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This article examines the potential of pre- and post-disaster instruments for funding disaster response and recovery and for creating incentives for flood loss mitigation in countries with emerging or transition economies. As a concrete case, we discuss the disaster recovery arrangements following the 1997 flood disaster in Poland. We examine the advantages and limitations of hedging instruments, which are instruments for transferring the risk to investors either through insurance or capital market-based securities. We compare these mechanisms with financing instruments whereby the government sets aside funds prior to a disaster or taps its own funding sources after the event occurs. We show how hedging instruments can be designed to create incentives for the mitigation of damage to public infrastructure using the flood proofing of a water-treatment plant on the hypothetical Topping River as an illustrative example. We conclude that hedging instruments can be an attractive alternative to financing instruments that have been traditionally used in the poorer, emerging-economy countries to fund disaster recovery. Since very poor countries are likely to have difficulty paying the price of protection prior to a disaster, we suggest that international lending institutions consider innovations for subsidizing these payments.  相似文献   

We argue that one reason why emerging economies borrow short term is that it is cheaper than borrowing long term. This is especially the case during crises, as during these episodes the relative cost of long‐term borrowing increases. We construct a unique database of sovereign bond prices, returns, and issuances at different maturities for 11 emerging economies from 1990 to 2009 and present a set of new stylized facts. On average, these countries pay a higher risk premium on long‐term than on short‐term bonds. During crises, the difference between the two risk premia increases and issuance shifts towards shorter maturities. To illustrate our argument, we present a simple model in which the maturity structure is the outcome of a risk‐sharing problem between an emerging economy subject to rollover crises and risk‐averse international investors.  相似文献   

We construct measures of net private and public capital flows for a large cross‐section of developing countries considering both creditor and debtor side of the international debt transactions. Using these measures, we demonstrate that sovereign‐to‐sovereign transactions account for upstream capital flows and global imbalances. Specifically, we find that (i) international net private capital flows (inflows minus outflows of private capital) are positively correlated with countries' productivity growth, (ii) net sovereign debt flows (government borrowing minus reserves) are negatively correlated with growth only if net public debt is financed by another sovereign, (iii) net public debt financed by private creditors is positively correlated with growth, (iv) public savings are strongly positively correlated with growth, whereas correlation between private savings and growth is flat and statistically insignificant. These empirical facts contradict the conventional wisdom and constitute a challenge for the existing theories on upstream capital flows and global imbalances.  相似文献   

从项目筹资模式、基础设施投资担保现状及其运营模式视角出发,研究我国基础设施投资担保负担测度及其风险管理的问题。利用或有负债思想,分析了下限式担保、上下限式担保、比例上下限式担保三类担保的期权特性及其影响因素;运用实物期权方法,在不同担保方式下构建了担保负担评估模型,并对相应的项目投资担保负担进行了评估,结果显示,投资收益担保是担保负担最直接、最主要的来源,也是政府方的或有负债,基于此,在融资谈判中,政府方可以通过调整项目投资担保水平和项目投资担保方式来控制担保负担和锁定担保风险。  相似文献   

交通PPP项目的投资大、风险高。政府作为发起方,需要为项目提供担保以吸引社会资本方的参与,但过度依赖政府担保意味着:一旦发生数额较大的债务违约将会给财政造成巨大的负担,因此有必要谋求适宜的市场化融资渠道。为了协调PPP项目相关者的利益,本文在项目收益债的基础上嵌入了与项目未来收益挂钩的或有条款,并运用结构化方法中的Merton模型在风险中性情景下对融资产品进行了定价。最后,以某PPP交通项目为例,进行了具体的融资产品设计,计算了相应的产品价格和风险价差,并对某些关键条款进行了敏感性分析,结果表明该产品能够在有效减轻政府担保的基础上降低融资成本。  相似文献   

股票市场融资管制与公司最优资本结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资本市场不完美对企业融资和资本结构带来的"供给方效应"日益受到公司金融学术界关注。转轨时期的中国资本市场存在严格证券发行管制与金融创新管制,给企业融资和资本结构带来了供给方约束。本文选取了1993~2007年期间A股市场发生过股权再融资的上市公司为研究对象,研究股票再融资管制政策变更对上市公司资本结构的影响。结果表明,股票再融资管制政策的变更,是影响上市公司资本结构的重要因素;股票市场估值的"市场时机"并不是影响上市公司资本结构的显著因素。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how network embeddedness affects the exploration and exploitation of R&D project performance. By developing joint projects, partners and projects are linked to one another and form a network that generates social capital. We examine how the location, which determines the access to information and knowledge within a network of relationships, affects the performance of projects. We consider this question in the setup of exploration and exploitation projects, using a database built from an EU framework. We find that each of the structural embeddedness dimensions (degree, betweenness and eigenvector centrality) have a different impact on the exploration and exploitation project performance. Our empirical analysis extends to project management literature and social capital theory, by including the effect that the acquisition of external knowledge has on the performance of the project.  相似文献   

