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互联网对青少年违法犯罪的影响正越来越引起社会的关注.舆论普遍认为互联网是导致青少年违法犯罪的首要因素.但笔者认为互联网对青少年违法犯罪的影响只是工具性的,它只是一个提供文化和信息交流的平台,是一种传播和获取信息的工具,而直接影响青少年违法犯罪的是不良的网络文化.  相似文献   

父母教养方式与青少年网络成瘾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用中文网络成瘾量表与根特教养方式量表,考察了966名初、高中学生网络成瘾的基本特点及其与父母教养方式的关系,结果发现青少年网络成瘾存在显著的性别差异.时间管理问题维度存在显著的年级差异:与一般群体相比网:二成瘾高危群体在父母教养方式的监控、约束、严厉惩罚、忽视四个维度存在显著差异。在监控维度,高危群体显著低于一般群体,而在约束、严厉惩罚、忽视四个维度,高危群体显著低于一般群体:父母教养方式中的监控可以显著负向预测男女生的网络成瘾,约束可以显著正向预测男生的网络成瘾,而忽视和物质奖励可以显著预测女生的网络成瘾。  相似文献   

张维殷 《现代交际》2010,(6):52-52,51
本文采用了文献资料和综合分析的方法,探讨了科学的体育锻炼在脑力劳动者身体机能方面和劳动、消费、精神等生活方式方面的影响,提出了有利于脑力劳动者健康的体育生活方式,旨在使脑力劳动者提高对科学体育锻炼强大功能的认识,不断改进并完善自身的生活方式,从而减少疾病,增进健康,为社会创造更多价值。  相似文献   

浅析现代大众传媒对青少年的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大众传媒是人类传播能力发展变化的表现 ,是指在一定时间内将信息传递给散布在不同地区的个人或群体的媒体 ① 。如果按照西方20世纪80年代传媒界提出的划分标准 ,它可以分为新传媒和旧传媒两种。旧传媒指的是传统的印刷媒介 :报纸、杂志、书籍等以文字及空间因素来组织的信息 ,以及广播、电影、电视等旧的电子媒介。在我国习惯于把旧传媒称为传统大众传媒 ,把新传媒称为现代大众传媒。现代大众传媒主要由两部分构成 :一是由传统大众传媒在技术上的发展而生成 ;一是由传统大众传媒的相互联姻或与其它传媒的新型结合而产生。计算机、网络…  相似文献   

物质生活深刻影响着人们的价值观认同与践行。青少年的价值观认同与践行,也深受物质生活的影响。面对资本逻辑的冲击、市场经济中利益原则的挑战和青少年自身的物质生活经历,既要避免忽视物质生活使青少年价值观教育陷入空洞的说教,又要避免青少年价值观出现物质化倾向。为此,一要正视物质生活的影响,夯实青少年价值观教育的物质基础;二要以正确的物质观念引领青少年深化对社会主义核心价值观的理论认同;三要引领青少年在物质需要与精神追求的统一中增强对社会主义核心价值观的情感认同。  相似文献   

青少年自尊与父母教养方式关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用量表法对281名初一、初三和高一的学生进行研究,探讨了父母教养方式对青少年自尊发展的影响.结果发现(1)随着年级的上升,青少年的自尊出现了一种下降趋势;(2)父母教养方式的得分顺序从高到低依次为温暖理解、干涉保护、拒绝否认、惩罚严厉;(3)父母的教养方式对青少年自尊的发展具有显著影响.父母对青少年采取温暖理解的教养方式会促进青少年自尊的发展,相反,父母对青少年采取拒绝否认、惩罚严厉等教养方式,会不同程度地阻碍青少年自尊的发展,降低自尊水平.  相似文献   

张利 《职业时空》2012,(5):155-157
自我意识的形成与发展受到遗传和环境的影响,在不同的教育条件下,青少年自我意识发展的个体差异十分明显。从少年到青年初期是自我意识发展趋于成熟的时期,父母的教养方式对青少年自我意识的发展有着重要的影响。文章采用文献综述的方法,探讨了青少年自我意识发展状况、父母教养方式的类型及内容以及父母教养方式与青少年自我意识的发展。  相似文献   

