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Lin Xiaowen 《学术界》2015,(1):266-270
According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Central Committee is the source of motivation to promote economic development by the startup mechanism of Constitution am endment,and the political interpretation of the Constitution is the basic way to promote economic development.The economic development in China has challenged the Constitutional system,calling for the appropriate adjustments to the Constitutional system so as to maintain the sustainable and stable development of the economy in China.  相似文献   

Uniqueness of our political systems and tremendous changes brought about by reform and opening up are reflected in language use,so contem porary Chinese political discourse has its own distinctiveness,and is especially featured by increasing political neologisms,posing difficulties for interpreters and for China’s international publicity.Quality of political neologisms interpreting has a direct bearing on whether or not success of interpreting the whole discourse can be achieved.The authors believe that interpreting of contemporary Chinese political discourse,also for the purpose of com m unication can gain guidance from Bachman’s CLA Model.So the paper elaborates through exem plification on strategies for interpreting political neologisms in light of Bachm an’s Model,with a view to realizing discourse power of Chinese.  相似文献   

Yuan Tingting 《学术界》2012,(2):257-275
International aid,always concerned as the Western aid,has been in decades’ development after the Second World War.From the Post-colonial time to the era of globalisation,from Washington Consensus to the Post-Washington Consensus,there are various aid discourses,motives and the intervention logics.This paper explores the Western aid through a critical review to the history and the contemporary development of "aid".It argues,despite these changes,the fundamental logic of aid,the logic of "catching up",has not been changed.The related economic and political interventions,such as the aid conditionalities,are all working for this logic,and have caused a lot of criticisms.Aid has not been very successful within the changing agendas.While the foreign aid is moving from intervention to cooperation,to make a more effective "aid",the traditional donors may learn lessons from the South-South relations.  相似文献   

Hong Zengliu  Tian Ping 《学术界》2012,(11):253-262
How to disambiguate the four narrators’narratives is the critical step to understand the whole work of The Sound and The Fury. With the gradualness produced by the ambiguous narrators’narration of juxtaposition of modern and traditional narration,another synchronized gradualness of Caddy is discovered,too. On the basis of deconstruction and psycho - analyses,rich and deep significance is illustrated by elucidation of narrative gradualness,as a new way to disambiguate the narrators’narration.  相似文献   

Hu Zuoyou  Wu Congming 《学术界》2012,(12):249-258
The paper adopts both macro and micro perspectives to discuss interpretation and transfer of cultural images in Lu Ding Ji.Plentiful cultural images contained in the novel reflect unique Chinese traditional culture and show people a mystic and fancy world of martial arts.The transformation of these cultural images,due to great differences between Chinese and Western cultures,has been a difficult point of translation.It is discussed that in the case of The Deer and the Cauldron,the translator transmits and interprets unique cultural images of martial arts with flexible use of translating strategies to try his best to achieve integration of transmission of culture and clear paraphrasing of meanings for the purpose of attractingTL readers with Chinese culture.  相似文献   

The higher education administration system in China has been a central theme in the reform and development of our country’s higher education. In the past two decades,deviation from reform goals, absence of reform participants, vagueness of reform approaches and other problems have occurred despite the significant effects gained through constant innovations in the reform under the guidance of government policies. For the purpose of better reforming the higher education administration system, the concept of ruling by law, or that of managing the university by law, should be applied. The key is to rationalize the relationship between government and higher institutions as well as to fully exercise the autonomous management of universities and colleges in order to achieve an overall reform of higher education administration system that is conducted from within and without.  相似文献   

Zhou Kun 《学术界》2012,(8):257-263
Pushkin is a great Russian poet.In addition,he is a famous litterateur.He achieved the peak by virtue of history-themed poems including Poltava and The Bronze Horseman.Pushkin was good at applying realism and romanticism for writing.The two ways complement each other.In the mid-to-late period of Pushkin’s writing career,his creation style transformed to realism rapidly.Meanwhile,he was better at mixing historical events and imaginary plots so as to perfectly blend historical reality and artistic truth.  相似文献   

Hu Shi is regarded as one of the most important intellectuals after the Revolution of 1911,and he has a far- reaching influence in 20th century.In the perspective of Hu Shi,the contribution and continuation of the Revolution of 1911 has some inspiration for us to analyze the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and social revolution.  相似文献   

