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DISHA is one of the oldest Oxfam project partners in Uttar Pradesh, India. DISHA works with rural women and rope-makers; it encourages village-level women's organizations to fight against obstacles to women's empowerment and to institute income-producing activities; and it provides legal, educational, and health care services. In this article, a Muslim woman tells the story of her involvement with DISHA and how that involvement gave her the courage to reject the restrictions of purdah and of the wearing of the bourkha. This woman was married at age 13. She suffered ill treatment at the house of her in-laws and returned to her father's home with her 3 daughters. Her husband eventually joined her at her father's house. She was approached by a coordinator of DISHA and asked to apply for a job. She was offered the job, which she accepted. When she started going into the villages, she felt that the restrictive dress of the bourkha interfered with her ability to work. With the permission of her father and her husband, she set aside the bourkha. She had to endure criticism and censure for this action, but eventually people have been won over to her position as they have seen the positive results of her work on behalf of society. After having 5 daughters, she finally had a son. Now she is determined that her daughters will never wear the bourkha, even if they must remain single as a result of this resolve. She feels that DISHA has given her the power to overcome oppression in her own life, in the life of her family, and in society.  相似文献   

An axiom of family planning programming is the importance of culturally-appropriate communicators and motivators. Traditional midwives seem ideal for this task but few studies have been done to verify this assumption by analyzing the midwife's social role as perceived by the community. 325 married women and 81 unmarried girls from a "model village" near Shiraz were interviewed by female undergraduates. 82.5% of the women are of childbearing age; 66% married before 14 years; 33% use contraception, mostly the pill, but most want large families because they expect high child mortality rates. Most of the older women are able to assist in childbirth but none, except the village's one recognized midwife, who is considered to have divine backing, will do so except in an emergency. The midwife's activities cause her to be held in low esteem by the community because 1) she has contact with a woman's sexual parts and this fact is public; 2) she has contact with vaginal excretia which are, in Islam, polluting; and 3) she is paid for her services, which labels her as a woman "without shame". The midwife is, however, widely used since women and their husbands fear the trip to the hospital and treatment by a male doctor much more than a midwife-supervised birth. The midwife in the study village had been there only 2 years and feels that she is not fully trusted. She is not consulted on birth control at all, because women expect the pill to be dispensed by doctors and consider other methods as a matter strictly between husband and wife. The midwife's role seems to complement that of the government health authorities rather than compete. The midwife's low status and circumscribed sphere of activity, the weak respect in which her advice is held and the pattern of having only 1 recognized midwife in a village at a time make the midwife a poor agent for family planning services. Her effectiveness as an agent of social change could be improved by training her in hygienic practices of childbirth and by redefining her role-relationship with the community. Studies should be done to identify the areas where traditional birth attendants are the best family planning communicators and those where that role is best left to others.  相似文献   

2007年,山东女孩张佳赴韩留学,短短6年间,她不仅完成了研究生的学习,更在读研期间创办了韩国最具影响力的中文杂志——《在首尔》。如今她已回到国内,担任旅游杂志的项目经理。张佳说,这段经历给她的最大收获就是经历本身,“在年轻的时候,和志同道合的年轻人们遇见,一起为同一个目标奋斗,足够。”  相似文献   

I have worked in all areas of nursing, from staff and head nurse positions to faculty and administrative positions, but my work as a parish nurse, particularly with our community of older adults, is one of the most challenging and rewarding areas of nursing practice I have ever experienced. Recently, one of our independent older adult parishioners, Marge, suddenly had a marked decrease in her ability to function, which was precipitated by two trips to the hospital and surgery. She went from living independently to living in a skilled care unit, no longer able to walk or perform activities of daily living without assistance. I had known Marge for only 2 years. When she became ill, I visited her weekly during the last 4 months of her life, as she had no family in the area. During my visit one evening as I helped Marge get ready for bed, she left me with a very poignant memory. After sharing some hair-raising stories about her care at this facility, she said, "Georgine, you're my best friend. You're the only one I can tell these things to and I know you understand."  相似文献   

Ruth Schmidt Neven is a child and adult psychotherapist who trained at the Tavistock Institute in England. She worked in the UK for over 20 years in child and family mental health services of the NHS. During this time, she was responsible for setting up Exploring Parenthood, an organisation which focused on parenting issues. Since migrating to Australia in 1989, Ruth has remained committed to promoting knowledge and understanding about child and family development in the broader community through her clinical practice, training courses and writing. She is currently the director of the Centre for Child and Family Development in Melbourne.  相似文献   

