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当前,中国青年白领移民群体的数量和规模逐年递增,其对迁入地社会结构的变更和城市建设的推进等方面的影响越来越大。但从当前青年白领移民的成长现状来看,表面光鲜的背后是白领们日益繁重的压力、焦虑与愤懑的社会事实,众多白领身不由己地从白领沦为“白奴”似乎已成常态,由此必会引发青年白领移民群体社会心态的浮动。对1046名白领的研究发现.年龄和收入显著正向影响青年白领移民社会信心的变化.社会信心在性别上的差异性与其拥有社会支持的程度紧密相关;生活压力方面:自购房、自身健康压力及社会信任度显著影响青年白领移民社会信心;社会参与、情感性支持和社交陪伴是显著影响青年白领移民社会信心的社会支持因素。  相似文献   

在高层白领中,存在着较为普遍的社会压力感。这种压力感既与个人心理因素有关,同时受制于当前社会宏观环境的影响,对影响个人社会压力感知的因素需要构建从微观到宏观的分析框架。对第三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据的分析表明,对高层白领社会压力感构成显著影响的因素包括年龄、健康、婚姻以及收入满意度等。因此,缓解高层白领遭受的社会压力,既需要个人和家庭的调节力量,更需要社会政策营造公平合理的制度环境。  相似文献   

子女养育问题是青年人面临的主要压力之一。对上海青年白领的育儿行为和压力调查发现,青年白领父母重视子女的教育投资和择校筹谋,重视子女的社会适应性和竞争力培养,对子女的生活幸福期望高于事业期望。育儿压力并非来自于实际承担的照料责任,而是源于自身生存压力的投射,以及对子女成为"快乐精英"的教养期望。  相似文献   

青年白领移民的社会适应状态是该群体能否在所居城市永久居留的重要表征。城市外来移民居留意愿的选择,历来存在客观因素决定论和主观因素决定论两种研究取向。调查发现,青年白领移民生活压力对社会适应具有显著性影响,青年白领移民的平均社会适应水平对青年白领的呈偏低态势,多数的青年白领移民有居留趋向。虽然研究数据一定程度上支持客观因素决定论的研究取向,但决定白领移民是否居留应是主客观因素共同作用的结果,对所在城市的主观认同和归属是青年白领移民真正植根的根本标志。  相似文献   

本文在回顾中国农民工社会犯罪问题及其研究的基础上.提出了关于社会偏离的社会排斥研究视角。作者认为.社会排斥的概念能够更好地概括造成农民工社会犯罪的社会结构性原因以及与此相关的个人和家庭、学校等环境方面的影响。文章引入默顿的结构压力理论,认为农民工遭受的社会排斥,主要表现在经济目标和公民权方面。据此,文章提出了“社会排斥-结构压力-社会偏离”的研究框架.为进一步进行有关的经验性研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

本文在回顾我国外来务工子女的社会偏离研究的基础上。提出了社会偏离的社会排斥研究视角。通过对杭州市的个案研究,发现尽管外来务工子女渴望融入城市社会,但由于身份及特殊行为,他们不断承受着挫折和排斥,这可能导致其在教育机会的获取上处于不利地位,阻碍其个性或人格的健康发展,甚至造成消极的社会影响。因此,我们必须加强对外来务工子女的社会融合,促进社会的和谐。实现社会的长期繁荣和稳定发展。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,新兴白领在上海的社会职业结构中逐渐占据了一个重要位置,他们的社会心态和社会功能特征引起了研究者的关注。本文试图通过分析这个新兴白领群体所处的特殊历史阶段、文化适应、价值取向以及他们与体制之间存在的某种结构性分离,提供一个观察研究的视角,并以某种方式与当前国内关于白领研究的一些理论预设形成对话和讨论,进而引发读者对上海白领群体未来作用的再思考。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,长久以来一直在乡间务农的农民开始进入城市务工,并作为一支重要的建设力量登上了历史舞台。但是由于政策制度方面以及城乡间的隔阂等原因,他们在城市的工作和生活中遭遇了种种困难和不平等待遇。虽然近几年农民工问题已经引起了广泛的社会关注,有些问题也已经得到初步解决,  相似文献   

不管你喜不喜欢。很多人都叫你“白领”。你常在办公室里加班到深夜,你没有时间给朋友打电话。甚至忘了大学时代你最喜欢的那个欧洲乐队的名字。你把所有的心思都投入工作中。然而,渐渐地,你发现。非但工作没有大的进展,而且你的身体开始出现各种不适。你开始失眠,记忆力衰退,变得焦躁,忧虑……这一切也许只有一个原因——职场压力。  相似文献   

随着兰溪经济迅速发展,大量外来务工者涌入兰溪,其能否较好地融入城市生活的问题备受关注。本文通过问卷调查了解了兰溪市民和外来务工者对构建实现外来务工者市民化社会系统的想法,发现了构建过程中的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的建议。  相似文献   

This study explored United States-based social workers’ (N = 152) attitudes toward, access to, and confidence in engaging in evidence-based practice (EBP), the extent to which social work education prepared them to engage in EBP, and the factors that contributed to their identification as an evidence-based practitioner. Findings indicated that although practitioners had a positive attitude toward engaging in EBP, they were only moderately confident in doing so, rarely accessed evidence, and were only moderately prepared through their education. Believing that EBP should be implemented, more educational preparation, and positive attitudes contributed to greater identification as an evidence-based practitioner, areas that social work and continuing education should further support to enhance social workers’ EBP skills.  相似文献   