程雁雷  宋宏 《学术界》2012,(2):16-28
The academic community now increasingly appeals for and researches on optimizing Culture Industry Legislation in China,but scholars are debating on some important issues. The paper w ill be focused on the necessity,purpose of adjustment,feasibility,design and some other aw areness issues and propose some relevant view points. ( 1) Culture Industry Legislation has many draw - backs and lags behind the grow th,so w e should accelerate the progress and promote the development of the legal system of the culture industry,( 2) the purpose of legislation is to manage and regulate social relations in the culture  相似文献   

The advent of the theory of communicative competence raised new issues for language teaching and testing. The importance of communicative ability is emphasized in language teaching. Therefore test that could reflect a student's communicative competence need to be constructed. Communicative testing is such a potentially effective approach. This paper is concerned with the theoretical basis of communicative testing, its distinguishing features and the construction of oral proficiency tests, so as to demonstrate how the theory of communicative testing is built into practical tests.  相似文献   

社交性网络账号符合财产的效用性、稀缺性和可控性的基本特征,具备作为财产的正当性,应当被纳入继承法确认的财产范畴。目前网络平台在其用户服务协议中规定社交性网络账号归属于运营商、不得被继承的做法,因排除了用户的主要权利而显失公平,属于格式条款的无效情形,社交性网络账号应归用户所有;而社交网络运营商以隐私保护为由拒绝社交性网络账号继承的做法,其目的在于维护自身利益,而非保护死者隐私。现代民法对于死者隐私的保护,实质上是保护死者近亲属和相关利害关系人的身份利益,所以在社交性网络账号继承与隐私保护之间没有本质冲突。基于对用户意志的尊重,社交性网络账号继承规则的建立应当尊重用户的选择权,可通过注册时的预先设置由用户在生前对账号能否继承、由谁继承及继承内容进行确定。  相似文献   

近年来随着无线网络的快速发展,无线网络替代传统有线网络的趋势日益明显。与此同时,无线网络的安全机制也需要得到同步完善,从而进一步实现人们安全通信的要求。论述了计算机无线网络安全所面临的主要问题,提出了解决这些无线网络安全问题的措施。  相似文献   

软件产业的开发、生产、销售各个环节都对于用户个人信息保护与安全至关重要.在借鉴美国的隐私认证制度、日本的个人信息评价制度以及我国大连软件及信息服务业个人信息评价制度的基础上,提出从宏观深入到微观、从表面深入到实质、从产业深入到产品,将个人信息认证制度推广到软件产业链的末梢,全面加强软件行业的自律,切实保障广大用户的权益,增强用户对于软件产品的信心,并对该制度的构建着重从软件产品个人信息保护认证标准和软件产品个人信息保护认证流程两个方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

奇虎360公司和腾讯公司的网络纠纷再一次提出了电子商务格式合同的规范问题,电子商务合同中的网上点击合同和网上软件拆封合同在给网络用户提供便利的同时,其自身条款的格式化、电子化特点也引发了电子商务交易中的一系列矛盾,对用户的隐私和其他合法权益构成了极大威胁。对电子商务格式合同的规范应当从事前的规制和事后的救济两方面入手,在商家义务、用户权利和第三方监督机制等方面加以完善,同时配以违约后的争议在线解决和在线投诉网站,规范取证方法和举证责任的方式,双管齐下从而全面保护用户的各项权益。  相似文献   

张贴隐私政策声明是网站缓解用户隐私担忧的一项重要举措。从三个主要方面对百度和谷歌(中文网站)的隐私政策声明进行对比研究,结果发现,两大网站的隐私政策声明存在不少差异,谷歌也并不必然就比百度做得好,都在某种程度上存在不规范的情况。在对比基础上找出问题的形成原因并讨论其完善机制,以期切实实现通过制定隐私政策声明履行网站保护隐私权的承诺。  相似文献   

