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加入WTO表明我国经济将进入全球化和法制化的新阶段。各级政府和企业不应再局限在笼统的“机遇与挑战”的罗列上,而应着重研究WTO的法律规则与运行程序,学会依法经营与依法竞争。熟悉规则:依法保护自身利益学会利用WTO的规则,首先在于合法保护自己的利益。从贸易角度来看,随着各种关税和非关税贸易壁垒被迅速消除,反倾销和反补贴措施将成为绝无仅有又卓有成效的贸易政策工具,其重要性与日俱增。20世纪90年代以来,我国成为被外国提起反倾销指控最多的国家。加入WTO后如何积极应对反倾销,同时学会利用反倾销措施保护自身利…  相似文献   

反倾销措施和保障措施,按照WTO规则规定,它们都属于许可的重要贸易救济措施,是国际通行的保护国内产业的法律手段。所以,当前世界各国都将它们作为规范贸易秩序,反对不正当竞争、保护国内产业安全的重要法律武器。二者有一定的共同点,但也有不同之处。(一)二者的特征不同1.反倾  相似文献   

王绯  吴平峰 《经营管理者》2011,(14):138-139
在国际经济贸易关系中,倾销与反倾销、补贴与反补贴问题最引人注目,对正常国际贸易关系的影响巨大。近年来,欧美国家对我国频频采取"双反"措施实现贸易保护主义目的。本文结合WTO对反倾销反补贴的规定以及本国具体情况,简要分析了欧美国家对我国采取"双反"的原因、影响以及提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

WTO的争端解决机制被誉为是"王冠上的明珠",是一个具有较强司法性的体制。WTO成立以来的实践已充分地证明,该争端解决机制在整个WTO体系中具有核心地位的机制。本文首先介绍了WTO争端解决机制中的报复机制,接着对其进行了评价,最后对我国应如何合理利用报复机制提出建议。  相似文献   

我国正式成为 WTO 成员国以后,各方面的专家对我国加入 WTO 后所面临的经济、政治以及科技教育文化方面的影响,从不同的层面进行了分析。在世贸协议的全部框架中,农业问题对中国来说是最敏感,也是影响最明显的问题。随着入世以后对外开放的日益扩大和加深,中国农业与世界农业的关联度将进一步增强。一方面,WTO构建的多边贸易体制推动了农产品贸易的开放,市场竞争日益国际化另一方面由于WTO 规则对政府扶持农业的措施制定了一系列纪律约束,未来提高国际竞争力只能  相似文献   

<正> 1.制定和规范国际多边贸易规则 WTO制定和实施的一整套多边贸易规则涵盖面非常广泛,几乎涉及到当今世界经济贸易的各个方面,从原先纯粹的货物贸易,到后来的服务贸易、与贸易有关的知识产权、投资措施,一直延伸到新一轮多边贸易谈判可  相似文献   

我国正式成为WTO成员国以后,各方面的专家对我国加入WTO后所面临的经济、政治以及科技教育文化方面的影响,从不同的层面进行了分析.在世贸协议的全部框架中,农业问题对中国来说是最敏感,也是影响最明显的问题.随着入世以后对外开放的日益扩大和加深,中国农业与世界农业的关联度将进一步增强.一方面,WTO构建的多边贸易体制推动了农产品贸易的开放,市场竞争日益国际化另一方面由于WTO规则对政府扶持农业的措施制定了一系列纪律约束,未来提高国际竞争力只能靠推进技术进步.在这一背景下,如何通过我国的农业科技创新与体制创新,全面提高我国农业的国际竞争力,是我国农业科技界亟待思考与解决的问题.  相似文献   

<正> 接受并实施WTO法律规则,是WTO向中国提出的加入条件,也是中国政府申请加入WTO的国家承诺。其法律后果是:必须按照国际规则对现行的涉外法律法规进行修改,建立透明、公正的法律体系及咨询机制,国家立  相似文献   

