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王磊 《世界民族》2007,274(4):63-70
1707年英格兰和苏格兰的成功合并,不仅对英国历史而且对世界历史的发展都产生了重要的影响。文章在分析两个民族合并历程的基础上指出,合并既是双方共同需要的结果,即苏格兰的经济发展需要与英格兰的安全需要共同作用的结果,同时也是双方政治精英一手操作的结果;英格兰与苏格兰合并是世界历史上解决民族问题的成功范例,对于世界其他地区解决民族或国家之间的冲突有多方面的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

18世纪的欧洲已经进入重商主义时代,海外贸易的发展成为欧洲各国的核心利益,彼时独立的苏格兰也不例外。然而达连殖民活动的失败以及英格兰的限制政策粉碎了苏格兰人的殖民梦想,最终以放弃国家主权换取贸易优惠的方法与英格兰联合。在后现代的今天,苏格兰人开始反思经济至上信条,以公投的方式解决民族冲突。文章通过分析1707年苏格兰英格兰合并到2014年苏格兰独立公投的时代精神变化,指出英国人民根据世界潮流的变化,采取不同方法应对民族问题的重要性。  相似文献   

岳蓉 《世界民族》2004,(6):50-56
英格兰王国与苏格兰王国原是不列颠岛上两个比较大的独立政治实体。苏格兰国王詹姆士六世入主英格兰后 ,力主对两王国进行政治整合与民族整合。这一政策的制定并非完全出于建立个人统治的政治谋略 ,在一定程度上也是詹姆士顺应两王国历史趋势的举措。然而 ,由于历史宿怨、独立的国家形态和文化等因素的影响 ,两个民族的融合远不及两王国的王朝联合那样容易 ,詹姆士的整合政策最终遭致失败  相似文献   

王磊 《世界民族》2011,(5):19-28
20世纪20年代民族主义运动在苏格兰兴起,在半个多世纪中,它相继经历了发展、低潮和放权的阶段,起初处于苏格兰政治的边缘,后逐渐发展成为苏格兰乃至英国政治议程中的中心议题。苏格兰的民族主义运动具有鲜明的苏格兰特色,这不仅推动了该运动的发展,也使它和当今世界的很多运动相比显得格外平静而少受关注。无论最后设立的苏格兰议会"是福是祸",苏格兰民族主义运动都是一个值得研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

美国的民族多样性美国从建国以来,就是一个民族、文化多样的社会。那些归属美国的本地居民,在欧渊人和非洲人来到之前就是文化多样的,他们由几百个不同的社会组成,讲两百多种语言。到1790年,虽然英格兰人和威尔士人在数量上占优势,但是还有相当多的苏格兰人、日耳曼人、荷兰人、爱尔兰人、法兰西人和其他的欧洲人群体。黑人是最大的非欧州人群体,他们大约占总人口的20%。非英格兰人口,包括黑人在内,大约占人口的40%。  相似文献   

《最后一个吟游诗人的歌》是18—19世纪英国著名诗人沃尔特·司各特(Walter Scott)的长诗,诗歌生动描绘了苏格兰一带的风尚习俗,是研究苏格兰文化的重要文本。苏格兰成为大不列颠的一部分后,苏格兰文化长期处于被忽视、被英格兰主流文化掩盖的状况,中国译者在翻译苏格兰文本之时也往往未能足够重视苏格兰文化,导致译本苏格兰性缺失。本文以《最后一个吟游诗人的歌》的两个中译本为研究对象,从植物、器乐、神话与传说三个方面通过译例研究文本所反映的苏格兰性,探讨曹明伦、黄杲炘两位译者在翻译中的优点与不足,同时提出更为理想的翻译,从而帮助译本更好地展现苏格兰性。  相似文献   

