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BackgroundMany women stop breastfeeding earlier than what they intended prior to birth. Although there are many studies that focus on the factors that influence women’s antenatal breastfeeding decisions, the factors that influence women’s decisions during the continuum of antenatal and postnatal period are less known.AimTo understand and synthesise the contemporary factors that influence women’s decisions on infant feeding from the antenatal period and across the breastfeeding continuum.MethodFive online databases (CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) were searched. We included original search articles that were published since 2015 to August 2021 and were available in English. The framework of Whittemore and Knafl was used to guide this integrative literature review. Out of the 872 articles identified, 14 studies met the inclusion criteria of our study. We used theory of birth territory and midwifery guardianship to synthesise the interactions between the themes.FindingsFive main themes were identified: (a) Women’s own views, (b) Family and friend’s preferences and advice, (c) Health professional’s preference, advice and practice, (d) Sociocultural norms, and (e) Media representation. The interaction between the themes was explained based on women’s intrinsic and extrinsic power outlined in the birth territory and midwifery guardianship theory.ConclusionThe factors that influence women’s decisions towards infant feeding methods are complex and multi-dimensional. Promoting and supporting women towards breastfeeding need to focus on the factors that are tailored for a woman within her social network where she can feel safe about her breastfeeding decisions.  相似文献   

Many studies have found that women decrease their labor supply upon marriage and increase their labor supply upon divorce. This paper examines whether that pattern varies depending on whether the marriage is a first or higher-order one using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the years 1979 through 2001. The combination of a greater expected probability that a remarriage will end and the failure of household production to bring returns upon the end of a previous marriage may make women less likely to reduce their labor supply in second or higher marriages as compared to a first marriage. The results differ for the intensive and extensive margins of labor supply. With one exception, after controlling for background characteristics, the estimates imply that the probability of working is related to marriage in a similar manner regardless of whether the marriage is a first or a remarriage. In contrast, the estimates provide support for the possibility that decreases in hours of work upon marriage are smaller in second and higher marriages as compared to first marriages.  相似文献   



To investigate pregnant women’s decision making in relation to their choice of birthing hospital and, in particular, their priorities regarding hospital characteristics.


The focus of this study was the choice of birthing hospital among pregnant women. A qualitative interview design was used and women were recruited during their first pregnancy-related visit to a general practitioner. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide, and a thematic analysis of the data was carried out.


Women made their hospital choice decision independently and they relied extensively on their own or peers’ experiences. Travel distance played a role, but some women were willing to incur longer travel times to give birth at a specialized hospital in order to try to reduce the risks (in case of unexpected events). The women associated the presence of specialized services and staff that were more qualified and experienced with increased safety. Other priorities included continuity of care (i.e., being seen by the same midwife) as well as service availability, which in this case referred to the possibility of a water birth and postnatal hoteling services.


The choice of hospital provider appears to be strongly influenced by experience, whether personal experience or the experience of peers. However, there appears to be room for more information to be provided on safety and service attributes as an instrument for making an informed decision.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that there is an inverse relationship between education and number of children among women from sub-Saharan Africa countries, including Malawi. However, a crucial limitation of these analyses is that they do not control for the potential endogeneity of education. The aim of our study is to estimate the role of women’s education on their number of children in Malawi, accounting for the possible presence of endogeneity and for nonlinear effects of continuous observed confounders. Our analysis is based on micro data from the 2010 Malawi Demographic Health Survey, and uses a flexible instrumental variable regression approach. The results suggest that the relationship of interest is affected by endogeneity and exhibits an inverted U-shape among women living in rural areas of Malawi, whereas it exhibits an inverse (nonlinear) relationship for women living in urban areas.  相似文献   