2005年2月10日,加拿大国际贸易法庭发布公告,决定对进口自行车及车架发起保障措施调查。从WTO的保障措施制度的特点和我国自行车出口的现状出发,分析加拿大发起自行车保障措施调查的案情及其对我国自行车行业可能造成的影响,进而对我国的应对措施提出几点建议。  相似文献   

深圳万科股份有限公司作为中国最大的房地产上市公司,在成长过程中成功地实施了战略管理。本文对其战略管理模式的选择和战略定位,实现战略的保障措施,以及实施果效进行了分析评述,提出了深入思考和讨论的问题,对于同类企业具有推广和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Risk assessment provides a formalized process to evaluate human, animal, and ecological responses associated with exposure to environmental agents. The purpose of risk assessment is to answer two related questions.
  • ? How likely is an (adverse) event to occur?
  • ? If it does, how severe will the impact be?
In the United States, the science of risk assessment has evolved out of the necessity to make public health decisions in the face of scientific uncertainty. Its basic propositions have been established over the past three decades and its applications have impacted virtually every aspect of public health and environmental protection in many countries, including the United States. More recently, the World Trade Organization's (WTO) dispute‐settlement process has provided additional incentive for the reliance on risk assessments internationally through the requirement that member countries be able to provide scientific justification, based on a risk assessment, for public health and environmental regulatory measures that are challenged. The purpose of this article is to review the history of risk assessment in the United States, emphasizing the development of both its scientific and policy aspects, as one example of the development of institutional capacity for risk assessment. This article discusses the importance of the social, political, and economic contexts of risk assessment and risk management in shaping the approaches taken while highlighting the reality that the analytic or risk assessment part of the decision‐making process, in the absence of scientific data, can be completed only by inserting inferences, or policy judgments, which may differ among countries. This article recognizes these differences, and the consequent difference between risk assessment that incorporates public health protective assumptions and the rules of evidence that seek to answer questions of causality, and discusses implications for the WTO dispute‐settlement process. It further explores the value of country‐specific risk assessment guidelines to facilitate consistency within a country along with the appropriateness and feasibility of international risk assessment guidelines.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyse whether banking technology and environmental conditions act as barriers for the entry of foreign banks in each European banking industry. We evaluate how the efficiency score of a representative commercial bank of a given European country changes if it decides to move abroad. To carry out this analysis, we use a sample of 700 banks belonging to 11 European countries. Countries are paired and each couple is studied by using four DEA production frontiers. These frontiers allow us to measure the technological and environmental gaps between the two countries considered and, based on them, to predict the new efficiency score of the representative bank of a country that decides to operate in a different country. The results indicate, as expected, that being technologically advanced appears to be a significant deterrent to foreign competition, and that adverse environmental conditions constitute a real barrier for cross-border banking activity. Additionally, the results suggest that host-nation banking performance is a good safeguard against cross-border competition.  相似文献   

Trade regulations are an important driver of supply chain strategy in many industries. For example, the textile, paper, chemical, and steel industries grapple with significant levels of non‐tariff barriers (NTBs) such as safeguard controls and countervailing duties. We explore three often observed supply chain strategies in industries subject to NTBs; direct procurement, split procurement, and outward processing arrangements (OPAs). We characterize the optimal procurement quantities for each of these three strategies, and examine how industry and country characteristics influence the firm's strategy preference. For example, we establish that the direct and split strategy profits increase in the NTB price variance but decrease in the mean price. These effects are sufficiently large that NTB price characteristics can dictate which supply chain strategy is preferred. Both the cost disadvantage and lead‐time advantage of domestic production are also significant influencers of the preferred strategy, as is the domestic‐country mandated production constraint associated with the OPA strategy.  相似文献   

嵌入全球价值链可促进我国经济发展,却也使我国更加依赖于外国市场,从而增加了国家风险。本文以全球价值链为视角,基于世界投入产出模型构建了增加值对外依存程度的测算方法,对当前的不同测算方法进行了比较,提出了传统贸易、全球价值链的简单和复杂参与下的对外依存程度。最后,利用2000-2014年的世界投入产出表进行测算。结果表明:我国的对外依存程度呈现先升后降的态势;传统贸易下对外依存程度的变化是我国对外依存度变化的主要原因。这意味着:平衡全球价值链嵌入和国家风险的关键是提高全球价值链的参与程度。本文的方法和结论可以为我国政府管理国家风险和贸易谈判提供支持。  相似文献   

