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“90后”网络依赖及团体干预办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代医学证明,一个人如果不能控制对网络的依恋,就很容易患上"网络成瘾综合症",医学上又称之为"病态使用互联网"。"90后"是"网络成瘾综合症"的高感人群。网络依赖对"90后"的危害是非常严重的。文章试图从"90后"网络依赖的主要原因进行分析,充分认识网络依赖对"90后"所造成的负面影响和危害,并提出用团体干预办法治疗"90后"网络依赖症,最大限度地减少网络成瘾对青少年的负面影响。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的青少年中形成了一股以电影<大话西游>为代表的"无厘头"文化风行现象."无厘头"电影所体现的"小人物"心理、对真实人性的解放及其对"苦难"霸权的解构是其流行的主要原因."无厘头"文化因与其父兄文化的差异而反映了不同的代际特征,是时代发展的产物.  相似文献   

随着我国互联网普及率的逐年攀升,中国社会的数字代沟正加速演变成数字化代际冲突。较之于数字代沟,数字化代际冲突在内涵定义、主体指涉和结构强度上都存在着明显不同。数字化代际冲突还具有冲突内容涉网化、冲突方式媒介化和冲突扩散情感化等三个方面的特征。我国网络社会的压缩式发展、新媒体传播的"流量逻辑",以及网民群体的结构性失衡,成了数字化代际冲突产生的主要原因。为化解这一新型矛盾,当前的理论研究应再次聚焦世代视角,并需要在治理对策上坚持"线上+线下"的联动性治理、"市场+政府+社会"的协同性治理以及"对话+行动"的情感性治理。  相似文献   

"网络成瘾"是随着互联网的迅速发展而出现的一种的社会现象。近年来,网络成瘾严重影响青少年的健康发展,对青少年造成的危害极大。深入分析青少年对网络的认知,寻找"网络成瘾"现象产生的原因,采取有效的防治对策,对预防"网络成瘾"的发生有着积极意义。  相似文献   

互联网是一把双刃剑,一方面它有助于青少年获取丰富的知识、拓宽视野、提升素质;另一方面,对于那些意志力不强的青少年而言,无节制地使用网络,严重的甚至损害其身心健康,这种现象称之为"网络成瘾"。本文主要简述了三个方面:网络成瘾的定义及表现、网络成瘾原因、优势视角理论在青少年网络成瘾问题中的运用。从而唤起各界对青少年网络成瘾问题的重视。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步与发展,网络作为一种全新媒体和信息获取途径已经在人们的日常生活、学习和工作中占据越来越重要的位置,但同时网络成瘾(Internet Addiction Disorder IAD)等网络问题的出现已经严重的影响和危害了青少年的健康成长。青少年对新事物接受能力非常强,由于其所处特殊生理阶段、分辨是非能力不强,自我控制弱等特点,就会对电脑产生依赖,严重的会成为一种疾病。本文主要从对青少年网络成瘾的界定,分析网络成瘾对青少年正常社会化的影响,社会工作如何介入及解决青少年网络成瘾问题三个方面来着笔。  相似文献   

网络化时代,青年是网络参与的主体,其言行在很大程度上会影响网络的舆论动态,同时,网络也在深刻地影响和改变着青年个人的工作、学习和生活,因此,有必要关注青年个人的网络行为及其在网络空间中呈现出来的群体性特征。青年网络行为表现出共性特征:把上网视为生活的一部分;对网络购物表现出积极的态度;网络行为折射出现代生活方式的价值理念变化;认为网络有一定的诱惑力,但不应沉溺其中;认同网络对于人际互动和交流模式的影响。同时青年群体网络行为表现出一定代际差际,在网络应用方向和目的上,"70后"更倾向与实用性的网络工具,而"80后"、"90后"主要以休闲娱乐为主要目的和方向。  相似文献   

“新人类”生命的浪费——日本青少年的自杀问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是世界上自杀率最高的国家。战后日本青少年的自杀率呈递增之势。本文说明了日本青少年自杀的状况及其特点;分析了日本青少年自杀的历史文化原因:对自杀独特的道德评价、特有的“义务和义理”、“武士道”以及情感模式中的“内疚感”、集团意识和依赖心理、拘谨自制等,分析了“切腹”的文化源流、审美意识中的自杀和自古的崇尚与渲染,分析了生死观;本文与西欧进行比较分析了对自杀的传统的法律评价。本文还研究了“新人类”自杀的现实氛围:现实生活方式和价值观念的剧变、家庭关系的淡化、突出的日本女性问题、工作的过度和激烈的社会竞争以及性问题、日趋尖锐的代际冲突、青少年亚文化、日本的教育制度等。  相似文献   

