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The relative standings of four ethnic groups - Muslim Palestinians, Christian Palestinians, Asian-African Jews, European Jews -were compared, using mobility data from 1974 and 1991. The findings show that despite the lack of government support and the prevalence of inexorable discrimination against Israeli Palestinians, they have narrowed the gap with Asian-African Jews in both education and occupational prestige. This finding demonstrates that ideological and political hegemony is not always effective in improving the socio-economic standing of preferred minorities (Asian-African Jews), and that social and economic structures may counterbalance the anti-Palestinian nationalist ideology. The analysis suggests that residential and educational segregation of Palestinians protects them from direct competition with European Jews, whereas Asian-African Jews have to compete with this dominant group in schools, as well as in the labour market.  相似文献   

The centrality of major life domains (work, family community leisure and religion) have not, to date, been studied among Arabs in Israel. This paper examines life domains centrality of 909 Jews and 286 Arabs (or Palestinians that have Israeli citizenship), who work in the Israeli labor market. The findings reveal significant differences in the importance of all life domains. Work centrality, as well as the importance of religion and community is significantly higher among Arabs than among Jews. Among Jews, the importance of family and leisure are significantly higher than among Arabs. A hierarchical regression analysis indicates that demographic variables have a low ability to explain the differences in the centrality of life domains among Jews and Arabs. The findings can be explained by cultural differences, the high degree of segregation, occupational discrimination, and mainly by the regional Palestinian/Arab-Israeli conflict.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that many women exposed to war stress have suffered mental health problems related to their experience, and a substantial number continue to have serious emotional, psychosocial, and other readjustment problems that affect their current level of functioning and life satisfaction. The consistent exposure to severe combat casualties, death and dying, workload extremes, personal deprivation, loss, and danger all take a significant emotional toll. These studies underscore the need for affected women to explore their war experiences and associated feelings with mental health professionals, as well as the need for those professionals to develop an awareness and understanding of the impact of specific war-related stress on women.  相似文献   

This paper studies how group identity, social distance and intergroup bias may affect economic decision-making. Two types of experimental groupings are created, and subjects are then paired with either an in-group member or an out-group member in a number of two-person games. The result of this experiment shows that out-group members face a risk of being discriminated against. The cause of the discrimination is not hostility toward out-group members; the discrimination is triggered because of higher expectations or favoritism of in-group members. This type of behavior holds, regardless of the grouping procedure.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates a new methodological approach to recognize, analyze and write about discrimination against the buraku, which is one form of social discrimination in contemporary Japan. The structural discrimination proposed in this study is based on the concept of relational discrimination, which is derived from fundamental criticisms of the conventional concepts of material and psychological discrimination. Relational discrimination occurs when we are placed in a certain type of relationship and may become accomplices to discrimination or cause it, regardless of whether or not there is any individual prejudice or discriminatory consciousness at work. From this perspective, this article tries to fundamentally re-examine the binary thinking assumed in conventional sociology that there are minorities (those who are discriminated against) and majorities (those who discriminate against the minority). I focus on the complex ways of being human, and in particular on the transformations that accompany changes in particular relations such as from a person who does not discriminate to one who discriminates against others; from a person who is discriminated against to one who discriminates against others and from a person who is not discriminated against to one who is discriminated against. By focusing on the meaning of the deep suffering of a man who made discriminatory remarks to people living in a buraku community, and of a woman who married into a family living in a buraku community, I try to understand life ethics for people who discriminate and who at the same time are discriminated against.  相似文献   


Twelve self-identified college students within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) spectrum were interviewed on campus climate perceptions and their experiences of discrimination and isolation at their university. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify themes from the data. This process resulted in the emergence of three themes, identified as discrimination, isolation, and avoidance. The most salient experiences of discrimination and isolation reported by participants came from within LGBTQ organizations or from lesbian or gay male individuals that participants sought out for social support. LGBTQ intra-community discrimination was considered to be particularly damaging to participants' sense of belonging and involvement within the LGBTQ community. Discrimination and isolation from straight-identified organizations or individuals was reported mostly in the context of fraternities/sororities and religious organizations. Furthermore, actions by members of these latter groups caused participants to avoid these groups out of expectations of negative interactions. These results inform empirical research to bring awareness to acts of discrimination that continue to take place within the university toward LGBTQ students. Specific implications for social work practice with LGBTQ college students and future research on diverse LGBTQ populations and resources are discussed.  相似文献   

A positive sense of control over one's life is essential for maintaining health and well-being. Those with a strong sense of control believe changes in their social world are responsive to their choices, actions, and efforts. In contrast, a sense of powerlessness or fatalism is on the other end of the continuum. There is little research that explores how race and gender relate to feelings about personal control. To examine their effects on perceptions of personal control, we analyze data from the American Changing Lives Survey, 1986. Controlling for race and gender in the full model led to results that failed to reveal the complexity of relationships when compared with results of analyses among the subgroups. Some key factors distinct for the various groups were, for white men, functional health, positive support from friends and relatives, and having people to share their feelings with; for black men, age and visiting mental health facilities; for white women, visiting medical care facilities, the number of children, tobacco, and having someone to call for help; and, for black women, being involved with organizations (groups, clubs, and churches) and religion. When there are no significant racial or gender differences, examining models simultaneously stratified by race and gender introduced a more dynamic and multidimensional relationship between the control and dependent variables than was previously understood.  相似文献   