伴随贸易规模的扩大,贸易信贷已成为影响一国对外资产和负债的重要因素。本文利用翔实的历史数据,全面分析了主要国际贸易国(地区)贸易信贷资产、负债和差额情况。实证结果表明,贸易信贷的影响因素十分复杂,国别贸易信贷没有明显的统计规律。各国贸易信贷规模和比例的差异较大,但保持相对稳定,当前我国贸易信贷资产负债的规模和比例基本正常,这对于我们制定有效的贸易信贷管理政策有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

中欧纺织品贸易障碍分析与国际市场营销策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,我国与欧盟纺织服装进出口贸易不断增长,中国业已成为欧盟纺织服装进口消费的第一大供应国,同时也是欧盟诸国纺织服装原材料出口的第二大市场。随着中国加入WTO日期的逐渐临近,中欧纺织品贸易也面临着众多的机遇与挑战。本文从分析中欧纺织品贸易发展障碍入手,着重研究了影响中欧贸易发展的障碍因素,并从国际市场营销的角度,探讨开拓欧盟市场的国际营销策略。  相似文献   

In international joint ventures (IJVs), management control exerted by parent firms is fundamental since it can direct employees' activities to strive for the overall goals, to safeguard parent firms' idiosyncratic investments and to decrease opportunistic behaviors. Using a meta-analytic approach, we investigate the main factors influencing management control in IJVs. A search of the published and unpublished literature uncovered 45 articles that yielded 329 reported correlations between the factors and management control with a total sample size of 15,252 IJVs. Results indicate that the factors can be ordered in the following way in terms of the average size of their association with management control: resource contribution; equity share; trust; and strategic importance to the IJVs. Three moderators including operating country (China versus other countries), industry type (manufacturing versus service) and management control type (formal control versus informal control) were proposed to examine the heterogeneity issue. Our meta-analysis suggests that there is a bias of the empirical studies given that a majority of the samples are IJVs operating in the Chinese manufacturing industry, which indicates that results of this meta-analysis may not be representative of all IJVs and that future empirical research should include IJVs in other countries and in other industries.  相似文献   

We propose a theory of task trade between countries that have similar relative factor endowments and technological capabilities, but may differ in size. Firms produce differentiated goods by performing a continuum of tasks, each of which generates local spillovers. Tasks can be performed at home or abroad, but offshoring entails costs that vary by task. In equilibrium, the tasks with the highest offshoring costs may not be traded. Among the remainder, those with the relatively higher offshoring costs are performed in the country that has the higher wage and the higher aggregate output. We discuss the relationship between equilibrium wages, equilibrium outputs, and relative country size.  相似文献   

从农产品价格保护程度和市场整合看入世对中国农业的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
一、引言在过去20年的改革过程中 ,农民收入稳定上升 ,数以亿计的人摆脱了贫困 (世界银行 ,2000)。但是 ,就总体情况而言 ,农民收入要低于城镇人口的收入。经济发展与转型曾经带来了中国农村20年的进步 ,同时也遗留下来一些诸如收入分配不均的问题。现在国内政策又在进一步推进贸易与投资自由化 ,从过去20年的改革经验 ,我们不难推测 ,这一努力将同样带来积极与消极两方面的影响。一方面 ,贸易自由化可以带来效率的提高、新技术以及提升中国经济增长的机会。另一方面 ,市场与投资自由化将在所难免地加剧中国农村已经出现的一些消…  相似文献   

本文通过引入货币测度的社会福利函数,在文[1]的基础上建立了增加效率约束条件的社会福利最大化的优化模型和资源消耗最小化的优化模型,然后讨论了两者之间的关系,最后给出了消费税率及政府对不同收入消费者实行的个人所得税率与补贴率,并指出了福利最大化点与帕累托效率之间的关系。  相似文献   

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