英国人一般称为盎格鲁——撒克逊人,是公元5世纪中期由北欧的易北河口和日德兰半岛南部迁入的日尔曼族。英格兰当地居民原为克尔特人,或称不列颠人,是公元前700年以后到公元前100年从西欧的莱茵河、塞纳河、卢瓦尔河流域和多瑙河上游陆续迁来的部落。公元前55年,罗马人开始侵入不列颠,占领其东南部。克尔特人被驱往苏格兰,有的迁往威尔士和爱尔兰,他们作为不列颠主要民族的地位已不复存在。在其后400多年间,操拉丁语的罗马人成了英格兰、苏格  相似文献   

联合条约英格兰和苏格兰联合成为大不列颠的条约,于1707年5月l日签订。自1603年起,双方由同一君主分别统治。双方多次提出联合计划,都没有成功。在1703年——1704年的国际紧张局势中,英格兰国会和苏格兰国会之间又展开激烈的舌战。但是,双方的政治...  相似文献   

中国各少数民族有两个根,一个根是自己的民族,一个根是自己的国家。民族认同与国家认同的目的就是留住这两个根,民族认同、国家认同需要社会心态的健全为其基本条件。社会心态的健全与民族认同、国家认同的关系表现为自我的四个新变化和新进展,即:其一,自我开始民族认同、国家认同的历程。其二,自我产生民族认同、国家认同的心理需求。其三,自我产生民族认同、国家认同的社会需求、其四。自我产生民族认同、国家认同的完善自我的需求。  相似文献   

王健 《民族论坛》2009,(2):30-30
<正>2009年央视春晚已圆满谢幕,一条颇有原生态风味的苏格兰七分裤拉着"小沈阳"走上了明星的巅峰之旅。且不说"委婉"的"纯爷们"小沈阳所引发的哗然。仅一条大裤衩却足以让人们沉思了。它非阿猫阿狗,乃出身名门——饱含苏格兰浓郁风情的七分裤。眼下,这条  相似文献   

This paper uses data from a new question in the 2011 UK censuses of population to investigate national identities among ethnic and religious minorities. It focuses primarily on Scotland, while presenting comparative data for England and Wales. A robust comparison of national identities between different minorities in Scotland and with similar groups in other nations of Britain has previously not been possible because ethnic and religious minority groups represent a small proportion of Scotland’s population and are weakly represented in sample surveys. The new census question on national identity therefore offers an unprecedented opportunity for this kind of analysis. The analysis is used to critically evaluate previous claims of the existence of multicultural nationalism in Scotland and previous research that has suggested that Scottish identity is relatively inclusive of people in minority groups. The findings suggest that while Scottish national identity is relatively inclusive of minorities in some respects, the conclusions of previous research should be treated with some caution.  相似文献   

This paper describes the relationship that exists between Scotland and its diaspora and the ways in which this has changed since the advent of devolution. Based on interviews carried out primarily in the United States, it explores how members of the diaspora have adopted a less historical and sentimental approach to their ‘homeland’ and are increasingly knowledgeable about Scottish constitutional change. In part this has resulted from the growth of the internet and the ease of finding out about developments in Scotland itself, as well as the greater ease and affordability of travel back to Scotland. But, most importantly, the existence of a government in Edinburgh has allowed Scottish politicians and organizations to engage with the diaspora in events such as Tartan Day, in a way in which London-based politicians were never likely to do. Tourist developments promoted by the Scottish government, such as the Year of Homecoming in 2009, have also been highly significant. Thus links between Scotland and its diaspora have been changed and strengthened in various ways.  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of Scottish sovereignty as a component of Scottish identity. The argument is that certain aspects of Scottish sovereignty were preserved by the union, and that these have often remained latent until the devolution settlement. The new political landscape in the UK has contributed to a redevelopment of ideas of British parliamentary sovereignty, which have served to render these elements of preserved Scottish sovereignty active, and this new state of affairs is reflected in the findings of the Calman Commission. In this context, what is independence?  相似文献   