柳世娜 《职业》2012,(3):117
互联网作为一种新型的信息传播和人际交往的工具,对人们的学习、工作、生活和心理健康发生着越来越重要的影响。互联网已融入到青少年生活的每个角落,如何认识网络对青少年的影响已经成为一个值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

也可能是因为年轻。对于Internet这个带来过安慰、快乐、激动和希望的东西,能够清醒地活在上面的人并不太多。因为年轻,我们有比别人更多的希冀、焦灼、躁动和不安。我们要承受更大的压力,背负更多的未来,面对更残酷的优胜劣汰,我们得做好35岁就出局的各种准备……  相似文献   

家庭教育是教育的起点,对青少年身心健康成长、世界观、人生观、价值的形成、知识的累计能力的培养都起了至关重要的作用。而不良的家庭教育方式往往会造成子女无法与他人正常交往,人际关系的障碍可以导致青少年的焦虑。本文分析了家庭教育方式对青少年发展的影响,发现不良的家庭教育方式是造成青少年网络成瘾的主要原因。  相似文献   

流行文化首先属于媒介文化,是网民在不同的网络设备上分享由他们自己创造并将在很长一段时间内保持的某种价值观念和看法。网络流行文化重构了现代社会交往方式,呈现出泛娱乐化的倾向,虽然流行时间短,更新快,所指在不断变化,但是其能指却是恒定不变的。网络流行文化成为大学生活的重要组成部分,也深刻地影响着大学生价值观的形成,他们在价值观方面呈现出了价值取向多元化、价值主体自我化、价值选择迷惘化、价值态度消极化的时代特征。为此有必要对大学生进行媒介素养教育、闲暇教育以及大学生责任意识教育。  相似文献   

青少年由于受到来自自身、家庭、学校的压抑而导致不快乐感上升,逐渐沉迷于网络乐土的现象时有发生。他们将快乐主义误解为单纯追求感官享受的享乐主义,导致不同程度的人性扭曲问题出现。这些严重后果的产生亟待我们重新理解快乐主义伦理学。从动的快乐与静的快乐、独乐主义与众乐主义、感官快乐与精神快乐等角度分析发现,青少年快乐主义体验型教育不失为解决网瘾问题的良好对策:它重视学习过程中的快乐情感体验,构建快乐主义体验型教育新模式;模拟青少年喜欢的网络内容,创新传统教育方法;改变单一的认知目标,情感目标与认知目标齐头并进。  相似文献   

In this study, an integrated quantitative and qualitative research design was employed. From over 900 telephone interviews a typology of family types based on possession of media appliances was constructed, then divided into 'traditional' (low media density), 'intermediate' (average media density) and 'multimedia' (high media density) families. This typology was then used as a basis for selecting thirty-eight families for in-depth interviews. Of these, thirty-one contained children and it is these that form the basis for this article. The results of the family interviews indicate that children are a very important factor in the acquisition and use of the Internet. It was apparent from our interviews that Internet access and use become major issues in family discussions and conflicts - both between parents and children and between siblings.  相似文献   

青少年自杀现象已成为备受关注的社会问题。自杀意念率较高、明显的性别与地域差异、低龄化趋向、易受感染性、冲动性、原因的阶段性是其特点。导致青少年自杀有认知偏差、青春期内在冲突、不良个性特征与心理疾病等个体原因,有家庭结构残缺、关系不融洽及教养方式不当等家庭因素,有学业压力、教师素质、同伴影响的学校因素,同时与社会文化、现代传媒不良影响有关。社会工作介入的策略包括:倡导生命教育及形成预防机制以预防,采用区分对待、安抚陪伴、初次评估及支持系统的建构以干预。  相似文献   