This article relates the story of the life of Jamuna, a married mother of two boys and a girl living among a scheduled caste in India. The female researcher had been interviewing Jamuna's husband, who sells excess cloth to wholesalers and is active in the Bahujan Samaj Party, which is seeking to liberate India's lower castes. Jamuna usually ignored the female researcher or treated her curtly. The researcher, however, invited herself to lunch at Jamuna's house one day, and Jamuna unexpectedly began talking about her life while she prepared the food. Jamuna refers to her husband as "Bhim's father" (Bhim is her oldest son). Bhim's father rules the household, controls the money, never consults his wife, and treats her like a servant. Jamuna looks much older than her estimated 25 years. She was engaged when she was 8, never attended school, and was kept indoors. Her children attend an expensive school, and her husband wants them all to stay in school as long as possible and then get jobs. Jamuna was married to Bhim's father because his family did not demand a dowry. Both families have small farms, but her family grows more crops and makes more money. She used to live with her in-laws but now they avoid her. Jamuna feels strongly that girls should be married early to avoid disgrace. Jamuna was shocked by menstruation and intercourse. After her third delivery, Bhim's father allowed her to become sterilized. She hates her husband and believes he hates her. He treats her like a slave and insults her. His only virtue is that he ignores other women. Jamuna has no friends or confidants. She was not consulted about the move from the village to Delhi. When Bhim's father is away, she has to tend to his business and risk his anger over her mistakes. After this outpouring, Jamuna retreated to silence when the interviewer came to visit.  相似文献   

In this article Alison J. Laurie reflects on her political activism and how it informs her academic scholarship and research interests relating to lesbian studies in New Zealand. She concludes that her desire for social change and commitment to lesbian community development inspired her early activism and has continued to inform her activism as well as her academic research and writing. She discusses her involvement in lesbian and gay organizations and campaigns, in New Zealand, Scandinavia, the United States and the United Kingdom, and the ideas that have informed and influenced her work. She pioneered the first lesbian studies courses in New Zealand, initially through community education, and from 1990 for university credit, and considers the contribution these courses can make. Finally, she reflects on several of her articles, book chapters and books considering how her work has developed during the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Findings from police reports and interviews with women who have survived an attempted domestic homicide revealed patterns in their experiences and sources of distress. The build-up in the year prior to the near-lethal attack involved tension from ongoing contact with an angry, controlling batterer. Most typically the perpetrator was an alcoholic or drug addict, a gun owner, and, if his victim had left him, her stalker. In the majority of cases, the victim had either left or announced that she was leaving the relationship. While he had often threatened her life and she feared him, she typically did not think him capable of killing her. She described the attack as shocking and terrifying, and she felt certain she was going to die. In the immediate aftermath, she received some support, but as time went by, she felt isolated and alone. Ultimately, the women became convinced that they must rely on their "inner strength" to get on with their lives.  相似文献   

Nada Miocevic is a social worker and family therapist who trained at Zagreb University in Croatia and at Melbourne University in Victoria, Australia. She completed her training in family therapy in 1975 at the Bouverie Centre, Melbourne. Since migrating to Australia in 1967, her work with migrant and refugee families has taken her throughout Australia and overseas. Currently she is in private practice. Her work involves conducting training courses in supervision and supervision of supervision, as well as her continuing work with families who experience long‐term illnesses.  相似文献   

The Maudsley and more recent family‐based therapy manualised approaches are positioned by some as the gold standard, evidence‐based therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN). However, a significant proportion of adolescents and their families either discontinue this therapy and/or find that it simply does not work for them. These adolescents and families are under‐represented in the literature on therapeutic interventions for adolescent AN. This paper begins to address this gap with an in‐depth qualitative case study that explores the lived experience of Maudsley family therapy (MFT)/family‐based therapy (FBT) for one female adolescent (age 14 years) and her family over the period of 3 years (ages 11–14). Although initially handing over the responsibility for her eating was comforting and reinstated a sense of control in the family system, these experiences were not maintained. When she did not progress past the first phase of FBT, she and her family experienced the approach as blaming. She felt silenced and family alliances were weakened. This paper analyses how the family members negotiated and preserved their identities within this disabling context.  相似文献   

