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The emergence of policy—practice is a recent development in social work. In this article, policy—practice is defined as a direct social work practice mode with the potential to strengthen the social work profession's abilities to meet its century-long commitments of providing policy-informed services to those in need of them. At the same time, policy—practice advocates for and participates in policy implementation and change. This article examines policy—practice and places it within the context of the profession's historic cause—function debate and identifies several barriers that have complicated development. Most important, the article reviews five policy-practice models found in the literature: (1) social worker as policy expert, (2) social worker as change agent in external work environments, (3) social worker as change agent in internal work environments, (4) social worker as policy conduit, and (5) social worker as policy itself.  相似文献   

As rapid economic and sociopolitical development brings about drastic changes in family structure and processes in China, many social concerns arise. Through a review of journal articles published over a period of 28 years (1979–2006) in social work and related disciplines in China, this article presents a glimpse of family social work using the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database. The result is despairing, in that only a small number of articles on family social work were found. Given social work's traditionally strong belief in the family, as well as the strong emphasis on the family in China, the social work profession can contribute to China's social development through strengthening family social work and family policy. Nevertheless, this article argues for family social work to be sensitive to the cultural needs and characteristics of families in China, instead of imposing Western theories and interventions as if families come in just one size and shape.  相似文献   

The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) has become a significant social movement. The newest Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education explicitly identify SoTL as important in advancing social work education. This article considers social work education’s role, relationship, and responsibility in relation to SoTL. Providing a critical understanding of SoTL’s background, the article summarizes SoTL’s history and current status. Next, we explain the rationale for social work education to focus on SoTL. Then, the article provides pragmatic steps and strategies for performing SoTL. The article concludes with a discussion of specific recommendations for social work education in moving forward in the SoTL movement.  相似文献   

Despite being a major influence, there are few studies investigating the impact of accreditation on the social justice remit of social work education. This article is guided by two questions: What are the social justice responsibilities of professional associations regulating social work education via accreditation? and What contribution can institutional ethnography make to understanding and change in this area? Drawing on a data-subset from a larger institutional ethnography, selected narratives of two informants, a social work student and a social work lecturer, are discussed. These narratives reveal how key documents of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) used to re-accredit social work courses influence how the study and work of the informants happens. Analysis of the narratives and documents bring the textually organised process of the re-accreditation of social work programmes into view. While this article reports on an Australian context, the issues raised concerning social injustice, epistemological equity and the implicit curriculum are relevant for social work education across many parts of the world. The contribution of this article is to recommend institutional ethnography as a research approach to generate understanding and transformation of organisations with social justice objectives, to redress exclusion and injustice.  相似文献   

This article presents some results of a broader purpose of research on the thought and work of Addams and Richmond, particularly about the relationship between social work and social policy. First, we aim to contribute to deeper knowledge on the thought of these two pioneers on this relevant subject for social work nowadays and, particularly, to remove a relative veil of ignorance Richmond's involvement in social reform activities and elaboration on social reform in the context of the public and social policies process. Second, our proposal is to support a revision of the orthodox account on the antagonistic or irreconcilable nature of the two major traditions—social casework (or psychosocial approach) and social reform (or socio-political approach)—founded by two of the most influential figures of social work. Based on secondary and primary sources, the article focuses on the inseparable relationship between social policy and social work, clearly present in the thought and intervention of these seminal authors, and sheds new light on on-going debates and the disputed role of social policy perspectives within professionalised social work and the articulation between direct intervention with individuals, groups and communities and policy practice.  相似文献   


This article explores the changing role of social work in the context of community care legislation, the political era and the resulting care management process, using Kuhn's concept of paradigms. (Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2nd Edition), (Chicago, University of Chicago Press). The article suggests that it is our values, the theories we use and the environment that is impacting on and creating a shift in the social welfare paradigm and social work. It proposes that there is a fundamental conflict between the traditional values and model of social work and the evolving care management role that social workers are assuming, which can, and is resulting in an identity crisis for social work professionals and presents evidence for this. The article concludes that social work is in a state of transition and crisis. In order to re-define itself it needs to consolidate its basis for being. Social work needs to re-align itself with its value base and firm knowledge base. Putting the client first rather than the State or its own professional interests, otherwise it is in danger of becoming simply an agent of the State rather than a service striving for equality and the welfare of its communities. In order to do this the article proposes that social work needs to be clear of its purpose, whom it is serving and how it proposes to move forward.  相似文献   


