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影响绿色购买决策过程的绿色诉求广告可以分为理性诉求和情感诉求,相对于理性诉求,情感诉求往往对绿色购买决策过程有更重要的影响。关注消费者的情感需求,注重绿色广告信息中情感诉求的表达,在新时代的绿色诉求广告中异常重要和关键。 基于情感行为反应理论和购买决策过程理论,提出绿色情感诉求-内外情景变量-绿色购买决策过程的理论模型假设;以节能环保冰箱的绿色购买决策过程为例,400个有效被试参加4×2×2个实验组,通过网络在线实验收集一手数据;运用方差分析模型和阶层回归模型考察不同绿色情感诉求对绿色购买决策过程的影响效应和作用机理,重点探究正面情感诉求与负面情感诉求之间的差异,并验证绿色涉入度和儒家价值观在模型中的调节效应。 研究结果表明,绿色情感诉求中传递正面情感诉求更能产生积极效果,即相对于负面情感诉求(负能量),正面情感诉求(正能量)对绿色购买决策过程的影响更显著;绿色情感诉求对绿色购买决策过程的作用不受消费者与情感对象间心理距离的影响,即自豪诉求与赞赏诉求的影响没有显著差异,内疚诉求与鄙视诉求的影响也基本没有显著差异;广告态度和感知价值能显著中介绿色情感诉求对购买意向的影响,对比两个变量的中介效应,广告态度的中介效应更大,中介路径也更重要;不同情景特征消费者对绿色情感诉求的绿色购买决策过程不同,对于高绿色涉入度、高儒家价值观消费者,绿色情感诉求对其绿色购买决策过程的作用更显著;绿色涉入度和儒家价值观对解释变量与结果变量之间的直接路径不存在调节作用,但对于感知价值与购买意向这一间接路径存在正向调节作用。 研究结论对企业和政府部门的绿色情感诉求策略提供了重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

作为拍卖理论在电子商务领域的又一成功应用,在线关键词广告已经成为学术界和企业界共同关注的一个热点问题,近年来一直处于快速发展中。本文首先对在线关键词广告的实践创新进行了介绍;其次,就在线关键词广告的理论探索从拍卖机制、广告商策略行为与点击欺诈这三个重要研究问题的最新研究动态进行了分析与综述,并对国内学者在该方向的理论研究进行了总结;最后,文章对在线关键词广告的研究前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

零售商竞争下纵向合作广告的微分对策模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用随机微分对策理论研究了供应链中零售商竞争下的纵向合作广告问题,建立了一个随机微分对策模型.运用汉密尔顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程分别求得了Stackelberg博弈和合作博弈下均衡的全国性广告投入、地方性广告投入、制造商商誉的期望值和方差、商誉的概率分布函数以及Stackelberg博弈下的广告分担比例,并对此两种博弈进行了比较.研究发现,两种博弈下的零售商的地方性广告投入和制造商的商誉与零售商之间的广告竞争强度相关;在一定条件下,制造商具有一致渐进稳定的商誉概率分布函数.最后,运用效用理论对合作博弈下的增量利润进行了划分.  相似文献   

利用微分对策理论研究了一强一弱双寡头垄断市场中的品牌广告竞争和大类广告合作策略,提出了一个Stackelberg博弈模型,采用汉密尔顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程求得了模型的均衡品牌广告、大类广告和价值函数,给出了市场份额计算公式。研究发现:与非合作策略相比,大类广告合作策略下,无论强者还是弱者,他们的销售量都增加了,同时两个企业的品牌广告投入也增加了;通过大类广告合作策略,无论强者(领导者)还是弱者(追随者),他们的利润都得到了提高;强者、弱者和行业的大类广告投入分别高于非合作下强者、弱者和行业的大类广告投入。  相似文献   

当前,广告诈骗已经泛滥成灾,成为一大社会公害,给社会造成了严重的经济损失。广告诈骗发生的行业和领域在不断扩展,渗透到社会经济生活的许多方面。本文分析了广告诈骗的5个特征,提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

