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A method of constructing resolvable incomplete block designs for v(=ks, 2 ≤ k ≤ s - 1) treatments in blocks of size k using mutually orthogonal Latin squares is proposed. It has been seen in particular that when the number of replications is s — 1 (or s), which is feasible if s is a prime or a prime power, the method gives PBIB (3) (or semi-regular GD) designs. The analysis of such designs has also been discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses resolvable row-column designs for v treatments arranged in b blocks each comprising pq units further grouped into p rows and q columns. A resolvable row-column design has v =pqs treatments set out in r groups of s blocks. Each rectangular block has p rows and q columns.  相似文献   

A variety trial sometimes requires a resolvable block design in which the replicates are set out next to each other. The long blocks running through the replicates are then of interest. A t -latinized design is one in which groups of these t long blocks are binary. In this paper examples of such designs are given. It is shown that the algorithm described by John & Whitaker (1993) can be used to construct designs with high average efficiency factors. Upper bounds on these efficiency factors are also derived.  相似文献   

This paper draws together bounds for the efficiency factor of block designs, starting with the papers of Conniffe & Stone (1974) and Williams & Patterson (1977). By extending the methods of Jarrett (1983), firstly to cover supercomplete block designs and then to cover resolvable designs, a set of bounds is obtained which provides the best current bounds for any block design with equal replication and equal block size, including resolvable designs and two-replicate resolvable designs as special cases. The bounds given for non-resolvable designs apply strictly only to designs which are either regular-graph (John & Mitchell, 1977) or whose duals are regular-graph. It is conjectured (John & Williams, 1982) that they are in fact global bounds. Similar qualifications apply to the bounds for resolvable designs.  相似文献   

A new exchange algorithm for the construction of (M, S)-optimal incomplete block designs (IBDS) is developed. This exchange algorithm is used to construct 973 (M, S)-optimal IBDs (v, k, b) for v= 4,…,12 (varieties) with arbitrary v, k (block size) and b (number of blocks). The efficiencies of the “best” (M, S)-optimal IBDs constructed by this algorithm are compared with the efficiencies of the corresponding nearly balanced incomplete block designs (NBIBDs) of Cheng(1979), Cheng & Wu (1981) and Mitchell & John(1976).  相似文献   

Upper bounds axe derived for the efficiency factor of a class of resolvable incomplete block designs known as latinized designs. These designs are particularly useful in glasshouse and field trials, and can be readily extended to two-dimensional blocking structures. Existing bounds for resolvable designs axe also reviewed and a comparison is made between the third moment bounds discussed by Jarrett (1989) and the second moment bounds of Tjur (1990).  相似文献   

Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) with repeated blocks is studied in detail. Methods of construction of BIB designs with repeated blocks are developed so as to distinguish the usual BIBD and BIBD with repeated blocks. One additional parameter, say d, is considered here, where d denotes the number of distinct blocks present in the BIB design with repeated blocks. Further, a class of BIB design with parameters: v = 7, b = 28, r = 12, k = 3, λ= 4, has been constructed where, out of 15, 14 BIB designs have repeated blocks. These 15 BIB designs, which have the same parameters, are compared on the basis of number of distinct blocks (d) and the multiplicities of variance of elementary contrasts of the block effect.  相似文献   

This paper describes an efficient algorithm for the construction of optimal or near-optimal resolvable incomplete block designs (IBDs) for any number of treatments v < 100. The performance of this algorithm is evaluated against known lattice designs and the 414 or-designs of Patterson & Williams [36]. For the designs under study, it appears that our algorithm is about equally effective as the simulated annealing algorithm of Venables & Eccleston [42]. An example of the use of our algorithm to construct the row (or column) components of resolvable row-column designs is given.  相似文献   

This paper defines a broad class of resolvable incomplete block designs called αn–designs, of which the original α–designs are a special case with n = 1. The statistical and mathematical properties of α–designs extend naturally to these n –dimensional designs. They are a flexible class of resolvable designs appropriate for use in factorial experiments, in constructing efficient t –latinized resolvable block designs, and for enhancing the existing class of α–designs for a single treatment factor.  相似文献   

Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981) proposed a new class of incomplete block designs called BTIB designs for comparing p ≥ 2 test treatments with a control treatment in blocks of equal size k < p + 1. All BTIB designs for given (p,k) can be constructed by forming unions of replications of a set of elementary BTIB designs called generator designs for that (p,k). In general, there are many generator designs for given (p,k) but only a small subset (called the minimal complete set) of these suffices to obtain all admissible BTIB designs (except possibly any equivalent ones). Determination of the minimal complete set of generator designs for given (p,k) was stated as an open problem in Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981). In this paper we solve this problem for k = 3. More specifically, we give the minimal complete sets of generator designs for k = 3, p = 3(1)10; the relevant proofs are given only for the cases p = 3(1)6. Some additional combinatorial results concerning BTIB designs are also given.  相似文献   