Human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) instructors do not systematically or routinely teach and incorporate practice models in their course. In this article, social work educators describe an approach to teaching and incorporating practice models in a HBSE course using a five-step adapted, modified version of Mosey’s extrapolation method for teaching master level social work students to evaluate and apply practice models. The authors use the Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) model as an illustration to help social work students develop critically reflective approaches to evaluating and applying practice models. The techniques and guidelines outlined in this article could be applied to other practice models and used by social work educators and students interested in other fields of practice.  相似文献   

Significant multi-layered challenges with delivering quality practicum experiences to social work students have led field education coordinators to release a joint statement that social work field education in Canada is in a state of crisis. This article presents the results of a two-year mixed methods study that sought to investigate and describe the challenges in order to enhance understanding of the crisis from the perspective of Canadian social work field education coordinators. The results indicate that social work education programs in Canada face four key challenges in regard to field education that can be further divided into two sections: (a) the social work practice field and (b) social work field education administration. The two key challenges associated with the social work practice field are: (a) social work practice contexts and realities and (b) practicum shortages and saturation. The two key challenges associated with social work field education administration are: (a) practicum procurement and field instructor recruitment and retention; and (b) expectations and workloads of field education coordinators. To address these challenges, collaborative development of a multi-level strategy aimed at moving beyond the current state of crisis toward a sustainable model of social work field education in Canada is recommended.  相似文献   

It has been argued in a number of publications in the social work field that the current preoccupation with evidence-based practice is problematic, in that it offers a restricted and sometimes inappropriate understanding of the fundamentals of research in the social sciences. As a result social work and social care are at risk of deprivation of appropriate knowledge to inform practice. This article takes up this critique, in particular pointing out that the tendency for the debate to be reduced to one of competing (qualitative and quantitative) research methods is unhelpful. The issue is an epistemological one about the nature of knowledge and the authority of 'knowers'. The article gives examples of participatory approaches to research that start from a valuing of a range of kinds of knowledge. This opens the way for both quantitative and qualitative methods to have a place in social work research and social work education.  相似文献   

This article draws on critical race theory (CRT) to foreground the role of race and racism in the ways in which Black students experience social work teaching and learning. It reviews some of the available literature on Black social work students' experiences of teaching and learning. The article reframes understandings of the perceived failures of this group of students to adapt to the world of higher education. It is argued that race and racism are salient determining factors in the experiences of Black students within social work education. Emphasis is placed on understanding the specificity of this group of students taking into cognisance the social, cultural, economic, and political contexts within which they are located. The article uses CRT as critical lens to reflect on peer support groups as potential counter spaces that can disrupt the negative experiences of black social work students.  相似文献   

Attitudes of US-based students in graduate-level social work master's in social work (MSW) toward required research courses often appear ambivalent, but developing an effective pedagogical approach to research could have lasting implications on students, educators, and the field. This article uses Bandura's social learning theory (SLT) to provide a framework for successfully engaging MSW students in the content of an introductory research class. This article outlines the thinking behind and the strategies used to engage students in the course content.  相似文献   

This article examines underlying assumptions of Master of Social Work diversity and social justice courses as sites that embody social work’s dual projects of social justice and professionalization. Through a latent content analysis of course syllabi from 27 US-based social work programs, three key assumptions emerged: (1) social workers are members of dominant social groups; (2) cultural competency and anti-oppression are compatible frameworks; (3) self-awareness mitigates oppression. Findings reflect the reification of dominant culture groups in social work and promotion of individual-level skill development over structural change. Implications and recommendations for social work education and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Within a global profession with a stated definition that includes ‘promoting social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people’ (online), it would be expected that the issue of domestic abuse would be integral to the training and role of all social workers. This article reports on research, which highlighted both a lack of understanding of the role of adult social worker within cases of domestic abuse and also a desire for further training around the issue. However, this article sets out how the current UK (in particular, English) context of social work marginalises the issue of domestic abuse within practice with adults. This marginalisation has been achieved through the construction of domestic abuse as a children and families issue and limited duties, powers and resources within statutory work to support victims/survivors in their own right, rather than as ‘failing’ parents. However, the article argues that the role of social work education should be wider than teaching to the current policy or procedures and instead encourage a wider appreciation of the social, historical and political context. The article concludes with tentative suggestions for how domestic abuse could be considered within the social work curriculum for adult practitioners. This is in acknowledgement that social workers can be well positioned for the detection, investigation and support of those experiencing abuse.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the unique challenges and strengths of the older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population and the theories and evidence-based interventions that can be used to work with them in a clinical setting. Two case studies will be used to highlight potential issues in clinical social work and provide guidance for intervention with LGBT older adults. The article concludes with a summary and implications for clinical social work practice.  相似文献   


