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高技术产业化是一项事关民族经济发展的重要战略,我国政府历来重视对高新技术的保护和发展,其重要表现就是颁布了一系列的政策法规促进高技术产业的发展,。高技术本身在发展,促进高技术产业发展的政策也在不断丰富和完善。本研究以我国改革开发30年来的涉及高技术产业化的国家层面的175条政策为研究对象,进行案例实证研究,分析政府6大职能部门对高技术产业化的协同作用。  相似文献   

现代农业高技术示范工程实施国家计委今天发布公告,决定继续实施现代农业高技术产业化示范工程,工程将以培育机制先进、创新性强、带动作用大的龙头企业为重点。示范工程包括六方面内容,即:高效种植业、养殖业优良新品种繁育及良种产业化示范;具有品牌优势、出口创汇能力的农产品种植、养殖技术产业化示范;设施农业技术集成产业化示范;农副产品深加工技术产业化示范;绿色环保型农业投入品的产业化示范和农业信息化示范。国家计委将于每年3月和9月开始项目的审理工作。2003年项目申报工作截止到3月31日。(陆彩荣)  相似文献   

本刊从本期起转载由国家发展计划委员会、科学技术部共同组织编制并发布的《当前优先发展的高技术产业化重点领域指南》(以下简称“指南”)。这是一个引导高技术产业发展的指导性文件,自该文件发布以来,在社会上引起了较大反响,对引导社会资源投向、推动国民经济结构调整、促进高技术产业的发展以及带动民间投资的增加等方面起到了积极的作用。由于指南2001年度版涉及十大产业中的141个高技术产业化重点领领域,本刊每期篇幅有限,故分期连续刊发。  相似文献   

一、国外高技术产业化特征 在新技术革命浪潮的推动下,高技术得到了迅速的发展,特别是高技术、经济的一体化趋势渐见明显。高技术的长足进步不仅仅表现在高技术已逐渐在农业、冶金、化工、能源、机械、轻纺、交通运输等传统产业部门中得到了相当程度的应用,也表现在高技术自身的产业化进程加速上,从而有力地推进着产业结构合理化、高级化的进程,推动着产业结构优化的全方位调整。  相似文献   

我国政府制定大量高技术产业化政策,推动高技术产业发展,不仅提高了企业研发水平,也大大提高了企业可持续发展能力.本文结合某五年规划期间的实证数据,基于有序Probit模型,从企业竞争力和管理水平两个角度对我国高技术产业化政策实施前后的企业可持续发展能力进行分析.结果发现:在高技术产业化政策的扶持下,企业竞争力得到了提升,而管理水平却难以得到有效改善.为此,进一步给出了政策建议,为高技术产业化政策的实施和完善提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

背景资料 ●2008年,中央为自主创新和结构调整安排了3700亿资金,加快推进了新增中央投资安排的176个高技术产业化项目和146个产业技术进步项目。  相似文献   

本文对广东产业升级和转移进行探索和研究,试图在世界新科技革命的综合化、快速化发展及世界高技术产业化、高技术改造传统产业和产业国际转移的新发展的背景下,在国内各省区发达地区与欠发达地区进行产业结构调整和分工的总体趋势中,探讨广东如何将产业升级和转移的必然性、必要性,研究其转移的战略选择。  相似文献   

新型工业化背景下传统产业怎么办相对于现代高新技术发展而形成的电子信息、生物工程、环保、新材料、新能源、航空航天等新兴工业而言,传统工业是我国工业发展过程中有相当产业基础、主要采用传统技术和方式进行生产的工业行业。在新兴工业蓬勃发展的今天,改造传统工业和发展高新技术产业成为各地国民经济发展的重大命题。传统工业是高技术产业的重要发展基础,是实现高技术产业化的载体。传统产业的改造为高新技术产业成长壮大提供了必不可少的先进制造业支撑,创造了更广阔的市场空间。通过用高新技术和先进适用技术改造提升传统产业,提高…  相似文献   

高技术企业成长制约因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从成长资源和成长过程两方面分析了企业成长的一般机制,以及高技术企业成长对资源要素和过程要素的特殊要求,并在此基础上提出了一套高技术企业成长制约因素分析模型  相似文献   

<正> 一、高新技术产业化亟待资本市场的支持 高科技产业由于其领先性、高投入性、高风险性和未来发展的世界潮流性,天生就是一个靠政府扶持和政策导向的产业。实行特殊优惠政策,给予财政金融支持是世界各国发展高技术产业的共同做法。  相似文献   

The regulatory process is often criticized for being cumbersome and slow, much like a computer whose hard drive is fragmented by files no longer used or useful. Like such a computer, the regulatory process contains many requirements of dubious utility. These include the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, and numerous executive orders. While other parts of the regulatory process such as notice and comment and cost‐benefit analysis have received much more academic attention, these other parts of the process deserve examination as well. This article argues that such an examination will reveal that these statutes and executive orders add little of value to the regulatory process while consuming agency resources. An improved requirement for cost‐benefit analysis with distributional analysis could easily replace virtually all of these requirements and improve regulations while reducing the time needed to promulgate regulations.  相似文献   

