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Although most social work students are primarily interested in micro practice, the Council on Social Work Education mandates teaching macro practice. The challenge of incorporating meaningful and relevant community assignments within practice courses is noted in the literature (Koerin, Reeves, & Rosenblum, 2000 Koerin, B. B., Reeves, J. and Rosenblum, A. 2000. Macro-learning opportunities: What is really happening out there in field?. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 6(1): 109121.  [Google Scholar]). This article discusses the Experiential Community Assessment Project (ECAP) that integrates social work practice skills through interviewing a community leader, attending a community meeting, and using publicly available data to assess at risk neighborhoods. Grounded in experiential learning theory, a series of reflection papers are used to help students process what they are learning. A capstone poster presentation is required at the end. Suggestions and recommendations are made for using or adapting this project within other social work curricula.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study is to evaluate graduate social work student experiences of pedagogy intended to improve competency in family therapy practice. Students from two classes (N = 37) completed open‐ended surveys assessing: perceptions of most helpful pedagogical practices; understanding of needed competencies; and perceived opportunities offered to them during their graduate training for learning about work with couples and families. Results, analysed using grounded theory methodology, revealed that students: (1) believed that experiential activities were especially critical for learning how to do clinical practice with couples and families; (2) understood important competencies related to professional development, therapeutic engagement with the family, and how to approach family practice; and (3) believed they were ‘somewhat prepared’ for practice. Implications include improving understanding of abstract skills in practice with couples and families, and emphasising relationship dynamics more in graduate social work education and training.  相似文献   

Despite the increased importance of producing social workers who are prepared to evaluate practice, there is a paucity of literature addressing the pedagogical challenges of program evaluation courses. The present study evaluates the structure and pedagogical approach of a newly implemented program evaluation course. The course took a team-based, experiential learning approach to designing a program evaluation plan for students’ field placement agencies. Five student-led focus groups (N = 44) were conducted at the conclusion of the course to address two aims: to assess student perceptions of the content, structure, and delivery of the course; and to assess student attitudes toward applied research. Data were collected between November and December 2014 in a public university’s graduate social work program in the northeastern United States. The steps of grounded theory data analysis were implemented to elicit major themes from student feedback. Results suggest that perceptions of applicability play a central role in shaping student attitudes toward program evaluation. Experiential and team-based pedagogical approaches appear to increase accessibility of course content for students. Suggestions for enhancing student learning in program evaluation courses are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a pilot of a cross-national learning process within the context of social work education. The pilot was carried out in the electronic environment by students from four European universities (Hogeschool Utrecht, Sheffield, Tartu and Vilnius). The analysis of the social work case of a disabled person was aimed at developing students’ abilities to make sensitive cross-national comparisons, to communicate within a different language and cultural context and to demonstrate understanding between practice and policy in a different country. Students’ reflections revealed the relevance of cross-cultural social work case analysis for developing future social workers’ professional and personal competencies. The study offered new insights into the social reality of the students’ own countries, into social work education and practice, and provided a broader understanding of international social work trends. The evaluation of the piloted e-learning programme indicated the advantages and limitations of long distance, cross-national learning.

Straipsnyje pristatomi socialinio darbo studentams skirtos elektroninio mokymosi programos bandymo tarptautiniu lygiu rezultatai. Programos bandyme dalyvavo keturiu Europos auk?tuju mokyklu studentai (?efildo, Tartu, Vilniaus universitetu ir Utrechto Hogeschool). Elektronineje erdveje jiems buvo pateiktas neigalaus asmens problemi?kos socialines adaptacijos atvejis, kuri, vadovaujant destytojams, jie turejo sinchroni?kai i?analizuoti programoje nurodytomis pakopomis. Mokymo programos tikslas – ugdyti studentu tarpkulturine kompetencija, gebejimus atlikti lyginamaja analize, padeti jiems giliau suprasti ry?i tarp skirtingu ?aliu socialines politikos ir socialinio darbo praktikos. Studentu refleksijos bei atvejo sprendimo proceso analize parode, kad tokia programa yra tinkama ugdyti busimu socialiniu darbuotoju profesine ir asmenine kompetencija tarptautiniu lygiu. Vertindami elektroninio mokymosi programa, studentai konstatavo, kad ji leido jiems naujai pazvelgti i savo ?aliu socialine situacija, geriau suprasti tarptautinio socialinio darbo tendencijas ir suteike lyginamuju tyrimu patirties. Programos bandymas padejo identifikuoti ir distancinio mokymo trukumus, i kuriuos butina atsizvelgti taikant ja ateityje.

