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We examined the utility of the theory of reasoned action for predicting sexual intercourse among teenagers and determined whether it holds for both genders and for those with and without prior sexual experience. The data include 749 students who were in 9th–11th grades when the predictors were measured and in 10th–12th grades when sexual intercourse was assessed. About half (53%) were girls, about half (48%) were non‐Hispanic European Americans. Results showed that prior sexual experience was related to a higher rate of sexual intercourse, but boys and girls did not differ. Tests of the causal model for subgroups (boy and girl virgins, boy and girl nonvirgins) yielded similar results. As predicted, paths from intentions to behavior and from norms and attitudes to intentions were significant, as were paths from outcome and normative beliefs to attitude and norm, respectively.  相似文献   

Children with alleged child sexual abuse (CSA) need to be assessed systematically. The use of validated instruments during the assessment, like the Child Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI), could add diagnostic value. We aim to assess the diagnostic utility of the CSBI to differentiate between sexually abused and non-abused children. We conducted a systematic review. We searched the electronic databases MEDLINE and PsychInfo for studies comparing CSBI scores in sexually abused children and non-abused children (2–12 years old). Two independent reviewers extracted data and assessed the methodological quality. We included 7 (out of 1048) articles. The CSBI total scores were significantly higher in CSA-victims compared with non-abused children (in case–control settings). However, in children with suspected CSA, the results were ambiguous. One study reported significant differences. Another study reported weak diagnostic ability for the CSBI-3 in children with suspected CSA (a sensitivity and specificity of 0.50, with a positive predictive value of 0.28, and a negative predictive value of 0.72). Research on the diagnostic utility of the CSBI for suspected CSA is limited and shows disappointing results. Until more research is done, the CSBI should not be used on its own to differentiate between sexually abused and non-abused children.  相似文献   

The effects of parental attitudes, practices, and television mediation on adolescent sexual behaviors were investigated in a study of adolescent sexuality and media (N = 887). Confirmatory factor analyses supported an eight‐factor parenting model with television mediation factors as constructs distinct from general parenting practices. Logistic regressions indicated that adolescents reporting greater parental disapproval and limits on viewing at Wave 1 were less likely to initiate oral sex between Waves 1 and 2. Adolescents who reported more sexual communication with parents were more likely to initiate oral sex. Results for vaginal intercourse were similar to those for oral sex. Coviewing was a significant negative predictor of initiation of sexual behavior. Parental attitudes and television mediation can delay potentially risky adolescent sexual behaviors.  相似文献   


Many residential treatment and sex offender programs for adolescents historically have used coercion-based interventions. Treatment programs employing coercive techniques often replicate the same destructive and intrusive behaviors they seek to eliminate. Tension between departments coupled with poor communication and discomfort around sexual behavior issues within the staff of residential treatment centers are more likely to inhibit the progress of the youths they serve.

Collaboration among residential, educational, and clinical components enables staff to work in a direct, genuine, and respectful fashion with students who have histories of sexually abusive behavior. It further assists in maintaining a safe and predictable environment for these students. Finally, it helps students eliminate destructive behaviors by directly and consistently addressing four key areas: sexually abusive behavior, antisocial attitudes, social/emotional functioning, and overall self-care. It is not the author's intention to hold Bennington School, Inc.up as a model residential treatment program or to criticize other residential facilities. Rather, it is hoped that what is working in Bennington may be helpful to others.

Many who have worked on the front lines of residential treatment with sexually abusive adolescents have received training in elements specific to sexually abusive behavior. The origins of treatment for youth who have sexually abused were noteworthy for their lack of offense-specific interventions (National Adolescent Perpetration Network, 1993). However, a wealth of literature soon emerged addressing the need for assessment and treatment techniques specific to this population (Perry & Orchard, 1992; Barbaree, Marshall & Hudson, 1993). Much of this literature made assumptions regarding high levels of chronicity (Perry & Orchard,1992) while other contributions stressed the role of denial and minimization (Barbaree & Cortoni, 1993). As a result, while many issue-specific forms of assessment and treatment were developed, they often did not take into account other developmental needs and issues in the lives of sexually abusive youths (Lane, 1997).

Concurrent with this emerging research was a substantial increase in the number of treatment programs for juvenile sex offenders (National Adolescent Perpetration Network, 1993). In this context, it is not surprising that many treatment programs relied heavily on treatment targeting denial, minimization, and perceived sexual deviance without taking into account other treatment needs of youths. Although a recent literature review of adolescent residential programs (Curwen, 2000) notes a trend away from shame-based approaches, there appears to be less clarity on specific criteria on which to base residential treatment of adolescents who have sexually abused (Curwen, 2000).