Labor force participation of women has declined since 1999; however, labor force participation of women 62+ has increased. The 2000–2006 waves of Health and Retirement Study (HRS) data, the initial years of the continuing upward trajectory, were used to test the effects of receipt of Social Security retirement benefits on older women’s employment. The models tested: (a) the effect of receipt of Social Security retirement benefits on whether employed; and (b) for women receiving Social Security retirement benefits, the effect of age elected receipt of benefits on whether employed. Both models included the effects of human capital characteristics and income sources. Receipt of Social Security benefits, pension income, and current age reduced the likelihood of employment; while educational level, good to excellent health, and nonmarried marital status increased the likelihood of employment. The older the woman was when she elected Social Security benefits, the more likely she was to be employed.  相似文献   

BackgroundGoing-to-sleep in the supine position in later pregnancy (≥28 weeks) has been identified as a risk factor for stillbirth. Internationally, public awareness campaigns have been undertaken encouraging women to sleep on their side during late pregnancy.AimThis study aimed to identify sleep practices, attitudes and knowledge in pregnant women, to inform an Australian safe sleeping campaign.MethodsA web-based survey of pregnant women ≥28 weeks’ gestation conducted from November 2017 to January 2018. The survey was adapted from international sleep surveys and disseminated via pregnancy websites and social media platforms.FindingsThree hundred and fifty-two women participated. Five (1.6%) reported going to sleep in the supine position. Most (87.8%) had received information on the importance of side-sleeping in pregnancy. Information was received from a variety of sources including maternity care providers (186; 66.2%) and the internet (177; 63.0%). Women were more likely to report going to sleep on their side if they had received advice to do so (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.0–5.1). Thirteen (10.8%) reported receiving unsafe advice, including changing their going-to-sleep position to the supine position.DiscussionThis indicates high level awareness and practice of safe late-pregnancy going-to-sleep position in participants. Opportunities remain for improvement in the information provided, and understanding needs of specific groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.ConclusionFindings suggest Australian women understand the importance of sleeping position in late pregnancy. Inconsistencies in information provided remain and may be addressed through public awareness campaigns targeting women and their care providers.  相似文献   

ProblemThe potential for positive transformation through giving birth is under-acknowledged and poorly understood.Aim and methodBy drawing on theories of new feminist materialism to open up ways of thinking about childbirth and maternity care, we discuss how aspects of the process of matrescence, a woman’s ‘mother-becoming’, pertain to women’s opportunities in childbirth. We introduce the term, ‘parturescence’, as a moniker for the opportunity for ‘becoming’, and therefore transformation, offered in birth giving.Results and discussionUsing Davies’ interpretation of Bergson’s lines of descent and ascent we suggest the conditions of a woman’s parturescence (whether birth giving will result in a positive or negative transformation) is enabled by ‘with woman’ midwifery care. The intra-action between this care, and the materiality of birth – the pain and exhaustion women experience in labour and birth, results in a rematerialisation of who and what women are and the opportunity for women’s transformation.ConclusionThe development of this theory of parturescence unifies disparate aspects of maternity care and birth literature, provides insight into the potential mechanisms and conditions that impact women’s parturescence, and suggests that birth, including the challenging and destabilising parts, is not just for the production of a baby, but also a site of women’s ‘becoming’.  相似文献   

Music is an important part of the human experience, arguably contributing to identity and the formation of relationships and group memberships. However, the way women are portrayed in music has been identified as harmful and disempowering. Past research relating music to these trends has often failed to “give voice” to participants by asking them what think about the music they listen to, which is in itself disempowering. Therefore, the aim of this study was to gain an understanding of young women’s perspectives of popular music. Face-to-face, in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 young women. Causal layered analysis was used to deconstruct participants’ understandings of popular music. Findings revealed that for participants, music can both reflect and contribute to conflicting worldviews regarding women’s freedom of expression and sexual conservatism. Music also acted as a conduit for discussion of the social construction of women; participants articulated that female artists are seen rather than heard, reduced to body parts and commodified. Findings indicate that participants are cognizant of gendered power differences in music, rendering popular music in particular a mechanism for the oppression of women, but also a useful means to monitor and challenge problematic cultural attitudes directed at women.  相似文献   