Introducing Lisa K. Bernhardt , who now heads her LKB Strategies, which lobbies for public health organizations. For many, she needs no introduction: She has a long history on Capitol Hill and in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Nobody on the Hill knows more about the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment block grant (SAPT BG). From 2010 until last fall, she was the top staffer at the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies. Prior to that, she was a budget analyst at HHS for eight years and interned there for two years previously. She knows how things work. When she left Capitol Hill last October, she did so because she felt she could do more good as an advocate helping public health navigate the appropriations process. We have known her for years as a source. Now she is out there helping people work through the systems she knows inside and out. When she worked for the great Sen. Tom Harkin (D‐Iowa), with whom she was in lockstep on policy, legislative language was clear and to the point. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which had been hankering to get SAPT BG money into mental health, was put in its place more than once. There was no tinkering with the law. Thank you for your years of service, Lisa, and welcome to the exciting world of the private sector. To reach her, email Lisa.Bernhardt@LKBStrategies.com .  相似文献   


Patients younger than 1 year of age may be diagnosed with paroxysmal disorder, or infantile masturbation. It remains unclear whether the paroxysmal disorder seen in infants who have yet to develop self-awareness or ideas about sex is equivalent to the masturbatory orgasm seen later on in childhood, when the patient has a clear self-awareness and sexual interest. This article details a case that may answer this question. Paroxysmal disorder was initially observed in a female patient at an age of 5 months. It presented regularly throughout her infancy and childhood, up age 8 years. She described the sensations that she experienced during episodes as pleasant as early as age 3 years. In a clinical interview, she confirmed that she experienced pleasure with the rhythmic contractions of her vagina, suggestive of episodes of masturbatory orgasm. This suggests that the paroxysmal disorder seen in infancy is most likely similar to the masturbatory orgasm seen in childhood. The scientific and clinical meaning of early paroxysmal disorder in sexual medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

Methods used to locate and study 899 home-based workers and their households in nine states are described in detail, with emphasis on the rationale behind the decisions about the definition of home-based work, sampling, the development of the interview schedule, data collection procedures, and data preparation. More than 10% of all households in the nine states include someone who is engaged in home-based work; 7% of the households have a member who has been engaged in the activity for more than 1 year and who spends at least 312 hours annually in the activity. The respondents have a mean age of 42.5 years, and have completed a mean of 13.8 years of education. More than half live in communities of 2,500 or over, and have lived there for more than 10 years. More than 40% of the sample consist of individuals who are married and have children living in the home. The average household income in 1988 was just over $42,000.This article reports results from the Cooperative Regional Research Project, NE-167, entitled, At-Home Income Generation: Impact on Management, Productivity and Stability in Rural/Urban Families, partially supported by the Cooperative States Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Experiment Stations at the University of Hawaii, Iowa State University, Lincoln University (Missouri), Michigan State University, Cornell University (New York), The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Utah State University, and the University of Vermont.In addition to at-home income generation, her research interests include divorce settlements and time use. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1978.Her current research interests include family resource management in Mexico, determinants and consequences of intergenerational co-residence, as well as family management in households in which there is at-home income generation. She received her Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1970.Her dissertation involves the estimation of a reservation age for home-based workers.She has had 15 years of experience in survey research, 10 years as Projects Coordinator, and served as Project Manager for this study.  相似文献   

When the time came for me to leave on a sabbatical to do research in Mississippi, I had to leave my 32-year-old daughter, who suffers short-term memory loss due to a cancerous brain tumor she had when she was 15. Leaving became a traumatic moment for me as she had just received notice that she could move into an apartment. She had been on a waiting list for a place for over a year. In some ways, I believed that the timing for my sabbatical could not have been worse for our family. Still, my other four children, my husband, and I moved her as we wanted her to have this opportunity for semi-independent living as soon as possible. Two weeks prior to my departure, I began writing a narrative capturing my emotions, detailing how difficult my getting off was for me.  相似文献   

On my own terms     

Carol Conaway prepared this excerpt from her political memoir-in-progress. She examines her experiences as an African American lesbian living her dream of becoming a Jew. The work focuses on how she navigated her initial naïveté about the prejudices she encountered in response to her combination of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and mental illness. Conaway’s work to co-found a community of lesbian and gay Jews in Boston marked a defining moment in her history.  相似文献   