This study of 984 children and their parents examined the correlates of adolescent psychosocial adjustment. Based on previous research, it was expected that parental involvement and limit-setting would predict conduct disorder scores and that variables associated with the parent-child relationship, particularly parent-child synchrony, would be more closely related to emotional adjustment and social relationship measures. Contrary to expectations, parenting practices were unrelated to adolescent conduct disorder, but family harmony and adult-child synchrony predicted all measures of adolescent adjustment. It is concluded that positive parenting is not something adults do to children, but a quality of the parent-child relationship characterized by family harmony and parental empathy. Implications for social work practice with adolescents and their families are identified.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(1):47-54

The Office of Population Affairs administers the Adolescent Family Life Program. Authorized in 1981, the Adolescent Family Life Act funds adolescent pregnancy prevention programs as well as care programs for pregnant and parenting teens. It also funds research into related issues, including adoption. A primary purpose of the Adolescent Family Life Program is to develop and test approaches that encourage adoption as an alternative to abortion. However, both abortion and adoption rates have dropped since the program was instituted. While existing research has answered some of the questions surrounding adoption, there is need for additional research into the factors associated with adoption. The Office of Population Affairs is actively seeking creative, well-conceived proposals that address some of the as yet unanswered questions.  相似文献   

物联网是发展智慧城市的新工具,在城市市政管理、农业园林、医疗保健、智能楼宇、智能交通等方面将有广阔的应用前景,但目前在政策支持、标准化建设、信息化建设、应用模式和技术创新、人才培养等方面还存在不足,阻碍了物联网在建设智慧城市中的应用和推广。  相似文献   

Race/ethnic differences in the prevalence of and characteristics associated with low support provided by fathers of babies born to pregnant adolescents were examined among 719 adolescent mothers who were interviewed postpartum. Low support was reported by 41.9% of African-American, 26.2% of Mexican-American, and 19.4% of Caucasian adolescent mothers. Across race/ethnic subgroups, fathers who provided limited support were characterized by chronic substance use, gang or police involvement, or partner-directed violence. Policies advocating universal father involvement without concomitant programs designed to address their many needs may ultimately be detrimental to the welfare of mother and child.  相似文献   

Treatment for adolescents with sexually maladaptive behaviors is a continuing intervention that is changing and developing as greater understanding about this population of adolescents is obtained. The majority of treatment programs for adolescent sexually maladaptive behavior contain programming components that include cognitive distortions/thinking errors. Interviews including a conceptual mapping exercise were conducted with four adolescents adjudicated to a secure care program for sexual behaviors. All four boys completed an interview and a conceptual map of their perceived experiences as an adolescent with sexual maladaptive behaviors. All interviews were audio recorded. Analysis of the interviews and conceptual mappings yielded five themes present in the boys’ experience as well as a consideration of the role early trauma may have in the establishment of cognitive distortion development. Contributing environmental and familial factors also play an important part in sustaining cognitive distortion. Main themes include: loss of responsible father or father figure, inability to regulate emotion, lack of personal and parental boundaries, and early exposure to pornography. The contributing influence of responsible male father figures may play an even greater role in the lives of young males than originally thought. How the adolescent inaccurately perceives his environment—in essence what he tells himself and continues to tell himself to make sense of his world—are building blocks in the development and continuation of thinking errors/cognitive distortions used to commit and justify sexual offending behaviors.  相似文献   


As the adolescent population living in this country undergoes dramatic demographic changes in the 21st Century, increasing both in numbers and ethnic/racial diversity, practitioners and policy makers need to understand the prevalence of and trends in adolescent risk-taking behaviors, morbidity and mortality. Significant disparities in health status exist by ethnicity/race and gender in areas including: unintentional injury, violence, mental health, substance use, sexual behavior, and disease prevention. The epidemiological profile can help mobilize communities to address adolescent health issues. Developing effective interventions will require an ecological approach that builds on adolescents' assets and takes into account the contexts in which they live.  相似文献   

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