In dit artikel worden de resultaten van de pilot van een e-learning programma gepresenteerd waaraan Social Work opleidingen van verschillende Europese universiteiten en hogescholen hebben deelgenomen (Hogeschool Utrecht, Vilnius University, Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield en University of Tartu). Een Nederlandse casus over de begeleiding van de werksituatie van een verstandelijk gehandicapte cliënt vormde het uitgangspunt. Gedurende een periode van 10 weken, maakte van elk land een groep van 4 studenten een analyse en interventieplan. De resultaten van digitaal verstrekte opdrachten werden met elkaar vergeleken. De bedoeling was dat studenten op deze wijze inzicht verwerven in diversiteit van benaderingen binnen Social Work in Europa. Het resultaat van de pilot is dat minstens zoveel overeenkomsten als verschillen in de Social Work praktijk en het onderwijs zichtbaar werden. Internationale trends konden worden onderscheiden. In een evaluatie van het e-learning programma worden de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van grensoverschrijdend afstandsonderwijs besproken.  相似文献   

Informed by institutional ethnography approaches, this study includes interviews with 3 young transmen (21–29) about their experiences regarding Canadian health care and the work they perform to access care. Semistructured interviews were used to gather data that were then analyzed to identify key aspects of participants’ experiences and perceptions. Findings describe the extra work transmen perform to compensate for a lack of provider competence in transgender health care. Influences of the dominant gender binary ideology as it shapes the health care experiences of transmen are discussed. This article calls for social workers to challenge the gender binary and use practice frameworks informed by transgender theory.  相似文献   


This article posits that an integrative research partnership model can assist school counselors in addressing the marginalization of transgender students in schools through staff development. A methodological integration of action research and program evaluation through quantitative and qualitative data collection is explained, and a collaborative process is highlighted. A case example is provided to demonstrate the use of the design.  相似文献   

Despite conflicting forecasts about the pace and extent of technological changes that lie ahead, it is difficult to dispute the impact that advances in automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence have already had on work in the United States and globally. Hirschi ( 2018 ) provided an excellent discussion of these developments and what they may mean for career clients, practitioners, and researchers. The author aims to complement Hirschi's contribution by (a) amplifying the nature of the challenges faced by workers, both currently and in the foreseeable future, and (b) considering steps that may be taken by career development experts, both individually and collectively, to meet these challenges. These steps include advocacy for displaced workers, participation in dialogues to transform educational institutions, and efforts to extend the range of counseling interventions to prepare clients for a career future that may be far less stable for increasing numbers of workers.  相似文献   


This chapter describes the development of a Web-based undergraduate child welfare course for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners. Rather than simply incorporate an Aboriginal perspective into Eurocentric pedagogies and course structures, the authors disrupt the dominance of Western ways of knowing in education by designing the course to situate Western knowledge as a way of knowing rather than the way of knowing and the frame from which all other perspectives are understood. In this research the authors describe the differences between Aboriginal and European thought and reveal how Web-based courses can be designed in ways that do not perpetuate Eurocentrism.  相似文献   


