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This paper investigates the satisfaction of gay male, lesbian, and bisexual college students with their counseling experiences. The sample of 31 research participants was interviewed using the Gay/Bisexual Counseling Satisfaction Survey, a demographic questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results indicated strong satisfaction with current counseling and counselors. Sexual orientation issues and loneliness were the most frequent presenting problems; these were positively associcated with counseling satisfaction, as was reporting barriers to counseling. BDI scores were copmarable to nonclinical samples, although there was frequent reporting of suicidal ideation. Implications for service delivery to this population are discussed.  相似文献   

Career decision-making is a critical task for high school students, yet little is known about how career interventions affect their decision-making skills and self-efficacy. We investigated the outcome of a career intervention in a Chinese high school setting to determine whether it would reduce the difficulties students faced in making a career decision and elevate their self-efficacy in career exploration. A career intervention course was delivered to 413 high school students (228 female, 185 male) who completed a demographic questionnaire, the Major Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (Peng & Long, 2003), and the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire–Chinese Version (Shen, 2005) before and after the intervention. Results indicated that the intervention had a positive impact on reducing students' difficulties making career decisions but had mixed results on career self-efficacy. Proactive, systematic, multilevel, and structured interventions over longer periods of time would likely help youth develop their career decision-making skills.  相似文献   

In this article, the career decision making of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals is discussed in the framework of personal (interests, values, and skills) and environmental factors and their interactive influences. Suggestions for research and practice are proposed.  相似文献   

People construct moral identities for being a supportive affiliate of stigmatized groups. To extend past research that focused on such identities within formal organizations, this study seeks to identify the process of moral identity construction in a personal setting—friendships between gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) people and straight people. Analyzing data from in‐depth interviews with college students, we show that straight students claim moral worth by emphasizing their deliberate decisions to develop and sustain friendships with GLB people and by highlighting how the friendships led them to personal enlightenment and political engagement. GLB students, as a stigmatized group, also claim moral worth by emphasizing their ability to transcend the community boundary and to be accepted in the larger society. Students make such claims as they strategically link these aspects of cross‐orientation friendships to existing moral discourses in the larger society and draw on resources available in the organizational and life course contexts.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of perceived career barriers on career decidedness among first-generation college (FGC) students (n = 149) and non-FGC students (n = 182) at a 4-year university (mean age = 19.3 years). Participants responded online to measures of perceived career barriers and career decidedness. Results indicated that FGC students scored higher on lack of support and lack of time and financial resources than non-FGC students. For both groups, higher levels of perceived lack of skills were related to lower levels of career decidedness, whereas greater levels of family-related responsibilities predicted higher levels of career decidedness. FGC student status moderated the association between perceived lack of time/financial resources and career decidedness. Further research is needed to investigate the differential effects of various domains of career barriers. Career counselors are advised to consider FGC students' perceived career barriers in guiding students' career exploration and decision-making.  相似文献   

Relevance of disclosure of minority sexual orientation on subjective (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) was analyzed. Participants were 236 men and 238 women self-identified as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) or heterosexual. No differences in SWB were found between heterosexuals and LGBs. Heterosexual women showed greater environmental mastery than bisexual men and greater purpose in life than lesbian and bisexual women. Outcomes showed greater well-being among LGBs who disclosed their minority sexual orientation to parents later in life. Disclosing minority sexual orientation to parents was related with greater PWB. Further research that takes a differential approach to improve well-being for LGBs is needed.  相似文献   

The contact hypothesis (Allport, 1954 Allport, G. W. 1954. The nature of prejudice, Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.  [Google Scholar]) suggests that a speaker panel intervention may be effective in reducing prejudice toward sexual minorities among heterosexual individuals. Addressing methodological limitations of prior studies, the present study compared the effects of a speaker panel presentation versus a control condition in altering attitudes among 186 heterosexual university students. After controlling for context effects by collecting attitude measures presumably as part of a separate study, we found that students who received the speaker panel intervention generally demonstrated more positive attitudes afterward.  相似文献   

Previous research on calling has resulted in a model that relates living a calling to life satisfaction through job satisfaction and life meaning. However, no research has examined this model in a lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) population. With a sample of 171 sexual minority adults, the current study aimed to (a) test the fit of an established model of living a calling and life satisfaction and (b) examine how having a supportive LGB workplace climate functioned within this model. Results revealed an excellent fit of the model and that a supportive LGB workplace climate predicted both living a calling and job satisfaction. In addition, the relation of living a calling to life satisfaction was fully mediated by life meaning and job satisfaction, and the relation of climate to life satisfaction was mediated by job satisfaction. These results suggest an expansion of the potential utility of the calling construct to an LGB population.  相似文献   

Sexuality scholars have noted the historical connection between appearance and gay or lesbian identity. However, as the social landscape for lesbian women and gay men has shifted over the past forty years, little research has documented how such changes influence gay and lesbian individuals' appearance choices as they form, manage, and maintain their identities. To explore the impact of this “post‐closet” ( Seidman 2002 ) era on the identities and appearances of lesbians and gays, in‐depth interviews were conducted with twenty individuals, aged eighteen to thirty. Findings suggest that while most people use appearance to attain a sense of authenticity after “coming out,” achieving a feeling of authenticity in gay and lesbian spaces presents unique challenges as individuals come under scrutiny by the community.  相似文献   


The author and colleagues examined campus resources for gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) students at 119 US colleges to determine how the presence of such resources affected sexually active students' condom use. A random sample of unmarried, sexually active college students surveyed in 1999 completed questionnaires. Condom use was compared across schools with different levels of GLB resources. Condom use rates, analyzed by sex and sex-partner groups, ranged from 32% to 52%. With additional college variables controlled for, GLB resources were positively associated with the proportion of sexually active students who used condoms (p < .001). This association existed primarily for students with only opposite-sex partners. The author's findings suggest that campus resources for GLB students may be associated with college students' condom use.  相似文献   