This article examines two possible strategies for financing post-disaster infrastructure rehabilitation in developing and transition countries: relying on ex ante financing instruments (including insurance, catastrophe bonds, and other risk-transfer instruments) and ex post borrowing or credit. Insurance and other ex ante instruments will increase a country's stability, especially if the government authorities have a difficult time borrowing or otherwise raising funds after a major disaster; however, these instruments have an opportunity cost and can reduce the country's economic growth potential. The cost-benefit tradeoff is therefore one between economic growth through infrastructure investment and added solvency and stability for the economy. This article develops a model to illustrate this tradeoff. The model, which views the infrastructure of a developing or transition country as a nondiversifiable portfolio that generates returns, can provide a basis for evaluating alternative financing options depending on the country's objectives in terms of growth, solvency, and stability.  相似文献   

The recent period of capital outflows from emerging economies has coincided with an increase in their corporate saving. In this paper, we model corporate saving as a demand for liquid assets by credit‐constrained firms in a dynamic open‐economy macroeconomic model. We find that the implications of this model are very different from standard models, because the demand for foreign bonds is a complement to domestic investment rather than a substitute. We show that this complementarity is at work when an emerging economy is on its convergence path or when it has a higher TFP growth rate. This framework is consistent with a number of stylized facts found in high‐growth, high‐investment emerging economies.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(3):620-634
Shared ownership of property and resources is a longstanding challenge throughout history that has been amplifying with the increasing development of industrial and postindustrial societies. Where governments, project planners, and commercial developers seek to develop new infrastructure, industrial projects, and various other land‐and resource‐intensive tasks, veto power shared by various local stakeholders can complicate or halt progress. Risk communication has been used as an attempt to address stakeholder concerns in these contexts, but has demonstrated shortcomings. These coordination failures between project planners and stakeholders can be described as a specific kind of social dilemma that we describe as the “tragedy of the anticommons.” To overcome such dilemmas, we demonstrate how a two‐step process can directly address public mistrust of project planners and public perceptions of limited decision‐making authority. This approach is examined via two separate empirical field experiments in Portugal and Tunisia, where public resistance and anticommons problems threatened to derail emerging industrial projects. In both applications, an intervention is undertaken to address initial public resistance to such projects, where specific public stakeholders and project sponsors collectively engaged in a hypothesis‐testing process to identify and assess human and environmental health risks associated with proposed industrial facilities. These field experiments indicate that a rigorous attempt to address public mistrust and perceptions of power imbalances and change the pay‐off structure of the given dilemma may help overcome such anticommons problems in specific cases, and may potentially generate enthusiasm and support for such projects by local publics moving forward.  相似文献   

Despite deregulation and privatization, governments in emerging economies continue to play important roles in private infrastructure projects, thereby exposing private investors to the risk of government reneging. The government's role as deal maker—and deal breaker—in infrastructure investments stems from its role as financier, customer, supplier, competitor, and/or regulator. (The only role governments have shed as a result of recent economic reforms is that of producer.) Based on the literature, I propose three explanations for government reneging: (1) economic uncertainty, which necessitates contract renegotiation; (2) the logic of the “obsolescing bargain,” which makes deals less attractive to governments ex post than they were ex ante; and (3) political change, which puts new leaders in charge with incentives to renege on old promises. I assert that these risks can be contained, respectively, through contract design, investment strategy, and institutional design. Using this framework, I conclude that Enron's strategy in the controversial Dabhol project in India was sensitive to first of the three factors and relatively less mindful of the other two. The policy implication for MNCs is that they should be attentive to all three factors that cause government reneging rather than just one or two.  相似文献   

“Why projects are late” is a fundamental issue in theory and in practice. One well‐established explanation is that a project's network structure can be a significant factor—the “fatter” or more parallel the project, the later the project completion. Herein we show that a lack of agility, which may frequently arise in projects when there are external resources, can also be a significant factor in project delays—both in more serial‐like projects as well as more parallel ones. Specifically, this article formally characterizes the concept of agility in projects, shows how a lack of agility can have a significant impact on a project, and gives some general properties on agility with respect to a project's structure.  相似文献   

本文将信息不对称引入到包含逆周期缓冲资本的分析框架,应用不完全信息条件下的信号传递理论,建立动态博弈模型,计算证券的风险中性价格,给出银行应用投资水平传递类型信号的单交叉条件,并研究了逆周期缓冲资本对银行投融资决策的影响。数值分析表明:逆周期缓冲资本能显著降低投资者的逆向选择成本,缓解银行投资扭曲程度,提升银行运营稳健性并导致银行提前投资。更为重要的是,只要设计合适的转股率,逆周期缓冲资本可以完全消除逆向选择成本。同时,结果进一步表明低成本银行更倾向于发行逆周期缓冲资本。  相似文献   