Objectives: Prejudice against transgender people is evident around the world with discrimination in many aspects of life, including access to health care. Even in Thailand, where male-to-female (MTF) transgender people are particularly visible and society is reputedly accepting, barriers to attaining appropriate health care still exist. The vast majority of MTF transgender people in Thailand are reported to be taking hormone therapy; however, most do not seek medical advice regarding these regimens, with the initiation and tailoring of medication often being guided by sympathetic peers instead. The objectives of this review are to consider hormone therapy in the context of the Thai population and provide recommendations regarding ways to improve practice and reduce health risks. Methods: The data analysis in this article represents a comprehensive literature review regarding hormone therapy for MTF transgender people including the guidelines for initiation, prescribing, and monitoring of hormone therapy, risks for serious adverse events and reported hormone use by the MTF transgender population in Thailand. Results: There is a notable lack of published research regarding hormone therapy in the transgender population. Guidelines, whilst relying considerably on expert opinion, do provide clear recommendations on the initiation, maintenance and monitoring of hormone therapy. Comparison of endocrine guidelines with reported practice in Thailand reveals significant opportunities for improvement in MTF transgender hormone therapy. Conclusions: The incautious use of hormone therapy may represent a considerable health risk behavior undoubtedly contributing to the morbidity and mortality in MTF transgender people. Although there is currently considerable focus on sexually transmitted infections in the MTF transgender population, a more comprehensive approach to health care is required, including education for transgender people and the health professionals who attend to them regarding appropriate hormone therapy.  相似文献   


This paper describes the design, development, pilot, and revision of a predominantly web-based macro social work practice course on administrative skills required for all MSW students at Michigan State University, a Research I, land grant university. The course was intentionally developed in stages, first in a face-to-face (F2F) and interactive video (ITV) setting and then predominantly online after content revision and update. The course uses streamed videotaped lectures as a central teaching format, with extensive use of discussion boards and other interactive tools. The contributions made by the F2F and ITV iteration will be highlighted, along with lessons learned from multiple online replications.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the growing number of temporary employment contracts in the public sector on equal opportunity theory, policy and practice. Quantitative and qualitative data from two case study local authorities are utilized to examine the mechanisms by which temporary work becomes an equal opportunities issue. A strong association between part‐time work and temporary employment status is demonstrated as an important aspect of the gendered nature of temporary work. Links between ethnicity and temporary work are less clear but are based upon the insecurity of targeted funding for teachers and the under‐valuation of the skills of the workers concerned. The data indicate that temporary workers are largely excluded from equal opportunity policy and practice, bringing into question a concept of equality that can permit less favourable treatment for certain groups of workers. It is argued that public sector restructuring, particularly concerning decentralization and the quest for flexibility, has facilitated the differential treatment of employees, thereby fundamentally eroding the basis of equal opportunity policy and practice.  相似文献   

In light of persistent discrimination, many individuals who are transgender lack a safe space to connect with others. Social media has become a platform for establishing social ties, receiving education, and sharing of resources that may not otherwise be available to individuals on the margins of society. Yet little is understood about the role of social media in the lives of individuals who are transgender. In this qualitative study, the researchers examined the experiences of adults who are transgender (N = 5) who use social media. The current study also explored possible benefits and hindrances of social media for individuals who are transgender. Two main themes emerged: social media as a resource and a path to self and authenticity. The researchers encourage counselors to become familiar with various social networking sites and their privacy settings, and propose using a theoretical framework to guide counseling work with individuals who are transgender to reflect on social media connections and disconnections.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine the experiences and needs of an international sample of current, English-speaking, lesbian, transgender-identified (trans-lesbian) adults around a number of later life and end-of-life perceptions, preparations, and concerns. I analyzed a subset (n = 276) of the cross-sectional data collected from the online Trans MetLife Survey on Later-Life Preparedness and Perceptions in Transgender-Identified Individuals (N = 1,963). I assessed perceptions and fears around aging, preparation for later life, and end-of-life as well as numerous demographic and psycho-social variables. Despite the overall feeling that they have aged successfully, the respondent trans-lesbian population harbors significant fears about later life. I found that this population, while better-prepared than the overall respondent trans-identified population, is still ill-prepared for the major legalities and events that occur in the later to end-of-life time periods.  相似文献   