This paper reports the apparent paradox of high levels of discrimination experienced by humanitarian migrants to Australia, in the labor market and everyday life, yet simultaneous reporting of positive well‐being. How can people feel discriminated against, yet still be relatively satisfied with life? The study draws on quantitative and qualitative data from a study of 150 refugees from the former Yugoslavia, the Middle East, and Africa. Possible reasons for the level of well‐being are explored, including “relative deprivation theory,” as well as various resiliency and mitigating factors, including personal and social supports. The notion of eudaimonic well‐being – whereby experiences of difficulty produce positive well‐being – is also applied to the findings. The negative experiences and perceptions appear to map onto low‐level dissatisfaction or disgruntlement, and specifically directed or contained disappointment, rather than serious dissatisfaction with life generally, orientation to Australia, or negative subjective well‐being.  相似文献   


Based on clinical work with lesbian college students, this paper discusses a relationship between their lesbianism and the development of autonomy and intimacy. Three subgroups among the students are described, oriented respectively to: ideology, personal development, and interpersonal feelings. It is suggested that for these students lesbian orientation be understood in terms of ongoing ego development more than arrested psychosexual development. The students oriented to ideology and personal development seem to be experiencing a shift from authority and sense of identity located externally, in others' expectations, to a more autonomous, self-governing self. The interpersonally-oriented students seem more focally involved with issues of intimacy than of autonomy. The cultural context is seen as crucial to the lesbianism of these students, particularly traditional cultural assumptions of male dominance and more recent changes in womens' attitudes toward themselves. It is assumed that homosexuality may have many styles, origins and meanings, and that this paper does not elucidate the experience of all lesbians or even all lesbian college students.  相似文献   

At the end of the First World War, the Iraqi Jewish community numbered about 85,000. With the establishment of the Arab Iraqi state in 1920, the leaders of the community advocated the integration of Iraqi Jewry into the national Arab society. Jews held important positions in all fields ‐ economic, social and cultural. Compared to Israel, Iraq was for them a paradise. There they hoped to build their future, which then promised to be bright. Arab Iraqi society, too, expected the Jewish minority to become a part of it and to contribute its talents to the consolidation and strengthening of the state.

The pogrom of 1941 was a turning point in the history of Iraqi Jewry, leading to the establishment of a Jewish underground. The worsening situation in Palestine prompted the Iraqi government to adopt a policy of repression and discrimination against the Jews, putting an end to the attempt by the Jewish minority to integrate into Arab Iraqi society. Jews began to seek ways to leave the country. The underground proved instrumental in helping some 121,000 Jews to flee Iraq and make their way to Israel.  相似文献   

Questionnaires were administered to 70 black female, 75 black male, 1,457 white female and 1,429 white male university freshmen. In order to test three alternative theories regarding perceptions of discrimination, analyses of variance related sex, race, and SES to total scores of perceived occupational discrimination against blacks (BDST) and against women (WDST). Blacks perceived significantly more discrimination against black people than did whites; neither sex nor SES differentialed scores on BDST. Black females and white males perceived significantly more discrimination against women than did white females; black females had the highest and white females the lowest WDST scores. A discriminant analysis on white females indicated that high WDST scorers were characterized by an “underdog syndrome” whereas low WDST scorers held internal, individualistic values. The findings indicated the greatest support for the formulation that differential anticipatory socialization into the role of “a person who is discriminated against” characterized white females who perceived more or less discrimination against women.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a relative flourishing in the Greek countryside of small women’s businesses engaged in the production of local traditional agrofood products for an emerging consumer demand for foods of specific quality. In the present article the central research question may be summarized as: “to what extent do these women perceive their business more as a means of supplementing family income than as a point of departure for a personal professional career?” We argue that women as entrepreneurs probably adhere to different behavioural patterns from men and have different expectations in the sense that they attach more importance to maintaining equilibrium between the requirements of profession and the demands of family life than they do to achieving economically rational goals through business success.  相似文献   

Adolescent adoptees from an ethnic minority background different from that of their adoptive parents can face unique challenges to their psychosocial adjustment that may include, for some, a sense of marginality and low self-esteem. Using a web-based survey design with a sample of 100 internationally adopted Asian adolescent and young adults, the present study examined how feelings of marginality mediate the relationship between ethnic and racial socialization and psychological well-being among Asian adoptees. The results showed that (a) supports for racial socialization decreased adoptees' feeling of marginality and thereby, increased their positive sense of self; and (b) ethnic socialization was not related to feelings of marginality and self-esteem. This study illustrates the importance of providing post adoption services addressing racial socialization issues. Further, adoptive parents should teach their children how to deal with racial prejudice and discrimination, and prepare them by helping them to develop positive coping strategies.  相似文献   