This paper will look at the religious and political identities that for many people have come to characterize Scottish football. Such a characterization is particularly evident in the case of the two major clubs in Scotland; the 'Old Firm ' of Glasgow Rangers and Celtic. Nonetheless, Scotland is not unique in its sport acquiring an extrasporting dimension and football in particular often has broader political resonance. As Hoberman opines (in Sugden and Bairner, 1993, p. 10), sport has no intrinsic value structure, but it is a ready and flexible vehicle through which ideological associations can be reinforced. Put another way, sport can becom e an important pointer to features of the wider society. It can reflect both the positive and negative features of a society as well as feed aspects of those features. For many people, sport, particularly football, has acquired the capacity to become both a source for, and a reflection of, important social, political and cultural identities. This article argues that such identities are intrinsic to Scottish football. Football is also sym ptomatic of the ongoing conflicts of identity that have become important to Scottish life, especially since the influx of Catholic im migrants from Ireland began in the middle of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   


Based on a doctoral study of Polish migrant mothers living in Germany and the United Kingdom, this paper examines women's narratives pertinent to ethnicity, gender and social class, as well as the mutual entanglements of these dimensions. While the ethnic identity matrix often evokes dimensions of transnationalism and integration, the addition of the femininity component illustrates the diversity among contemporary Polish migrant women in Western Europe with regard to their identity practices. The analyses of transnational, translocal and cosmopolitan orientations highlight their binding to a contextualized understanding of femininity – its various markers and corollary epitome of motherhood, particularly in the Polish context. The main findings comprise an ideal-type based typology of migrant mothering, which sheds light on how mobility and gender intersect. The discussions adopt the social class lens in an attempt to focus on the implications of certain maternal and migrant identities among Polish women. By underscoring the value of both integration and transnationalism perspectives, the paper calls for additional aspects of translocality and hybridization, seeing them as noticeable social markers of the Polish female migrants’ biographies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contemporary Scottish diaspora living and working in France. It considers the makeup, origins, drivers and influences of the diaspora, as well as considering the attitudes and behaviour of the diaspora itself. Through face to face interviews the paper considers the identity held by individuals within the diaspora, organisations they are (or are not) involved with and how they interact with the host country. It also considers diaspora attitudes held towards the homeland, and towards contemporary socio-political events taking place within Scotland today. The paper discusses the modern nature of the diaspora, the strong sense of national identity it holds, and how the Scottish Government may not be connecting with this diaspora at all.  相似文献   


This paper examines stateless nationalist and regionalist party (SNRP) discourses on immigration through an exploration of the economic dimensions of the centre-periphery cleavage. Using qualitative document analysis, the Republican Left in Catalonia (ERC) and the Scottish National Party (SNP) in Scotland are studied in order to see whether and how the relative economic position of a region shapes SNRP discourses on immigration. The period of analysis encompasses the last three terms of office for both parties, during which immigration and decentralisation have been very salient issues in Catalonia and Scotland. Results suggest that the relative economic situations and the economic crisis do not seem to affect general stances, which are positive in both regions. However, the economic contexts have an influence on how each party selects its main issues for debate, and the ways in which these are managed.  相似文献   

Conservative adherence to the sovereignty of the Crown-in-Parliament resulted in the merging of English with British consciousness. During the 1990s, England's political nationalism expressed itself as a defence of Britishness. This defence of Britishness prevented a political English nationalism cohering at a time when political nationalisms had matured in Scotland and Wales. This merging of England and Britain was particularly evident in conservative thinking, given the conservative adherence to the concept of Crown-in-Parliament sovereignty.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of parental religious transmission upon the religious and citizen identities and performances of their offspring, using an ethnographic study on the parenting practices of Sunni and Ismaili migrant families conducted in Portugal, United Kingdom and Angola. The analysis highlights the role of parental religious upbringing in the strengthening of children’s faith and practice but also towards ensuring certain kinds of citizenship that foster pride of affiliation to a given group identity, while simultaneously promoting intergroup identifications and bridging attachments to fellow citizens. In addition, the comparison between migratory contexts shows how parental religious caregiving may help their children reconcile or resist alternative aspects of religiosity and citizenship in different nation-states. These findings represent a stark contrast with official political discourse, which tends to view immigrant religious parenting as simply based on intergenerational continuity.  相似文献   

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