当今的世界,网络已成为人们生活必不可少的一部分,使用网络的青少年也越来越多,但网络的负面影响也日益凸显.如何使青少年远离"网瘾"的控制,充分发挥网络的积极作用,是整个社会都应该认真关注的重要课题.  相似文献   

"三失"青少年是指失学、失业和失管青少年.对G省1488名"三失"青少年的调查研究发现,该群体位于社会边缘地带,资本缺失严重,在家庭网络、同辈网络、学校网络和社区网络等社会网络建构方面能力不足,难以获取相应资源,较难融入社会主流.帮扶"三失"青少年就要改善其经济环境,构建帮扶部门联动机制,建立信息监测系统,通过精细化帮扶,健全"三失"青少年社会网络,提升"三失"青少年的文化资本.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess Internet use, abuse, and dependence. PARTICIPANTS: 411 undergraduate students. RESULTS: Ninety percent of participants reported daily Internet use. Approximately half of the sample met criteria for Internet abuse, and one-quarter met criteria for Internet dependence. Men and women did not differ on the mean amount of time accessing the Internet each day; however, the reasons for accessing the Internet differed between the 2 groups. Depression was correlated with more frequent use of the Internet to meet people, socially experiment, and participate in chat rooms, and with less frequent face-to-face socialization. In addition, individuals meeting criteria for Internet abuse and dependence endorsed more depressive symptoms, more time online, and less face-to-face socialization than did those not meeting the criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Mental health and student affairs professionals should be alert to the problems associated with Internet overuse, especially as computers become an integral part of college life.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess Internet use, abuse, and dependence. Participants: 411 undergraduate students. Results: Ninety percent of participants reported daily Internet use. Approximately half of the sample met criteria for Internet abuse, and one-quarter met criteria for Internet dependence. Men and women did not differ on the mean amount of time accessing the Internet each day; however, the reasons for accessing the Internet differed between the 2 groups. Depression was correlated with more frequent use of the Internet to meet people, socially experiment, and participate in chat rooms, and with less frequent face-to-face socialization. In addition, individuals meeting criteria for Internet abuse and dependence endorsed more depressive symptoms, more time online, and less face-to-face socialization than did those not meeting the criteria. Conclusions: Mental health and student affairs professionals should be alert to the problems associated with Internet overuse, especially as computers become an integral part of college life.  相似文献   

The virtual world of the Internet may be used to support positive youth development. Accessing resources in educational, employment, health, and social domains is enhanced by the ability to effectively use digital technology. Foster youth are at risk for poor developmental outcomes and may face barriers to competent use of the Internet. We discuss the benefits and risks of Internet use and the importance of digital literacy to protect against risks, and we offer suggestions on ways that child welfare agencies, case managers, and foster parents can work with youth to support safe and effective use of digital technology.  相似文献   

Existing literature suggests that youth with disabilities are known to be at increased risk of maltreatment in the form of abuse and/or neglect. Little is known, however, about the experiences of youth with disabilities who are living in foster care or who are supervised by child protection authorities. This study establishes a baseline estimate of the prevalence of youth with disabilities living in foster care, documents reasons for child protection system involvement, identifies placement types while youth are in care and explores case outcomes. This cross-sectional, exploratory study draws on data from the 2012 Adoption and Foster Care Reporting System (AFCARS) for foster youth in 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A sample of youth with disabilities (N = 36.492) and a comparison group without disabilities (N = 601.539) were identified. Findings about demographics, reasons for child removal, foster care placements, permanency planning goals and case outcomes are presented. Findings have implications for the prevention the removal of youth from caregivers, the need for family supports to prevent foster care involvement, the promotion of community inclusion of foster youth while in foster care and the need for inter-system collaboration at the transitional age stage.  相似文献   