This article reviews new scholarship on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families. The past decade witnessed rapid expansion of data and strong research designs. The most notable advance was in studies on variation among mostly planned lesbian comother families. Cumulative evidence suggests that although many of these families have comparatively high levels of shared labor and parental investment, they may not be as “genderless” as previously depicted. Gay men's diverse paths to family formation and planned parenthood have also been explored, but almost no research studies their children's experiences. Conceptualizations of sexual orientation expanded to include bisexuals and others, and some understanding of the experiences of transgender people has begun to emerge. Future work should explore relationships among members of the families they create.  相似文献   

The author, on the basis of an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature as well as the relevant opportunities and threats, proposes future directions for career counseling with lesbian, gay male, bisexual male and female, and transgendered persons. Suggestions include efforts for theory development, empirical research, career assessment, counseling practice, and counselor education.  相似文献   

The authors sought to test work-family conflict (WFC) theory by examining how family relationships may influence WFC, social self-efficacy, and self-esteem. They developed and tested a structural model of the relationship between family career influence and self-esteem through the mediating variables of anticipated emotion-based WFC, behavior-based WFC, and the cognitive variable of social self-efficacy. Data were collected from 301 college students (208 women, 93 men) and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that family career influence positively related to college students' self-esteem through the mediating variables of social self-efficacy and emotion-based WFC. Behavior-based WFC did not function as a mediating variable. When focusing on issues related to students' self-esteem, career counselors should address ways that family influences anticipated emotion-based WFC and use interventions designed to increase social self-efficacy. Future researchers should consider and test additional mediating factors that may help explain how the dimensions of WFC relate to self-esteem.  相似文献   

Abstract Objective: The investigators examined the health and well-being correlates of hearing the popular phrase "that's so gay" among gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) emerging adults. Participants: Participants were 114 self-identified GLB students aged 18 to 25?years. Methods: An online survey was distributed to students at a large public university in the Midwest during winter 2009. Results: Participants' social and physical well-being was negatively associated with hearing this phrase, specifically feeling isolated and experiencing physical health symptoms (ie, headaches, poor appetite, or eating problems). Conclusions: College professionals and student leaders must acknowledge that the phrase is a form of heterosexist harassment. As such, policies addressing diversity and harassment should address students' use of this phrase, aiming to reduce its use. Additionally, colleges and universities should develop practices that counteract poorer well-being associated with hearing the phrase.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in career decision-making self-efficacy, trait anxiety, and ethnic identity for 687 undergraduates (589 Whites, 98 racial and ethnic minorities). Significant differences by race and major (declared, undeclared) indicated that White students had higher career decision-making self-efficacy and lower trait anxiety, ethnic identity, and other-group orientation. Declared students had higher career decision-making self-efficacy and lower trait anxiety. Ethnic variables (ethnic identity, other-group orientation) were more significant predictors of career decision-making self-efficacy and trait anxiety for racial and ethnic minorities than for Whites. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Many researchers of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents describe them as an “invisible” minority. These youth are also one of the most “at risk” youth populations, as they often experience a range of problems related to society's stigmatization of same-sex orientation. Although sexual orientation is not necessarily related to heightened difficulties, lack of social support, infrequent positive interactions, and chronic stress may lead to increased problem behaviors for these youth. To further understand the risk and protective factors experienced by sexual minority adolescents, this article explores a number of these factors and reviews the current empirical research on specific topics, including: family, peer and school, substance use, suicide, and HIV/AIDS issues. Finally, practice implications are discussed to guide clinicians in working more effectively with this youth population.  相似文献   


This article calls attention to the lack of knowledge concerning alcohol and other drug (AOD) use in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations. Twenty-five Internet Web sites related to the LGBT substance use are reviewed.  相似文献   


While the new economic globalization provides the overarching context for human development, the influence of political economy on personal values, beliefs, and behaviors is not usually directly addressed in the HBSE texts and coursework. Making the connections between the dimly visible structures of global capitalism and the lives of students and clients in the U.S. is challenging. This paper makes a case for the inclusion of content on globalization in HBSE and presents two dynamic “experiments” aimed at increasing student insight into the political and economic roots of human behavior in Western society.  相似文献   

Gerontologists and developmental researchers have neglected the study of sexual orientation among older adults. The apparent assumptions are either that it does not exist or that it is not necessary to know; consequently, older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults remain invisible groups with the exception of a relatively small number of studies using convenience samples. This article examines some conceptual, practical and ethical challenges involved in designing and conducting research among older LGB adults. The limitations and emphases of extant research and the challenges in conducting such research are examined. The design of two studies that focused on mental and physical health and on care-giving among older LGB adults are discussed to suggest ways of meeting the challenges.  相似文献   

A small literature has addressed psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) samples over the past two decades. Older adults have also been investigated in a growing number of psychotherapy research studies. However, psychotherapy specifically with LGBT older adults has not received adequate investigation. This review relies on converging lines of research to provide an integrated discussion of evidence-based psychological treatments (EBTs) with current research and clinical observations in the field of gerontology and suggests ways in which these topics can inform psychotherapy practice with LGBT older adults. We summarize current research on aging in several areas of practical interest to psychotherapists seeking to apply EBTs in their work with LGBT older adults. These areas include: adult development, coping, stigmatization, social context, and the effects of cohort membership. The results of these studies belie stereotypes regarding both the aging process, in general, and more specifically LGBT older adulthood, with significant implications for the practice of psychotherapy. EBTs are adaptable to a variety of issues encountered in later life by LGBT older adults, and these modifications to therapeutic technique are addressed throughout.  相似文献   

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