Finally, recent research shows that among adult populations, accepting responsibility for abusive behavior in treatment is more likely to result from a warm, genuine, and empathic treatment style (Marshall, Fernandez, & Anderson, 1999). Group therapy participation, similarly, results from encouragement, open questions, and nonconfrontational challenge. The emerging themes of recent trends and research should inspire those at the front lines of residential treatment to reconsider not just basic treatment approaches, but the most minute elements of their interactions with youths.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to examine the sexual behavior of emerging adult women in relation to their sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and perceptions of their parents' sexual attitudes; and second, to discuss the implications of this research in working with young adult women. Three hundred and sixty-four college-age women were administered the Sexual Experiences Inventory, Miller-Fisk Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire, and the Hendrick Sexual Attitude Scale. Ninety-six percent of the sample reported primarily heterosexual behavior. Sexual knowledge of participants was not related to their reports of sexual behavior. The sexual attitudes of college-age women and their perceptions of their parents' attitudes toward sexual behavior were found to relate positively to participant sexual permissiveness and sexual practice. The implications of these findings were discussed in relation to working with families and providing effective interventions to reduce unsafe sexual practices among emerging adult women.  相似文献   


This paper examines male-male sexual behavior from an evolutionary perspective. I begin with a discussion of the major difficulties associated with the scientific study of homosexuality and a clarification of some concepts in human sexuality and evolutionary psychology. Following is a presentation of several established evolutionary theories of homosexuality and a critique of their major assumptions. Based on common patterns of male-male sexual behavior in humans identified by anthropologists, I argue that the evolutionary origin of male-male sexual behavior is based on the same dominance-submission mechanisms that gave rise to male-female sexual behavior. Further, I argue that male-male sexual behavior evolved more fully in human males than in other primate males because male-male alliances played a greater role in human male reproductive success. Specifically, male-male sexual behavior is speculated to be an exaptation of the sociosexual behavior used by primates to establish, regulate, and maintain relationships. It is posited that same-sex sexual behavior in human males reinforced alliances that contributed directly to male survival and indirectly to male reproduction. This alliance theory of the evolution of male-male sexual behavior is compatible with broader current theory on human evolution. The same neurological mechanism theorized to be involved in male-female sexual attraction and behavior is purported to mediate male-male sexual attraction and behavior. Finally, I argue that exclusive same-sex attraction in human males is due to an interaction between genetic, cultural, developmental and psychological factors. doi:10.1300/J056v18n04_02  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):147-173

Using data from 370 adolescent males and 390 adolescent females, this study investigates factors associated with Korean adolescents' sexual behavior. The data showed that sixteen percent of the sample reported some type of intimate sexual behavior. The results from regression analyses indicate that alcohol use, dating mood, love for partner, similarity of sexual attitude between partners, and interaction between respondents' attitude on sex and alcohol use were significant predictors of Korean adolescents' sexual behavior with adjusted R2 of .61. The factors significant for adolescents' sexual behavior differed by gender. The factors significant for adolescent males and adolescent females accounted for 65% and 61% of the explained variance for adolescent males' and adolescent females' sexual behavior, respectively. In both cases, dating mood was a strong predictor of adolescents' sexual behavior. Contrary to expectations specified, neither parental factors nor sibling influence was significant.  相似文献   


Sexual behavior in children ages 2–12 is related to a variety of environmental, child-specific, and reporter-related variables. This paper reviews correlational research that has examined the relationship of sexual behavior to the variables of sexual abuse, domestic violence, physical abuse, family sexuality, age and gender of the child, child behavior problems, and reporter characteristics. Sexual behavior is directly related to environmental variables that cause dysregulated behavior in children. It is also associated with child behavior problems and varies with age and gender. There are a number of reporter-specific variables, including education level, abuse history, and openness to sexuality, that are also related to the level of reported sexual behavior. The article concludes with a reminder that correlation does not mean causation.  相似文献   

A communication framework of persuasion and attitude change was utilized to analyze parent‐adolescent communication about adolescent risk behavior. Three parent dimensions were deemed important: (a) perceived expertise, (b) perceived trustworthiness, and (c) perceived accessibility. Data were collected in surveys from 668 mother‐adolescent dyads in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in New York City (N= 668). Results showed weak correspondence between how expert, trustworthy, and accessible mothers thought they were on the one hand and how their sons and daughters characterized them on the other. All dimensions were related to how often adolescents said they talked with their mothers about a risk behavior, which, in turn, was predictive of lower levels of adolescent risk behavior. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

