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新时期以来京味文学研究述评 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对新时期以来的京味文学研究状况进行梳理,认为传统的京味文学研究已经基本完成,京味文学的审美形态及其内涵与构成要素已经基本清晰;目前和未来的京味文学的创作和研究,应该扩大视野,发展一种更为广泛的北京书写与城市研究的路向。 相似文献
20世纪中后期以来,国家研究被重新确立为社会科学研究的核心,社会转型与国家建设研究得到了深入和系统的发展,并对各个相关领域产生了深远影响.本文围绕“国家为何”,“国家何为”以及“国家何以为”三方面的问题梳理已有文献.在关于“国家为何”的研究中存在着历史制度主义、理性选择、新马克思主义以及社会中的国家四种研究路径;在关于“国家何为”的文献中,围绕国家在社会转型中应该以及实际扮演的角色,研究者日益开始注意到转型中国国家与社会的复杂关系,抛弃国家与社会的二元,形成了市民社会研究、农村选举政治研究以及发展型国家研究三个成果颇丰的研究领域.在“国家何以为”的文献中,“国家能力”以及“国家基础权力”的研究强调国家能力相对于国家政权类型的独立性,在此基础上,研究者进一步对基于欧洲经验的理论分析进行了反思和批判.进而,针对中国政治的有关研究大致上形成了三个新的发展方向,包括当代中国国家制度变迁的研究、国家与社会转型国家的研究以及国家政权建设的研究. 相似文献
The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Peter Starke 《Social Policy & Administration》2006,40(1):104-120
Welfare state retrenchment is widely seen as a highly unpopular endeavour and, therefore, as politically difficult to pursue. This assumption has underpinned most of the political science research on this issue, notably Paul Pierson's seminal contributions about the ‘new politics of the welfare state’. Yet, the question remains why and under what circumstances cutbacks take place in highly developed welfare states despite these formidable political obstacles. This article reviews the literature on the politics of retrenchment, namely on the impact of socio‐economic problem pressure, political parties, political institutions, welfare state structures and ideas. Most authors agree that socio‐economic problems – particularly domestic problems – contribute to an atmosphere of ‘permanent austerity’ which inspires cutbacks. Moreover, according to most scholars, the extent of retrenchment possible depends on the specific institutional configuration of a political system and the path dependence of existing welfare state structures. The debate on the relevance of political parties and ideas, by contrast, is still far from settled. Further unresolved issues include the nature of the dependent variable in retrenchment studies. Also, the exact motives for cutbacks are theoretically still little understood, as are the political mechanisms through which they are realized. I argue that, because of the nature of these persisting issues, the pluralistic dialogue between different methods and approaches – as well as their combination – remains the most promising way forward in the study of welfare state politics. 相似文献
日本泡沫经济研究文献综述:1993—2010 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文搜集了大部分中文、日语文献,力图对“日本泡沫经济”的研究做一个系统、全面的文献综述。中文文献主要从泡沫经济的成因、影响、启示等角度,整理现有文献的观点;日语文献在总结学术界研究特点基础上,介绍了几种代表性观点。研究发现,目前学术界关于泡沫经济产生的原因还存在分歧,笔者论述了三木谷良一(1998)观点的合理性。希望为研究金融危机的学者提供参考。 相似文献
基于文献综述的文化产业概念反思 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自1944年法兰克福学派提出"文化产业"概念至今,文化产业成为了我国和英、美、日、韩等发达国家竞相发展的战略性产业。然而,各国政府和学术界对文化产业这一概念尚未形成统一的认识,文化产业定义五花八门,成了文化产业研究中一个亟需解决的问题。文化产业是指为满足人们的精神文化需求,通过创造性地利用文化资源,形成文化价值,并采用工业生产手段大量复制的文化产品和文化服务的总和。 相似文献
Correspondence to Dr Jill Jesson. Aston Business School, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B47 7ET.
