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彭晓江 《现代交际》2014,(6):210-211
高校大学生社团组织是大学生群体基于相同或者相似的爱好、兴趣以及公益等因素,自发申请并且经过所在院系同意而成立的学生团体组织。大学生社团组织是高校校园文化和校园生活的重要组成部分,是宣扬高校思想政治教育和大学生创业拓展的重要载体和平台。大学生社团组织还肩负着进行思想政治教育功能的重大使命。对之教育功能的意义和提高对策进行深入研究,有助于大学生思想政治教育工作的开展,也大大促进了高校教育和文化的发展。因此,本文通过对西安南郊大学城五所高校社团组织的创建、运营和管理进行调研,深入研究分析增强当代高校大学生社团组织的思想政治教育功能的意义以及如何不断提高其教育功能的对策。  相似文献   

由王颖、折晓叶、孙炳耀合著的《社会中间层——改革与中国的社团组织》,是一部从社会组织的结构变迁及其构成要素的功能更新转换等角度剖析中国社会结构现状的力作。 改革开放以来,随着社会结构的分化,游离于传统组织结构之外的个体与群体日益增多,同时又不断生成大量的“类组织”或“中介体”,在传统组织之外结成了大量的社团组织。由于社会对社团的认识不一造成了有关政策的摇摆,对策的偏颇,社团组织时兴时衰,然而在社会结构不断分化的背景下  相似文献   

全国青联留学人员联谊会 全国青联留学人员联谊会是由已经回国和仍在国(境)外学习,工作,遵守本协会章程的中国青年留学人员自愿结成的、非营利性的社会团体,接受中华全国青年联合会的领导和监督管理。 近年来,全国青联不断加大对青年留学人员的服务力度,千方百计为留学人员回国就业、创业和为国服务创造条件,提供帮助,在海外学人与国内企业、园区、投资机构之间搭建了一座金桥。重点开展海外学人为国服务团、海外学人回国创业周、海外学人回国创业论坛、新近归国留学人员系列服务活动、留学回国创业杰出青年人物评选表彰等重点工作项目,组织了来自30多个国家和地区的近40个海外留学人员团组,总计3000多人次,以项目合作、技术服务和直接创办高新技术企业等多种方式为国服务,帮助海  相似文献   

社团组织,是协调政府与民间互动关系,具有利益和意见表达功能,不具有行政经济职能的中介群众自治组织,它是现代社会生产力发展的产物,受一定社会政治经济制度制约。盐城市现有市、县级各类社团806个,乡镇级社团1000多个。这些社团组织其业务主营部门和登记管理机关管理、指导下,积极发挥自身优势,围绕经济建设中心,开展各种活动,对密切党和政府与人民群众联系,推动两个文明建设,促进社究安定团结等方面,作出了令人瞩目的贡献,归纳起来,主要发挥着五个方面的特殊作用。一是纽带作用。密切联系群众是党和政府的优良传统。改革…  相似文献   

晓江 《职业》2003,(3):51
为了吸引留学人员回国创业,近年来国家制定了不少特殊政策,特别是在留学人员回国创业方面,为其搭建起了发挥所学的广阔平台,加快了归国留学人员开创事业的步伐。人事部留学人员和专家服务中心留学创业处处长冯慰荣解释说,所谓留学人员归国创业,既指提出项目创办实体,也指主持科研课题、充任工作骨干、在高层管理岗位发挥才干,实现价值。近两年留学人员创业形成以下特点。l创业园招来“金凤凰”随着归国留学人员的增多,如何发挥其作用成为人才使用的一个新课题。在此大背景下,留学人员比较多的大城市和沿海开放城市,进行了开办留…  相似文献   

6月13日,为了贯彻落实江苏省委.省政府《关于加快我省老龄事业发展的意见》,加强对老龄社团组织的建设和管理,江苏省民政厅、省老龄办和省老龄协会在常州市召开了全省老龄协会组织建设推进会。江苏省民政厅厅长、省老龄办主任吴洪彪就推进老龄协会组织等老龄社团组织建设提出了三点意见。  相似文献   

中国共青团作为当代中国典型的复合型青年社团。既具官方社团荻取资源的公信力,又具非营利组织社会化运作的灵活性。改革开放以来,共青团组织的社会功能得以有效释放,以“双重服务”的方式参与社会建设,提供公共服务,但其功能作用的发挥还受着体制、机制等方面的制约。在构建政府与社团组织良好合作关系的过程中,共青团应该而且能够首先创造出新的合作范例。  相似文献   