网络精准广告是信息系统领域的重要论题,在实践中也有着深远意义,但目前缺少针对网络精准广告研究成果的系统梳理和分析。作者在大量文献收集和阅读的基础上,通过严谨的筛选方法对其中73篇具有代表性的英文文献进行系统地梳理,利用编码处理方法从发表时间、文献类型、研究方法和研究层面4个方面对国际上网络精准广告研究进行全面统计分析;并进一步运用文本数据挖掘,结合逐篇精读提炼出现有研究的主要主题并做深入分析。文献研究结果表明:(1)网络精准广告的研究数量呈上升态势,文献类型以期刊论文为主,研究方法以定量为主并呈现多元化趋势,研究层面从技术层面向用户行为层面延伸;(2)网络精准广告的研究可以提炼出6个主题,包括广告计划调度、广告匹配和分配、商业模式和系统框架、网络用户行为和模式分析、精准广告点击与效果以及用户个人隐私。  相似文献   

广告的延时效应是供应链广告过程中的普遍现象,对供应链合作广告策略的制定具有重要影响.文章研究当产品品牌信誉受广告延时效应影响时供应链的合作广告策略问题,建立了含有时间延迟的品牌信誉动态模型和考虑品牌信誉的产品销售量模型.运用极大值原理,得到了制造商和零售商在分散式决策和集中式决策下的最优广告投入、品牌信誉和利润,以及分散式决策下制造商的最优合作广告参与率.研究发现:在集中式决策下制造商和零售商的最优广告投入和产品销售量均高于分散式决策下的相应值;延迟时间存在一个阈值,当延迟时间低于该阈值时,集中式决策下的供应链利润较高,反之则分散式决策下的供应链利润较高.研究结果为供应链合作广告策略的制定及供应链决策机制的选择提供了一定的参考.最后,通过数值算例分析了广告延迟时间对供应链最优广告策略及决策机制的影响.  相似文献   

文章选取绿色转型的内涵、评价测度、影响机制和互动机制4个维度,分析绿色转型发展研究成果及其局限性,以推动绿色转型发展理论建设,促进实现“双碳”目标和制造强国建设。根据现有文献资料,文章整理出绿色转型的影响机制和制造业转型的互动机制两条研究主线,对两条主线的研究成果分别进行综述,指出该领域未来研究方向。研究发现,目前理论研究成果大多聚焦于环境规制、行业异质性等对绿色转型的影响机制,缺乏宏观经济对制造业绿色转型影响机理和绿色转型传导机制的研究。绿色转型的传导机制以及如何构建合理的绿色转型评价体系的课题是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

张远  李丹  井润田 《管理学报》2009,6(4):506-512
依据交易成本理论、谈判力量理论等,使用1993~2005年中国大陆地区合资企业数据,对股权结构的影响因素进行实证研究.结果显示:文化距离、合营期限、投资规模与股权结构正相关;位于沿海城市的合资企业外方持更高的股权比例;相比制造业,服务业领域合资企业外方持更高的股权比例;依据Hofstede文化指数表的5个维度得出结论:5个维度下的文化距离分别与股权结构存在显著相关关系.  相似文献   

对中国企业管理实践经验与问题的理论归纳是中国管理学界面临的重要战略任务,目前这方面的研究进展并不理想,研究领域的"跟风"现象普遍,大多数研究只是对西方构念和理论在中国情境下进行了实证检验,而具有中国特色的企业管理理论进展缓慢.本文从制度和历史文化两方面揭示了中国企业面临的情境特征,总结了国内外学者对这些情境特征的理论阐述和研究发现.结合国家自然科学基金委管理科学部"十四五"规划相关领域的前期专家讨论意见,凝练出该领域四个值得深入探索的研究方向,即"中国企业组织演进、管理制度变迁及基础理论"、"市场-政府双重驱动下的企业管理理论"、"不同所有制企业及其产权多元化演化与企业管理理论"和"中国情境和文化要素对企业管理的作用机制",也同时提出了每个方向的一些关键科学问题示例.  相似文献   