Work and family conflicts are always viewed as issues of human resource management or occupational health. Insufficient attention has been focused on the impact on child development and quality of parenting, especially regarding the impact of a father’s work. To examine the impact of work and family conflicts on the quality of father–child interactions in Hong Kong, a cross-sectional survey was conducted. In total, 556 pairs of working fathers and their school-aged children participated in the survey. The findings of the survey indicated that fathers’ work-to-family conflicts negatively affected the quality of father–child interactions, which in turn caused harm to children’s self-esteem. In addition to work-family conflicts, a low income level of the fathers, a larger number of children in the family, and the presence in the family of children approaching adolescence were significant risk factors to the quality of father–child interactions. The mothers’ active parental involvement and the complexity of the fathers’ occupation were significant protective factors of the quality of father–child interactions. To facilitate strong family bonding and good quality parenting, possible measures to ensure a healthy work-family balance among working fathers are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe transition to motherhood is a dynamic experience. Antenatal care and education are designed to support women during pregnancy, however childbearing women often report a further need for emotional and social support beyond preparation for birth. Broadening routine antenatal care to included art-based interventions may offer women an opportunity to explore important aspects of the transition to motherhood.AimThe aim of this integrative review is to synthesise research regarding the use of art-based interventions with women during pregnancy.MethodA systematic integrative review of the current evidence-base was conducted. A multi-database keyword search was implemented, and a total of six articles met inclusion criteria. Results were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis framework.FindingsSix studies met the inclusion criteria. Three major themes were generated: art-based engagements supported women to express complex emotion, fostered a sense of connection and strengthened personal resourcefulness.DiscussionCreative expression provided an opportunity to explore important aspects of the motherhood experience including, complex emotion, identity and bonding with the unborn child. Being in a group enhanced the health effects of art-making and the social connection felt supportive when role and identity was evolving.ConclusionsWhilst research on the current topic is emergent, preliminary results suggest that facilitated art-based programs are valuable for pregnant women. Art-based experiences offer women a unique opportunity to explore the full dimensionality of the transition to motherhood which can contribute to improved health and wellbeing. These findings suggest that art-based programs may serve to complement existing antenatal care models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of low fertility and early age at sterilisation on women’s formal education and skill development in South India. Multilevel ordered-logit modelling of pseudo-cohort data re-organised from the three rounds of National Family Health Survey, and thematic analysis of qualitative data collected from Tamil Nadu and Kerala states showed no evidence of women’s resumption of formal education or uptake of skill development training in the post-sterilisation and post-childcare period. While resuming formal education in the post-sterilisation and post-childcare period is harder to achieve for various individual, household, community and policy reasons, there is greater preparedness and support for women to undertake skill development training. As low fertility and early age at sterilisation are widely regarded as the emerging reproductive norm in India, post-sterilisation and -childcare women will be a significant population group both in number and in proportional terms. No government policies or programs have so far recognised this group. India’s new government should consider targeted skill development programs for post-sterilisation and -childcare women appropriate to their social, economic and educational levels. An important contribution of the family planning program, particularly female sterilisation, for the economic and social development of the family and the wider society will otherwise be lost.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from one of the first global studies on the relationship between media sexism and the share of candidates for the lower chamber of national parliaments who are women. Data on media sexism come from the Global Media Monitoring Project, the most reliable worldwide source for media coverage from a gender perspective. The data on share of female political candidates come from the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The results show that that there is, even when controlling for the number of women in parliament, electoral system, gender quotas, level of human development, level of women’s rights, freedom from corruption, and media access, a significant relationship between media sexism—measured as (i) the share of all news subjects that are women and (ii) the share of all news subjects portrayed in the function of experts who are women—and the share of women candidates for parliament: the higher the level of media sexism, the lower the share of women candidates. The theory discussed zooms in on a bystander effect: We hypothesize that sexist portrayals of women in the media stifle ambition among women who, in a less sexist media environment, would be willing to stand as political candidates.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to more fully understand the impact of having a baby on women’s well-being by attending to both the level and the content of well-being. To cover the judgemental and affective aspects of well-being we included global measures of life satisfaction and well-being and affective experience measures derived from the day reconstruction method. In a sample of 19 first-time mothers no differences between pre and postnatal reports of general life satisfaction, depression, anxiety, and experienced positive and negative affect were found, suggesting that the arrival of the newborn baby does not universally impact on women’s level of well-being. Changes in the content of well-being were studied by examining changes in the way women experience specific activities and interactions with various social partners. There appeared to be an upward shift in experienced positive affect during active leisure and a slight decrease in negative affect during time spent with relatives. The results are discussed in light of previously documented changes across the transition to motherhood in negative mood states, time use, women’s evaluation of various aspects of daily life, and relational satisfaction.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn an attempt to reduce the rates of stillbirth at term among South-Asian born women, Victoria’s largest maternity service, Monash Health, implemented a new clinical guideline in 2017 that recommended additional earlier, twice weekly monitoring to assess fetal wellbeing from 39 weeks for South-Asian women. In acknowledging the importance of woman centred, culturally responsive care, this study aimed to understand South-Asian women’s, experiences, of the additional earlier fetal monitoring.MethodsAn exploratory qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured phone interviews six weeks postpartum, across June and July 2021, with South-Asian born women who underwent the earlier monitoring from 39 weeks. Women were asked questions regarding their understanding of the monitoring, their experiences of the monitoring process and any impact the monitoring or results had on their pregnancy, labour and birth. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using a thematic approach and an inductive coding strategy.ResultsSeventeen women from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Afghanistan were interviewed. the main themes were i: gaining peace of mind, need for better communication, did the women really have a choice? and comparisons to maternity care in the country of origin. Women experienced positive reassurance of their baby’s well-being from the monitoring and were happy with the earlier, extra care. However, women described receiving variable explanations of the purpose of the monitoring. Ineffective communication and logistical barriers were highlighted to negatively impact women's ability to engage in shared decision making and their overall experience of the earlier monitoring.ConclusionsThe additional monitoring is reported by these women to have an overall positive impact on their maternity care. Future work should explore the experiences of non-English speaking South-Asian women and those who declined monitoring.  相似文献   