To address the lack of empirically grounded measures of childhood sexual abuse severity, a survey of self-report items was developed following a thorough review of the childhood sexual abuse literature. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted using data collected from a convenience sample of college students that included 275 females and males with a history of childhood sexual abuse. The solution produced seven factors interpreted as the following: (a) less intrusive forms of childhood sexual abuse (e.g., sexual invitations, kissing), (b) more intrusive forms of childhood sexual abuse (e.g., oral sex, intercourse), (c) humiliation/fear, (d) childhood sexual abuse involving photography, (e) familiarity with the perpetrator, (f) physical force/rape, and (g) active digital penetration. Correlations among these factors further suggested the existence of two relatively independent second-order factors, one based on the levels of physical intrusiveness and the other composed of the psychological/emotional factors. While arguably the most common measurement of severity, physical intrusiveness had little association with critical factors such as humiliation, fear, and association with the perpetrator. Consequently, physical intrusiveness appears to be an inadequate stand-alone measure of childhood sexual abuse severity. These results are proposed to lay the groundwork for an improved, more comprehensive measure of childhood sexual abuse severity.  相似文献   


Open dialogue concerning behavioral and environmental risks is key to effective, holistic intervention with urban adolescents. Topics for discussion must include substance use, sexual behaviors and abuse, health concerns, exposure to violence and racism, school performance, and relationships with family and peers. Clinical engagement of adolescents requires focusing the therapeutic relationship on issues of their own choice, at their own pace. This article describes the clinical uses and practice impacts of a comprehensive adolescent self-assessment questionnaire (Adquest). By normalizing sensitive topics and allowing clients to exercise control over the therapeutic agenda and pace, Adquest serves as a “bridge to engagement,” a device for keeping the clinical dialogue open and a mode of induction to the client role. For staff, it represents a way of standardizing and broadening clinical assessment, identifying treatment objectives, and framing psycho-educational interventions.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented a strong correlation between substance use and teen sexual behavior, and this empirical relationship has given rise to a widespread belief that substance use causes teens to engage in risky sex. This causal link is often used by advocates to justify policies targeted at reducing substance use. Here, we argue that previous research has not produced sufficient evidence to substantiate a causal relationship between substance use and teen sexual behavior. Accordingly, we attempt to estimate causal effects using two complementary research approaches. Our findings suggest that substance use is not causally related to teen sexual behavior, although we cannot definitively rule out that possibility.Research for this paper was supported by grant number 5 R01 DA12692 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to the National Bureau of Economic Research. We are indebted to Inas Rashad and Nasreen Khan for research assistance. We wish to thank Donald Kenkel, Jody Sindelar, David Salkever, David Bishai, Eric Slade, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions. Our research is based in part on the Add Health project, a program project designed by J. Richard Udry (PI) and Peter Bearman, and funded by grant PO1-HD31921 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with cooperative funding participation by the National Cancer Institute; the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders; the National Institute on Drug Abuse; the National Institute of General Medical Sciences; the National Institute of Mental Health; the National Institute of Nursing Research; the Office of AIDS Research, NIH; The Office of Behavior and Social Science Research, NIH; the Office of the Director, NIH; the Office of Research on Womens Health, NIH; the Office of Population Affairs, DHHS; the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DHHS; the Office of Minority Health, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, DHHS; the Office of Minority Health, Office of Public Health and Science, DHHS; the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, DHHS; and the National Science Foundation. Persons interested in obtaining data files from The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health should contact Add Health Project, Carolina Population Center, 123 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3997 (email: addhealth@unc.edu). This paper has not undergone the review accorded to official NBER publications; in particular, it has not been submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors and not those of NIDA or NBER.JEL Classification: I10, I11  相似文献   


Experiencing sexual victimization prior to becoming homeless is common among homeless youth and is associated with increased HIV risk behavior. This study examined mediating variables that underlie this association, adding to the understanding of gender differences in these paths. Participants were homeless youth in Los Angeles recruited through service access centers who completed a computerized self-administered interview in English or Spanish using an iPad. Findings indicate a high presence of sexual victimization across both genders. Female participants experienced posttraumatic stress disorder and subsequent engagement with exchange sex, whereas male participants were primarily involved in substance use risk pathways. Results indicate paths in the association between sexual victimization and HIV risk behavior differ between male and female homeless youth. Gender-specific, mental-health-informed interventions targeting sexual risk reduction are warranted.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse is one of the most serious forms of abuse due to the psychological consequences that persist even into adulthood. Expressions of anger among child sexual abuse survivors remain common even years after the event. While child sexual abuse has been extensively studied, the expression of displaced aggression has been studied less. Some factors, such as the maladaptive early schemas, might account for this deficiency. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between child sexual abuse, displaced aggression, and these schemas according to gender and determine if these early schemas mediate the relationship between child sexual abuse and displaced aggression. A total of 168 Spanish subjects who were victims of child sexual abuse completed measures of childhood trauma, displaced aggression, and early maladaptive schemas. The results depict the relationship between child sexual abuse, displaced aggression, and early maladaptive schemas. Women scored higher than men in child sexual abuse, emotional abuse, disconnection or rejection and impaired autonomy. Mediational analysis found a significant mediation effect of disconnection or rejection on the relationship between child sexual abuse and displaced aggression; however, impaired autonomy did not mediate significantly.  相似文献   