现有研究表明,绿色供应链管理实践和绿色创新均对企业绩效产生显著影响,但缺乏对上述三者内部关系的深入阐释。本文基于知识基础观,从动态开放视角分别引入双元知识搜索和绿色社会资本两个变量,构建三阶调节中介效应模型,探究企业绿色供应链管理实践对绿色创新和企业绩效之间深层次的作用机制。研究结果显示:绿色供应链管理实践撬动企业绩效增长的关键在于绿色创新在两者之间发挥中介作用;同时依赖于双元知识搜索对该中介作用的调节效应,且上述双元知识搜索的调节效应受绿色社会资本的再次正向调节。本文从理论上延伸了绿色供应链管理研究范畴;从实践上为企业从绿色供应链管理实践中获益提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

The transport and logistics sector is of vital importance for the stimulation of trade and hence the economic development of nations. However, over the last few years, this sector has taken central stage in the green agenda due to the negative environmental effects derived from its operations. Several disciplines including operations research and sub-areas of supply chain management such as green supply chains, green logistics and reverse logistics have tried to address this problem. However, despite the work undertaken through these disciplines, theoretical or empirical research into the sequential or simultaneous deployment of the lean and green paradigms, particularly, in the road transport and logistics sector is limited. This paper presents a case study where both paradigms have been combined to improve the transport operations of a world leader logistics organisation in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico. To do this, a systematic methodology and a novel tool called Sustainable Transportation Value Stream Map (STVSM) were proposed. The results obtained from the case study indicate that the concurrent deployment of the green and lean paradigms through such methodology and the STVSM tool is an effective approach to improve both operational efficiency and environmental performance of road transport operations. The paper can be used as a guiding reference for transport and logistics organisations to undertake improvement projects similar to the one presented in this paper. Additionally, this research also intends to stimulate scholarly research into the application of lean and green paradigms in the transport and logistics sector to expand the limited research pursued in this area.  相似文献   


By applying the resources-based view (RBV) theory to green management, this study aims to analyse the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices for some Brazil-based manufacturers of automotive batteries considered focal in their supply chains. It also analyses how human issues, known as green human resource management (GHRM) aspects, can help to increase the effectiveness of CSFs for GSCM strategies that are still not totally well-managed, justifying a RBV perspective. This research assumes that firms tend to be in different stages of GSCM development (more strategic or less strategic) and tests four research propositions to determine whether more proactive GSCM is related to higher levels of effectively managed CSFs. Three focal companies that operate in the Brazilian automotive battery industry were studied. Research results suggest that more proactive GSCM practices correlate to more effectively managed CSFs and to a greater support from GHRM. We argue that managers with a clear GHRM strategy will have more success in GSCM adoption, using more green training, green recruitment and selection, green performance evaluation and employee rewards.  相似文献   

本文以2011-2016年间我国节能环保产业上市公司为研究样本,实证检验绿色技术创新能力、产品差异化与企业竞争力的关系,同时分析企业规模对绿色技术创新能力与企业竞争力关系的调节作用。研究发现,绿色技术创新能力对企业竞争力有显著的正向影响,绿色技术创新能力的各个组分对企业竞争力的影响存在差异。产品差异化在绿色技术创新能力与企业竞争力的关系中发挥中介作用,产品差异化在绿色技术创新能力的四个组分与企业竞争力的关系中的作用存在差异,此外,企业规模在绿色技术创新能力与企业竞争力关系中具有正向的调节作用,产品差异化在企业规模的调节作用中起中介作用。本文的研究为解读绿色技术创新能力影响企业竞争力的内在机理提供了一个有价值的新角度。  相似文献   