Theories of intersectionality argue that individuals with multiple minority statuses often face mistreatment that stems from multiple, interlocking systems of inequality. King (1988) refers to this phenomenon as “multiple jeopardy,” and argues that those who experience multiple jeopardy often develop a “multiple consciousness”—an awareness of multiple systems of inequality working with and through one another. This study analyzes recent survey data to assess perceived multiple jeopardy and its relationship to multiple consciousness in the context of contemporary Western Europe. Findings provide support for intersectionality, as individuals who hold multiple minority statuses are more likely than others to perceive having personally experienced multiple forms of discrimination, and are more likely to view multiple discrimination (discrimination based on multiple social statuses) as a widespread social phenomenon. Controlling for other factors, personal experiences with multiple forms of discrimination (“multiple jeopardy”) are associated with greater multiple consciousness. Personal experiences with discrimination based on a single dimension of inequality (“single jeopardy”) also facilitate multiple consciousness, however, though not to the same degree. The conclusion highlights the importance of intersectionality for future research and policy concerning discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes what 30 elderly Jewish women said about suffering. Their views must be understood in the larger context of Jewish culture in America. A fundamental question here concerns the degree to which the Holocaust, the ultimate in suffering for Jews, is used as a personal comparison for the suffering of these women. Relatively few mentioned the Holocaust in their personal narrative of suffering. Nevertheless, the Holocaust was always a silent presence in these narratives. Our data analysis found seven themes in the in the interview material about suffering. These are: (1) a general lack of direct reference to the Holocaust as the exemplar of personal suffering; (2) a focus on the need to survive; (3) the pervasiveness of disease-related pain and discomfort; (4); miserable life experiences; (5) reviewing life and encountering the end of life; (6) discrimination; and (7) suffering as a cultural construct.Most people experience suffering at some point in their lives. Some may outlive their suffering, but most never forget it. While suffering at any one time may be intense, some people may grow away from this experience, particularly when their minds are set on other things. Narratives of suffering can become important personal testimonies and, for Jews, collective testimony. Accessing narratives of suffering through interviewing or conversation brings such experiences to the surface, painful as they might be. Yet each retelling of such a story represents a victory of sorts, as the teller says, “I am still here.”In this paper we examine narratives of suffering among 30 elderly American Jewish women age 80 and above. Nearly all were born in the United States, but were the first or second generation to be born here. While the emphasis on Americanism and becoming an American was quite strong among these immigrant generations and their children, a symbolic connection to the old country was still maintained through cultural praxis.  相似文献   


The significance of gender in the study of social integration and well-being is well established; however, most research in this area focuses on patterns of individual differences rather than on contextual effects. Drawing on the network perspective, this paper examines both the social determinants of gender composition of personal networks and the effect of gender composition on feelings of anomie. Data come from the 1985 General Social Survey of Americans' personal networks (N = 1531). The findings indicate that both men and women tend to form networks composed mainly of same-gender persons, even after controlling for similar structural location. However, men and women are most likely to report the lowest feelings of anomie when their personal networks are composed of a relative balance of men and women.  相似文献   

This article reviews factors operating to limit the employment and career progression of observant Jews. Specific religious practices that could hamper upward mobility, as well as mistaken perceptions of these practices by superiors and coworkers are discussed. Additional reasons for possible discrimination against observant Jews and supporting research are reviewed. The potential role of the career counselor and human resources professional in aiding the observant Jewish client is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine patterns of personal and community coping resources in explaining stress reactions among three cultural groups: Jews, Muslims and Druze, 1 year after the massive forest fire on Mount Carmel, Israel. We first compared the three cultures in their levels of personal and community resources as well as their stress reactions: anxiety, anger and psychological distress. Data on demographics, personal and community sense of coherence (SOC), as well as stress reactions of state anxiety, state anger and psychological distress, were gathered a year after the fire in northern Israel, among adolescents aged 12–18 belonging to three cultural groups. Results indicate that the personal coping resource of SOC was the strongest predictor of ‘stress reactions’ in all cultures. Community SOC, however, played a significant role especially for the collectivistic culture of the Druze. We will discuss the results in the framework of Antonovsky’s salutogenic model and his conviction that the personal resource of SOC functions as a protective or resiliency mechanism in all cultures whose members are in a chronic state of stress. Implementation of the findings for establishing interventions for social workers to promote sense of coherence and increase resiliency of adolescents will be presented as well.  相似文献   

This study assessed the extent to which a one‐time experiential intervention improved intercultural awareness and sensitivity among first‐year medical students. The students participated in group activities in which they shared personal experiences, solved a hypothetical problem, and engaged in team building exercises. Post‐intervention, students reported less intercultural awareness, but a greater commitment to improving the intercultural climate of the medical school and an increased willingness to work in diverse groups during their medical training. The results of the study suggest that experiential interventions may provide an important complement to didactics around issues of intercultural awareness and sensitivity with medical students. Importantly, experiential interventions must provide students with sufficient time to reflect upon and discuss feelings, thoughts and attitudes that emerge during this kind of intercultural awareness training.  相似文献   

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