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沈阳化工股份有限公司是以生产化工原料为主的国家大型企业,2005年被评为全国计生协先进单位。中央《决定》指出,改革管理体制,转变政府职能,进一步落实机关、企事业、社会团体法定代表人的人口和计划生育工作责任制,充分发挥计划生育协会等群众团体在基层人口和计划生育工作中的生力军作用。为此,沈阳化工股份有限公司不断创新,深入开展企业计生协工作,取得了明显的成效,其主要做法是:  相似文献   

一、城市人口与计划生育“单位管理”工作模式已很难适应时代的发展需要 计划生育“单位”管理模式意指依托企事业“单位”的社会管理功能,借助户籍制度的强制约束实行的以管理为主的工作模式。针对“单位”下达生育计划指标、按照各单位  相似文献   

2008年3月,江苏省常熟市海虞镇举行外资企业人口计生目标管理责任书签约仪式,镇党委副书记代表镇党委、政府与中法水务、福山机电等40多名规模型外资企业法定代表人签订了《企事业单位人口与计划生育目标管理责任书》。通过签约,同外资企业法定代表人进一步明确外资企业计划生育管理职责,要求各类企业要根据相关文件,对本单位育龄妇女四项手术费用予以报销,  相似文献   

《人口研究》是我国最早创办的综合性人口学专业杂志,国家级刊物,曾被高校图书馆期刊研究会评为中文人口学专业核心期刊第一名。为了进一步促进学术研究与实际工作的结合,发挥桥梁和咨询的作用,促进计划生育工作深入持久发展,本刊拟面向全国(主要为实际部门)招聘《人口研究》特约通讯员。1.对象:各省、地(市)、县计生委业务部门负责人;县团级以上企事业单位与部队计生委(办)负责人和分管计划生育的领导;以及热心人口与计划生育工作和研究的同行。2.条件:①热爱人口与计划生育事业,有相当的组织能力和写作水平;②热爱《人…  相似文献   

近年来,首钢总公司认真学习“三个代表”重要思想,全面落实国家的计生方针、政策,以与时俱进、开拓创新的工作精神,积极探索做好新时期人口与计生工作的新方法、新思路,全方位推进人口与计生工作,取得了一定成效,连续6年荣获北京市计划生育红旗单位,2001年被授予“全国婚育新风进万家活动先进机关团体企事业单位”荣誉称号,其主要做法是:  相似文献   

为了稳定现行的低生育水平,中共中央国务院作出了《关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》,提出了一系列方针政策,如加强人口与计划生育工作的领导,进一步夯实基层基础工作,开展计划生育优质服务以及加强流动人口计划生育管理等等,笔者认为其中最根本、最重要的一条就是进一步夯实基层基础工作。因为目前我国人口与计划生育工作的重点仍然在农村,在基层,在村一级。  相似文献   

省委宣传部、省计划生育领导小组五月十三日至十七日在户县召开了陕西省计划生育宣传工作暨第二次人口理论科学讨论会议。参加这次会议的有各地、市委宣传部长;地、市、县计划生育办公室主任;部分县委宣传部长;人口理论研究单位及人口理论工作者;省级有关部、委、群众团体、新闻单位、驻陕军级单位主管计划生育宣传工作的负责同志共二百一十余人。省委宣传部副部长聂景德、副省长谈维煦到会并讲了话。会议进一步学习了中共中央《公开信》,传达了全国计划生育宣传工作会议和第三  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》将于2002年9月1日正式施行。贯彻落实《人口与计划生育法》是当前我国人口与计划生育工作的头等大事,这既是计划生育部门的主要工作任务,更是各级人民政府和相关部门、单位的共同职责。我谈  相似文献   

梁文明 《人口研究》2005,29(3):83-88
2001年11月29日,《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》颁布后,全国除西藏外的30个省(区、市,以下简称省)均对本省《人口与计划生育条例》(以下简称《条例》)进行了修改或修订。本文主要对修改或修订后的各省《条例》中关于对实行计划生育的家庭和个人的奖励优待和社会保障规定部分进行汇总分析。1概述计划生育奖励优待和社会保障是指国家机关、企事业单位、团体为了鼓励在计划生育方面做出成绩的单位和个人而给予其荣誉、财物和基本的社会保险等措施,帮助实行计划生育的家庭和个人提高生产、生活水平和有关的社会福利,使实行计划生育的家庭得…  相似文献   

为了进一步贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于全面加强人口和计划生育工作统筹解决人口问题的决定》、《广东省人口与计划生育条例》和省《关于进一步加强人口与计划生育工作的决定》以及全国关爱女孩行动电视电话会议精神,遏制出生人口性别比升高势头,广东省博罗县人口计生局根据全省关爱女孩行动综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题试点工作的要求,采取了一系列有效措施,加大宣传力度,  相似文献   

On 7 October 1988, the Municipal Government of Guangzhou, China, announced the following Decision: "First, great efforts should be made to strengthen education on the situation and tasks of the family planning programme. Second, family planning work is included in the target responsibility system of leaders at all levels during their terms of office and whether it is good or bad for the fulfillment of their family planning tasks will be considered as one of the criteria for the assessment of cadres in their work to link up with rewards and punishments. Third, the current family planning policies must be resolutely and unswervingly carried out. For those units where family planning policies have not been well carried out and where family planning work has long been stagnant, competent authorities should send capable cadres to help them improve their work within a definite period of time. Fourth, the principle of 'three priorities' (i.e., priority of publicity and education to economic restriction, priority of contraceptive measures to induced abortions, and priority of day-to-day work to shock work) must be adhered to while technical service and work of transforming the backward situation in some places should be done. Fifth, the family planning organizations at all levels must be perfected and ranks of family planning workers be strengthened with the stress on those at the township, town, and street neighbourhood levels. Moreover, the family planning offices should be set up or full-time family planning workers be staffed for enterprises and undertakings in the cities. Sixth, funds for the family planning work must be guaranteed. Seventh, the management of family planning for [the] floating population must be strengthened and a management group for [the] floating population, which consists of representatives from the Municipal Government and departments concerned, must be established."  相似文献   