Although the Internet is commonly used by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth to explore aspects of sexual health, little is known about how this usage relates to offline explorations and experiences. This study used a mixed-methods approach to investigate the interplay between online and offline explorations of multiple dimensions of sexual health, which include sexually transmitted infections, sexual identities, romantic relationships, and sexual behaviors. A diverse community sample of 32 LGBT youth (ages 16–24) completed semi-structured interviews, which were transcribed and then qualitatively coded to identify themes. Results indicated that, although many participants evaluated online sexual health resources with caution, they frequently used the Internet to compensate for perceived limitations in offline resources and relationships. Some participants turned to the Internet to find friends and romantic partners, citing the relative difficulty of establishing offline contact with LGBT peers. Further, participants perceived the Internet as an efficient way to discover offline LGBT events and services relevant to sexual health. These results suggest that LGBT youth are motivated to fill gaps in their offline sexual health resources (e.g., books and personal communications) with online information. The Internet is a setting that can be harnessed to provide support for the successful development of sexual health.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about how tobacco use varies among youth of different racial and ethnic groups and how these patterns are related to levels of nicotine dependence.ObjectivesThis study investigated the tobacco use patterns of White, African American, and Hispanic high school students. We further explored whether tobacco use patterns were associated with levels of nicotine dependence and gender.MethodsData were analyzed from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) of high school students who endorsed at least one form of tobacco use in their lifetime (n = 4691). Three separate latent class analysis (LCA) models were estimated using seven different types of tobacco products as indicators. Also, the level of nicotine dependence was compared with one class to another class in three racial/ethnicity groups.ResultsFour classes of White youth were identified: (1) “Non-user” (67%), (2) “Polytobacco” (6%), (3) “Chewing Tobacco” (8%), and (4) “(E-)Cigarettes” (19%) classes. The “Polytobacco” class had the highest nicotine dependence followed by “Chewing Tobacco,” “(E-)cigarettes,” and “Non-user.” Among African American youth, two tobacco patterns were identified: “Non-user” (91%) and “Cigarette/Cigar” (9%). The “Cigarette/Cigar” class had greater nicotine dependence than the “Non-user” class. Among Hispanic youth, three subgroups were identified: “Non-user” (78%), “(E-)Cigarette/Cigar” (14%), and “Hookah” (18%). “(E)Cigarette/cigar” had the highest nicotine dependence in Hispanic youth followed by the “Hookah” and “Non-users” classes.ConclusionWe found distinct classes of youth tobacco use by race/ethnicity. Although poly-tobacco use was common, White, African American, and Latino youth used different tobacco types, suggesting that racially and ethnically targeted prevention strategies may be indicated.  相似文献   

学术批评是青年研究学术积累、学术提炼、学术提升的重要途径,应该始终伴随青年研究、青年学学科建设和发展的全过程。但当下学术批评常常处于低语甚至失语状态,成为青年研究领域的一块学术洼地。造成这种状态的原因主要包括对"问题导向"理解片面、学术焦点尚未聚集、学术视野狭窄、批评武器匮乏、"好人主义"盛行等。提升青年研究学术水平,促进青年学学科建设,需要形成和完善学术反思机制,使学术批评常态化和制度化。  相似文献   

This study collects and analyses the viewpoints of front-line youth workers regarding the notion of ‘Internet risks’. Previous studies have examined and discussed various dangers of the Internet. Parental, school, and governmental interventions are often called for by those concerned. The implicit assumption is that these are the people who possess the expertise to tackle the problems at hand. Through participation in three forums focusing on ‘Internet risks’, and in-depth interviews with 10 such ‘experts’ in Hong Kong, the study examines if this is a valid assumption. It finds that experts perceive Internet risks rather differently. In addition to the more conventional views about content, contact and conduct risks, our interviewees are aware that a new order is quickly emerging in the new media environment. Despite being considered as ‘experts’, they do not necessarily know how to tackle the so-called ‘youth-at-risk’. Rather, they are exploring how they would capitalize on the opportunities offered by the developments. The key findings highlight the need to critically review the notion of ‘Internet risks’. As with other risk frameworks, the ultimate aim is to develop intervention programmes. In this regard, risks are often treated as concrete problems that can be solved. Youth experts, however, find that the changing scope, speed and persistence of communication in today's information society present the biggest challenge in youth work. The existing framework of risks was unable to describe and account for such risks. In response, Internet risk has to be reconceptualized so that more updated, relevant and imaginative intervention can be introduced.  相似文献   

This study examined associations of psychological characteristics and sexual behavior with types of reasons for episodes of sexual intercourse among youth. After completing a baseline assessment, 62 adolescents (47 female) used a handheld computer to report when they had sex as soon as possible after the event as well as in response to random signals. Youth indicated for each sex event the main reason, categorized as intimacy/desire, external, affect management, and other; analyses were restricted to sex with a main partner (234 events). Baseline sexual behavior was not related to reasons for sex. Higher anxiety was associated with external reasons for sex; younger age and lower self-esteem were associated with affect management reasons. Female youth with higher impulsiveness reported more external reasons and fewer intimacy/desire reasons. Among male youth, lower self-esteem was associated with intimacy/desire reasons, but lower depression was associated with affect management reasons. These findings may aid health care providers and researchers in understanding the differences in young people's motivations for sex.  相似文献   

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