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This article tells us the heroine Tess‘s life in a rough way,and analyzes the misfortune of her life,and gets a conclusion that though her life is filled up with tragedy,she looks for happiness all the time,no matter how much does it cost,even for her life.  相似文献   

This article reports on an evaluation of an innovative, but time-limited, home-school support project, designed to improve the behaviour of young children in danger of school exclusion. It concludes that, although valued by the families and schools involved, the effective operation of the initiative was hampered by problems of communication, by its single agency location and by the short-term nature of its funding. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Social movements come into existence only on the basis of certain preconditions. The concurrence of distinct factors on the levels of individual experience, collective framing and societal structure favour the emergence and stabilization of social movements. Drawing on a model that links these three levels with aspects of problematization, mobilization and stabilization, we argue that there is a growing probability for social movements to come into existence. This probability stems mainly from a set of macro-structural trends and their problematic effects that can be interpreted in terms of differentiation theory. Instead of encompassing and stable class movements as represented, for example, by the labour movement, we expect a multitude of more situationally bound movements that vary considerably in their themes, social bases and forms. It is precisely this heterogeneity of movements that is an enduring feature of contemporary Western societies.  相似文献   

This paper points out that there may be a logical consistency issue in choosing the reference wage in efficiency wage models. We have shown that defining the outside option in the efficiency wage logic as the market-clearing wage solves this difficulty, and is justifiable in terms of the assumed behaviour of workers and employers. The model that we examine confirms earlier findings of reinforcing effects between union-firm bargaining and efficiency wages. However, if union preferences vary between wages and employment, Summers’ reinforcing effect is no longer present for each value of the parameter describing these preferences. Above a certain threshold value of union preferences for employment, the two mechanisms do not reinforce each other anymore.  相似文献   

This is a reflection inspired by Geske Dijkstra's article ‘The PRSP Approach and the Illusion of Improved Aid Effectiveness: Lessons from Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua’ (Development Policy Review 23 (4), July 2005) which questions the usefulness of the PRS approach in Latin America, building to a considerable degree on studies carried out in the three countries by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS), which Sida financed. 1 1 The reports are produced annually and available at http://www.iss.nl/prsp .

Sociological theorists' recent critique of foundationalism, the notion that observers can accurately represent a single, objective reality, has led to calls for sociology to abandon its claim to epistemic privilege. A related debate has ensued among qualitative sociologists over ethnography's claim to produce objective, authoritative accounts of field realities. This debate over "the crisis of representation" has apparently reached an epistemological impasse, as both "modernist" and "postmodernist" participants draw on a conceptual dichotomy inherited from correspondence models of science. The impasse is ethical as well, as participants "talk past one another" as they debate the appropriate responsibilities of sociologists. A pragmatist solution to this dilemma has been offered, but gives insufficient attention to the politics that shape the criteria to be used in judging the validity of accounts in local contexts. Drawing upon "modernist" discussions of field methods and an empirical case of "studying up" in Mondragón, Spain, this paper argues that a more politically attentive pragmatism could contribute to research practice that is both epistemologically and empirically defensible.  相似文献   

The article discusses the nature of the tangled interaction between the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics and the outside great powers – Russia, the United States and China. Although the so-called Great Game model is often used to explain the geopolitical rivalry in the region, the current pattern of relations between various international actors is much more complex than a traditional tug-of-war between the old colonial empires. While Russia's strategic role in Central Asia appears to be on the rise, the capacity of the West to influence political developments in the region has diminished. However, the overall situation in Central Asia remains volatile and its geopolitical landscape is far from being settled.  相似文献   

This article explores how young people living in low‐income neighbourhoods problematise their own lives, using data generated as part of a participatory policy project with five groups of young people, aged 11–21. Three common problems were identified; housing, education and crime, as well as one common silence around their own agency. This silence is perhaps substituted by a focus on collective agency and politics, suggesting that perhaps young people can see poverty as a more collective problem than previous research may highlight.  相似文献   

This article draws on ethnographic material collected in Yangzong county of Yunnan, a province well known for its ethnic diversity. It deals with how the members of this peripheral Han population are categorised by others and by themselves in relation to minority groups and notions of Chinese identity. The specificity of the Han of Yangzong is framed by an ongoing tension between two contrasting points of view: they appear both as a local ethnic minority among others, and, notably by means of ritualised theatrical representations, as the legitimate representatives of the national majority. The Han people of Yunnan, who represent two-thirds of the province’s population, have been largely ignored by contemporary research. However, this study sheds light on the necessary interplay of different levels of identity and asserts the understanding of the category of ‘Han’ as perceived by the Chinese State as well as by the local people.  相似文献   

The wine industry is becoming increasingly globalized as consumer demand, capital investment, and industry restructuring lead to higher volumes of trade, greater levels of multinational ownership, and the evolution of new networks of production and consumption that link the four corners of the world economy. While there are some tendencies towards increasingly homogenized and low-cost production, wine is an industry that exemplifies the complex and contradictory elements of globalization. This article outlines some key parameters of globalization drawing on empirical evidence from key cases. In particular, it focuses on the role of geography and how place and scale matter in production, marketing, and consumption. As globalization unfolds, restructuring in the wine industry is leading to the increased economic and social differentiation of rural space. The resultant geographies of place are influenced by a complex combination of local development history, national policy context, and the nature of the insertion of the given locality into global value chains for wine. As such, globalization has and will continue to produce increasingly complex and intricate geographies.