The movement of activities earlier in the product development process, necessitates a re-examination of the total supply network. Supply chain literature has traditionally examined procurement and value-adding activities, without explicitly defining product development as part of these. The trend towards outsourcing design activities is bringing recognition for this process as part of the total supply network. The objective of this paper is to determine the degree of early supplier involvement (ESI) that exists between a multinational electronics company and its key suppliers, in terms of depth of integration, information exchange and buyer–supplier relationships. The paper provides insights into the strategic factors that affect the dynamics of the ESI process. Such insights are valuable in terms of gaining a greater understanding of how the ESI process is managed and determining the barriers to effective supplier integration. The research indicates that there are considerable impediments for those participants responsible for establishing and managing the implementation of ESI. A number of strategic insights are identified that explain the existence of the impediments to the ESI process. Finally, based upon the findings a number of lessons are highlighted for organisations considering the adoption of the ESI process.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of existing research on the internationalization process of the firm and proposes an agenda for future inquiry. In recent years, process approaches have received increasing attention in management research, leading to a more refined understanding of the distinction between process and variance paradigms. We apply a process lens to a well‐established sub‐field of international business, namely the internationalization process of the firm. We review how this research tradition has evolved over four decades. The review commences with a reassessment of the seminal ‘stage models’ that date back to the 1970s. It then proceeds to classify subsequent research on the basis of whether it includes process data and/or process theorizing. It is found that the majority of studies in this review do not combine process data with process theorizing. We show how, even in studies that contain some process elements, a process approach is not always sustained throughout the paper. On the basis of this review, six research themes are proposed, which would form the basis for a process agenda for future research.  相似文献   

网络环境下技术创新过程中企业知识基础的演变   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蒋军锋  王修来 《管理学报》2008,5(4):561-567
构造了网络的知识空间,并利用创新产品作为顶点刻画知识基础空间的维度。将技术创新过程理解为一个从空间到空间的变换;继而,分别从微观与宏观2个方面研究技术创新过程中知识基础的演变。微观上,将技术创新过程中知识基础演变的整体变换裂解为信息流动过程中知识边界的迭代序列,并运用分形数学给出其演化模型;宏观上,结合最大熵定律,探讨作为信息产生源头的企业在接收输入信息后的信息输出与自身知识基础演变的熵特征与信息流动途径之间的联系。  相似文献   

The deliberate identification of talent is a critical process in most organizations. Performance ratings and senior management recommendations are its main sources, revealing the importance of line managers in the process. Nevertheless, some managers do have a talent for talent spotting and little is known about their behaviours as effective talent spotters. We explore, through social cognition, as part of the social psychology framework, the practices required to execute the talent identification process (TIP). An exploratory and qualitative method was adopted for this study; 21 line managers of an Argentine holding describe their experiences as talent spotters through semi-structured interviews. Findings show that the identification process is a complex and iterative one, in which several behaviours come into play, interrelated among each other. This interaction involves talent identification and talent development behaviours, deployed in a synergetic way. The relationship building behaviours set the foundations for the identification process to bear fruit. Distinct skills are necessary at different stages of the identification process for line managers to fulfil the talent spotter role. Finally, a model of the TIP is proposed.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of the manufacturing process on the fate of Listeria monocytogenes, we built a generic probabilistic model intended to simulate the successive steps in the process. Contamination evolution was modeled in the appropriate units (breasts, dice, and then packaging units through the successive steps in the process). To calibrate the model, parameter values were estimated from industrial data, from the literature, and based on expert opinion. By means of simulations, the model was explored using a baseline calibration and alternative scenarios, in order to assess the impact of changes in the process and of accidental events. The results are reported as contamination distributions and as the probability that the product will be acceptable with regards to the European regulatory safety criterion. Our results are consistent with data provided by industrial partners and highlight that tumbling is a key step for the distribution of the contamination at the end of the process. Process chain models could provide an important added value for risk assessment models that basically consider only the outputs of the process in their risk mitigation strategies. Moreover, a model calibrated to correspond to a specific plant could be used to optimize surveillance.  相似文献   

An examination of the problems associated with integrating R&D activities with the overall strategic planning process of the firm is presented. A model which links R&D to other functional activities as well as to strategic planning by a technical planning committee is proposed. The implementation of this integrative process requires organizational structural and communications adjustments.  相似文献   

Shear MK 《Omega》2010,61(4):357-369
Avoidance can be adaptive and facilitate the healing process of acute grief or it can be maladaptive and hinder this same process. Maladaptive cognitive or behavioral avoidance comprises the central feature of the condition of complicated grief. This article explores the concept of experiential avoidance as it applies to bereavement, including when it is adaptive when it is problematic. Adaptive avoidance is framed using an attachment theory perspective and incorporates insights from the dual process model (DPM). An approach to clinical management of experiential avoidance in the syndrome of complicated grief is included.  相似文献   

过程能力指数主要用于定量描述加工过程满足技术规格要求的能力,目前普遍使用的能力指数如Cp、Cpk、Cpm等主要针对单一质量特性,关于多元质量特性的过程能力指数尚未得到很好地解决.本文首先对多元过程能力指数的发展情况做一总结,指出现存的若干问题,然后在单变量过程服从正态分布的假设下,利用单一质量特性加工过程的差异系数,对单变量过程能力指数进行加权处理,得到多元过程能力指数的计算公式.然后基于Bootstrap抽样技术,对多元过程能力指数的统计分布进行仿真处理,获得了多元能力指数的经验分布及其大致的置信区间,从而为有效进行多元质量特性加工过程分析提供了概率依据.最后以某曲轴加工过程为例给出了应用案例.  相似文献   

Davenport (1993a) has pointed out that the diffusion of innovation approach as a behavioral process change has been limited to the study of how new information technology can be successfully adopted, rather than “how innovation can improve organizational performance.” This article extends Davenport's challenge to bridge this research gap by applying the diffusion of innovation approach to study accounting and control systems as an administrative process innovation approach to improve business performance. We chose to study internal auditing because it constitutes an important aspect of an administrative process innovation program that is critical for improving business performance programs.  相似文献   

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