Using data collected by Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China in 2009 in Chaoyang district of Beijing, Dongguan city of Guangdong province and Zhuji city of Zhejiang province, this paper does an empirical study on the laddering migration of China’s floating population. The findings indicate that floating population’s geographical laddering migration, occupational laddering migration and family laddering migration exist in the process of migration. Geographical laddering migration is influenced by demographic characteristics, migration experience and pathfinder effect of parents. Occupational laddering migration is influenced by migration experience, stability of occupation and social interaction with local residents in destination. Family laddering migration is influenced by family member’s characteristics, area of arable land, migration experience and the number of relatives in destination.  相似文献   

Population and Environment - Since 1990, 420 million hectares of forest have disappeared worldwide with the majority being lost in low- and middle-income nations. Given this alarming trend, what...  相似文献   

Older adult women make up a growing part of the population, and yet literature on the sexual activity over their life spans is lacking. This qualitative interview study explored the experience of 16 women aged 57–91 to better understand sexual pleasure over a lifetime. The participants described having to challenge cultural rules to create a supportive environment for sexual expression. Having access to Novel contexts in which to learn, cultivating Intimacy with partners and with oneself, being Creative with sexual activities, and Extending one’s sense of sexual possibility into advanced age (NICE) supported sexual pleasure as women aged.  相似文献   

Since the end of 1990s, approximately 160 million Chinese rural workers migrated to cities for work. Because of restrictions on migrant access to local health and education systems, many rural children are left behind in home villages to grow up without parental care. This article examines how exposure to cumulative parental migration affects children’s health and education outcomes. Using the Rural-Urban Migration Survey in China (RUMiC) data, we measure the share of children’s lifetime during which parents were away from home. We instrument this measure of parental absence with weather changes in their home villages when parents were aged 16–25, when they were most likely to initiate migration. Results show a sizable adverse effect of exposure to parental migration on the health and education outcomes of children: in particular, boys. We also find that the use of the contemporaneous measure for parental migration in previous studies is likely to underestimate the effect of exposure to parental migration on children’s outcomes.  相似文献   

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