplace solutions, such as flexible work arrangements, to enhance work–life fit among workers in low-wage hourly jobs. Using the 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce, bivariate and multivariate analyses were employed to determine (1) the prevalence of rigid, unpredictable and unstable work schedules among low-wage hourly workers employed in jobs with standard and nonstandard schedules and whether there is variation in these scheduling practices among full- and part-time workers; and (2) the individual or job characteristics that influence the odds of experiencing rigid, unpredictable or unstable work schedules. Results indicate that rigid and unpredictable schedule practices are most prevalent among low-wage hourly workers in full-time standard-hour jobs and part-time nonstandard-hour jobs, while unstable scheduling practices are most prevalent among hourly workers in full- and part-time nonstandard-hour jobs. Implications and limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of low-wage work in America as presented in the political science literature with the goal of developing a theoretical framework. Based on traditional political theory, contemporary political perspectives, and public opinion, a modern political conceptualization of low-wage work represents a balance between policies that promote work as virtuous and those that present it as a form of social control. This balance is informed by historical notions of work, contemporary issues of racism, the economic realities of single mothers, and public perceptions of welfare and income support measures, such as the federal Earned Income Tax Credit.  相似文献   

Population growth in rural areas characterized by high levels of natural amenities has recently received substantial research attention. A noted concern with amenity-driven rural population growth is its potential to raise local costs-of-living while yielding only low-wage service sector employment for long-term residents. The work presented here empirically models long-term rural residents' economic well-being, making use of longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. In general, the results suggest that long-term rural families residing in high-growth amenity and recreation areas tend to have higher annual incomes than do their counterparts in non-growth amenity/recreation areas, regardless of the sex, race, or age of the family head. However, higher costs-of-living in these areas supplant any relative gains in income. As such, these analyses provide empirical evidence of patterns inferred by earlier anecdotal evidence and case studies.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in Hispanic immigration to the United States in recent decades has been coterminous with fundamental shifts in the labor market towards heightened flexibility, instability, and informality. As a result, the low-wage labor market is increasingly occupied by Hispanic immigrants, many of whom are undocumented. While numerous studies examine the implications for natives' employment prospects, our understanding of low-wage immigrants themselves remains underdeveloped. Drawing on original data collected in Durham, North Carolina, this article provides a more holistic account of immigrant Hispanic's labor market experiences, examining not only wages but also employment instability and benefit coverage. The analysis evaluates the role of human capital and immigration characteristics, including legal status, in shaping compensation outcomes, as well as the influence of other employment characteristics. Findings highlight the salience of nonstandard work arrangements such as subcontracting and informal employment to the labor market experiences of immigrant Hispanic men, and describe the constellation of risk factors that powerfully bound immigrant employment outcomes. Keywords: Hispanic; immigration; wages; low-wage labor market; employment relations.  相似文献   

Low-wage work is a defining feature in the lives of low-income families, who are challenged to achieve self-sufficiency through employment. This article offers a synthesis of theoretical concepts at the micro (individual), mezzo (group and community) and macro (social and political) levels to aid in understanding the human behavior and social environmental dimensions of low-wage work. The article concludes with a case vignette designed to illustrate the role that theory can play in informing social work practice.  相似文献   

In the second decade of the 21st century, research on work and family from multiple disciplines flourished. The goal of this review is to capture the scope of this work–family literature and to highlight both the valuable advances and problematic omissions. In synthesizing this literature, the authors show that numerous scholars conducted studies and refined theories that addressed gender, but far fewer examined racial and class heterogeneity. They argue that examining heterogeneity changes the understanding of work–family relations. After briefly introducing the broad social, political, and economic context in which diverse work–family connections developed, this review uses this context to address the following three main themes, each with subtopics: (a) unpaid work including housework, parenting as work, and kin work; (b) paid work including work timing and hours, money (i.e., motherhood penalty, fatherhood bonus, marriage bonus, kin care penalty), relationships (i.e., coworkers, supervisors), and work experiences (i.e., complexity, autonomy, urgency); and (c) work–family policies (i.e., scheduling and child care). Given the breadth of the work–family literature, this review is not exhaustive but, rather, the authors synthesize key findings on each topic followed by a critique, especially with regard to the analyses of differences and inequalities around gender, race, ethnicity, and social class.  相似文献   

Social work education is familiar with concepts such as social exclusion, marginalisation, anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. This familiarisation implies that students are adequately prepared to embrace equality and diversity, become ‘culturally competent’ and subscribe to moral and ethical standards including the rights of service users to respect and support regardless of sexual orientation. The ability of social work students to articulate and develop their own theories for practice and to handle personal issues when these conflict with ‘theories’ on equality and diversity are important aspects of learning. Educators teaching about sexual orientation issues however currently have fewer texts or support networks to draw on when addressing these. This paper looks at the effectiveness of ‘debate’ and ‘role play’ as pedagogical strategies and tools when teaching complex ethical issues on a law and ethics module. Dramatic and creative participative methods were used through the tools of debate and role play. These were used with students to explore a specific topic around gay adoption in the context of learning about anti-discriminatory law. The paper seeks to evaluate the outcomes of this approach by drawing on the students' post learning reflection.  相似文献   