This study sought to identify dimensions of culturally sensitive clinical practice by comparing the personal clinical styles of Latino and non-Latino clinicians, and their clinical decisions in respect to Latino immigrant clients. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Sixty Latino American clinicians and 47 non-Latino (White) clinicians in Northern California completed the Achieving Styles Inventory (ASI) which yields information on direct, instrumental and relational styles. Demographic data were obtained as well as information on language proficiency and years of clinical experience. Statistical analysis included uses of t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis and revealed significant differences between the two groups in personal achieving styles within all three domains. There were no significant differences on the demographic variables. Nine clinician members of each ethnic group were interviewed in-depth through non-directive interviewing styles to assess their clinical decision making via use of a case vignette. Content analysis pointed to similarities and differences in proposed assessment and intervention strategies. The Latino group displayed more culturally relevant interpretations. The non-Latino clinicians were more directive and instrumental than the Latinos who put more emphasis on self disclosure, case management, use of Spanish with the client, and crisis intervention. This finding is consistent with both the quantitative data analysis of ASI hypotheses and the expected linguistic/cultural findings of the qualitative content analysis. Bilingual non-Latino White clinicians showed more cultural sensitivity and competence than the monolingual non-Latino clinicians. These findings suggest that linguistic/cultural match and linguistic/cultural compatibility are important in cross-cultural clinical practice.  相似文献   

A project with children and juveniles in a detention centre confronts social work students with their own perceptions and experiences of being direct or indirect victims of crime, with their own values and with integrating the values and principles of social work. Within an ecological perspective, past and present issues in the country's context influence perceptions and personal values. The project challenges these perceptions and value systems. Feedback include that students realise they should not judge the young people; that these youngsters have dignity and worth in spite of where they come from and the crime they committed; that they deserve respect and should be accepted for who they are. The article discusses professional values and principles in social work and provides a case study of dealing with undergraduate social work students' fears, emotions and prejudices in teaching and integrating social work values and principles.  相似文献   


In this article a mental health trainer and a group facilitator explore the background to developing a new protocol to manage the re-approval of mental health social workers in an inner London borough. The new procedure involved social workers attending a series of small group sessions in which they were invited to present and reflect on their work with clients. The dynamics of these sessions and particularly some of the transferential material between group members and facilitator are explored here. The significance for mental health social work, post-qualifying learning and the possibilities of reflective practice is considered.  相似文献   

The relevance of doctoral education is being questioned across a wide spectrum of disciplines, and social work is no exception. An examination of the history of social work education in the United States provides a backdrop to the current challenges in doctoral education in the field. The historical role of research and teaching in social work education, the structure of doctoral social work education in the United States including the Ph.D. vs. the DSW, and the growth of doctoral programs are all examined. Current issues explored include: the interdisciplinary nature of practice; increased institutional focus on funded research; support for underrepresented doctoral students; and the need for doctoral students to be trained in pedagogy. Suggestions on how to address these issues are provided in order to enhance social work’s mission of teaching, research and service.  相似文献   


As more universities and other places of higher learning respond to the changing needs of the community-bound learner, new technologies are being harnessed to shift the delivery of historically “classroom-bound” programs to alternate and more universally accessible formats. This article describes how an online course uses interactive exercises to engage students in mutual exploration of cross and/or interdisciplinary work. The course serves students from various professional schools, including social work, child and youth care, nursing, and education. Through the use of online discussion and case-study role-plays, it facilitates an experiential learning environment that is reflective of the student's own practice in a learning setting.  相似文献   


The heart of social work is relationship. IVT literature implies obstacles to interaction, but overlooks the centrality of relationship and challenges in distance education for teaching and modeling social work relationships. This article addresses how to ensure in the moderately-sized (40 students) IVT classroom that relationship remains integral to effective social work practice.  相似文献   

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