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This study explores the characteristics of leadership in developing and managing ethics in public relations, based on in-depth interviews with 20 public relations executives in the United States. Systematic analysis of the interview data identified multiple dimensions of ethical leadership and ethical knowledge, and suggested that ethical leadership is grounded in personal rather than professional characteristics. Personal ethics, interpersonal behaviors, and articulation of ethical standards emerged as 3 salient characteristics of an ideal leader in facilitating knowledge transfer of ethics in public relations organizations. Ethical knowledge is implicit, intangible, personal, and often difficult to identify or articulate, posing a challenge for the transfer of knowledge through structured and formalized approaches. Theoretical implications and practical recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

Effective leadership is essential for nonprofits to focus their energies beyond survival and toward accomplishment of their unique missions. This article describes a study of the leadership competencies of a sample of outstanding and typical leaders of Roman Catholic religious orders. The authors present a framework for understanding the characteristics that define excellence in the leadership of nonprofits.  相似文献   


This article traces the history of one community's efforts to coordinate services to address family violence. The current mazeof organizations in communities is overwhelming to the professionals who work in them, the political leaders who authorize them, the foundations and United Ways who fund them, and, most assuredly, to the persons for whom the various organizations were established. A review of the literature on coordination and collaboration is included as well as a discussion of leadership challenges during the various stages in the evolutionary process to provide confidential, culturally sensitive, comprehensive, accountable, and user-friendly community social service systems.  相似文献   

对我国小城镇总体发展战略的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
晏群 《城市》2003,(4):17-20
一、我国小城镇的现状、特点、存在的问题本文所称“小城镇”主要指建制镇(含县城镇)。2000年我国有建制镇近2万个,其中县城镇1586个。从全国小城镇的整体分析,我国小城镇的特点是:数量上东多西少,数量增长速度上东快西慢,平均规模上东大西小、南北接近,分布上东密西疏、南密北疏。一般而言,沿海发达地区小城镇的建设质量好于内陆地区小城镇。这种状况是与地区间经济发展水平和人口分布密度的差异密切相关的,也是在相当一个时期内不会发生根本改变的。我国幅员辽阔,自然环境复杂多样,地域差异极大,因此即使同在一个地带内(东部或中部、西部)…  相似文献   

我国小城镇健康发展的新思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚士谋  王书国  崔旭 《城市》2006,(1):10-13
我国小城镇悠久发展的历史犹如一部中国农村工业化与城市化荡气回肠的史诗;小城镇的发展有小苗青青、茁壮成长的阶段;有久旱衰败、寒冬枯黄的景象;也有无情压抑和机遇挑战的时期.总之,我国小城镇的发展历史是一部艰难、曲折并伴随着希望的鸿篇巨制.在21世纪的新时代中,小城镇将会在工业化、城市化的过程中重新焕发青春,走上健康发展的新路.  相似文献   

网络经济与区域一体化--加强城镇密集区的发展与协调   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾文选 《城市》2003,(6):11-14
网络经济是以现代计算机技术为中心,以互联网系统为载体的知识经济.以知识经济武装传统产业,实行网络经济与传统工业的结合,是我国新型工业化道路的重要内容和特点之一.由于计算机互联网系统能将人与人之间、企业单位之间、城市之间、国家地区之间的信息沟通与交流、资金的融通、物资的销售等,在空间上、时间上大大缩短,实现零距离沟通,瞬时间交流,因而使得城镇之间的联系比以往任何时候都要密切.城镇正从孤立的个体向紧密联系的群体发展,地区和国家的竞争力日益表现为都市圈、城市群的综合实力.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1994,10(2):185-195
Incorporating elements from both human ecology and the theories of local social interaction, the purpose of this study is to ascertain empirically the independent, additive effect of past community action in explaining variations in recent adoption of economic development strategies. I consider and control the effects of other structural and ecological characteristics of small towns and rural areas that have been shown to be important sources of variation in economic development strategies. Results of the hierarchical regression analyses indicate that past community action variables make substantial independent contributions to explaining variations in financial assistance to firms, creation or expansion of recreation-related activities, and creation or expansion of human services after considering and controlling for the effects of community need, socioeconomic status and ecological characteristics. Contrary to expectations, past community action variables do not make a significant contribution to variance explanation in promotion to recruit business and industry and the use of government programs to encourage economic growth, an action arena many discussions of rural development portray as necessary foundations for community development. From a practical standpoint, the findings of this study encourage efforts to initiate local actions and develop or maintain symbols of local identity. These can play paramount roles in the future, if not immediately, as residents of rural communities seek to attain shared goals.  相似文献   