海外留学人员回国创业突破14万去年我国留学人员回国工作的人数已经突破14万,占出国留学总人数的1/3。今年,国家引进海外人才的重点包括:高新技术、高级金融管理、高级IT人才等。力争在“十五”期间,每年吸引1万名留学人员回国创业。京、沪IT人才需求冷热有别相关人士估计,上海5年内资讯技术人才缺口达50万人。而北京方面,北京市人事局发布的1~10月北京市人才市场供需调查显示,部份行业竞争相当激烈,如电脑软件领域”就有人才过剩的迹象,其需求比为18:1。形势虽低迷,拉拢优秀IT人才对企业发展仍十分重要。…  相似文献   

中共厦门市委书记郑立中在此间表示,厦门市将一如既往地支持留学人员创业园建设和发展,进一步改进吸引留学人员来厦创业的软硬环境,拓展留学  相似文献   

王辉耀 《职业》2004,(6):11-12
爱国心、使命感与高知识素质 目前回国创业的留学人员具有一些显著的特点: 首先,留学人员是改革开放政策的受益者,具有强烈的爱国之心,许多留学人员都有一种使命感,十分渴望能抓住历史造就的机遇和创业良机,在经济全球化的时代,把自己的命运和祖国的兴旺发达结合起来,发展事业,报效祖国.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the previously unresearched relationshipbetween mass public opinion and public policy in contemporaryWest Germany. By studying approximately 150 cases over the lastdecade, the nature of German democracy is revealed in relationto the overall consistency between majority preferences andgovernment action. The opinion-policy nexus is explored in regardto the impact of issue saliency, landslide majorities, differentcategories of issues (e.g., redistributive, foreign policy),and the partisan composition of the government (i.e., SocialD emocratic vs. Christian Democratic). In addition, there isa cross-national comparison of results for West Germany withthe author's previous research on opinion and policy in theUnited States, Britain, and France. The findings indicate that(like other nations studied) public opinion and public policyin Germany are inconsistent in a majority of instances and that(unlike Britain or France) the partisan composition of the governmentdoes not matter vis-à-vis the degree of policy-opinioncongruence.  相似文献   

"This article is part of a larger study of public attitudes toward immigration in seven countries that historically and currently have had different policies and practices vis-a-vis immigration. The countries involved are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the United States. The time frame for which most of the public opinion data will be reported is from 1970 through 1995. The data have been collected from national surveys that were conducted in each of the countries."  相似文献   

Abstract  Some scholars have explained colonial policies as the outgrowth of the need to provide profits and prestige for the motherland. Others have linked policymaking to the use of colonial space as experimental laboratories of modernity; while others assert that the overseas was a terrain for finding solutions to some of the political, social and aesthetic problems which were affecting France at the time. In contrast, this paper traces how colonial policies can be explained at the level of individual colonial administrators. It does so not only by reference to the social backgrounds of officials, but also their inner "psychic processes." This study addresses the colonial tendency to imagine cross-identification between France and the colony. It presents three case studies of colonial officials in Indochina to investigate how administrators' perceptions of France became projected onto the colonies, and how one of them incorporated within himself some of the attributes of the colonized, an example of introjection. It is argued that these processes had an impact on policymaking. My theoretical goal with this piece was to apply a psychoanalytic approach to the study of the empire.  相似文献   

This comparative study employs the concept of physical rigour to map and measure recreational routes and zones available to the public. The comparison is made for 15 representative countryside districts in four national settings (Great Britain, West Germany, France, and Benelux). Three of the districts are national parks, while the others are 40 × 25 km settled areas chosen to typify the physical and human landscape of their region. Statistical measures of access availability are computed for five levels of access rigour, grading from passive through to arduous. Road or ‘passive’ access is most prevalent in settled districts of West Germany and France, while footpaths providing casual access are most plentiful in West Germany and Benelux. Off-route lands open to the public are most common in sparsely settled upland areas. Polynomial regressions show that both amplitude of relief and type of land cover influence the availability of access types. However, land-use intensity is the strongest determinant of the access regime in all except mountainous areas. Although not investigated statistically, regional and national variations in access availability may be related to the history of land apportionment and to legal/customary constraints on public access. These help to explain exceptionally low degrees of access in Great Britain.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s Islam in France and Germany has become part of the discourse of immigrants as well as the public authorities, and a source of action for militants active in voluntary associations. For immigrants it becomes a way of reappropriating an identity. The discourse reflects a sense of belonging to a community, the elements of which are drawn from its practice, its tradition and its rituals. Its organization reflects the expectation of individuals and the public authorities. This essay analyses the interaction between immigrant organizations and the state in France and Germany, and the role of the state in building a community defined by its religion towards the state.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s Islam in France and Germany has become part of the discourse of immigrants as well as the public authorities, and a source of action for militants active in voluntary associations. For immigrants it becomes a way of reappropriating an identity. The discourse reflects a sense of belonging to a community, the elements of which are drawn from its practice, its tradition and its rituals. Its organization reflects the expectation of individuals and the public authorities. This essay analyses the interaction between immigrant organizations and the state in France and Germany, and the role of the state in building a community defined by its religion towards the state.  相似文献   