On the basis of the problem-behavior theory for adolescence, we hypothesized that already during childhood sexual behavior is associated with (non-sexual) externalizing behaviors and tested the hypothesis in a community sample. In the context of a postal questionnaire survey of 6-10 year old children, the parents of 349 girls and 326 boys completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The CBCL Sex Problems scale did not differ between genders, ethnic groups, or age groups. For both girls and boys, the scores on the Sex Problems scale correlated significantly but modestly (maximum r = 0.35) with all other CBCL scales; only in boys did the correlations with externalizing behaviors exceed those with other scales. We conclude that children from a community sample who show sexual behavior as defined by the CBCL tend to be the ones with increased behavioral/emotional problems in general, with only modest specificity in symptomatology.  相似文献   


We used data derived from two independent studies to examine the psychometric properties of a new scale to measure adolescents’ willingness to engage in sexual sensation-seeking behavior. In Study 1, the Sexual Sensation-Seeking Scale for Adolescents (SSSA) was administered to a sample of 715 African American adolescents ranging in age from 15 to 21 years. The SSSA demonstrated strong internal consistency, moderate stability, and satisfactory construct validity. In Study 2, the SSSA data from a subsample of African American adolescent women detained in youth detention centers were analyzed (N = 103). Strong internal consistency was demonstrated with this sample as well. The results indicate that the SSSA is a reliable and valid measure of sexual sensation seeking for African American adolescent women.  相似文献   

An important focus of the 1996 World Aids Conference related to the extent of unprotected sex among gay men, particularly those in their twenties. This paper will use logistic analysis to explore the extent of unsafe sexual practices among individuals living in Bexar County, Texas, who are HIV+ assymptomatic, HIV+ symptomatic, or have AIDS. Using survey research data, we assess the significance and impact of various independent factors on whether respondents reported they did or did not engage in unprotected sex. The most striking finding is that unprotected sexual activity is prevalent regardless of demographic and/or status differences among respondents. Findings reinforce the use of community planning processes, which emphasize the importance of sound behavioral and social science combined with efforts to include the affected constituency to create effective HIV prevention programs.  相似文献   


Objective: This study examines the prevalence and risk factors associated with risky sexual behaviors in community college students. Participants: A diverse sample of 18–19-year-old community college students (N?=?264). Methods: Baseline data from an online prevention program administered in 2015. Results: Community college students in this sample disproportionately experienced sexual assault and were unlikely to test for STIs. Higher intentions to engage in risky sexual behaviors were associated with gender and sexual experience, but also with having lower intentions to communicate with a sexual partner about pregnancy and STIs, and having higher gender norm endorsement. Conclusions: Older adolescents attending community colleges may be at high risk for poor sexual health outcomes, and appropriate theory-based education should be tailored to meet the needs of these underserved students.  相似文献   


Objective: The authors developed a 14-item measure of adherence to religious doctrine concerning sexual behavior (ARDSB). The ARDSB psychometric properties were investigated to better understand religious motivations associated with changes in sexual behavior that may provide support for sexual health promotion and prevention programs. Participants: Four hundred eighty-three undergraduates aged 18 to 26. Methods: Data were collected from an online survey during the 2012–2013 academic school year. Results: Principle components factor analysis identified 2 factors: reasons to break religious doctrine and reasons to adhere to religious doctrine concerning sexual behavior. The subscales had good internal consistency. Correlations, t tests, and analyses of variance of the subscales with measures of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity and self-reported sexual behavior and risk provide support for concurrent validity. Conclusions: The ARDSB could be employed as a measure to better understand sexual behavior; it is inexpensive and relatively easy to employ in both research and campus ministry settings.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between neighborhood structural characteristics, social organization, and the sexual partnering practices of adults. Analyses of 1990 census and 1995–1997 survey‐based data on Chicago neighborhoods and adult sexual activity reveal for men a number of neighborhood influences on sexual partnering practices. First, residential stability is negatively associated with having a short‐term sexual partner in the last year. Second, neighborhood social ties are positively associated with short‐term sexual partnering in neighborhoods with low levels of collective efficacy—the combination of cohesion and shared expectations for beneficial action among neighbors—but this effect is substantially reduced as collective efficacy increases. Moreover, neighborhood collective efficacy and social ties mediate the effect of residential stability on sexual partnering practices. Neighborhood characteristics were not associated with short‐term sexual partnering for women.  相似文献   

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