Literature suggests that grounding online interventions in theory improves their success. This article reviews 10 theories selected from the fields of psychotherapy, social work, health promotion, gaming, and innovation dissemination that can be used for grounding the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of online interventions. Selected studies are reviewed to illustrate how these theories have been used in online human service interventions. After this review, an integrated theoretical approach for grounding online interventions is proposed along with guidelines suggested by the review.  相似文献   

Since 1980, national and international research knowledge on carers and care-giving has been accumulating. However, the theoretical bases of this research are usually unstated and implicit. Theory is vital in shaping social work research programs and types of social work intervention. This paper examines and critiques the social work theories influencing published social work research on care-giving. A search of key social work journals from 1980 to 2001 identified a total of 102 research articles about care-giving. The perspectives informing these articles fall into four groupings: positivist; interpretivist; systems; and feminist/radical. Building on the model developed by Howe (1987), which differentiates theories of radical change from those concerned with social regulation, each perspective is critically analysed for its underlying assumptions, level of analysis, research methodology and implications for policy and practice. Our review indicated that research on care-giving is dominated by a positivist approach that focuses on stress-coping and social support theories. These approaches are essentially individualistic, focus on the burden of care and prescribe interventions that assist carers to adjust to or cope with the care-giving role. Future social work research on care-giving should be informed by critical social work theories offering deeper structural analysis. This would be more consistent with our discipline's concern for social change and social justice.  相似文献   

Due to the changing cultural composition of the U.S., social workers are increasingly working with clients from different cultures. As a result of globalization, our schools of social work are training international students who return home to work in their native countries and take with them our theories and models of practice. It is essential that, as a profession, we address questions about the relevance of our models to work with clients from different cultures. This paper will use theoretical concepts from anthropology and data from field research with Suwanrang, a social worker in Northern Thailand to address these issues. The implications of the debate between universalist, relativist, and cultural pluralist perspectives within anthropology for psychodynamic, developmental models and social work treatment will be explored. The paper will focus on the ways the treatment relationship is shaped by and varies with culture  相似文献   

Gender scholars have developed a significant body of scholarship on the reproduction of gender inequality in work organizations. However, the vast majority of that research has been conducted in non‐profit organizations or in employer‐owned businesses. In this article, we review the existing literature on gender in worker‐owned businesses. We begin by defining three distinctly different types of worker‐owned businesses: companies with employee stock ownership plans, worker cooperatives, and communes. Next we review the limited research on gender inequality in each of these organizational forms. The current literature finds that women benefit from working in these alternative organizations, but gender disparities nevertheless persist due to occupational segregation and the devaluation of domestic work. Exceptions are those organizations with strong ties to feminism and those with formal power‐sharing policies. Granted the scarcity of research on this topic, however, these conclusions are tentative. We conclude with a discussion of areas for further research.  相似文献   

Despite the long sociological tradition that focuses on the social adaptation of racial/ethnic minority immigrant youth, little work investigates whether these groups are socially isolated. However, existing research provides a strong foundation from which researchers can further explore this important topic. This article begins by discussing relevant theories and ongoing debates regarding minority immigrant youth's social relationships. Next, the article surveys literature across social science disciplines that describes relationships minority immigrant youth have (or in some cases, do not have) with three important social actors: their peers, teachers, and parents. The article concludes by providing recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify and examine how models of social work intervention are being used with displaced Iraqi households in Jordan. The review of the situation of displaced Iraqis in Jordan identifies the size, characteristics and experiences of this group, Jordanian government policies towards them, and the role of IGOs and NGOs dealing with them. The literature review of social work interventions with refugees internationally identifies a range of psycho-social and community-based intervention models that are contextual, some of which include spiritual dimensions. The paper reviews social work interventions in use with Iraqi households in Jordan and concludes that these need to be focused at the individual, household and community levels using an inter-professional, holistic approach that includes spiritual dimensions, and that coordination between agencies is essential.  相似文献   

This paper, based on the results of a national study of experienced clinical social workers, focuses on the nature of theoretical perspectives, practice models, and modes of clinical intervention. The majority of respondents identified ego psychology as being most instrumental to their approach with socio-cultural, cognitive/behavioral and family systems theories having an important secondary influence. Most identified with the psychosocial model of practice with problem-solving and family therapy being instrumental secondary models. Specific modes of clinical work were examined in relation to these theories and models.  相似文献   

The transition to parenthood may be especially difficult because relationships need to be largely reorganized to meet demanding new challenges. For scholars interested in gender inequality, the transition to parenthood is a critical time in which gender differentiation is generated by both economic and cultural forces. Although newly married childless couples tend to share both paid and unpaid labor rather equally, when men and women become parents, their patterns become increasingly differentiated by gender. Cultural beliefs that emphasize mothers as the primary parent and fathers as secondary reinforce unequal patterns in housework and childcare. Time availability models, bargaining perspectives, and gender theories all have been used to explain these patterns. Some changes that could help ease the transition to parenthood include expanding US parental leave policies, improving available childcare, adding flexible work policies, and offering more couples‐focused intervention programs. Although much is known about the topic, more research is needed for the literature to reflect the new generation of global and diverse parents.  相似文献   

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