Mike Jacroux 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1022-1029
In this paper, we consider the construction of optimal blocked main effects designs where m two-level factors are to be studied in N runs which are partitioned into b blocks of equal size. For N ≡ 2±od4 sufficient conditions are derived for a design to be Φ f optimal among all designs having main effects occurring equally often at their high and low levels within blocks and then this result is extended to the class of all designs for the case when the block size is two. Methods of constructing designs satisfying the sufficient conditions derived are also given.  相似文献   

It is shown that members of a class of two-level nonorthogonal resolution IV designs with n factors are strongly resolvable search designs when k, the maximum number of two-factor interactions thought possible, equals one; weakly resolvable when k = 2 except when the number of factors is 6; and may not be weakly resolvable when k≥ 3.  相似文献   

A new series of multi-factor balanced block designs is introduced. Each of these designs has the following properties: (i) each of its k– 1 treatment factors is disposed in a cyclic or multi-cyclic balanced incomplete block design with parameters (v,b,r,k,Λ) = (a(k-l) + 1,a2(k-1) +a, ak, k, k) (a > 1); (ii) the incidence of any one of the treatment factors on any other is balanced; and (iii) after adjustment for blocks only, the relationship between any two of the treatment factors is that of adjusted orthogonality. The treatment factors are thus orthogonal to one another in the within-blocks stratum of the analysis of variance. The designs provide a benchmark with which other designs may be compared.  相似文献   

An upper bound for the efficiency factor of a block design, which in many cases is tighter than those reported by other authors, is derived. The bound is based on a lower bound for E(1/X) in terms of E(X) and var(X) for a random variable X on the unit interval. For the special case of resolvable designs, an improved bound is given which also competes with known bounds for resolvable designs in some cases.  相似文献   

In this investigation, general efficiency balanced (GEB) and efficiency balanced (EB) designs with (v + t) treatments, using (i) balanced incomplete block (BIB), (ii) symmetrical BIB, (iii) f -resolvable BIB, (iv) group divisible (GD) and (v) resolvable GD designs have been constructed with smaller number of replications and block sizes.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the unconditional asymptotic distribution of a class of aligned rank order test statistics for randomized block designs is derived under the null hypothesis and for nearby alternatives, as the number of blocks tends to infinity. The proofs of these results are based on the asymptotic equivalence in quadratic mean between aligned observations and their ranks and thus are quite similar to the Hájek and SKidák (1967) approach.  相似文献   

The set of all distinct blocks of a BIBD(v,b,r,k,λ) is referred to as the support of the design. In this paper, the family of BIB designs with v=9 and k=3 is studied from the view of possible support sizes, b*'s. A table is constructed of designs with support sizes belonging to {12,18,20,21,…,84}, for minimum possible b in each case and for any larger admissible b. In constructing this table the methods of trade-off and composition of designs are utilized  相似文献   

A partially balanced nested row-column design, referred to as PBNRC, is defined as an arrangement of v treatments in b p × q blocks for which, with the convention that p q, the information matrix for the estimation of treatment parameters is equal to that of the column component design which is itself a partially balanced incomplete block design. In this paper, previously known optimal incomplete block designs, and row-column and nested row-column designs are utilized to develop some methods of constructing optimal PBNRC designs. In particular, it is shown that an optimal group divisible PBNRC design for v = mn kn treatments in p × q blocks can be constructed whenever a balanced incomplete block design for m treatments in blocks of size k each and a group divisible PBNRC design for kn treatments in p × q blocks exist. A simple sufficient condition is given under which a group divisible PBNRC is Ψf-better for all f> 0 than the corresponding balanced nested row-column designs having binary blocks. It is also shown that the construction techniques developed particularly for group divisible designs can be generalized to obtain PBNRC designs based on rectangular association schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider experimental situations in which it is desired to optimally compare t-test treatments to s standard treatments using a block design in which the experimental units are arranged in b blocks of size k. A method is given for generating an MV-optimal block design for such situations and sufficient conditions are derived which can often be used to establish the MV-optimality of reinforced group divisible designs which are often obtained using the process given.  相似文献   

A typical problem in optimal design theory is finding an experimental design that is optimal with respect to some criteria in a class of designs. The most popular criteria include the A- and D-criteria. Regular graph designs occur in many optimality results, and if the number of blocks is large enough, an A-optimal (or D-optimal) design is among them (if any exist). To explore the landscape of designs with a large number of blocks, we introduce extensions of regular graph designs. These are constructed by adding the blocks of a balanced incomplete block design repeatedly to the original design. We present the results of an exact computer search for the best regular graph designs and the best extended regular graph designs with up to 20 treatments v, block size \(k \le 10\) and replication r \(\le 10\) and \(r(k-1)-(v-1)\lfloor r(k-1)/(v-1)\rfloor \le 9\).  相似文献   

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