Summary Sexual behaviour and sexuality are currently topical issuesof concern for child care social workers. Social workers arespending more and of more of their time with children who comeinto care because of sexual abuse, or who have an involvementin the rent scene or Prostitution. In additionmany teenage young women come into care because of social orparental concern over their lsquo;promiscuous behaviour.The review of research on adolescent prostitution offers severalexplanations for involvement in prostitution. which vary accordingto the discipline of the author. Explanations vary from pathologicaland personal psychology factors to the wider social aspectsof the family and local environment. This literature reviewwas used as a basis for research which examined the incidenceof female prostitution for a social services department. Thisis a relatively new field of interest and consequently thereis very little British research published on the issue of adolescentprostitution, or on under age (16) prostitution. There is nopublished research on girls in care and prostitution. We needto know much more about the reality of young people's livesbefore social workers can offer a meaningful response. 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》1999,(3)
ILiterarystudieshavealwaysoccupiedanimportantpositioninthehumanitiesbecauseliteraturecansatisfyman'sextensiveaestheticneedsandcontainsrichideologicalandculturalinformation.Asafirst-classbranchoflearning,Chineseliteratureconsistsofthreedifferentandyetrelatedparts:literarytheory,literaryhistoryandliterarycriticism-Forthepurposesofresearch,Chineseliteratureiscurrentlyfurtherdividedintothefollowingbranches:literaryaesthetics,literarytheories,comparativeliterature,Chinesefolkliterature,children'sl… 相似文献
在中国社会转型的大背景中,NGO在各个领域具有政府和市场无法比拟的优势,已引起政府、学术界、媒体及大众的关注,成为具有理论价值和现实价值的研究热点。通过归纳国内外学者对NGO问题的研究成果,对其进行系统地梳理,藉此为此类研究提供理论指导和经验参考。 相似文献
弱势群体的出现和分化,是我国和谐社会建设中的危机因素.本论文对近年来相关学术研究成果做了归纳和梳理,目的是把握学术前沿,为后续研究提供研究资料和分析视角. 相似文献
Summary The intention in this review is to examine a small selectionof the literature on substance abuse and to assess to what extentit is a new phenomenon and a problem calling for legislativeaction. This intention accounts for the slightly capriciouschoice of title for the contribution. 相似文献
东盟经济文化发展与广西职教新增专业设计研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
广西得天独厚的区位优势,与周边国家相比较的人力资源优势,都需要广西职教在认真调查周边国家人才需求基础上,针对中国—东盟自由贸易区经济结构调整和发展规划开发新增专业,优化现有专业结构,培养周边国家急需人才,形成面向国际人才需求设置专业的特色。 相似文献
V. R. Leonard 《The Australian journal of social issues》1976,11(2):108-119
Ours has been described as a death denying society. The removal of death taboos may be expected to help us control and modify pathological fears of our own death and the death of others. More positively, attempts to understand and accept the reality of death may promote richer appreciation of dimensions of living. Professional workers committed to helping others during such crises as dying and bereavement seem to have a special need to resolve their own fears and develop an understanding of the meaning of death as a psychosocial as well as a biological event. Yet little or no provision is made to meet such needs during professional education and training. This paper discusses the importance of death education in the helping professions, explores the content of death education courses, and makes suggestions regarding teaching and resource aids. 相似文献
袁良骏 《Social Sciences in China》1999,(2)
IHongKongwasisolatedfromChinafromthetimeitwascededtoBritainin1842.WiththecessionofKowloonandtheNewTerritories,HongHongbecameincreasinglyimportanttoimperialistBritain,politically,economically,andmilitarily.YetBritishpoliciesinHongKongwerequitedifferentfromthoseofJapaninChinaintermsofculturalinvasion.TheJapaneseimplementedharshpoliciesaftertheyoccupiedTaiwanin1895inordertomaketheChinesepeoplesubjectsoftheMikado.TheyforbadeChinesepeopletospeakorwriteChinese,andusedthisasawayofenslavi… 相似文献
从学术史上看,关于传教士在天文、数学、地理、绘画、音乐等方面作用的讨论颇多,而对传教士与造办处作坊的关系从手工行业知识传承角度鲜有具体个案研究。其实,观察西方传教士与清宫造办处的关系,手工行业知识传承的维度恰恰是绕不过去的。以手工行业知识传承的问题为切入点,描述传教士在清雍正和乾隆两朝清宫造办处珐琅作作坊内当差行走时的具体活动及其具体作用,呈现皇室珐琅作对传教士所操持行业知识的基本态度和管理特点,是发现珐琅作手工行业知识的多种结构和来源的有效途径。 相似文献
新时期文学以叙述苦难的方式开始新的历程。从“伤痕”到“反思”,再到“人性呼唤”,新时期文学在书写苦难中发现了“人”。这得益于转型时期特殊的文化环境,文学与变革中的意识形态达成的默契。但不无夸张的“感伤姿态”、对苦难的传奇性美化等,又充分显示了文化环境对创作主体的强大制约力和创作主体意识觉醒的艰难。在政治化的文化环境中,作家的创作总是不可避免地受制于这种环境,同时又试图对此有所超越而确认自身的美学位置。 相似文献
This paper explores the rhetoric behind the Labour Government's welfare reforms. Recent publications and statements emanating from the new administration indicate the extent to which Labour feels comfortable with notions of communitarianism and stakeholding. The influence and (potential) impact of these two concepts upon welfare policy is explored through the works of Macmurray, Etzioni, Hutton and, in spite of his departure from Government, Field. The paper argues that in attempting to create a welfare system based largely on conditions of work, set firmly within a framework of self-help and individual responsibility, Labour's reform agenda is concerned with the establishment of a new moral order for welfare in which individuals are urged to "do the right thing": that is, to take control of their own welfare and ultimately to be responsible for meeting their own needs whenever possible. The Government presents this attempt to forge a welfare settlement between the individual and the state as both new and inclusive. However, it is concluded that such claims are contentious as the Government's "new" approach echoes old individualistic ideas about the causes and solutions to poverty, and may also result in the exclusion of some citizens from publicly financed welfare. 相似文献
路阳 《社会科学管理与评论》2011,(2):69-75
文献综述是对文献进行查找、阅读、分析,并对它们进行总结、归纳和评论的完整过程。本文对文献综述的性质与作用予以说明,并对查找、选择和阅读文献等撰写的前期准备工作进行了介绍。明确文献综述的内容与要求、撰写原则和基本结构是决定撰写成功与否的关键所在。 相似文献
随着城市化进程的不断加快,失地农民问题已扩展为全国性的社会问题,严重影响到我国社会经济发展和和谐社会的构建。如何妥善处理好失地农民问题,不仅成为实践操作的需要,更成为学界关注的热点。本文对已有文献进行整理后,梳理出失地农民四大热点问题,对每个问题都作了简要述评,指出了现有研究的不足及需要改进的地方。 相似文献