The present article re-examines several aspects of the early history of Australian social work. Using primary sources that recently underpinned a PhD thesis, the paper suggests that the traditional historical interpretation of the roles of the Charity Organisation Society (COS) and the British model of lady almoning as the foundation pillars of social work, while applicable to the establishment of social work in Victoria, had less relevance in the case of New South Wales. Second, the present article highlights the valuable role played by a group of Catholic women trained in social work in the foundation decades of the profession in Australia. Led by Professor Norma Parker, this small cohort made a distinctive contribution in an array of social work arenas, including their church, subjects that hitherto have been largely overlooked in the literature.  相似文献   

The relationship of practice and research in social work has often been characterized as a ‘split’ in interests and in professional purposes. The same split also appears in social work education. This article examines several issues related to better integrating clinical practice and research in social work and in social work education. The article opens with a historical exploration of the origins of the social work profession as based in differences between practitioners and researchers. Second, differences in the purposes, professional cultures and professional organizations of clinical social workers and social work researchers are examined. Third, the processes and methods of clinical practice and research are systematically compared and contrasted. A chart outlining their similarities and differences is offered. The article closes with several recommendations to improve social work education in both areas that can lead to better integration of clinical practice and research in social work.  相似文献   

Veterans transitioning from the military to college life and the unique issues impacting them are an area of clinical social work that has yet to be fully explored in the literature. Project for Return and Opportunity in Veterans Education (PROVE) is an innovative social work field education model that trains first year graduate interns to serve student veterans on college campuses in a non-traditional, milieu setting. PROVE uses a strengths-based, resiliency focus to emphasize the unique characteristics of the student veteran. The model affords the intern a clinical skill set applicable to working with veterans in various social work agencies. This article will discuss the history, framework and implementation of the PROVE model, use of Veteran-Affirmative Counseling (VAC) and the unique milieu setting. The article will conclude with implications for clinical social work practice field education settings and recommendations for replicability of the PROVE model.  相似文献   

This article addresses the need for social workers' explicit argumentation in ethical decision-making, i.e. the justification offered in adopting a particular course of action with their clients. It is the main assumption of this article that social workers need to be aware and explicit of the personal and professional ideas, concepts, values, and assumptions that guide their practice. In the following sections we clarify central concepts such as argumentation and its explicitness, present a conceptual framework for analyzing ethical decisions in social work, illustrate its applicability on social work dilemmas, and discuss possible implications for social work practice and education. Finally, we recommend that social work education put emphasis on: (1) developing more awareness for inner deliberations and making these explicit and amenable for evaluation; and (2) developing specific skills for explicit argumentation in ethical decision-making.  相似文献   

An unnecessary and unfortunate divide has existed historically within social work both in the United States and also in the United Kingdom between social reform or anti-oppressive practice, and direct social work practice or social care. In this article, the limitations of such a dichotomy will be explored, and ways that social work educators may more effectively integrate critical reflection approaches into their pedagogical practices will be identified. Building upon Denzin's methodological elaboration of C. Wright Mills' concept of private troubles–public issues, this article will discuss the usefulness of applying methods from critical, interpretive qualitative research to help social workers achieve critical consciousness in social work education and practice. This article will also address ways to help social work students overcome impediments to achieving critical consciousness, including the anxiety attendant upon changing one's belief systems. Finally, this article will describe the development of a concentration-year MSW elective, Transformative Social Work Practice, which sought to assist social work students in becoming more critically reflexive in their clinical work.  相似文献   

This article is primarily about the issue of specialisation in social work, and especially the training needs which are associated with it. It argues in favour of the strengthening of specialist roles and skills in social work, and holds that social work will not be able to develop a distinctive body of ‘intellectual capital’ (or professional confidence and respect) without the greater encouragement of its specialisms. Its main concerns are, however, with training, and the article recommends that priority be given to establishing two-year part-time programmes of post-qualifying social work education. The need for these follows from the unavoidable limitations of two-year basic social work courses, but their object would also be to further the development of specialist expertise and practice in the field.  相似文献   

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