Leadership development is a high priority for African nonprofit organizations, but we know very little about what causes leaders in Africa change their behavior and how. Most leadership development programs use imported Western models that at best pay only lip‐service to the very different culture and context in Africa. This article outlines the research findings of a three‐country study conducted in Malawi, Uganda, and Kenya. This study found that changes in leadership style, although individual and complex, followed an underlying pattern. External events catalyzed an inside‐out change process. Effective leadership development requires in‐depth understanding and application of local contextual and cultural issues. Ultimately, however, the process of leadership development is tied to deeper, universal principles of human behavior.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1976 and 1988 censuses, the author notes that the population of Senegal has grown by 37.6 percent over the period and that this growth is concentrated in urban areas. One feature of this trend has been the growing primacy of the capital Dakar and a decline in the relative importance of smaller towns. The need to discourage rural-urban migration by promoting socioeconomic development in rural areas is stressed. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

Twenty years after the Rio Conference of 1992 the issue of sustainability is still at the core of considerations in regard to the future of humankind. As a step forward in 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was agreed to, although the main actors have not been part of it. Since then all international congresses on the issue have failed. A new approach seems to be necessary, which steps aside of the international and national levels. The regional and local levels are definitely more appropriate, because direct participation of citizens and institutional actors is more feasible. Also for the regional and local levels labour is the main actor, as the production and distribution are the central areas for action for sustainability. That does not mean that consumption or finance have to be neglected. The trade unions in the past have often been reluctant to commit themselves for sustainability, as it seemed to endanger jobs. Slowly this attitude has been changed, and they fully engage now, e.g. with Attac and other similar movements.  相似文献   

This article argues that leadership development is a process of seduction. Drawing on some stories of leadership development from my experience as participant, observer and teacher I show the ways in which certain sorts of highly valued leadership teaching contain seductive elements, including sweeping audiences off their feet and, in some contexts, forestalling critique about the content that is offered. The article also considers the extent to which seduction is a gendered performance. I conclude that, while gender and power are defining elements and constraints in how seductive pedagogical relations are constructed, there are opportunities for experimentation and display that potentially subvert gendered stereotypes. Seeing the seduction in leadership can help us understand leadership and leadership teaching better, and can open the way to doing it differently — to experimentation and innovation.  相似文献   

石森昌 《城市》2010,(5):42-45
一、区域性中心城镇的概念区域性中心城镇主要指中等规模的城市,即人口规模在10万~50万的城市。一般认为,区域性中心城镇(或中等城市)具有既可获得规模经济效益,又可避免大城市在环境和经济社会方面过度膨胀的特点。在大城市分散化过程中,区域性中心城镇成为吸收新的组织和公共机构的中心,给许多地方带来了新的开发或再开发的机会。因此,  相似文献   

This study used a quantitative survey and qualitative focus groups to examine perceptions of leadership styles, sex differences in these perceptions, and opinions about the gendered nature of leadership in public relations. In summary, the focus group data supported survey results that indicated a strong preference for transformational leadership style over transactional leadership. However, there was also strong evidence for a preference for situational leadership. Findings are interpreted within the frameworks of public relations theory and gender theory.  相似文献   

In the late 1980s, the Korean government initiated the “Two Million Home Construction Plan” to tackle severe shortages in housing and soaring housing prices. Five new towns (Bundang, Ilsan, Pyeongchon, Sanbon, and Joongdong) were planned around the city of Seoul. By the mid-1990s the residential areas in the five new towns were mostly developed. However, their commercial areas have remained underdeveloped and as a consequence, the new towns are believed to have become bedroom communities.This paper assesses self-containment status of the new towns by analyzing non-working trip patterns in the five new town areas. A survey conducted on non-working trip patterns of the residents in the five new towns and the nearby areas (to shop for groceries, clothing, electronics/jewelry, leisure/entertainment, and to access medical services) reveals that Bundang's commercial dependency upon the city of Seoul has been reduced significantly over the past 5 years (from 1995 to 2000). The survey results on non-working trip patterns of the residents in the five new towns and nearby residential areas in the Seoul Metropolitan Area indicate that the five new towns have been growing as suburban centers in the region in terms of retail attractions, even though they are still maintaining a high dependency on Seoul in terms of working commutes.These observations provide some new indications about self-containment arguments relevant to new town planning. The new towns are currently maintaining a decent degree of self-containment in terms of non-working trip, which has been an important aspect absent in self-containment arguments. In addition, the appeal of self-containment in non-working activities is growing in a dynamic sense. Observations on the dynamic process of the new town developments in Korea demonstrate that the self-containment can be established but through a long taking cumulative and stepwise process rather than immediately by planning.  相似文献   

Beginning in the late 1970s, US multi-nationals and South African business both supported local development initiatives in Soweto. Comparison of two of these projects reveals significant differences in approach and effectiveness. American businesses supported a secondary school, Pace, which experienced critical problems related to organisational difficulties unforeseen by the donors. South African business supported an educational centre, the Funda Centre, which developed more gradually and was more deeply rooted in the community. Examination of these two cases produces some lessons that can be of use to other donors giving support to local development initiatives. This research was supported by a grant from the Aspen Nonprofit Sector Research Fund.  相似文献   

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