Twin brothers aged 12 attended a special needs boarding school which had provision for children with emotional disturbances and other disabilities. While they were at home during the holidays, their mother overheard a conversation between them which led her to suspect abuse. She asked them several questions and decided to contact the police. An investigation began which also included interviewing several other boys, some of whom had been removed from the twins' school and were attending a school elsewhere. The evidence obtained from a number of the boys was considered to be strong enough for the Crown Prosecution Service to take the case forward. Almost a year after the mother's initial referral the committal hearing took place. Lobbying from a local voluntary organization resulted in screens being used in the courtroom which would otherwise not have been provided. The case was heard and transferred to the Crown Court for trial. The magistrate in the committal hearing made clear recommendations that the children's disabilities and the delay there had already been in bringing the case to court should determine that the subsequent trial needed to take place as soon as possible. However, more delays ensued and the final date was established almost a year later. The children each spent between 2 and 6 hours in the witness-box. The defence counsel frequently focused on their disabilities in questioning the validity of their evidence. The twins were expecting to give evidence by video-link, but the delays meant they were considered too old to be ‘vulnerable’ witnesses and had to speak in open court. The first twin's evidence was not completed in one day and the mother was told that she could not talk to either of them about the case, nor could they stay together that night. She was told that she had to choose which of her distressed sons to take home and that she had to make alternative arrangements for the other child. She was given no support in making the decision. In addition to this distress, during the day she had witnessed the defence counsel's attitude to her son, who had severe hearing difficulties. The defence counsel had laughed at the child's difficulty in hearing and said, ‘Can't hear or is it that you don't want to answer?’ One of the other children was humiliated by the defence counsel saying, ‘Who would want a smelly, shitty boy on their lap, no-one hugs smelly, shitty boys like you?’. The child was giving evidence on video-link and became so upset he was ‘switched off’ so that he was no longer visible to the court. Another child had epilepsy and counsel argued that he could not put questions to the child in case the child had a fit. In addition, an ‘expert’ witness who had seen some of the children 5 years previously stated categorically that ‘these children are born liars’. The outcome of this trial was that the headmaster was found guilty on several counts and received an 18-month prison sentence.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代初,高中毕业的卓长立成为济南染织厂的一名挡车工。十年之后她开始创业,承包濒临倒闭的宾馆并把资产做到了几百万。2004年她接手济南市妇联创办的公益性家政服务机构“阳光大姐”,成为济南阳光大姐服务有限责任公司总经理。七年来,在她的带领下,阳光大姐在全国有了68家连锁机构、两万人的服务员队伍,培训服务员七万多人次。2010年,阳光大姐为将近十万个家庭提供了优质的服务。  相似文献   

Anne Sved Williams is a perinatal and infant psychiatrist, who was trained in family therapy at the Ackerman Family Institute in New York, in 1976–77. In 1979, she was one of two women (the late Eleanor Wertheim being the other) invited to join the original Editorial Board of this journal. She is Director of Helen Mayo House and Psychiatric Services to the Women's and Babies Division, Women's and Children's Hospital Adelaide. She is a Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Adelaide. In speaking with Colin MacKenzie, she recalls her introduction to family therapy, her training, her decision to move away from repair work with parents needing help in parenting adolescent children, in order to start ‘at the beginning’ with the parents of infants. She speaks of her pride in the ANZJFT's continuing tradition of Education Update, originally Anne's own initiative.  相似文献   

和许多同龄的中国女生相比,程秧秧的生活或许更加绚丽多彩。在香港学习,去美国工作,成为网络上颇具人气的语言老师.同时也是介绍好莱坞最新资讯的周播电视节目《Hello!好莱坞》的当家主持:29岁的秧秧用自己的亲身经历证明——只要够努力,一定有收获!  相似文献   

Premarital sex is becoming increasingly more common in China. As a result, there is a greater need for pregnancy termination, often in very young women. This paper presents case vignettes of 4 Chinese women who were forced, by a variety of circumstances, to undergo induced abortion. C, a 23-year-old shop assistant, was planning marriage and had obtained housing when she discovered she was pregnant. However, her shop manager, whose sexual advances she had spurned, refused to give her a letter of reccommendation for a marriage certificate. M came from the countryside to Shanghai, hoping that through her work as a maid, she would be able to amass modern possessions such as a television and stereo. When this proved impossible on her wage of 40 yuan/month, she engaged in prostitution for 10 yuan/night and did not even know the name of the man who impregnated her. W, a 13-year-old aspiring actress, found that having sexual relations with the director of her theater troupe was the only way to get a leading role. She won the role, but was unable to perform due to her pregnancy. B, a college woman, planned to marry when she learned she was pregnant but broke off the relationship when she discovered the extent of her financee's possessiveness. She became engaged to another man, but he rejected her when she revealed that she was not a virgin. These vignettes demonstrate the extent to which modernization has placed Chinese women in complex psychological situations as they struggle to liberate themselves from traditionalism.  相似文献   

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