This paper explores the agenda-setting role of the media in child abuse, citing local and international examples. The author argues that much media coverage of child abuse promotes a conservative, pro-family political agenda, offering a narrow individualistic/legalistic view of child abuse as opposed to a broader structural definition. This conservative agenda is particularly reflected in media hostility to social workers involved in child abuse cases. Attention is drawn to the major manifestations of this criticism, and to some of the reasons why social workers experience disproportionate media censure. Suggestions are then made regarding the potential for a more effective and pro-active social work response.  相似文献   


With a history of almost 90 years, professional social work in Romania once flourished up until World War II. The Communist Party disbanded the profession in 1968 and it was reinstated after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Within the context of the socio-economic transition from a centralised to a free-market economy, Romanian social policy and social work have evolved from a Marxist/socialist-type ideology, one that advocates for state intervention, to a libertarian/neo-liberal-type ideology, which promotes both state withdrawal from welfare provision and individuals taking responsibility for their own welfare. These two trends continue to co-exist subject to sometimes divergent forces such as international institutions and internal Romanian social pressures. Using a qualitative approach, we explore how Romanian social workers are adapting to the neo-liberal realities and identify three types of perceived challenges: 1. those related to regulation, 2. linked with collaboration in social work activity and 3. those related to the social worker-client relationship. Under neo-liberal pressures, the social worker's role of agent of social change becomes marginalised in daily practice, leaving little power to influence agency policies that negatively impact clients.  相似文献   


The efficiency of interventions in addiction is associated with the processes of practitioners’ professional development. Identity formation is studied extensively for clinical professions but little research focuses on social workers working in addiction settings. This study examined the experience of social workers working in a community treatment network in Greece. Fifteen interviews were conducted with 11 women and 4 men, ranging between 29 and 47 years οf age, who worked in different centers within the network. Data were analyzed following the guidelines of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, offering in-depth examinations of people’s lived experience. The results delineate a series of transformations in professional identity comprising a process of biographization. The participants highlighted intrapersonal and relational factors that influence this process which leads to self-understanding and engagement with the therapeutic community. The results contribute to deciphering the factors that influence social workers’ experience in their professional identity formation in substance abuse treatment contexts.  相似文献   

Public confidence in policing is receiving increasing attention from UK social scientists and policy-makers. The criminal justice system relies on legitimacy and consent to an extent unlike other public services: public support is vital if the police and other criminal justice agencies are to function both effectively and in accordance with democratic norms. Yet we know little about the forms of social perception that stand prior to public confidence and police legitimacy. Drawing on data from the 2003/2004 British Crime Survey and the 2006/2007 London Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhoods Survey, this paper suggests that people think about their local police in ways less to do with the risk of victimization (instrumental concerns about personal safety) and more to do with judgments of social cohesion and moral consensus (expressive concerns about neighbourhood stability, cohesion and loss of collective authority). Across England and Wales the police may not primarily be seen as providers of a narrow sense of personal security, held responsible for crime and safety. Instead the police may stand as symbolic 'moral guardians' of social stability and order, held responsible for community values and informal social controls. We also present evidence that public confidence in the London Metropolitan Police Service expresses broader social anxieties about long-term social change. We finish our paper with some thoughts on a sociological analysis of the cultural place of policing: confidence (and perhaps ultimately the legitimacy of the police) might just be wrapped up in broader public concerns about social order and moral consensus.  相似文献   


Using data from an online survey of 6,112 licensed social workers in 13?U.S. states, rates of reported behavioral health problems and service utilization, physical health problems, adverse childhood experiences, workplace stress, and compassion satisfaction were compared between heterosexual male, heterosexual female, gay/bisexual male, and lesbian/bisexual female respondents. Sexual minority workers reported far higher rates of mental health problems and service utilization, higher rates of physical problems, more frequent reporting of adverse childhood experiences, with no differences found between groups regarding workplace stress and compassion satisfaction. Minority stress theory and historical trauma are used as frameworks to conceptualize the findings.  相似文献   


Social Networking Sites (SNS) (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) have become a fundamental part of the daily lives of many young people. SNS engagement has been associated with a number of risks and benefits, some of which are particularly relevant to young people who access child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). Consequently, understanding how and why young people engage with SNS, and the associated risks and benefits, may become an increasingly important part of CAMHS social work.

This small-scale study (n = 15) utilised an online survey to explore the importance that a sample of Irish CAMHS social workers attribute to maintaining an awareness of how young people use SNS, whether they, in their professional lives, have been offered the opportunity to learn about SNS engagement among young people, and whether they have taken it upon themselves to learn about this topic.

Findings suggest that participants consider an understanding of SNS to be an important part of CAMHS practice. However, participants report that they do not feel sufficiently aware of SNS trends among young people, suggesting that there is scope for SNS-focused training/learning opportunities among this sample of CAMHS social workers. Implications for practice and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Professional social work associations have long espoused at least a rhetorical commitment to promoting more equitable social policy outcomes. Yet too often the actions have failed to live up to the rhetoric. This article explores the social action history of the Victorian state branch of the Australian Association of Social Workers. Attention is drawn both to the highlights and lowlights of the branch's social policy interventions. The problematic nature of social action is attributed to a number of factors including deficits in skills, resources, and education. Practical suggestions are made as to how the AASW might establish a more effective social policy network in the future.  相似文献   

Hearing the stories of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social workers highlights the powerful influence that cultural identity has on their practice. Their identity is continuously negotiated alongside a professional social work identity that is dominated by Western discourse. The tensions that these social workers experience in their practice is revealed in the findings of a qualitative research project conducted by an Indigenous and a non-Indigenous practitioner and researcher. The researchers spoke to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social workers engaged in diverse areas of practice across Australia. Their stories reveal a complex range of cultural and professional challenges. These include the difficulties encountered when working with their own kinship networks and the need to constantly negotiate personal and professional boundaries. The paper concludes with some thoughts about how the practice of Indigenous social workers can provide valuable lessons for Australian social work.  相似文献   

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