Z Xiao  S Chen 《人口研究》1983,(4):20-23
Results from the 1982 census show great progress has been made in the field of family planning because of close cooperation between the people and the government. Under the influence of the high birth rate in the 1950s and 1960s, a large number of youths are reaching the age for marriage each year, and they are bringing heavy pressure on the population growth. As a result of this situation, family planning work is still urgently needed. A great difference exists between cities and rural areas in family planning work. Economic conditions, cultural and educational levels, occupational characteristics, living environments, and concepts of population growth have contributed to this difference. Henceforth, special emphasis should be placed on family planning work in rural areas, so that the large scale population groth in the countryside may be brought under control. In areas of scientific management, propaganda and education, and technical measures for family planning, modern and and progressive methods should be used in order to reach the national goal of controlling population growth.  相似文献   

西北地区的人口发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口问题是制约西北地区可持续发展的首要问题,当前,西北地区人口增长过快,计划生育水平较低,人口增长惯性大,人口问题没有得到应有的重视。要加快西北地区的人口发展,必须建立利益导向机制,加强人口与计划生育工作,树立环境安全观念,加快经济发展。  相似文献   

城市人口和计划生育工作新机制研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
多年来,我国人口和计划生育工作的重点、难点一直在农村。而城市人口和计划生育工作一直走在全国前列,不仅有效控制了人口过快增长,为全国人口控制目标的实现作出了积极贡献,而且创造了许多好经验,对农村起到很好的示范、带头和辐射作用,为统筹解决人口问题打下了良好的基础。但是随着外部环境和工作任务、要求的变化,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和城市经济、社会的迅速发展,城市化进程的大大加快,城市计划生育工作开始面临许多新情况、新问题,必须加快改革与创新的步伐。  相似文献   

吉林省在探索人口自身发展规律,计划生育工作规律的实践过程中,在总结基层“三结合”工作经验的基础上,提出了“五关爱”工作思路和工作模式,得到国家人口计生委领导的充分肯定,并在全省城乡广泛推广。  相似文献   

为掌握全国人口和计划生育系统乡级及以上机构、编制、人员情况,国家人口和计划生育委员会组织实施了第四次全国人口和计划生育系统人事统计。统计时点为2005年12月31日。统计范围包括大陆地区县级及以上人口和计划生育委员会及其直属、挂靠单位,新疆生产建设兵团的各级人口和计划生育委员会及其直属、挂靠单位,乡(镇、街道)人口和计划生育管理、服务机构。现将主要结果公布如下:  相似文献   

At the 1986 National Commendation Conference of Family Planning Vice Premier Wan Li told the 600 participants from all parts of China that the task of controlling population growth during the 6th Five-Year Plan had been accomplished and that the trend of population growth had been held in check. He emphasized the progress made in the field of family planning, noting that family planning is a basic state policy of China and that the government always regarded family planning as a priority concern. Wan Li made the point that the population control stipulated in the 6th Five-Year Plan is of great significance to the promotion of China's 4 modernizations -- socialist construction and the improvement in the living standards of the people -- as well as helpful to the stabilization of world population growth. Recommending a flexible approach to family planning, the Vice Premier urged those engaged in family planning to work to overcome compulsory and coercive approaches. He recommended scientific research devoted to birth control technology and asked family planning workers to give family planning a higher priority in order to assure fulfillment of the plan for population control as outlined in the 7th Five-Year Plan.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the control of population in China in the past 10 years and the changes that are occurring. Recently, an increase in the number of family members has directly influenced socioeconomic status by increasing family income and improving living conditions. Rural families have no incentives to control the number of children born. The cyclic effect of the 1962-73 baby boom is also causing a recent surge in population. China has studied these problems and has taken the following measures: new family planning systems have been established; population has been controlled macroscopically and flexibility is allowed at an individual level; governmental family planning organizations have been set up and financed; family planning education has been increased; family planning services have been enforced; incentives and restrictions have been implemented. China must work as a whole to enact and enforce these policies. Families must show restraint in childbearing. The only way for this to be accomplished is by decreasing the socioeconomic incentives to have children. Finally, reforms should be in tune with changing situations.  相似文献   

人口现代化和生育现代化是人口发展与计划生育工作的根本目标。计划生育就是为了实现生育的现代化,进而来推进人口的现代化。如果说人口现代化是人口发展的战略目标,那么生育现代化就是计划生育事业的战略目标。从政策的角度探讨两大命题的现实意义,在此基础上提出了稳定低生育水平的"三合一"工程。  相似文献   

Y Liu 《人口研究》1982,(4):52-4, 58
At the present time, under the guidance of national planning, population control is the most important theme of China's population policy. In order to realize the national goal of controlling population growth, family planning should be worked out at local levels. How to achieve a reasonable population planning norm at a local level is a very crucial problem in family planning work. Up to the present time, various methods have been used to measure the probability of the annual fertility. In his report, the author provides a new formula to calculate the probability of the annual fertility. Based upon this formula, we may calculate the number of planned birth for a certain year and its fertility. From the figure we may set a reasonable goal according to population policy and actual population components. This formula is suitable for use in annual planning, as well as short-term or long-term population planning.  相似文献   

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