In the event of natural and man‐made disasters, owners of large‐scale infrastructure facilities (assets) need contingency plans to effectively restore the operations within the acceptable timescales. Traditionally, the insurance sector provides the coverage against potential losses. However, there are many problems associated with this traditional approach to risk transfer including counterparty risk and litigation. Recently, a number of innovative risk mitigation methods, termed alternative risk transfer (ART) methods, have been introduced to address these problems. One of the most important ART methods is catastrophe (CAT) bonds. The objective of this article is to develop an integrative model that links engineering design parameters with financial indicators including spread and bond rating. The developed framework is based on a four‐step structural loss model and transformed survival model to determine expected excess returns. We illustrate the framework for a seismically designed bridge using two unique CAT bond contracts. The results show a nonlinear relationship between engineering design parameters and market‐implied spread.  相似文献   

The theoretical literature on sovereign defaults has focused on adverse shocks to debtors' economies, suggesting that defaults are of an idiosyncratic nature. Still, sovereign debt crises are also of a systemic nature, clustered around panics in the financial center, such as the European Sovereign Debt Crisis in the aftermath of the US Subprime Crisis in 2008. Crises in the financial centers are rare disasters and, thus, their effects on the periphery can only be captured by examining long episodes. In this paper, we examine sovereign defaults from 1820 to the Great Depression, with a focus on Latin America. We find that 63% of the crises are of a systemic nature. These crises are different. Both the international collapse of liquidity and the growth slowdown in the financial centers are at their core. These global shocks trigger longer default spells and larger losses for investors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles of three elements of intellectual capital in implementing process innovations. Building upon prior literature, we develop a model describing how worker expertise, information sharing quality, and psychological safety work together as elements of the human, structural, and social dimensions of intellectual capital to influence the technical success of manufacturing process innovation (MPI) projects. Results of an analysis of data describing 179 MPI projects in US firms strongly support a multidimensional, process‐oriented view of intellectual capital's effects on MPI project technical performance. We also find that the incrementalness of an MPI project plays a moderating role over the relationship between worker expertise and MPI performance. Our study provides insights on how intellectual capital can be more effectively accumulated in a project environment.  相似文献   

通过引入新的融资工具或有可转换证券(CCS),应用最优控制和最优停时理论、分析基于实物期权视角下的公司最优投融资决策问题,计算了公司各证券价值、有限期破产概率及公司最优资本结构,获得代理成本为零的一个充分条件。数值仿真及静态比较分析表明:CCS作为融资工具能够降低投资项目破产风险和普通债券的收益率差价,能够显著增加实物期权的价值,促使管理者提前投资,且显著降低代理成本。  相似文献   

在风险投资项目选择过程中,决策者通常是有限理性的,会尽量避免选择可能会令其感到后悔的风险投资项目,而在涉及多个行业的风险投资项目选择过程中如何考虑决策者后悔规避的心理行为因素,这方面的研究特别需要关注。本文提出了一种涉及多个行业的考虑决策者后悔规避的风险投资项目选择方法。在该方法中,首先计算各风险投资项目在不同市场状态下的项目价值;然后,计算各组合市场状态发生的概率;进一步地,构建后悔函数刻画决策者后悔的心理感知,并通过计算不同行业的各风险投资项目的综合效用值得到风险投资项目的排序结果。最后,通过一个算例说明了本文提出方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of balancing the penalties associated with budgetary slack (being underbudget) and cost overruns in the project portfolio selection problem by addressing randomness in project costs and making individual project budgets decision variables. Setting the budget for a single project is shown to be analogous to the newsvendor problem. For related versions of the project portfolio selection problem we provide optimal and heuristic procedures. Numerical experiments are used to test the procedures and provide managerial guidelines. We show project budgets should be set so that each project in the portfolio has the same probability of running over budget, it is better to have a larger number of projects with less than ideal funding compared to a smaller number of projects with ideal funding, and substantial opportunities to select more projects with a higher expected profit are available if an aggregate portfolio budget is used.  相似文献   

While the competitive advantages of firms from developed economies are well understood, knowledge of the advantages that enable emerging market enterprises (EMEs) to expand overseas remains limited. Our analysis goes beyond theorizing that focuses on firm resources, enhancing the understanding of how EMEs expand abroad by internalizing home‐country institutional advantages that extend beyond the firm boundaries. More specifically, we examine how the state and institutional idiosyncrasies in the home country help EMEs internationalize. We demonstrate that state ownership has a strong independent effect on the international expansion of EMEs. This effect, however, is contingent upon firms' own resources and other location‐ and industry‐specific forces pertaining to the market orientation of each subnational region and the institutional policies within a given industry.  相似文献   

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