Is it possible for manufacturing or service businesses that pursue green initiatives to ‘have it both ways’? In the words of some researchers in the corporate sustainability field, the answer is ‘no’. According to those authors, executives who attempt to implement a green agenda in their firms will encounter tensions/trade-offs at various levels and in different forms. Assessment of these trade-offs is a critical issue in the formulation and implementation of corporate sustainability strategies. Similarly, some authors in the operations management field affirm that, due to the limitations of all manufacturing and service systems, trade-offs in their operations are inevitable. In order to provide insights into these important issues, our paper investigates potential trade-offs in the implementation of a green initiative in a SME that manufactures cleaning products. The results show that there is a trade-off between the green initiative pursued by the SME and its overall production costs. Interestingly, once other problems were resolved, this trade-off did not stop the SME from implementing the green initiative. Important implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed, and opportunities for future investigations are outlined.  相似文献   

绿色供应链管理的研究进展及趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
环境问题的突显使得制造业需要从系统角度以集成方法进行环境管理,绿色供应链管理是提升环境管理效率的重要手段.较详实地介绍国内外有关绿色供应链管理的研究进展,在此基础上分析了现有研究的特征、研究趋势及有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

彭慧  沈能 《中国管理科学》2022,30(6):233-243
产业集聚情景下的绿色供应链呈现显著的网络化特征,使得成员间的绿色知识流动和共享过程也有其特殊性。文章基于集聚情景考察绿色供应链网络惯例创建的逻辑以及对绿色知识共享的作用机制,构建绿色供应链的知识异质性—网络惯例—知识共享的概念模型,多维度定量剖析了网络惯例对异质性知识共享的影响。选取我国国家生态工业园460份问卷数据对其进行实证检验和仿真模拟,结论表明:绿色供应链成员之间的异质性绿色知识决定联盟绿色合作过程中能否建立起稳定可靠的网络惯例,其中,绿色异质性知识的稀缺性与不可模仿性对网络惯例的建立正向影响较大。集聚情景正向调节绿色供应链异质性知识—网络惯例(规范认同)—知识共享的关系链。为此,应充分发挥集聚的知识溢出和扩散效应,将绿色供应链平台嵌入到产业集群中,积极探索产业集聚融合下的绿色供应链异质性知识管理模式。  相似文献   


Competitive landscape, informed consumers and stringent regulations have forced many manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to focus on operational efficiency along with sustainability issues in recent years. While many manufacturing organisations have been taking lean initiatives for the past few years for operational excellence, an impulsive rush to adopt lean without a strategic deployment vision has led to scattered implementation of lean tools and projects without desired success. Many researchers and practitioners prescribe value stream mapping as a foundation for lean transformation initiatives; however, little empirical work is available on the symbiosis of lean and green paradigms to reap maximum benefits. This research, through a systematic methodology and a novel tool called Green Integrated Value Stream Mapping (GIVSM), integrates both paradigms in a case study on a U.K. packaging-manufacturing SME. Applying the GIVSM demonstrates that simultaneous deployment of lean and green paradigms have synergistic effect for improving both operational efficiency and environmental performance. In addition, continuous improvement framework with sustainable procurement is proposed to overcome the lean-green misalignments. This study also provides a guiding reference for practitioners to undertake similar improvement projects and identifies opportunities to expand this academic research on integrated lean-green approach into other industry sectors.  相似文献   

We study the stock market reaction to announcements of global green vehicle innovation over a 14‐year time span (1996–2009) using the event study methodology. We document that the stock market generally reacts positively to automakers' announcements of environmental innovations, consistent with prior research on the wealth effects of innovation announcements. Our results indicate that crucial green product development decisions such as innovation type and market segment choices exert direct influence on a firm's market value. These results hold after controlling for firm size, leverage, profitability, R&D intensity, and oil price changes.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of semi-structured interviews held with key actors involved in the planning of the Greater Montreal region, we seek to understand the conditions that could lead to the establishment of a green infrastructure for the city. This article first describes the region's environmental and political context and then analyzes the opportunities, constraints, advantages and disadvantages in the implementation of this type of project. We conclude that experts favor an approach leading to ecological connectivity, but they underline several obstacles that could hinder its implementation.  相似文献   

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