数字经济时代,反垄断与数据隐私保护交叉重叠,二者并非简单的互补性关系。然而,是否要将数据隐私保护纳入反垄断规制框架之中,是否将其作为竞争考虑因素,目前在学理和反垄断执法实践中尚存争议。同时,对数据隐私保护相关的竞争问题,各国立法也并无明确的法律规范。数据隐私属于消费者福利,是反垄断法的价值追求。同时,数据隐私保护作为衡量数字产品质量的重要标准,是大数据时代市场质量竞争的重要方面。此外,数据隐私保护法的“知情—同意”原则及事后救济模式存在一定的局限性,对于垄断行为中的用户数据隐私侵害难以全面保护。而在监管及立法上,反垄断法可以在一定程度上克服数据隐私保护法对用户隐私保护的局限。因此,数据隐私保护纳入反垄断规制实属必要,且具有一定的可行性。但其在适用上也面临一系列挑战:反垄断法过度干预可能遏制互联网企业的创新,甚至降低用户体验;数据隐私因其主观性和隐蔽性而难以具体量化;传统的价格中心主义及假定的垄断者测试法在平台经济中无法适用;反垄断执法机构在隐私保护上专业性不足。对此,应保持反垄断法的谦抑性,避免过度干预;建立数据隐私损害分析工具,引入数据隐私保护“价格”分析机制;更新传统的理论工具,建立多边市场界定机制;创新监管模式,采用协作监管、激励监管和事前监管相结合的方式。  相似文献   

涉数据网络犯罪以数据侵害为核心,主要类罪包括计算机犯罪、个人信息犯罪、著作权犯罪和电信网络诈骗犯罪。大数据时代下,数据作为信息化社会建设和数字化产业发展的关键要素,已上升至前所未有的国家战略高度。涉数据网络犯罪的蔓延与异变,使个人法益、经济秩序和国家安全遭受严重危害。目前,涉数据网络犯罪刑事规制存在治理思路滞后、保护法益狭窄、规制效果欠佳等问题,因此有必要在网络治理思路下适当拓展刑法谦抑性,调整法益保护类型与范围,实现刑法规制前置化与功能化,完善涉数据范围犯罪的刑罚措施与跨域合作机制。  相似文献   

制售网络游戏外挂行为的司法犯罪化现象越来越普遍,而破坏计算机信息系统安全罪、非法经营罪和侵犯著作权罪是制售网络游戏外挂行为比较固定化的司法定性,但无论从技术的运行特征来看,还是从行为的违法性来分析,制售网络游戏外挂行为很难与现行刑法中某一具体犯罪的构成要件完全相吻合。事实上,网络游戏外挂是一种在未经软件著作权人许可的情况下,对原游戏程序的修改,从而增进游戏功能和效率的行为,而慎重适用刑法规范调整网络游戏外挂现象,既能最大限度实现非刑法制度的规范价值,又能更好地体现刑法保障性规范的谦抑性原则。  相似文献   

网约车平台法律关系的类型多样而复杂,现行侵权法难以妥当地解决网络信息时代网约车平台侵权责任问题。平台与网约车司机间法律关系的性质是构建平台侵权责任的法理基础。网约车平台侵权责任的构建应当在受害人及司机合法权益的保障与平台经营风险控制之间、公众安全与网约车产业发展之间寻求平衡。“顺风车模式”下的平台违反安全保障义务应承担共同侵权责任,并因过失或故意的不同而表现为补充责任或连带责任;“加盟模式”下平台应当作为承运人承担直接侵权责任,但其内部责任的划分以是否构成劳动关系为基础。  相似文献   

劳动者的个人信息权是指劳动者对由用人单位收集或存储的,能够反映劳动者特征的具有可识别性的符号系统所享有的知悉、控制并排除他人侵害的权利。在劳动关系中劳动者处于弱势地位,其个人信息权受到用人单位知情权的制约,极易受到用人单位的侵害。劳动者的个人信息权义务主体为用人单位,内容与劳动合同的订立、履行或解除具有一定的相关性,由此可将其归属于劳动权范畴。通过劳动权救济模式比一般私权的救济模式更能保护劳动者的个人信息权。在此框架下,确立遵循利益衡量、最小损害、倾斜保护劳动者为劳动者个人信息权救济三原则。在责任构成要件上,主要考察侵权事实、侵害后果以及二者之间的因果关系,弱化对用人单位主观过错的要求。同时考虑到劳资双方的地位减轻劳动者的举证责任,完善行政投诉、劳动仲裁及劳动争议等多元救济途径,从实质上保障劳动者的个人信息权。  相似文献   

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