La industria del vino se ha venido globalizando cada vez más como una demanda del consumidor, inversión de capital y la restructuración de la industria da lugar a mayores volúmenes de comercio, mayores niveles de participación multinacional, y la evolución de nuevas redes de producción y consumo que unen las cuatro esquinas de la economía mundial. Mientras hay algunas tendencias hacia una producción cada vez más homogenizada y de bajo costo, el vino es una industria que ejemplifica los elementos complejos y contradictorios de la globalización. Este artículo subraya algunos parámetros claves de globalización sobre la base empírica de casos claves. Se enfoca particularmente en el rol de la geografía y cómo el lugar y la escala importan en la producción, mercadeo y consumo. A medida que la globalización evoluciona, la restructuración de la industria del vino da origen a un aumento en la diferenciación social y económica del espacio rural. Las geografías resultantes del lugar están influenciadas por una combinación compleja del desarrollo de la historia local, el contexto de la política nacional y la naturaleza de la inserción de la localidad dada, dentro de las redes del valor global para el vino. Como tal, la globalización ha producido y seguirá produciendo cada vez más complejas e intrincadas geografías.


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This article explores the work of clergywomen in the Church of England within an analysis of the Church as a gendered organization. We highlight the sex discrimination they often face, at the same time as satisfaction with their work and the need to follow their calling regardless of the difficulties. This is explained through an analysis of the significance of religious calling and the requirement for ‘sacrifice’ on their ability to endure their work and to challenge discriminatory treatment.  相似文献   

Janoski  Thomas  Musick  March  Wilson  John 《Sociological Forum》1998,13(3):495-519

While disagreeing over the reasons why the performance of civic obligations seems to be declining, conservatives and liberals agree that people need to be reminded of their duties as citizens for this decline to be halted. But do these exhortations work? This paper tests two theories about how people become volunteers. The “normativist” perspective assumes that volunteer behavior flows from socialization into pro-social attitudes; the “social practice” perspective stresses the formative role of practical experiences and social participation. Using a panel study of high school seniors who were reinterviewed in their mid-20s and again in their early 30s, we show that volunteer work undertaken in high school has long-term benefits as does social participation more generally but that socialization into pro-social attitudes has an even stronger influence on volunteering in middle age. The implications of our study are that mandatory community service programs can boost later volunteer efforts but that socialization into appropriate citizenship attitudes is of equal, if not greater, importance.



This paper is an attempt to explore my own experiences and professional choices through an examination of the concept of burnout in social work.

I have set out to use some aspects of the research and theory about the concept of burnout and relate them to the particular circumstances of my case. After a brief introduction and examination of what burnout is, I divide the paper into three sections dealing with the social and historical factors in burnout, the individual factors and the organizational factors.

I have attempted to show a connecting thread throughout, linking the various factors through the theme of disillusionment. It appears that the problem of dealing with omnipotence and accepting reality are as germane to this topic as they are to the individual's development. I have also attempted to draw an analogy between the factors that may aid this developmental task and organizational factors which can contribute to or help prevent burnout.  相似文献   

ON June 26, 1996, Women of China held festivities in the International Hotel of Beijing to celebrate the 40th birthday of this English monthly. Chen Muhua, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, Lei Jieqiong, Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the NPC, Ma Yuzhen, Deputy Minister of the Information Office of the State Council and more than 200 female celebrities from all walks of life, as well as some foreign experts in Beijing were present at the celebration. With beautiful pictures and comprehensive reporting, Women of China started publication in 1956, aiming to introduce China and the situation of Chinese women to the outside world. China's only English-language women's magazine, Women of China consistantly gives comprehensive coverage of issues of concern to the international community. Its writers focus on the empowerment of women, Chinese women's advancement in the market economy, women lifting them  相似文献   

An estimated 730,000 Americans younger than age 21 in the United States have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and current trends predict 36,500 new diagnoses each year. Due to this rapid increase in ASD diagnoses, it is critical to understand the impact having a child with ASD has on a family's daily functioning to better coordinate services and design effective interventions. Qualitative semistructured interviews with eight mothers were conducted, and four primary themes emerged identifying primarily negative impacts of having a child with ASD. Implications for practice and future research are addressed to inform the development of best practices for families.  相似文献   

This article discusses the effects of and reactions to the free movement of labor within the 6 states of the European Community (EEC) since its beginning in 1968. A summary of the movements shows that 1) large flows from "underdeveloped areas" within the community to the "more developed ones" have not occurred, 2) an increase in the exchanges of nationals within the EEC and therefore also between highly developed areas has occurred, and 2) strong indications exist that the extent of this exchange is primarily linked to demand and to the economic climate. Those who had forecast doom had made the following errors: 1) many based their forecasts on fears and selective perceptions linked to them, 2), many were insufficiently aware of the rules governing free movement and the way they operate, and 3) they had too little knowledge of the situation in the areas assumed to provide the push. 3 factors important for forecasting migration are 1) studies of migration almost always use only 1 level of analysis, 2) one must take into account the role of national governments, and of legislation and regulations affecting migration and migrants, and 3) prognoses should be made for each category of migrants separately. The authors formulate assumptions on both the macro and the micro level for each category of migrants: 1) migration of individual workers will be very dependent upon changes in the economic situation; 2) an increase in movements of staff within international business organizations will occur 3) migration of enterpreneurs will increase once the legal and practical impediments disappear, 4) student migration and that of pensioners and persons with private incomes will increase if practical and legal impediments are removed, 5) the European Community does not and will not recognize the existence of refugees who are nationals of 1 of its member states, and 6) illegal migrants will be few. Predicted migration of non-community nationals to European Community member states includes 1) immigration of skilled migrant workers, in the event of an economic boom, is more likely than immigration of unskilled workers; 2) the number of people claiming refugee status and asylum will grow, if there are no opportunities available for a refugee elsewhere; and 3) developments in the labor market influence both the choice of potential illegal immigrants and the severity of any policy of prosecuting employers of illegal labor.  相似文献   

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