In Britain, as in many other western countries, there emerged in the mid-1970s a variety of business associations, policy and research institutes and political leagues, committed not only to the restoration of a Conservative government, but also to a much broader refurbishing of conservatism. A network of organizations, individuals and ideas grew up that became identified as the New Right. The New Right, which clearly has an international character, was generated by economic and political crises, but it was nurtured by a variety of resentments and discontents whose roots lay in structural and cultural changes that had developed over the whole post-war period. Drawing, in part, upon interviews with leaders of the organisations that did most to mobilize opinion behind the New Right in Britain, the article examines the major changes – particularly those in class structure and in culture – to which the new conservatives were reacting. It explores the major ideological strands – libertarian, neo-liberal and conservative - and looks at the attempts by the New Right to use these to produce changes not only in economic policy but in the cultural and moral fabric of society.  相似文献   

海外军事基地是大国投射力量的"桥头堡"和干预地区事务的"前沿阵地"。本文以法国在吉布提的军事基地为案例,考察影响海外军事基地绩效的主要因素,认为法国在吉布提的军事基地持续一个半世纪,历经殖民时期、冷战时期与后冷战时期三个阶段,总体未受吉国内政治和地区格局变化的影响,其功能分别为"抗衡英国"、"力争成为美苏之外的‘第三支力量’"和"构建西方反恐、反海盗的平台"。吉布提在维护"危机弧"地区法国战略利益所发挥的支点作用、吉布提政府长期执行温和外交政策、其阿拉伯和非洲国家的双重身份以及其作为法国向阿拉伯—伊斯兰国家输出民主的"样板",成为法国在该国部署军事基地的主要原因;法国驻军所带来的财政收益和安全红利成为吉布提欢迎法国部署军事基地的主要原因。2011年中东剧变后,法国有望在多边框架下重返北非,从而将法国的土伦军事基地、北非的军事基地、吉布提军事基地和阿布扎比军事基地连为一体,确立在地中海—北非—红海—亚丁湾—海湾地区事务中的主导地位。  相似文献   

《Immigrants & Minorities》2012,30(2-3):190-210
This study accepts that while cultural transfer was obvious in the history of German Jewish settlement in Britain from Nazi Germany during the 1930s, it looks at what four individuals did and what helped them to lay the foundations of a successful career in Britain and make a noticeable contribution to their host society. The essay asks how bewildered refugees overcame social uprooting, isolation in a foreign country, linguistic deficiencies and lack of funds. It demonstrates the importance of relatives and fellow exiles, friends and colleagues, relief organisations and professional associations. The contribution uses the case studies of the journalist Sebastian Haffner, the Germanist Charlotte Jolles, the historian Francis L. Carsten and the industrialist Mac Goldsmith.  相似文献   

This article reports a survey conducted in schools in Great Britain and Northern Ireland during 1997–8 with 2,272 students aged seven to 17 years. The 24‐page booklet questionnaire included six groups of questions about school councils. The question of whether pupils who have a council see it as effective was cross‐tabulated with a range of other questions, in order to examine associations between students' views about their school councils with their views on other aspects of school. About half the students reported that they had a school council. Of these, the ones who thought their council was effective generally had positive views about their school's social and academic activities, whereas the ones who said their council was ineffective generally had more negative attitudes. Some schools find that creating an effective school council can considerably improve standards of behaviour, but this process has to involve further changes in systems and relationships in the school. Simply introducing a token council can increase students' scepticism. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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